almost 6 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
34s you
80s [Music]
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124s you
124s [Music]
220s you
223s you
265s [Music]
283s [Music]
405s you
450s [Music]
469s [Music]
594s yeah we're live you need to school yeah
599s so and I'm my stupid face is blocking
601s the logo kinda doesn't matter
602s we are live welcome everyone we are live
604s on a Thursday which is a bit of a change
607s of pace but we've been we've been gone
610s for a while from the streams for those
612s of you just joining us the look people
614s already know this end is on the other
616s side exactly yes I told you my name is
619s gents I'm your yes I'm a community
620s manager I'm joined by Natasha our
622s director of PR in community ok the
625s community mom mom we like to call me and
630s yeah it is a new year it is some new
633s streaming setup thing we're gonna you're
636s gonna get to see that see more that just
639s in a few minutes still same old
643s blathering me not being able to say
646s things in a proper way but hopefully
652s we're on this screen we aren't on that
655s screen we're okay I think and like on
657s that screen by the camera there we need
659s makeup artists to come in as we must all
662s fairy now yeah we might
664s so anyway hello it is February we took
669s January off from streaming we were still
671s working on the game as you might have
672s noticed we released a bunch of patches
674s and a bunch of test drive stuff and but
677s we figured we should take a bit of a
679s break from the streams to sort of
681s rethink our setup rethink our schedule
685s you know improve the quality
686s yeah and how we're doing it yeah we
689s think like the overlay and a bunch of
691s other stuff so we have
694s like chat commands you can use now at
696s least if you're watching us on which to
699s for example can I be an exclamation
701s point uptime and they will tell you how
703s long the stream has been running for
704s example live like this and I open your
707s mouth like rip scream like don't scream
710s bye like and I look like like yeah you
713s like me because I have a backwards yeah
724s yes thank you very much all right
729s timer stuff that's probably gonna come
731s up in chats eventually as people have
733s people have been those people are
735s chatting and stuff yeah it's been it's
739s been good so we so starting from today
742s this week we are going to be streaming
744s every single week which is kind of
748s several times per week - which is
751s because we wanted to do more streams we
752s want to do more stuff with with you guys
754s the community and so starting from from
757s this week we already have an Deanna
760s Coulomb in the u.s. office streaming on
761s Wednesdays Wednesday is gonna be like
763s the the Durham office stream days so
766s they're gonna be doing each age of conan
769s almost an agents of change
771s Age of Conan and see where legends and
773s eventually other stuff does that studio
775s it starts to get stuff online aki online
778s for example thursdays will be Oslo days
780s which is me and Natasha where there will
783s be Conan exiles streams we will do
786s near-zero streams we will also do own
789s anon conquered streams eventually as
791s that basically everything that ya slow
795s area yeah like everything the oslo
797s office is making and working on and also
799s stuff that we are publishing for other
802s or other developers yeah this is super
807s warm in here and both of us are sitting
810s with like mugs of tea so it's also I am
812s wearing double wool stuff because I'm
815s commuting in the morning I need so cold
817s so I'm freezing my pond my friendship
819s spot off so I'm super warm though I am
822s wearing a desert bus for hope t-shirt
824s which is my this is
826s third one I think yeah because I like
830s watching desert bus for hope it's a good
831s charity and I like donating to them so I
833s buy their t-shirts soul is Viator thank
836s you so much for following us on Twitch
837s so yeah and on Fridays Fridays are gonna
841s be or I I like to call it the fun come
845s funtime variety hour it's a work in
848s progress it might not be called that but
851s Fridays are basically sort of Wild Card
853s days that is days where we sit down and
855s we can play something that's been sort
857s of in the recent news it can be
860s something that's themed to like a day or
863s a month or whatever it can be streamed
866s games that we want to play co-op with
868s people over the u.s. it can be streamed
870s so games that we want to play with
873s people from the community so we're gonna
875s like that's the general vibe and I think
877s also nicole has something planned for
879s Tuesday's which is sort of like an arch
881s stream where they paint along to be
886s super fun I think you guys gonna like
888s that I think that's gonna be really
889s really and yeah in case people are
892s wondering who is in the twitch chat
895s right now typing away that is Nicole
896s from the Durham office thank you so much
898s to Nicole for doing moderator I think
905s that's it so yeah but that is like our
907s streaming setup or the time being of
910s course things might change this is some
912s that we're still sort of working out as
913s we go along but Tuesdays Wednesdays
915s Thursdays and Fridays are going to be
918s like our main streaming days and so it's
920s gonna be I think it's gonna be really
922s interesting to to see how this all you
924s know works out how you respond to it and
928s what we what we can do and yeah although
931s the fun stuff that we can do together
932s I'm absolutely okay if I'm looking this
938s way that's actually because we have an
939s additional screen what a chat so it's a
941s bit confusing because I so know I'm
944s looking out of the picture I'm really
946s irritated by changed
952s that's only twitch that's all of the
954s chaps oh shit yes I have to look this
958s way which is so confusing I'm not
961s we can see things need to be worked out
965s anyway we can probably just move that
966s screen over there and just we can all
968s right figure it out but yes we have
971s exciting stuff for corn and eggs oh yes
973s before I get to that there's gonna say
975s one final thing if you look at our
977s twitch page right now you should see a
980s window underneath the streaming screen
984s where it basically says which days were
985s streaming on and at what time we're
987s streaming which I think I should have
989s set up correctly for when the u.s. is
992s streaming it when were screaming so I
993s think if you're in Europe on Tuesdays
996s and Wednesdays it's at 7:00 in the
999s evening and then for Thursdays and
1001s Fridays it's at 5:00 so just follow my
1004s calendar and you should be free of
1005s course we will announce all the streams
1007s that we're gonna do advance on all the
1010s Twitter channels that are or the
1011s Facebook channels that are that are
1014s supposed to be used for that stuff so
1016s all right
1017s so as I am sorry I'm trying to like work
1020s between the two screens
1021s I'm really not trying to do it I feel
1023s horrible looking this way and yeah of
1025s course we're also we're also streaming
1026s this to mixer and we're also streaming
1027s this to YouTube I noticed some confusion
1030s from some of our YouTube audience and
1032s the screen over there so I just wanted
1033s to point that out we are streaming to
1035s three different platforms but at the
1037s moment stream labs only allows for one
1039s platform to be connected and that is
1041s twitch for reasons that we have chosen
1044s but we'll we'll see if we're gonna be
1048s able to person that we're probably good
1050s to do that someone wanted us to show to
1053s bring even to the stream I'm not sure we
1056s have enough to actually bring it in here
1061s I would love to have him on stream to
1065s talk about how like his work has a
1068s environmental artist and a world artist
1070s seriously at least all the work he is be
1073s very camera shy but we'll try maybe
1080s we'll put a bag over sand that's not
1084s healthy it's not like try to know a
1088s paper bag with like holes cut out so he
1091s can see
1092s yeah because that way we can have him on
1095s the street but he doesn't show alright
1100s but let's talk about for a bit so is a
1109s very flexible man who does yoga studio
1114s Gawain yes if you've been following
1116s Colin exhausts for the past month
1119s especially if you've been following the
1121s test live updates that we've been doing
1124s you'll notice a bunch of changes have
1126s been coming to the game and are coming
1128s to the game chief among which is that we
1130s are currently in a rebalancing effort
1133s for the game and essentially what we're
1136s doing is that we are trying to make the
1138s game more difficult especially the
1141s endgame content because one of the
1144s feedbacks that we have been some of the
1146s feedback that we've been getting for
1147s players is that the beginning of the
1149s game is pretty good the middle is pretty
1151s good but then they get to the endgame
1153s content and they can just waltz through
1156s actually they can run into new a cigar
1158s thing and just steal all the steel they
1159s want at level 20 and Omega
1161s I mean it's not just making it more
1164s harder endgame it's the whole
1165s progression has been kind of smoothed
1167s out as well yes so it's more interesting
1169s as you level up as well so the
1171s challenges are hopefully better balanced
1174s overall but specifically also so we have
1177s like our max out players who keep saying
1179s it's kind of boring we don't really know
1181s what to do so there's new content and
1184s more challenging content we run guys to
1186s explore so that includes making monsters
1191s more dangerous a lot of them have been
1193s getting more HP a lot of them are
1196s started to do a lot more damage against
1198s players I don't have the full list but
1200s that's gonna a lot of that is already on
1203s the test live matches and we've had live
1205s stuff and so we of course the loot
1210s tables have been adjusted accordingly as
1212s well so like more dangerous creatures
1213s will give you better more rewarding loot
1215s some of the stuff that we're
1217s specifically doing for undead creatures
1218s is to make them more threatening they
1220s don't take note back damage anymore you
1221s can't bleed them you can't poison them
1223s which is obvious like how would you
1225s bleed a skeleton or a zombie or well
1228s they might have blood on it's kind of
1230s they don't bleed to death
1231s that's it's kind of more the D&D
1232s approach yes and then of course once you
1236s reach higher level undead creatures they
1239s will start doing corruption damage that
1241s includes the undead dragon which you can
1243s still fight it's now sitting it's not
1245s moving around anymore it's saying still
1247s because of some performance stuff
1248s there's also a ton of really good
1250s performance changes and performance
1252s fixes on the test life build which you
1254s can also get access to you go to just go
1257s to your Steam library and then you
1258s should have underneath connect cells it
1260s should says : excels test by branch just
1262s download it and then wait help us atone
1266s by the way bitch feedback we know that
1268s not everyone wants to play on dressed
1269s life which is completely understandable
1271s too because obviously you want to focus
1274s on your actual base where you don't lose
1277s time or or you feel like you don't
1278s really gain anything out of it but it's
1280s really fun because it gives you the
1282s opportunity to check out new features
1284s new mechanics the balance changes and
1286s it's really an opportunity for you to to
1289s be involved in the development as well
1291s because we do really listen to your
1292s feedback that you give us on past life
1294s to see if you
1295s balancing wise we already the change I
1297s think it wasn't like that we just
1300s recently put down again
1302s oh yeah the the drag skeleton pair like
1305s a little bit too many hit points and
1307s stuff that feedback from you guys and we
1309s already changed that again no we really
1312s are very thankful and you're listening
1313s to your feedback to I mean it's
1315s important to it yes
1316s those of you in twitch chat might have
1319s noticed that a person named Rob the
1320s Swede is currently one of our developers
1323s Robert he's one of the pretty one of the
1325s people in charge of this whole
1327s rebalancing so if I say anything wrong
1329s he can correct me yeah he can also have
1332s additional info just don't add him too
1334s much because he's gonna be like drone on
1338s there
1339s oh yeah Robert is a good guy we like
1341s Robert he's fantastic
1343s we would love to have any bear we would
1345s love to have him on stream someday he
1346s would love to be on stream as well he
1348s has told us as much but he has two dogs
1349s that he needs to take care of yeah so
1350s there are some there's some time you
1352s know scheduling issues we will get to
1357s that dog just yes what's next yes in
1365s chat that I see like a lot of you are
1368s like exploits exploits fix exploits and
1371s things like that so one thing is that a
1375s lot of you think that exploit hunters
1377s doesn't actually work which is not the
1380s case it's more about the fact that we
1382s have to make sure we can assign the
1384s proper people to actually look at those
1385s X and we actually do have right now I
1389s quite the strong focus on looking at all
1392s those different exploits that you have
1393s been reporting to us that has been
1395s talking to Ignasi about this all on the
1396s forums so thank you very much
1398s we do really receive and you look at
1400s those emails that you're sending through
1403s exploit hunters and right now as I said
1406s there is a specific focus on fixing like
1410s a batch of exploits
1411s together and hopefully those are gonna
1413s go to test life relatively soon as well
1416s yes I mean probably not for the patch
1420s that's gonna come from tests like to
1421s life but after that hopefully so we are
1424s very aware we are aware those are
1426s annoying
1426s we are nowhere I mean it's annoying to
1428s us as well because we want players to be
1431s on an even footing and then rest assured
1437s we are aware and also if we remove like
1442s posts on the forums that are about
1443s exploited it's not because we want to
1446s like we're not looking at them or so
1447s it's just we obviously don't want
1449s everyone to know about them and then
1451s completely destroy the game and it
1452s doesn't really measure us or like it's
1455s not it's kind of like it doesn't help us
1458s fixing it faster if you do it that way
1460s so it's it's basically most cases we
1463s know about it and we are trying to
1465s address it essentially I just probably
1467s just looking thanks yeah like our main
1471s current focus is critical bugs and
1473s issues reported by the community and
1475s then like underneath the umbrella term
1478s issues critical issues that would of
1480s course be exploits as well
1481s because like if you're not having fun
1484s then we're not having fun essentially
1485s and you would like you to like you guys
1487s have fun anything else and someone
1491s mentioned snakes but we get the snakes
1493s later
1493s well mention some snakes snakes there
1497s are snakes in there more since I'm gonna
1499s talk about how freaky snakes are they
1500s like sneak up on your stuff like I think
1502s that specific person will be interested
1505s yes are we gonna mention later so also
1509s another thing that's a key it keeps
1512s getting mentioned which is it's always
1514s getting mentioned and you can probably
1516s see that right there you'll probably see
1517s it too
1518s is the matter of sorcery and
1521s [Music]
1523s yes we know that Joel once talked about
1526s it on a YouTube video saying that
1528s sorcery is the thing that we're going to
1529s talk about work on next and
1535s we went through a design process for it
1538s but right now it is not seeing any
1540s active development like like I said
1543s before our current main focus is
1545s critical bugs and issues basically the
1548s strength and the basic core making sure
1550s like perch and all the things that you
1552s guys think is fun hopefully like the
1554s building system like improve on those
1557s plus still adding a little bit of
1559s content but source is of course a
1561s completely new system a completely new
1563s mechanic and it asks for a completely
1566s new code addition yes so as soon as we
1570s do have more information on what's
1572s happening there we will absolutely oh
1574s yes that it's that it's a current state
1577s of sorcery it is not seeing any active
1579s developments right now
1580s personally myself yes we know if we know
1586s Brian will be sad he's been posting
1587s about this on the forums for a week now
1589s sorry Brian sorry Brian
1591s but yeah like once we have news to share
1593s we will of course share more but right
1595s now it is is not being worked on like we
1598s we know that I know that sucks and I
1601s don't like being the bearer of bad news
1603s but unfortunately that is so we want to
1606s be honest with you guys
1607s yes as much as we can or like share as
1609s much information as yes absolutely
1612s honest shall we proceed
1617s all right so I have on my list I've
1620s written new creature features like we
1622s mentioned there are more snakes now if
1625s you go to the Oasis for example the
1627s lizard there will be more snakes Oh
1628s someone says we're kind of low oh okay
1631s microphone I can turn this up a bit and
1636s maybe move it a little closer unless it
1638s goes into the camera hopefully that
1640s works well I don't know should hopefully
1643s fingers crossed
1645s all right we've added more snakes to the
1648s desert area in the game especially
1650s around the Oasis and I think we've also
1652s had in some lizards that - yes desert
1655s salamanders in the lizard in the desert
1657s you might also see some snake purchase
1660s at some point yeah so there is like a
1662s lot of changes of the purchase on test
1664s life as you might or might not know
1667s besides the fact snakes besides the fact
1673s that purchase have been improved and
1675s changed mechanically and and should work
1678s way better and we're way more
1680s consistently there's also quite a lot of
1683s new types of purchase which i think is
1685s quite exciting yes we are adding in
1688s purchase where Vani or hunters will
1689s start attacking you demo SOG disciples
1691s yetis especially the black Yeti you can
1694s spawn as a perch boss we're gonna show
1696s you that a little later alchemists
1699s purchase which is the thing I'm guessing
1701s that they're gonna run in with a bunch
1702s they're gonna run in with a bunch of
1704s wharves and just blow everything up
1707s crocodile purges raucous purges and also
1709s we're adding in short versions of
1712s purchase with like essentially like
1715s instead of getting like a five wave
1717s perks you might get a two wave or a
1719s three week like scorpions you will live
1721s with snakes so this is gonna be I think
1726s it's gonna be fun to have like I think
1728s that kind of things the techy dependent
1730s once once everything is working as its
1732s intended of course and a lot of that
1735s stuff is on test live still and more
1737s things are going to be added to test
1739s live down the line so keep your eyes
1742s peeled and you know keep keep
1744s circulating the links I guess to test
1746s you can download if you will in Polk
1752s give us in puck input input yes English
1756s is hard today yeah if you want to give
1758s us input on test life please do so we're
1760s very thankful for any kind of feedback
1762s that you have rats I think we're gonna
1767s jump with armor on purchase please they
1769s actually do have our own test line its
1771s life they do actually some people were
1774s really disappointed about that because
1775s I'm like no we don't have any naked
1777s purchase anyway I mean we're trying if
1781s you wanted to keep the naked purchase
1783s then you should have told us we we try
1785s to make as many people as we can happy
1787s so yeah okay I think we're gonna jump
1789s into the game a bit because I want to
1791s talk about some of the
1793s many bosses like lieutenant versions
1795s that we have of regular creatures so I'm
1798s going to push this button say my name
1801s that's actually something we talked
1803s about at the beginning I think more
1805s end-game sleeping actually that's
1808s exactly what we're doing so you'll
1809s probably you can show you some of those
1811s stuff as you can see I'm pretty proud
1813s I'm pretty proud of this because I made
1815s made it a bit we have a new stream
1817s overlay which I think it's really really
1819s pretty there's no more like unused real
1822s estate everywhere no it's not I'm a tall
1832s person I'm also sitting closer to the
1835s camera I think I look so tired I think I
1839s might be sitting closer to the camera
1840s right so we're gonna cheat a lot because
1843s it is what we do we are developers ok I
1846s need to get a pillow man yeah I mean
1848s maybe you need to get like a booster
1849s seats and I think that comic still
1856s exists but I remember Jeffery Detroit
1858s made a like a fan comic thing of me
1861s where I have like a stack or like phone
1863s books and Joel is sitting on the floor
1865s so it looks like she's so much shorter
1867s than I am yeah and then Nicole is like a
1869s giant woman who I know it's a weird
1871s thing anyway have your own phone comes I
1875s have my own fan comics it's really weird
1876s it's I'm sorry but it's kind of weird I
1879s don't hate I don't hate it by all means
1881s it is weird there we go
1888s I'm doing yoga on a chair right now so
1891s everyone else I'm doing like I'm sitting
1893s you've done that so we have two really
1901s cool mini bosses that I really I don't
1903s really enjoy so they are they will look
1905s different than some of the regular
1907s versions of and me say you fight and of
1909s course they will have better loot some
1911s will have cooler scene skin textures and
1912s a lot of this is already on tests
1913s life-and-death harder to find and they
1915s will be hard to fight like for example I
1918s think the saber tooth looks really good
1920s attack me immediately
1922s let's see cloak up
1924s and it has these lovely glowing eyes and
1927s this lovely like white exstrophy someone
1929s bit his stubbl tail yeah what happens
1932s I'm sorry Kelly
1933s no let's see if I can get these guys to
1936s be passive when I summon them in and so
1940s yeah and so the idea is to create more
1943s of a challenge and have these sort of
1945s basically sort of not necessarily roll
1948s them around but like you might just
1949s stumble them onto them little surprises
1952s as well so not everything like going
1954s forward one of the focus is to make the
1957s world more interesting and had like more
1959s surprises for you guys there's more than
1961s even more things coming so you won't
1964s just really know what to expect and
1966s there will be like things that happen
1969s randomly which we thinks is pretty cool
1971s he looks beautiful
1973s oh yeah it is definitely he I can tell
1978s you in case anyone's running he is yeah
1983s mmm he's very much a he so I'm sorry I'm
1988s gonna have to kill it again and yeah I
1992s was going to say something I forgot what
1994s it was so basically like all a lot of
1998s the like
2000s normal enemies that you would fight they
2003s will have these like many boss versions
2005s of themselves so it can be anything from
2007s a rock nose to a saber-tooth Tigers
2009s wolves the shale backs for example a
2013s nice red shale back of glowing eyes you
2015s might run into that in the river area
2018s for example and then it might crush you
2019s to death because they like to crush you
2021s it's like kind of a random chance to
2023s spawn yes the idea the idea is to make
2028s them not as difficult as like a world
2031s boss which are giant HP sponges but does
2034s sort of give you something that offers a
2036s bit of a challenge some additional loot
2039s some like extra goodies that you can
2041s take with you yeah but something in
2043s between it won't necessarily exhaust you
2045s and your party and like you can still go
2047s out and face the world bosses they will
2048s still be there I think we also talked
2050s about having one during world bosses at
2053s one point watch this space
2059s there will be orangey I mean you won't
2062s know where exactly it's basically in any
2065s normals phone with tailbacks for example
2067s you will have a chance that one of these
2071s special shellbacks will spawn and any
2073s others fall as well yeah and I think
2075s also someone like someone someone asked
2078s about the monster generals is because
2080s our creature artist is a man of detail
2082s and he shout out to Vivian a feature
2087s artist he he's absolutely a man of
2092s details I remember at one point he was
2094s making a horse model that was very
2097s anatomically correct which didn't make
2098s it into the game it was very interesting
2100s to see it anyway I'm going to show off a
2104s few more really cool let's check out the
2109s check out the brown bear it is a giant
2112s brown bear as you can tell but it has
2113s some extra textures it is it looks like
2116s a different I may have spawned a tree
2117s I'm very sorry for it has like very like
2121s Tufts of fur sticking out I like that I
2123s like to really like the detail
2124s in these guys and his eyes argument his
2126s eyes aren't going unfortunately but I
2128s think he's in very much pain so I'm just
2130s gonna do that then replace him with
2133s something else that's wrong say BAM bear
2141s there we go
2144s yeah there you go
2147s it's a good boy round boys good round
2150s boy round boy
2152s oh yeah that happens sometimes
2156s all right um let's see what else
2159s Oh in terms of balancing we are
2163s rebalancing some of the avatars some of
2165s the stuff is already on the test I've
2167s built which you can take a look at right
2169s now if you want to and basically what
2172s we're doing is we are increasing the
2173s damage on excuse me all all avatars
2178s apart from Jeb all SOG who is getting a
2180s nerf which is planned for the future
2183s right now I think we've only increased
2186s the damage on everyone else but jebel
2188s SOG and then in the future the plan is
2190s to nerf rebelle SOG and basically make
2192s him a little bit weaker and there is an
2195s issue right now with general SOG we're
2196s not gonna mention the specific details
2197s but we just want to say to everyone out
2200s there who has told us about this because
2202s we you probably know what I'm talking
2204s about what I'm referring to
2205s we are we really want to take a look at
2208s this it is a code issue so we basically
2210s need a coder to have time enough to look
2212s at it and then it should hopefully get
2216s addressed once we're so we have that yes
2219s your will no longer be a tickle monster
2220s and we will hopefully you'll hopefully
2222s be able to do some real damage with the
2223s the avatars and the idea is to have them
2226s you know be not necessarily maybe the
2229s nukes that they once were but to to have
2232s them you know actually do something
2234s menacing is real good damage in so let's
2239s see what else we have on this thing yes
2242s all right
2243s in the future this is something that
2247s we're working on right now and not
2249s something that's gonna come to test live
2250s immediately but this is something really
2254s it's not good let's see sorry about that
2260s yeah I think it might also be because
2263s the microphone is been up just a little
2269s bit some things over I was going to turn
2273s off these
2280s there we go turn off the contextual
2284s controls all right so some of the things
2287s that we're working on right now some of
2288s the things that Rob Robert is working on
2290s right now actually is a complete revamp
2293s of the entire unnamed city area which i
2297s think is a really cool thing that it's
2299s working
2300s because right now the unnamed city is
2303s it's a place you go to for some of the
2305s story contents you go there to spoilers
2308s learn the map room recipe right I'm to
2313s get our yes yes and maybe find a dragon
2317s or two if you want to because there's a
2318s ton of dragons but down the line at
2322s least the plan is to add in eight
2324s unnamed oh eight named special bosses
2328s which is a lot but that area is huge
2331s they won't be roaming around they will
2333s be like setting in their places and then
2335s you can go and fight them they will have
2336s their own loot pools they will drop
2338s legendary weapons and they will also
2340s drop legendary armor pieces which were
2342s eventually going to be introducing and
2343s these are pieces not complete sets and
2347s the idea is for them to be piecemeal so
2350s they will look like all the other well
2352s they will look like armor pieces that
2355s you find and can craft during the game
2358s but they will have special abilities and
2361s they might they will have like special
2364s attributes to them that will make them
2366s into epic armor pieces one for example
2369s mighty will poison one might have
2372s increased durability and one thing might
2375s let you see in the dark forever for
2377s example but the idea is to like take
2380s these legendary armor piece and sort of
2381s incorporate them into your regular armor
2384s because if you were to just wear all
2385s regular armor pieces you might look kind
2388s of weird yeah yeah the intention at
2395s least isn't to break the game in terms
2397s of like power and numbers but to give
2399s you know a cool and unique feeling to
2402s cool and unique weapons and then sort of
2404s maybe shake up the numbers a little bit
2406s because right now it is a bit of a
2408s numbers game in the game and I know it's
2410s notice that a lot of people like the
2411s meta
2412s if you will is still sort of dominated
2415s by spears so we should probably take a
2416s look at that as well but there are there
2420s are some more weapons coming down the
2423s line and then also of course the
2424s imaginary armors as Armour pieces has
2428s already mentioned something Rob talked
2430s about was something called the lying
2431s bastard sword which sounds really cool
2434s but I'm not gonna spoil what it does
2436s you'll get to see that later and say
2438s yeah when you whenever you take down
2440s some of these like eight named the
2441s bosses in the main city they'll have a
2443s 30% chance of dropping these armor
2446s pieces but they might also drop well
2449s they were probably they will most likely
2451s also drop the legendary repair kits
2452s which I know right now is a bit of a
2455s hassle to get ahold of and they will
2456s also drop something called a fragment of
2458s power and we're not gonna tell you what
2460s a fragment power is or what it does for
2464s you get to see that later I know what
2466s I'm doing I'm doing fine big bad Josh no
2470s we will not remove space from the game
2473s at least that's not a plan that we have
2475s right now yes
2476s also we commented on sorcery earlier yes
2480s we're not actively working on sorcery
2482s right now we've done quite a lot of work
2485s on it the trolls I mentioned before but
2488s right now our focus is just different we
2490s are not actively working on sorcery as
2492s soon as we have more information or
2494s something changes we will definitely let
2495s you know also regarding exploits as we
2500s mentioned as well earlier we are
2502s actively working on those as well so if
2504s you have any exploits any ones you want
2506s to send send those scripts or whatever
2508s that you mentioned in chat to us then
2510s please do so either through exploit
2512s hunters which we actually do look at
2514s even though some of you guys are kind of
2516s confused about that and or to
2519s acknowledge in the forums and send him a
2521s PM with whatever information you have so
2523s we were very happy about getting
2524s additional information chances are we
2527s know all about those explodes already
2529s I'm pretty sure actually but you're
2532s welcome to send your information I
2535s noticed I think it was Captain rakin
2538s wondered if everything we mentioned is
2539s now on test live some of the stuff we
2541s mentioned earlier is on test life so
2542s like the monster rebalancing the new
2546s Creature Features the mini-bosses for
2548s example the new types of purges the
2551s Avatar buffs all of that stuff is
2553s currently on test life the unnamed city
2555s revamp is something that is coming
2557s long-term like that is down the line
2559s essentially at least that's the current
2561s plan to have it down the line and
2564s there's part of the revamp they're also
2566s going to be more human NPCs inside we're
2569s gonna add some relic hunters to the
2570s place at least that's a plan and also
2573s maybe some more more mini bosses or some
2576s simple stuff that you would be able to
2577s get seen so is no plans for mounts at
2581s this point yes no plans for months we've
2585s you've said that I think it bears I
2589s think it bears repeating because it's
2591s important people yeah are still
2593s interested in there's no plans for
2595s months yes we we work for we worked on
2601s mounts for several months trying to make
2603s them work and unfortunately we we
2607s weren't able to that is just how it is
2610s and we have done some tests since then
2614s to see if we were able to do something
2617s with mounts to add mounts to the game in
2619s some shape or form but as we mentioned
2621s previously right now the current focus
2623s is on critical bugs and issues reported
2625s by the community and we know people were
2628s really excited about mounts so are we
2630s like we really wanted mounts to be a
2632s part of the game yeah but eventually we
2635s had to realize that it wasn't feasible
2638s to add mounts and by
2643s as we're currently sitting I it probably
2646s won't make it into the it probably won't
2647s be added into the game period play so so
2651s also stride was also about how about the
2654s foster rendering so that's on test life
2656s right yes that is on test like the
2658s building improvisation as we so called
2661s it which should help your giant bassist
2663s pop in much more quicker and I think
2666s we've added a additional like tiny home
2670s fix to test live earlier today
2671s yes that's correct you sort of smooth
2673s that stuff out a little bit more yes
2676s there were some changes today in little
2678s test life update that we put out um so
2681s there's some more information the patch
2682s notes about that as well so just iron
2684s out some of the kinks there um this of
2687s course are not like crashes and like
2689s fixes on test life as well and again I
2693s mention it on the forums today with the
2696s patch notes and mention it like last
2697s week and schedule going forward we're
2700s still aiming on having the test life
2702s patch going to life sometime next week
2705s hopefully at the start of next week
2707s that's always with a little bit of like
2710s hopefully nothing else breaks and it's
2713s stable enough that we feel like yeah we
2714s can actually put it to life because in
2718s the past we have been patching a bit too
2719s fast and we really want to avoid having
2722s you guys running into tons of bugs of
2724s course we don't do that on purpose if it
2726s happens obviously and we don't want to
2728s do it either so but we hope that it goes
2732s to life thanks tweet yep that is the
2734s that is the current plan at least of
2736s course plans can always change but if
2739s they do we will of course that you know
2740s absolutely yeah put out statements on
2742s the forums on social media all that good
2744s stuff right I see a couple of questions
2750s about expanding the map and adding more
2752s stuff to it yeah because right now the
2755s map oh well map looks like this and we
2758s know a lot of people are asking about
2759s this big area right here and right now
2764s we are not considering adding more areas
2768s to the map we do have some dungeons in
2771s the pipeline which will hopefully be
2774s released in
2777s we'll talk about that more when we have
2780s more to talk about but currently like
2782s currently this is the map of the game
2784s that's like it that is what the map
2787s looks like and that is what we're that
2789s is what we're doing in terms of in terms
2791s of map size and in terms of my content
2794s yeah is that okay more stuff coming down
2800s the line is what we call a dismantling
2802s machine or recycling machine actually
2803s that's something very cool I'm excited
2805s because it is because it was something
2809s that people have basically it's a place
2813s where you can put weapons armor building
2816s pieces play symbols all that kind of
2818s stuff and you'll get to all the crafting
2819s material back so for example maybe
2822s you've recently upgraded from a iron
2824s sword to a hardened steel sword you
2826s don't need the iron sword anymore put in
2828s the recycling machine you get all the
2829s stuff back and you can use it for making
2831s building pieces or me and something else
2832s when you have like a shit ton of iron
2834s swords and you can't grow them like
2836s eight years ago and you still get them
2838s anyway or like you help maybe a
2840s low-level friend or whatever and then
2842s you can just put them in the machine and
2843s get some resources out if you don't make
2845s something that's actually helpful yeah
2846s I'm also noticing in chats people
2849s talking about the exports we mentioned
2850s these earlier and we are working on
2852s facing some of these exploits especially
2854s the ones that have been posted to
2855s various channels we wear these and they
2859s are being worked on like it is as always
2861s a coder issue but yes things are
2867s things are being worked on we we are
2869s aware of these exploits and we are
2870s working on fixing them because you want
2872s people to be able to play out on even
2874s footing
2874s we don't want players to cheat basically
2879s and so we are going green make a level
2884s called going green that levels of as you
2886s recycle don't litter people yes don't
2891s like throw your source and stuff on the
2893s ground now we have a reason to recycle
2895s see how are we going with the times
2897s yes another thing so we're gonna talk
2900s about role playing a bit because we have
2902s a lot of role players playing the game
2906s the role players explorers players
2914s everyone we just want everyone to be
2916s feel like they're included so we sort of
2924s an out will we announced this last week
2927s you think so yes and but I wanted to
2930s touch on it here as well because maybe
2932s not everyone I'd heard about it so
2933s another like another piece of feedback
2936s that comes up a lot is that our voice
2941s over Internet Protocol isn't really
2942s working as good as it should and thanks
2946s to you guys and thank you to your
2948s feedback and your uploads on the trailer
2951s or yeah because that gives us a really
2953s good like conversation tool or like
2957s putting a little bit of pressure as well
2958s and like looks like people have voted on
2961s this just really you know make it happen
2965s absolutely and so we have been able to
2969s show that like this needs to be
2972s prioritized and it is now it is now
2974s being worked on to improve the voice
2977s over IP and essentially what we're doing
2980s is we are taking the current system and
2981s we are replacing it with something that
2983s is a lot better
2985s we hope yeah I really do think so
2989s I really thinks I mean you you guys can
2991s actually test it out very soon on test
2992s life as soon as we deploy to test life
2994s so again if you someone that makes a lot
2998s of use of the voice over IP in the game
3003s that you should definitely test it out
3004s and let us know what do you think about
3006s it yes I forgot the name of the services
3009s but basically what we're doing is we're
3011s the orcs thank you
3012s we're switching from a peer-to-peer
3014s system to VBox which essentially like
3017s whenever you speak in game sound of your
3022s voice gets sent to the EVOC server which
3024s then sends it out to people who are
3026s nearby you which should improve
3028s stability avoid it should improve
3030s quality of what and it should also allow
3033s us to add I'm not sure where it's called
3036s in English but basically if someone to
3038s your right is speaking you will hear it
3039s in the rights to yes it's positional
3041s positional or this thing yeah like that
3044s is the idea at least and we hope a lot
3047s of people who love lo are peeing we're
3049s going to help test us us out and did we
3054s want to mention this other thing
3056s connected to void as well oh I think you
3060s know okay we should probably there might
3062s be some some more exciting news
3064s recording voiceover yes we we hope at
3068s least that we'll be able to have
3069s something that should should make add
3077s more immersion and more realism as you
3079s call it yeah okay I think I'm at the end
3083s of my someone was again about what about
3089s and gaming level 60 players so they
3092s probably came in a little bit later um
3094s after we explained about dominant on
3097s that city I call it the on that city for
3099s some reason I'm the names unknown city
3101s yeah the name city that will have lots
3105s of interesting bosses for like the high
3107s level players including normal different
3110s type of armor like specific legendary
3112s armor pieces and things like that so
3113s there's definitely was a content for
3115s high ends coming for endgame
3118s to see there we go I may have done some
3122s the mode should be working
3125s yes we are teasing you 100% and I know
3128s that a lot of me are Pearson check now
3130s are just going no tell us tell us
3131s no one Swedes like it is it's not
3135s confirmed yet that it's actually going
3137s to make it in but there are no plans for
3143s months right now it's fortune some more
3145s people asking on the YouTube yes there
3146s are no months planned for now yes
3151s boom tycoon the sound cues when browsing
3153s the inventory still in a game you still
3154s get these on the map yes that's the
3159s thing I wish I had some test light so if
3165s I had right now if I had a clown member
3167s who was running around here I would see
3169s their player icon and they would be
3170s moving so that is the thing also another
3173s thing that we have added to the test
3175s light version which is going to make it
3177s into the live version very soon is this
3180s button right here mm-hmm which says add
3182s biography and basically it allows you it
3187s allows you to write a bio I'm sorry for
3190s the clicking of the microphone it is you
3195s to write a biography for your character
3197s and you can also turn it off so that
3200s people can walk up to you and basically
3202s see your biography or you can you can
3205s have it and shown to to everyone if you
3207s want it basically it's another step for
3210s role players and something that we we
3213s wanted you know one of people to have
3216s your character yeah
3219s we've also added in notes that you can
3222s write on which I know players were
3224s really looking forward to and right now
3227s it's only the ones that you place on the
3228s ground or on tables and stuff but that
3232s is like that is the ideas and you could
3234s you can leave notes for people and
3237s basically you can write for example or
3242s maybe if you're threatening someone to
3244s attack them
3246s or asking someone to stay the hell away
3248s from you who knows I mean use on DLC we
3252s will let you know as soon as we have
3254s more news from them once we have more
3256s news on a lot of things there is more
3260s news coming yeah I have to like finalize
3262s things and so we don't want to talk
3264s about stuff too early sure because that
3267s us that has better than the but
3270s previously talking about things too
3272s early and I hope we haven't talked about
3274s things too early in the stream either
3276s because that would be not good
3281s I mean you might favor eating the peas
3285s of the game oh my god oh my god when we
3289s put in PvP stuff then the PvE crowd is
3291s like your haters if you couldn't be
3293s these things in a beautiful you hate us
3295s so we're trying to focus on everything I
3297s feel the gold balance for example that's
3300s definitely PvP short you know and the
3303s revamping of the siege system is also
3304s specifically for PvP so yeah it's not
3307s that we're just putting in but
3308s rebalancing rebalancing monster for
3311s example rebalancing the unnamed city all
3314s that stuff is focused for that is for
3317s PvE players or for players who play
3319s single-player first like if they want to
3321s you know do that kind of stuff so we we
3325s always try to like have this like
3327s holistic view of everything but I think
3330s from a personal standpoint at least like
3332s there will always be there will always
3334s be someone who doesn't like the changes
3336s you do and that's unfortunate but that
3339s is how it is but we try to we try to
3342s make the game you know we try to do
3346s things that we think a lot of people
3347s will be satisfied with and as many
3349s people would be satisfied so it's so
3354s like its yeah but it's it's a balancing
3356s act because we have to think about
3357s players who play single-player we have
3359s to think about players who play PvP we
3360s have to think about players who pvp
3363s singleplayer or role players for
3366s explorers builders all that kind of
3368s stuff so it's it is a balancing act and
3370s we're trying to but it's with your help
3372s that we're able to like make that
3374s balancing act work I'd really hate
3376s everyone equally we love everyone
3381s equally I mean just I just had this like
3383s flash-forward to like six months from
3386s now where someone has taken that clip
3389s out of context which yeah I'm just like
3391s you said you hate everybody equally
3395s so someone again asked about months we
3399s have absolutely no plans for moans right
3401s now yes no no nothing in the works for
3404s months and it's not in the plans either
3407s also someone else was asking about
3410s changing your hair after character
3411s creation so this is something that we
3413s worry aware that people would
3415s you also know that there is I think
3416s there's a mold out there that actually
3418s does that yes there should be so it's
3421s absolutely in the back of our heads and
3424s it's being discussed so but again on
3428s that we are aware of it we are
3429s discussing it but there's nothing at
3431s this point that we can tell you a
3432s concrete if when it's happening but we
3436s are aware we know and it's it's
3437s something cool to have and I feel also
3439s it's important to have
3441s all right yeah someone says that Pepe
3444s mod does that for example and this mod
3446s is a great mod in my opinion yeah pip is
3448s fantastic anything else yeah basically
3455s it wouldn't be just here it would be
3456s like you know changing the appearance of
3458s your character after character creation
3460s of course yes re mounts are really not
3469s in the works or plan our minutes right
3471s now we've said that before as well I
3474s mean people bring it up I do understand
3475s that people like mounts but there's just
3477s a lot of things that don't really make
3480s sense for : excels in my owns and yeah
3482s so right now there's no plans and I'm
3487s not gonna stir that pot even more but
3490s yeah we we know we know it is something
3492s on people were excited about like we
3494s were very excited about it we we wanted
3497s to do it like we were breaking free hard
3499s on trying to make it happen
3501s but unfortunately just it wasn't
3503s feasible it wasn't something that we
3504s were able to to add to the game and we
3507s like as I mentioned prepaid to be the
3512s bearer of bad news I really don't like
3515s telling people there's something's not
3516s gonna happen but like as it stands right
3518s now mounts aren't gonna happen like
3520s period anymore samurai Omer everyone
3522s eats most of my armor bonus that's
3530s inappropriate
3533s let's take it what is Joel up to these
3538s days Joel is up to something secret
3541s CrossFitting cross-fading yes thank you
3543s yeah Joel is jaws up to a lot of things
3546s we can't really talk about what Joel is
3548s up to right now but okay it's something
3551s it is something
3554s [Music]
3557s increase scanning man cave yeah I'm
3559s agreed again okay
3562s make heavy armor great again I think we
3564s nerfed heavy army candy on my radio yeah
3566s because everyone so yeah
3571s also I saw mention someone that I saw it
3574s mentioned that we should make it we
3576s should make the level cap a lot higher I
3578s don't think that is going to happen but
3580s we have discussed maybe giving out more
3582s feed points to players as far as I know
3585s I think so it's alright I was actually
3589s at more feed points we'll have to use
3593s yeah I mean that was in discussion I'm
3596s actually aware that this right now but
3598s again it's not like we don't think about
3601s you know adding more stuff and and and
3603s and having more things to do for place
3605s that already maxed out at least level
3607s wise so there's lots in discussion okay
3611s let's see coming into court of excels
3614s confirmed I'm not sure bad guys like our
3617s Conan characters I listed the dude
3619s that's on screen right now I don't think
3621s he needs CrossFit he looks very he's
3623s very buff already I'm not sure Joel's
3628s CrossFit training is going to be a thing
3630s but hey would have been something
3632s alright
3633s I was also asked specifically I noticed
3635s in twitch chat like which which bugs and
3638s glitches were fixing I mean if you go to
3640s our Trello board I can actually you know
3642s what I'm gonna look this up I'm gonna
3643s find our Trello board if on VIPRE likes
3651s that new animations for chumps and
3654s landings thank you I actually agree with
3655s you there were a few people who really
3657s didn't like it I think maybe it was just
3659s a change but again it's kind of a matter
3662s of taste as well I personally really
3663s like it as well so and I'm very sure
3666s that yes our animator model our animator
3669s vamos
3670s shout out to Manos he did a really good
3672s job on them and I think they I think I
3675s think it looks better than thou like the
3676s hanging sort of train kick thing that we
3679s used to do yeah definitely make sure he
3682s knows that
3683s I'm sending out a link in all the chats
3685s hopefully to a Trello board which is a
3688s which is a board that we are keeping
3690s updated with some not all of the most
3696s important came up bugs and issues and
3698s things that we are currently working on
3700s most important is probably wrong but the
3702s one that gets brought up the most by the
3705s community the most critical yes yes and
3707s the idea is for that to be sorry that
3712s that board is going to be updated
3714s incremental e as we roll out new fixes
3717s as we know more about new new things
3721s that we need to fix some take care of
3722s and then it's a handy tool for you the
3725s community to know what we're currently
3728s working on so if you're still if like if
3731s whenever you wonder like hey what's the
3733s common access team working on just go to
3735s that Trello board bookmark it and then
3737s you will yes the destroyer and yen's the
3740s breaker of keyboards I I'm a very clumsy
3743s large individual unfortunately he's a
3746s heartbreak sometimes sometimes hard
3748s spanking and yeah I shout out to a
3754s Snickers bar big fat Josh and the
3756s carcass who have all posted the same
3758s message in the past ik but yeah I mean
3764s Rob is probably looking at it so we
3766s shall we shall see if he is able to do
3769s something about this but in the upcoming
3770s community contest
3771s maybe maybe yes absolutely
3779s yeah I'm sorry for breaking people's
3782s hearts about the mounts as well but I
3784s apparently break a lot of things like
3787s specific dates no I mentioned that we're
3790s aiming for next week early next week
3792s hopefully yes the plan that's a current
3794s plan like we communicated as well so
3796s that still sense angel gray if you're a
3799s secret world legends player we have a
3802s community contest running right now
3805s instabilities the Valentine's Day yes
3808s and then we have or supplant
3811s all right yes what else when did you
3816s make online - I don't know when I will
3819s make a turkey online - probably never
3821s because I don't make games but like Eric
3824s l9 has stood the test of time
3826s it is according to a lot of people the
3828s best game we ever made why would you
3829s change something that's already exactly
3831s why would me yes why would you try to
3834s improve why would you try to make a
3836s sequel to perfection is my question and
3841s yeah I'm sorry but we get asked this a
3845s ton like right now we're not planning on
3847s making in a tacky online - we know a lot
3849s of people would like us to make it a
3851s tacky online - but it I'm not I'm gonna
3856s be who is that who in chat remembers the
3859s roller rod screech from Aniki online
3861s that still gives me nightmares that
3864s thing every time yeah the roller end oh
3868s yeah if you play you're too young plated
3871s you're a youngster in actually ok so
3874s rolls rat screech this is very this is
3877s very off-topic for the economy but
3881s Mariusz the new guy in the tech team I
3883s went to school with him and when we went
3885s to school together the one game he would
3887s talk about almost constantly see that
3892s stuff brings people to gaming brings
3894s people together
3895s yes also we had a fantastic visit off to
3898s : excels to collections players or
3901s ladies and they actually met through
3904s secret elections yeah I think that's so
3907s great matchmaker mafia zero you don't
3910s give the impression that you are
3912s interested in issues of con results well
3914s I don't know if you've seen the patches
3918s that we're putting out tom test live
3920s because there's a lot of stuff and fixes
3922s there for things that people have told
3925s us about and I know I'm being a bit
3928s crabby and they first I know you pushed
3931s my buttons a little bit there but I
3933s missed that
3935s basically he's saying we don't care
3936s about the end we do
3941s fix's take time we have to figure out
3943s what why something is happening and how
3946s it is happening and all that kind of
3947s stuff and then something someone has to
3948s you know I mean we write code it's our
3951s baby and we wanted to be as good as he
3954s can so what did you care about the game
3955s I mean you would be kind of bad if he
3958s wouldn't care about the game and you
3959s wouldn't help anyone really including us
3961s yes I mean my parent asks if there are
3965s plans for aquatic combat I think if you
3968s use the javelin you can stab people
3970s underwater because that is one of the
3972s few weapons that works underwater but
3974s you should be careful because you can
3975s run out of stamina
3976s fairly quickly if there isn't a cipher
3978s console yeah that's unfortunately it's
3980s always very tricky but it's really
3982s tricky to do because of how patching
3984s works on consoles and because you have
3986s to go through certification for every
3988s little patch so it's actually very
3991s inconvenient to have a test server on
3992s console because you couldn't react fast
3994s enough to do you know lots of testing
3996s and lot of patches and it's just it's
3999s really difficult and and hard to do
4001s mm-hmm yes I know a few games have it
4003s but most games don't have console test
4006s servers so it's not that we don't like
4009s the console community I believe me
4011s that's not the case
4012s it's just it's really technically
4015s complicated and a little bit annoying
4016s too it's the same for mode support on
4019s consoles as well like it is something
4021s that we talked about early in
4022s development like maybe we should have it
4024s but in the end it just wasn't
4026s technically feasible to to add mod
4029s support on consoles and like we know
4030s that I think fallout has it maybe I was
4038s actually seeing a question then I was
4040s like I was like Rob have you seen that
4042s question in chat about I'm trying not to
4046s comment on it actually right now okay
4049s all right that would be really cool
4057s yeah that would be really cool
4062s I'm gonna try it it's okay yeah let's go
4065s oh yeah mmm that thing right yes that
4068s would be cool
4069s Barmes later house also has more support
4071s on consoles okay that could be actually
4073s don't know that okay and in in in ideal
4078s world where we had unlimited time and
4080s limited resources and limited coders all
4082s that kind of stuff like the things we
4085s would do everything we could and it's we
4089s don't live in that world where we we
4091s don't anyway but we the work hasn't
4094s stopped
4095s absolutely not like we released I think
4097s it was two patches during three patches
4100s during January wasn't it two or three
4102s patches fixes yes yeah and then of
4106s course also we have released two tests
4109s like patches during like January and
4110s February and stuff from test live is
4113s being moved over to live hopefully early
4115s next week at least that's the plan and
4117s then so like things are still happening
4119s things are still being worked on like
4120s it's we a lot of we see this a lot
4124s because we are community people we are
4127s where you guys are we on the forums
4129s we're a reddit world social media we're
4131s on Facebook where people say that the
4132s game is that the player the developers
4134s have abandoned it we have absolutely no
4136s so bad Coenen exhaust I mean the thing
4138s is like the past few hold fixes for life
4139s were to address those really annoying
4143s issues with service getting unresponsive
4145s after you play for a while and then
4147s until the service restarted it was just
4149s you it wasn't on response if you
4151s couldn't attack NPCs you couldn't take
4153s all the players you could mine you can
4154s gather anything it was we know and it
4157s was so frustrating and thank you so much
4158s for your patience with that really I
4160s mean that and also thank you so much for
4162s all the reports that we got on that
4164s because it was actually several issues
4166s that we had to address he was just one
4167s thing it was kind of like one part was
4170s exploited another one was actually
4171s something on the game code side so I
4173s think with the patch that went out
4176s yesterday we actually fixed we finally
4179s nipped that one in the butt part of it
4181s at least we didn't oh yeah parts of it
4183s we didn't actually hear any any like
4185s ruckus about it on the forums anymore so
4187s that's always a good sign it's it's I
4190s mean let us know if it's better it is
4192s kind of great though when when the one
4194s thread
4194s we're like everyone is talking about
4196s this issue just goes dead all right we
4201s may have this in the bag now yeah the
4204s one the ones right that we were
4205s monitoring very closely everything every
4207s day like yes new information so that's
4211s we take this as a good sign
4213s yes so again thank you so much for your
4216s patience in that regard and also formal
4218s reports like in general for like we
4220s create their feedback is a constructive
4224s creative feedback create a feed period
4226s feedback is good for the constructive
4228s feedback we really do appreciate it and
4230s it helps specifically our development
4232s team as well yeah we're at we are at an
4236s hour-ish now I think yes we've been in
4238s live for about an hour so we're gonna
4240s end it there and let's see okay so as I
4246s mentioned at the beginning of the stream
4248s we are now streaming every single week
4251s it's kind of nerve-wracking but it's
4254s kind of fun too
4254s four days four days four days per week
4256s so on Tuesdays it's going to be Nicole's
4259s Bob Ross painting stream with people
4262s from the Durham office developers on
4264s Wednesdays it's going to be the Durham
4267s office playing either a tagline at Age
4269s of Conan also your religions I know they
4271s did a they did a split Age of Conan and
4275s cigarette legends stream yesterday which
4277s was really really good you can see that
4279s on Twitch for example slash
4281s Funko and Thursdays is going to be like
4285s Oslo office days which means that we
4287s will be streaming culinary sales but we
4289s will also be streaming mutineer zero
4291s wrote to Eden and Concord once that gets
4295s off the ground in terms of streaming so
4298s there will still be Colin exhaust
4300s content it might not be as often as it
4303s was before Christmas but it's because we
4306s we sort of want to try to change things
4308s up a little bit as well and sort of
4310s focus on focus on new things focus on
4312s new cool things but then as we have new
4314s cool things to talk about and to show
4316s and color access of course we'll be
4317s streaming colonizes and then fridays is
4319s going to be just a fun time variety
4323s stream where we somebody old
4326s welcome streams like a nostalgia type
4329s approach are we my play games with you
4331s guys we might try out games with another
4333s developer as an exchange so they might
4335s apply our games we might to try their
4337s games and just to mix it up a little bit
4339s but if you have of course input and our
4342s streaming in general so feel free to
4344s bring it up on the forums as well so of
4346s course you want to make content that you
4348s guys enjoy that you like so we're very
4351s open for ya back on that as well that is
4354s that I think thank you so much Nicole
4359s sounds dropping so again we are aiming
4364s early next week to have to test life the
4366s current test life changes which is huge
4369s so check out a test life forms for the
4371s patch notes different ones come to live
4374s early next week hopefully that's a weird
4376s what we were planning to still if
4378s something changes we will update
4380s uniforms keep an eye on now and use an
4382s announcement section absolutely um so
4384s we'll let you know what's Lucy no more
4385s no no do a quick thing on twitch just
4388s check stuff out because we got a lot of
4392s viewers I think there won't be mounts
4395s there is no plans for moms it's not just
4397s met again yes we should lose someone I
4401s think we should do that yes Khaleesi TV
4404s well I like her banners these are cute
4407s sounds just don't Laura Bell are those
4409s do it let's do it yes
4412s speaking of role-playing all right let's
4417s say goodbye before we host Rona Cole
4419s says she has someone to raid so yeah had
4421s Nicole just hit the thing
4425s - you guys still thank you so much for
4428s joining us thank you very much and we
4430s hope you had a good Thursday we hope you
4432s have a lovely rest of your week
4433s and Nicole Nicole do the thing and then
4437s we'll be off I guess
4440s yeah we're not giving you away any DLC
4442s codes today unfortunately but maybe
4444s maybe next time
4446s definitely Thanks yes sorry it is rate
4449s time so we're gonna say bye and then
4451s you're gonna be put into another
4453s person's Channel so see ya thank you
4455s guys bye
4466s you