over 6 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
14s [Music]
36s hello hi welcome it's Friday again and
40s it is another corner exiles community
42s stream my name is Anne Zedeck joining me
46s hello exiles hello awesome so we're back
51s again after counseling last weekend due
54s to stuff but we're here now unforeseen
58s game development stuff yes
59s unforeseen is the nature of the beast of
62s course like sometimes things get shifted
65s around and you have to cancel stuff fun
67s you have to help get feedback so good
74s morning good afternoon good evening in
76s case you're in one of those countries
78s let's do the whole like Truman Show
80s spiel and I have no idea Boris
85s hello Cristiano hello sorry have praise
96s rages on mixer we have tweaked nerds we
99s have sir Schnee tweak nuts
101s I was not hungover and I didn't well I I
104s do drink but I don't drink on Thursday
106s seriously all right so Tim's toned up
109s people and their battalions
111s oh yeah we're getting hi everyone
116s all right what are we doing today what
120s are we doing today Jesus these are going
123s off to a really great start I feel so
125s we're gonna recap a bit what's been
128s going on recently we're gonna do it
129s quick community showcase and then the
132s thing you've all been waiting for
134s we're gonna basically run through the
136s East certain Kingdom pack no that's not
140s what it's going back I have no idea why
143s I keep messing those things up the
145s imperial east pack aka the Katai DLC
149s which I know a lot of you have been
151s looking forward to I've been looking
153s forward to revealing it talking about it
155s myself
155s they don't talk about your shirt I got
158s this shirt on the Internet's so just
160s just search for for this phrase and
162s you'll find it see I knew they
164s like the shirt the reason I'm not
165s wearing my geeky shirt it's a shame
167s because then chad is just gonna talk
169s about our t-shirts well boring lecture
172s silence storm joel still works at fun
174s calm but since we're not talking
177s specifically about my game mechanics and
179s like big updates you get the two of us
181s instead so deal with it
186s what websites you get might do I get my
189s t-shirts from a lot of them just just
192s you know Google's nerdy t-shirts yeah
195s corty I get the Threadless fangamer a
199s bunch of different stuff there is no
201s pulse
201s all right so what's been going on
206s hmm we've been Patrick consoles a bunch
210s of times to do whole tricks updates to
213s do crash fixes to do exploit fixes which
217s should by the way the ones that we
218s punched today since someone's asked
220s about that drawl reciting back on
222s single-player I assume you're on console
224s um just the name just went by mixer mix
227s a question yeah so the troll reset bug
229s was patched on PC already and he will be
233s patched or has been patched on Xbox for
237s now ps4 hasn't been passed yet I think
239s right correct yeah so ps4 will get it as
241s well like about an hour or so I think we
243s rolled out a an Xbox patch an hour ago
248s we just rolled out a PC patch like right
251s now well while we were starting up the
254s street that was fun and we're only on a
257s ps4 patch like super Zune yes Nicole
262s should be in the chat I think or maybe
264s she's out to lunch and this was just bad
266s timing no we don't really know hopefully
270s Nicole's in the chat right so we removed
275s the thing that everyone was using to
277s give themselves all the stats basically
280s all the attributes we've been fixing
285s couple exploits crash fixes all my kind
288s of stuff well for PC we had the giant
291s the 500 changes patch as we call it roll
295s out on test like the other day which we
297s basically would be really thankful for
299s feedback on if you're testing make sure
303s to give us feedback on the forums it was
305s like that this PC patch that we did just
308s now was not the big one that is on that
310s is on test line right now you okay you
312s can find that on test line test like
315s branch as it's called and some of you
318s counted and figured out that hey this
320s isn't 500 changes that's because like we
323s took a bunch of them and sort of
324s collapse them together there are over
326s 900 lines in there like they were over
328s 900 lines before we started editing so
331s thing is when we write our patch notes
333s sometimes we take like for example there
336s could be 10 things that's all like fixed
339s animation
339s or creature fixed animation for other
341s creature placed animation for a third
343s creature we just pull those together to
345s go like animation fixes for example and
348s that's why there's not like specifically
350s 500 of them but there are blank there
352s stuff happening on the back end that
354s players might not notice immediately
355s which we then remove from the patch
357s notes that's how it is basically I feel
360s better to arrive to type all of that out
361s will that be us basically well nickel is
364s working mostly yeah generally does it is
367s it is us in general at least like least
370s making it like more easy to read and
372s understand yeah let's just let's just
375s say it takes a while we can we can add
380s little Easter eggs like yeah that's
383s really good for the latest PC patch not
387s there well latest
388s quote-unquote not the one we did now
390s with one we did before we added in white
393s listing we enhance target locking we did
395s more exploit fixes display racks should
397s now be working as intended and we also
399s had it we worked with G portal to add
402s site casting switch now so you should
404s now get a message to all servers
406s basically saying hey we're patching in
408s five minutes we're patching in 10
409s minutes maybe you should you know run to
412s shelter so you don't so you don't die
414s when we take the server down there's
417s still some things that need to be worked
419s out for the site casting it's not
420s working on every single server
422s unfortunately but both ourselves and II
424s portal is on the case too
427s figure it out okay
430s please provide us with feedback please
432s provide us with bug reports and all that
435s kind of stuff and working on you know
436s further implementation of player
438s feedback we're also like we're reading
439s everything you guys post we might not be
441s able to answer everything because
444s there's a lot to go through but we do
448s our best
448s all three of us sometimes Andy helps out
450s too and there's four of us so we're yeah
453s we are gonna we are reading stuff where
456s we are like considering what to
458s implement
463s [Music]
465s a purchase there are still being
469s fine-tuned as well like there's still
471s not really working as intended they
473s still need some fixes we've patched in
475s some things already but there's more
477s coming yeah for I think PC has the
481s latest version of the purge and then
483s those yeah Tesla has the latest version
486s of approach and then those things will
488s come to two consoles eventually all
491s right moving on to what I like to call
495s communication okay right thanks sonic we
498s are working on that we totally
499s understand that those are frustrating
501s those crashes and Commission disconnects
502s on the Xbox specifically and they are
506s working on it really we have been
507s collecting some additional feedback
509s today as well on the forums and they're
511s working hard on that to improve on that
514s that's eyes mm-hmm these aren't working
518s for some no Smurf
523s Murphy's Law versus picking Murphy men
529s alright then think regarding the
533s voiceover request yeah we we actually
536s made a little sticky in a suggestion
538s forums which hopefully we can do for PC
541s Xbox and ps4 issues is well relatively
545s soon to keep you updated so there's a
547s suggestion sticky where we kinda get
550s feedback from the devs on the different
551s suggestions yes so make sure you check
553s that out as well
554s thank actually I know what happened oh
558s my mere technical snafu on my part it's
563s a feature for which I apologize there we
565s go see there it is works fine alright
570s personally I really like building in
572s this game and I really like to see what
573s people have made with our awesome
575s building system so does this hotshot
577s yeah and so first up in our community
581s code showcase is Fred xx 520 who sent us
584s this amazing pirate ship yes that he
587s built he sent us this on Twitter and
590s weirdly pirate ships is something that
593s people maybe not weirdly but I really
595s like it yes people build a lot of pirate
597s ships in the game I especially like how
599s he used the banners to be used as sails
603s basically and I like you know walls or
605s walls and there's a gangplank and this
609s is just like I mean come on you have
611s like their Cato is like this and the
613s elephants the shape figure whatever is
614s called and the dragons on the side this
617s is just
619s I really I don't I'm speechless this is
622s amazing and it's not just a surface
623s thing because he has decided to make you
628s know make the instance yeah fully
629s furnished and with like full captains
632s quarters and crew quarters and all that
633s kind of stuff and I think it looks it
635s just looks amazing it's just the amount
637s of detail and and it's just like all
640s those little details and I like the bowl
642s and the one of those like the pot on the
644s bottom like on the floor there it's like
646s on the side of the bed it's gonna like
648s it the people - what were they call that
650s ironical somebody people in chat are
653s talking about their orbs being gone
654s please go to our forums read the patch
657s notes you will see why that is all that
660s same of that yeah
663s in general this was mentioned in the
665s passion oats in general um we get a lot
668s of input on Twitter and it's really
670s difficult to owns everyone on Twitter
671s even though we want to so if you feel
674s like yeah but like our official forums
678s we'll always have like the latest news
680s and like collection of information and
683s announcement and things so make sure you
684s also check out our official forums right
688s Beowulf the Lachlan has been enhanced on
692s PC that is also coming to consoles
694s eventually so that it will target
697s enemies and all Clement clan members if
699s you are playing on a private server you
700s can turn down the friendly fire damage
704s setting like all the way to the bottom
706s and you won't do damage to your clan
707s members so there's a fix for that
709s alright moving on and really fix that I
715s like that's an ongoing that's an ongoing
718s like what the term part of development
722s Stata tech team is constantly working on
725s you know that's very complex like us to
727s do it loading times and performance and
729s and like how special processes are
733s calculated on the server and so on and
735s so and so does an ongoing process but it
737s will improve yeah like it's improving
739s constantly yep next up I do believe this
743s is someone called Athena on Twitter sent
745s us the stats amazing yeah
748s like they said that like this is my Nord
750s heimer airbase little it's not that much
754s yeah
755s the person was going on to region I was
756s thinking I can look at this all those
758s details is this just so pretty and
761s poised out the size it's not about the
764s sight
765s her words not mine anyway that is so
769s pretty I mean look at this it's like
771s just the attention to detail again yeah
773s with the the flower like that the herb
776s holds for every I call it I call it the
779s big thing the planters who made lanterns
784s yeah I also like how they use the
786s different kinds of roofs to like get a
788s nice contrast going they use different
789s kinds of building pieces each other
790s kinds of materials I think it sucks are
794s you guys like that's it that's a
796s question for a chat so if you're like
798s building like intricate things like this
801s are you actually planning it out or
803s you're just going like but I'm just
804s gonna start and then do something I've
806s seen I've seen some posts from people
808s where they have like a tool with like
810s triangles and squares where they just
811s like map everything out but I think in
814s what you like but I think in a lot of
817s cases is just like putting like placing
820s stuff on top yeah this this might look
822s good here that looks fine I want to
824s stare it there and they're like oh maybe
825s I shouldn't have for you see everyone
827s says they plan it out in single players
829s John Mayne hey John main shout out to
831s john bain one of our one of the amazing
833s youtubers who covers our game he goes by
834s straight for thanks for your videos yeah
836s they're amazing yeah if you haven't seen
839s john bain check him out on youtube his
840s builds are amazing his videos are really
842s fun so shout out to john baines for
845s genius some people are planning it some
847s people are bringing it yeah
849s maybe structure some like look nearly as
851s nice as those oh I see
853s so maybe it's it's like you if you have
856s like such intricate buildings you when
858s settlements probably ask you I need out
859s yeah Ketut Ian mentioned something about
864s DDoS attacks on official servers like
867s again it's something that we're working
869s with G port alone like they will they
871s have access to our servers to their
873s server stats we have access to the
874s server stats when we see that there have
876s been DDoS attacks boo of course take it
878s seriously if you have you know if you
882s have specific servers where you know
884s that this is happening on like please
885s get in touch with us on our forums on
887s Twitter on facebook on blue you know
889s wherever and we will take specific looks
892s at those servers to see if you know we
894s find
894s the evidence of it
896s because you know we don't want people
897s ddossing our servers that's kind of
899s shitty to be honest I think that's bad I
904s think that's really bad seriously right
907s finally one was sent in from Clement a
910s gam on Twitter who's made a nice like
913s Dragon Castle which of course needs all
917s the dragon heads for every single it was
919s dragon it for every single game Wow now
923s I I really like doing the whole like
925s central thing is that a PvP is a
927s settlement it's like I am assuming that
930s this is a PvP or a perch like anti
932s person and I birch that looks like where
935s you fortify that's not something that
936s you feel like you could close without
938s any complete don't immediately yeah I
941s don't think I try to read this unless I
944s had oh that's so they have this really
951s nice lovely like blonde house yeah or
954s achieved it I I'm a sucker for like this
958s little like he's pretty little building
961s and we would like someone to attention
962s to details specifically insides make all
965s the bubbles and candles and there's
968s something I would love to visit yeah
970s absolutely
971s me too that's something we should do
973s anyway yeah someone's server yeah yeah
976s wasted you guys like you should like
978s tweet of your settlement so doesn't
980s sounds like an invitation to visit you
982s on stream life yeah look Natasha loves
984s our P servers come oh yeah I do
987s I definitely do yes I'm a hard I'm
989s actually I'm used to be a hardcore PvP
991s or vice time after time anymore so now
993s it's more I'll repeat we're adults with
996s jobs maybe you're in this bull yeah he's
1000s a special case
1000s shout out to Vegard
1004s Conan XSP peer alright I think we're
1009s gonna jump into what everything
1010s everyone's been waiting for just gonna
1011s mutation which on pain there we go first
1013s imputation anyway oh sweet I'll DM you
1016s on Twitter yes we absolutely want to do
1018s that we need mother
1021s counting which today we've been
1023s discussing visiting private servers and
1025s checking out settlements that people are
1028s very proud of and then like live on
1029s stream that would be really fun I think
1031s it was yeah um oh I'm being told what
1035s the DLC is live on stream you can buy it
1036s right right now so yay awesome so I
1043s guess you can turn the stream on now
1045s because your events so okay that's it
1048s for now so you guys good all right
1053s since this is what everyone is waiting
1055s for I just thought we would jump right
1058s into the game
1058s somebody feast oh yeah I'm actually
1060s gonna turn off some pretty new stuff
1064s because of this thing yeah there we go
1069s so guitar DLC or the imperial east pack
1074s I'm not gonna use the wrong end I'm
1076s gonna try dancer gives you three sets of
1080s armor think it's nine new weapons like
1083s 20-ish play Sable's eight weapons foster
1086s children and and yes tons of new stuff
1099s and we figured we'd show off some of it
1101s there should maybe already be a video up
1104s on our youtube channel youtube.com slash
1106s Lancome that shows up some of it but you
1108s still want to hang out in the stream
1109s feel free to do so and then we can steer
1111s go through everything so three pieces of
1115s armor this is the light armor which is
1117s called the time mercenary armor I'm just
1121s gonna turn off thirst and hunger as well
1124s so I don't die in here which is you know
1127s how to you know light armor it's looks
1130s like it's made out of leather
1131s I really like the details and like the
1132s cracks but you can see it it's kind of
1134s cracked here on the sides if I see where
1136s I've been stitched together the server
1138s owners have to purchase two new you
1141s don't have to it's just like I mean you
1143s can purchase it and then make the armor
1145s for your friends and for everyone else
1146s yes yeah you don't have to you don't
1148s need to buy it for it to be available on
1150s your server yeah that would lie about
1151s that will happen automatically but if
1154s you want
1155s spawn in with the admin panel mm-hmm if
1157s you want to like crafts the stuff then
1159s you have basically yeah I really really
1163s like the details on the stuff when our
1165s character arts have done an amazing job
1167s at making this stuff look you know
1169s realistic and I think so too my kind of
1172s thing yeah I really agree ps4 pad should
1176s be out probably in half an hour
1177s approximately maybe an hour yeah I think
1180s maybe we're still a neurosurg yeah we
1182s sorta concert this 106 insert window
1184s matches always in ask to his best in
1187s life and I store not to tribute Conan
1189s quotes no wait that's not your commute
1191s Jamie's car quotes to Conan the
1193s Barbarian also what is it red meat red
1197s wine and living life and being content
1201s that is festive like I'm angling the
1204s quote really kkona kkona
1207s that is Conan he said something like if
1210s life is an illusion that I am equally an
1212s illusion oh right like basically he says
1214s I think therefore I am but he doesn't
1218s mind then he was just like he'll he will
1220s eat and he will live his life he will
1221s eat food he will drink why I think it
1223s will make love with women he will fight
1224s people and then like once he dies he
1227s just dies and that's it all right medium
1231s armor which is the I believe it's called
1233s the captain's or let me see the female
1235s version not in this thing oh you made a
1240s meal I made a man I made I would have
1243s made a girl I made the primordial
1244s skullet look at that head I love this
1247s head it's amazing anyway that's the
1249s medium armor yes this is the medium
1251s armor bit of a color change a bit more
1253s like dragony fiery kind of thing going
1256s on which i think is really awesome yeah
1259s and then finally it's the Imperial armor
1263s which you know those for full male
1265s samurai so shiny look at this I really
1270s like like first of all I really like
1272s though something like the dragon's ears
1275s thing on the helmets the Dragons on the
1278s shoulder plates and then especially like
1279s that the lion head yeah the breastplate
1282s here of course like yeah everything is
1284s shiny because it's gold you can see
1285s where the threads are
1287s interlocking everything in the armor and
1290s I think this is a really really cool
1291s cool thing that we've done our character
1293s on it's a made I agree
1295s fantastic job and then absolutely
1298s because they're amazing at what they do
1301s those are the shine on it like when you
1303s stand close to fire or torches this is
1305s so beautiful it's like so dynamic as
1308s well and those are the physics on the
1311s armor oh it's yeah it's good it's good
1314s possibly what I love about it is that it
1316s feels heavy - link yeah like both doing
1319s like now in the wind and also when you
1321s move in it though it feels like there's
1323s a way to it as well which I love like
1325s attention to detail jongmin says the
1327s armor hall around in this game is so
1329s well done thank you very much oh we're
1331s so happy to take that shout out to Jenny
1332s who may or may not be watching everyone
1336s else the whole our team you guys are
1339s fantastic yeah absolutely amazing making
1342s rock stars man that's not all I'm gonna
1345s strip this guy mostly naked ooh man
1347s boobs because you also get Warpaint
1349s those are cool
1350s Nintendo squared - we have nothing to
1357s say about Switch version at this point
1358s we're focused on on these three versions
1362s work on this one yeah so yeah we also
1367s bad added a bunch of new different kinds
1369s of war paints these are all decorative
1371s because you already have the different
1373s snap changing yeah we're paints already
1375s so this is all this is all
1377s non-functional they're non-functional
1378s correct yeah we don't want to give
1380s players an advantage by it but I really
1383s like the way they look because they're
1385s they're very expressive and they're sort
1388s of there's there's a lot more going on
1389s than in some of the more some of the
1391s existing warping more surface yeah and
1396s Jenny who made this I think was very
1401s adamant no not had a man she was very
1403s fascinated by a blackout tattoos yeah
1406s like to basically cover an entire yes
1408s covering the entire portion of your skin
1410s with just black paint but come back
1412s Merson I love that so a lot of this
1414s comes from that I think this also looks
1416s really good yes
1417s glowy magical looks like a dragon like
1420s yeah they're wrapping around your body
1423s yeah remember my Lord of the Rings
1427s Online no ease Oh Ellis goes online
1430s character she had a tattoo all over her
1432s back like a dragon thing
1437s the webcam is not picture-in-picture
1439s because I didn't want to cover any of
1441s the UI while we were playing so like why
1444s we're in the corner there oh yeah I'm
1446s currently and then the dreams of the
1449s yeasts which is my favorite I love that
1452s one why is this your favorite I don't
1454s know it's just something about having
1456s like this full covered area on the neck
1459s and I don't know and also that the
1461s sleeves the arms like having a cover
1463s here like a big area and then nothing
1466s and then an area again we're actually
1468s considering having like that I think
1469s it's really cool my favorite male bond
1472s what is it with the fix for crappy
1473s throws program he said that is on pc i
1475s believe on live and then it's coming to
1477s consoles but it has been patched in xbox
1480s already today and it will be back to the
1482s ps4 is it yes it's in with today's
1485s console patches ok if it's not working
1489s let us know if orange yes
1494s someone says our mic might be muted i
1495s don't think so i can start singing if
1498s people start leaving and freaking out
1500s then it's definitely working alright
1504s what is the logic in the game in the
1507s game TV but why not give in gaming
1511s well we wanted to give people something
1515s that would you know give them give them
1519s more stuff give them more like it's
1521s important for role players for example
1522s to be able to clothe their characters
1524s than where they want to and so that is
1527s why we decided to do the cosmetic DLC
1529s that's why we decided to to add armor
1532s that's of a similar tier to everything
1534s else
1534s however like you can still we're gonna
1538s show this in the admin panel there are
1540s still like epic versions of this armor
1544s there are also exceptional and flawless
1545s versions like these things with the tiny
1549s purple square island like these are the
1551s epic versus these are like the endgame
1552s versions of this armor but we wanted to
1555s we wanted to do this so that you're not
1558s you're not buying power you're buying
1559s something that is essentially on the
1561s same level as everything else yeah it's
1564s also because someone just asked why you
1566s sell a DLC that is that's what
1568s something for endgame but that's exactly
1570s the or for high-level play the point is
1573s that no this isn't for endgame this is
1575s for everyone yeah you should get an
1577s advantage by us okay how's the
1585s microphone works okay sweet thanks
1587s fighting as well clothe myself again of
1591s course you have all the weapons that you
1594s would expect sword two-handed sword
1596s which looks really nice
1598s any chance of Perak yeah okay character
1601s change after you made your character so
1604s on the official forums in the suggestion
1607s category or like in a suggestion or I'm
1609s on official forums yeah there's a sticky
1613s that we made which cover softer
1616s suggestions that come up very very often
1619s that's one of them so they are looking
1621s into it I mean it you know be really
1624s cool to have but it's always a question
1626s of how much work force do we have
1629s available
1630s you know besides bug fixing and
1631s everything obviously and performance
1633s improvement and stability issues so it
1637s is being discussed so but yeah that's
1639s thinking you should probably check that
1641s out it has a list of known suggestions
1644s that we took to the dev team and got
1645s some feedback on let me can't make an
1647s mechanic balancing artist on this thing
1649s that's because we're waiting for input
1651s there but it will be added as well which
1653s includes like you know looking at walls
1655s and and rebalancing armor and things
1658s yeah all right maces shields obviously
1663s they do what they always do which is go
1667s through armor and sunder people is so
1673s beautiful armor war hammers horse spears
1681s which look really cool with the sword
1684s tip at the end there and of course
1687s that was really nice I know the bow is
1690s really nice - it was really good the
1692s acts have you shown the ex ya not
1694s showing the ax javelins X so basically
1699s you get a full set of weapons which are
1702s iron tier and there's also a star metal
1706s tier of them that you can craft later
1707s and they have similar but also slightly
1712s different properties to what's already
1713s on the star metal tier to balance it out
1715s of course and because you know we don't
1719s want people buying power and all of this
1722s is also locked behind certain levels so
1725s like a level 5 character won't be able
1726s to make these weapons even if they buy
1731s the DLC because you know war axe which
1735s is really nice nice lots of like really
1741s cool details from see if I can get a
1743s good angle um stone no likes no no ask
1746s something that I wanted or discretion
1747s okay can we just scroll up quickly yes I
1751s can do that question something
1755s there is yeah the orbs we already
1760s mention this if you go to the forums and
1762s if you check the console patch notes you
1765s will find that we had a problem with an
1767s exploit that people were using to
1768s duplicate orbs they were basically using
1770s it to duplicate mostly stacks stack to
1774s the stacked weapons but orbs like we're
1777s in the specifics this was happening on
1780s PC there was also happening to a
1782s slightly lesser degree on consoles so we
1785s decided when we patched this on PC that
1787s we removed players orbs in order to
1791s combat this context because people have
1793s been giving themselves thousands of
1795s explosive orbs as what we figured that's
1797s not fair or rating we know it it like
1800s I'm gonna be honest we know it sucks for
1803s the players who got all these orbs in a
1805s fair manner who grinded their butts off
1808s that is unfortunately the nature of the
1811s beast and so when we moved this same
1813s exploit fix to console due to technical
1817s reasons we couldn't remove the same
1819s script so we ran the same script there
1820s as well that is why the orbs are going
1822s and like I said I know this sucks I know
1826s it's not optimal but that is the
1828s solution that we that we went
1834s we can do that as you need to pick up
1836s the thing but yeah also like we're here
1842s to showcase this thing we are not
1843s ignoring the chat it's like we take
1845s weapons bytes and take questions as we
1848s see them but we're not like actively
1852s trying to ignore guys like folks on this
1854s like nice giveaway I guess I'm just
1860s gonna bring up Bob here first so we
1865s figured you know we can do like a
1867s tightening and everything yes and
1871s unfortunately this will only be for for
1875s the twitch chat but we're looking into
1878s different ways of doing giveaways on
1879s mixer yeah right now it's not optimal
1882s because unfortunately we're not always
1883s able to get ahold of the people who win
1887s argument ways on mixer so like right now
1890s this is just gonna be a a twitch
1893s giveaway no that was a poll that's wrong
1895s you said that there we go so if you are
1900s in the twitch chat if you type in
1902s exclamation point raffle then you will
1905s be entered and then we will do a draw a
1908s lot basically anyway afterwards wildung
1912s yes ooh
1914s and now the night has fallen
1918s oh yeah let's just freeze time right now
1921s so when you purchase the jack goes toy
1925s when you purchase the kitten will the
1928s imperial east pack which costs $10 $9.99
1932s $9.99 anyway you get access to the you
1936s get access to the qatar partisan table
1938s and hey there go everything's good
1941s awesome and so like all the building
1943s pieces all the place of all we will be
1946s right here cat
1950s alright think building pieces yeah all
1954s the building pieces will be unlockable
1955s right here where they cost the same has
1960s something of a similar they also have a
1962s little mark there have like a specific
1965s icon that might you might have seen that
1966s already yeah like for behind here yeah
1970s it's the same with the same with the
1972s Conan armor and the Conan ideal sword
1974s yeah it's the same basic thing and so
1977s everything in here is stuff that you can
1980s make and it's like it's variations on
1984s stuff we already have so it's like
1986s tables it's bowls its chairs look
1989s placeable so like you need vegetables
1991s like the Jade Dragon I really like the
1994s dragon idols CAD idols I really good all
1997s of these like bowls and the drums the
2000s coton drum which I believe makes a sound
2002s yeah I guess when you yeah when you hit
2004s it I'm not sure if this Jing makes a
2007s sound but I really hope it does because
2009s that we can't afford to just sit there
2011s and all right jump back into moobot
2015s close the rifle and we should have like
2020s draw a winner
2023s dull abbreviations congratulations on
2027s winning you're doing Imperial Easter
2035s thing right thanks for following us by
2038s the way yeah they're following us on
2040s Twitter going to announce the winner in
2043s chat and I'm just gonna remember to
2046s write their name down so I know how to
2048s get in touch with them we're gonna DM
2050s you on Twitch right after the stream and
2052s then we're gonna send a key or way so
2056s congratulations once again to dalla Bray
2059s and yeah yes Rosie over there come
2066s user approach fix sometimes that doesn't
2068s mean you can expect purchase work as
2069s intended after the update after well in
2073s well it will but it will definitely be
2075s improved I'm not sure if it's if all the
2078s fixes are on past life I think there's
2079s still some more fixes that need to be
2081s patched up early are in a different like
2083s development branch right now there's
2085s improvement coming constantly Tommy's
2089s drinking am i tom
2091s who's Tom you're Bob Tom um against I'm
2094s Bob I'm Morris I'm toys I guess I don't
2097s know yeah you have the legionary statue
2101s or wrong door I xx what message is that
2109s she might not be all right so we built
2113s this nice pagoda in like structure here
2116s primarily for the trailer which should
2119s be up on our should be up on our YouTube
2121s channel if not right now then pretty
2124s soon after the stream what is the dual
2127s wielding plan yes I can talk about that
2129s later after I show off some really
2131s unfortunately the interior is a bit it's
2134s a bit empty but we're gonna grow up go
2136s up into the second floor so you can see
2137s some of the stuff going on up here and
2140s like you will see some of this in the
2144s DLC trailer you will see some of it in
2146s screenshots of stuff that we've got put
2148s out just gonna write down you can try to
2151s see if you can play on the instruments
2154s like we won't hear it that much no we
2156s won't hear it maybe someone else will
2159s who knows and we also have a nice little
2163s gazebo out here super pretty which is
2167s also really really cool especially with
2169s all the lanterns and the nice lighting
2171s here so this is basically what I
2175s consider to be some kind of like council
2176s meeting space yeah everyone sits around
2181s in a circle and just like talks to each
2183s other
2183s should be right in that scene it
2185s lorrison be ready tomorrow or should we
2186s just go party with our enemies these
2188s type of meeting exactly yeah those times
2190s I will porting right we're asked about
2194s dual wielding yes there is a version oh
2198s we didn't showed it to Anna Dex
2200s good me we did
2203s there aren't 200 oh there is no no
2205s there's no there's only a 200 there's
2207s the throwing
2209s there's the throwing axe which I have in
2211s my left hand and then of course they're
2217s the javelins which you can poke people
2220s with or you can throw up in theory
2226s anyway
2229s so dual wielding there is a version of
2232s dual wielding that is currently ready
2235s for our internal testing and I've spoken
2239s about this in the community newsletter
2241s which you can find on our website called
2243s no say Conan exile calm slash news and
2246s basically the way it works is that
2248s certain offhand items like for example
2252s the throwing axe but also the shields
2257s will affect what kind of combos you do
2261s if they're paired with other weapons so
2267s for example this means that like what
2270s I've seen in motion at least I'm like
2273s maybe Oscar will come running down the
2274s door now from spoiling things so for
2277s example right now when you're using when
2281s you're using the war axe like you just
2283s get you get the normal
2286s you get the normal for it como when you
2289s do the heavy chain and if you want to
2291s use if you want to use the throwing
2293s weapon like you just throw it and then
2295s it's gone to your man
2297s when we add the version of dual wielding
2300s an offhand attacks that were thinking of
2304s what will happen is that your heavy
2306s chain will change and for example if you
2311s have if you have throwing ax if you have
2313s the war axe you will start to spin
2315s around and basically do a bunch of tiny
2317s attacks against your enemy like bop
2320s bop-bop-bop different combos but yes
2323s what do you have in your offense yeah
2325s and that will make you vulnerable to
2329s counter-attacks because you don't have
2331s hyper armor in those specific cases but
2333s you can also do a lot of like you do a
2335s lot of like tiny damage points like over
2337s time and then like you stack bleeding
2339s and all that kind of stuff for example
2341s if you were to hold a ax and the shield
2343s you don't do the spinning attack but you
2345s will do a sword bash now a shield bash
2347s with your shield it's the same when your
2349s it's the same when you're wielding a
2351s sword and a shield for example we add we
2354s add like a knock back with the shield
2357s bash and so it's a counselor it's
2360s basically to create more options for
2364s players in combat and like yeah other
2369s ways to play right now the only like the
2373s only sort of true dual wield weapon that
2376s we have are the daggers and like the
2378s daggers are super awesome
2380s but for example with with the throwing
2384s axe like all you can do with it right
2385s now
2385s it's just throw it away
2388s and we want to we want to do when I
2389s expand it we want to do more basically
2392s there were some more questions
2394s what about again right this is too fast
2397s too moisture I mean not a chance why'd
2399s you Lowell has been asking this while
2401s now we need an option we could see
2403s climates on the map that's the one I
2405s wanted to yes it's also occasionally
2408s it's also a suggestion list that's on a
2410s suggestion forum
2411s we're actually king into that yeah yes
2413s so just real asks what's here are the
2417s building blocks from the DLC or are all
2419s tears included there's only one tear and
2421s that is Tier three for for these
2423s particular building blocks so they are
2425s the same they're the same tier as the
2428s stuff you get in Master Mason so it's
2430s the same as a reinforced stone and black
2433s iced reinforced so all of this stuff
2437s unlockable at 30 same as Master Mason
2440s and it gives you tier 3 protection and
2443s it will be the same for or later DLCs Oh
2451s what's this awesome question about the
2453s pending connection failure which we have
2456s just been connecting a few more
2457s additional info today from the forums
2459s and I think that that's actually feel
2461s now they have a good like they have the
2463s information they need they're definitely
2464s looking into it so hopefully we do have
2467s some progress there very soon we know
2469s it's very frustrating and be apologizing
2473s bear wait that's a friend of yours right
2475s yes what a lousy do it no spamming up in
2488s rain even if they're mine right hardened
2492s brick to reinforced steel yes correct
2496s hardened breaks shape wood to Austrian
2499s news we can not talk about any other
2501s content than the one that we have to
2503s finish first which is timing system the
2506s the dual like the new combat system yeah
2511s dungeons are coming as well which we
2513s hopefully can say more about bracelet
2515s yes and just sent a message to I think
2520s both which
2522s with a quick link to a blog posts like
2524s where where you can find the things that
2526s we have things that we have announced
2527s already like with the dual wielding the
2530s additional yeah there's no goddammit our
2532s Jamal SOG yes the dungeons yeah yes
2539s Natasha the stream not as much she used
2542s to yeah I have time anymore I don't have
2545s time I wonder why that is
2547s yeah nails if you want to go through
2552s shields I would advise using a mace or
2555s an axe because they are meant to rip
2557s through shields they have a Thunder
2559s effect which destroys shield or goes
2562s through shields and if that's not
2565s working then please tell us and then we
2566s will fix it yes Beowulf is asking if the
2572s DLC is on exports right now it should in
2575s theory however it is being rolled out
2579s incrementally on the Xbox story which
2581s means that it might be available to some
2583s people but not everyone right now and
2586s it's supposed to be rolling like rolling
2589s out incremental e over the next 24 yes
2591s so that is unfortunately something that
2593s we couldn't like it has to do with
2599s caching and updating anymore no no
2602s that's not so yeah it's it will come out
2606s and it should be available to Xbox
2608s players in amounts the next 24 hours it
2609s is out now on PC and then I believe the
2611s ps4 version should be getting it in
2614s around 10 minutes which is when 6
2617s o'clock yeah that is that should be 6
2620s o'clock for Weejun time right check chat
2626s box on console Rafi ta we're still
2628s considering like how much opening time
2631s and dev time it will take to add yeah
2632s chat boxes to console I know it's taken
2635s a while but it's yeah it's actually I
2638s know it feels like something that's very
2639s easy to do but there's so much back-end
2642s stuff that has to be taken into
2644s consideration with requirements on Xbox
2647s and ps4 and
2649s when it comes to filter it's like
2651s swearword filters and all that so it's
2654s actually not as easy and people might
2656s think it is yeah so it's not that we're
2659s lazy and don't want to do it this is the
2660s way of how how can we do it yeah fine
2664s chassé Evansdale says are you adding
2666s stacking to throwing weapons please do
2668s okay so we used to do that but what we
2671s discovered was that let's say you had
2673s two javelins one of them was broken and
2676s the other one had like 50 percent left
2678s in durability then you combine the two
2681s suddenly you had a stack of two javelins
2685s that both had I think it was like 25
2687s percent durability so the durability
2689s system and the the stacking but
2691s essentially they weren't compatible like
2694s you could sort of you could fix you
2696s could repair weapons without actually
2699s repairing them by just combining stacks
2701s with each other and that's not great and
2704s so we we essentially ripped that out
2707s someone was talking about the how big
2709s the the development team is they're
2711s between 40 and 50 people yes yeah doing
2715s all kinds of different things yeah I
2717s mean that's different teams that's the
2719s art team tech team bug fixing Bangor the
2723s the ones that design dungeons duolan
2725s writing design
2729s yes yes sorry three set out are going to
2733s deal damage under times more than other
2735s avatars that is something that's on our
2737s list of things to do
2738s Joel has said that he will get to it
2740s when he has time and I was getting an
2743s Oscar I think both of them maybe so and
2745s it's also something on our list of
2748s things to do right
2753s I think you guys make a lot of people
2754s eat their hats if they have any thank
2756s you very much XXL CB we really
2759s appreciate the kind words it's really
2762s nice to you to say X master-blaster
2764s amounts of sorcery
2765s we're not commenting on that right now
2767s we have to we want to deliver like the
2769s things that we promised we talked about
2771s first and then eventually I'd be able to
2774s talk about the additional features yes
2777s how much coding does Conan himself do I
2781s don't know how to break music I don't
2783s know how to break this to you so I'm
2784s just gonna say it outright he's also
2788s working for us either yeah that's true
2790s he's busy attacking like planes Roombas
2794s oh yeah he's not real unfortunately
2800s right will there be new custom or
2803s procedurally generated Maps
2805s at some point no like we don't have any
2810s plans for procedurally generated maps
2812s like the map is the map is what it is
2814s and I know what you're thinking hey ants
2816s what about this big area right here to
2820s which I will reply we don't have plans
2822s to add more to the map the map is what
2825s it is right now so there aren't any new
2830s biomes in the works essentially there
2833s are new dungeons there's gonna be at
2834s least three new dungeons which we said
2837s yes three new dungeons located at
2839s various places across the islands and
2841s there will be new arrows yes they're
2844s coming with the updated or jury yes I'm
2849s just gonna see if I can climb to the top
2850s of this thing maybe we won't talk about
2857s the pet system like in more detail once
2860s we have actually also yes okay to show
2863s you guys I think maybe we can do like a
2865s tiny update on that the update right now
2869s is that it still being worked on it's
2872s something that isn't quite ready for
2875s internal testing but once it is like of
2878s course we'll start working on it it
2880s still needs
2881s and still needs some time basically to
2884s be finished for for our internal testing
2886s yes yes and then once that is done like
2890s we will once we have something to show
2893s you
2893s we will definitely show you but until
2895s that but until that happens like we're
2897s still gonna keep it a bit close to the
2899s chest essentially are you going to fix
2904s rating if you are talking about waltz
2906s and like balance in general that's being
2908s definitely I feel like Milan's about to
2912s jump out that is a different property
2913s but hey maybe you know did Disney be or
2916s work with us just you know call us we'll
2919s make it happen I know they shut down
2920s their video game production arm but you
2923s know if just call us call us skin punch
2927s yes I was having a blast I checked a
2929s fever have you seen Carnales final
2932s corner movie also do but they shot him
2934s down and he's up in their age now expert
2938s I know they talked about like a third
2939s Conan movie but I don't think it's gonna
2941s happen idea because I watch it you would
2944s I mean I didn't really I didn't really
2947s like the Jays number one would be so
2949s much I really loved the old ones the
2950s regional ones yes even though Jason
2952s makes every six to Kara members alright
2959s I think we can answer a couple more
2963s questions and we're gonna do it then
2964s we're gonna sign off let's do it
2967s someone's if they push it with
2968s Terminator I agree how about the rory's
2972s I think their progress thought she might
2973s 6 on PC and some PC and we patched it
2976s with Xbox patch and the piece for patch
2979s I'm not sure if that went out actually
2980s already are you supposed to go out at
2983s least later today
2984s I really have pitch patched lilypad
2987s shares what so if it doesn't work please
2989s um our official forums and give us a
2992s feedback about it but it should be bad
2994s yes
2999s 35 man when what next time Oh Joel sorry
3004s Joel there's a nice chance totally such
3009s a nice sassy
3010s he is sassy yes very sassy man he's
3012s sassy hey
3014s to the role players asking about the the
3018s VoIP in the game is also something
3020s that's working taking care of
3023s yes again suggestions there is a
3027s suggestion sticky in a suggestion forums
3029s which will update as we collect your
3031s feedback
3032s specifically with feedback and input
3035s from the devs on the issue that we hear
3038s the most and I get brought up the most
3040s weight yes we know that it's something
3044s that people really want I definitely
3046s know that it's something role players
3047s want and like I have put it in my
3050s suggestion document and talked about a
3052s lot but it's like right now there are a
3054s lot of
3057s server crashes and client crashes that
3059s still needs fixing and in a lot of cases
3062s it's it's the same people who are
3063s working putting on some armor you know
3065s it's the technical people who are also
3067s doing the voice stuff and there are
3069s stuff but it is it is all r2 it was on a
3073s list of suggestions we know it's
3074s something the community really wants and
3076s that's a dlc thing before we I'm not a
3079s dlc give away before we don't disappear
3081s let's do that all right I'll see her or
3084s more go reset then once again if you are
3090s in the twitch chat we've opened up
3091s another raffle and like a trip to chat I
3095s guess and we're gonna give away another
3101s DLC yes because we're feeling generous
3105s generous yes much that's to me and yep
3111s there you go raffle raffle raffle raffle
3117s snake now that's bad shit yeah I feel
3122s like saying natural raffle raffle over
3124s and over again no it's the sort of thing
3127s that what am I thinking it's a sort of
3132s thing you say when you're trying to be
3133s oka when you're when you're an extra in
3137s a movie or something like I just go
3138s around forever up because it sounds like
3140s ya talkin actually you save a Barbara
3142s Barbara I used to play theatre and
3145s that's what you get turned if you're
3146s like just supposed to be somewhere in a
3147s background or if you warm up your voice
3149s you're supposed to save a Barbara
3151s Barbara Barbara Barbara it's like one of
3154s those for Barbara Tom losing your
3156s contacts that's all right like random
3159s fact of today right that's good to know
3162s good to know yeah say snake it's a snake
3166s can I get the few more controls what was
3169s that about I just know I was for thralls
3170s all right we're actually having that
3173s almost at least as well and it's being
3175s discussed having aggressive and
3178s defensive
3180s Oh cryptic escape I bought it three
3183s times for me my life and my oldest kid
3185s Wow thank you so much that's amazing
3188s yeah Thank You Lane together that's so
3190s cool I I think that's so coldly families
3192s play together
3192s yes I have their own server and I've
3195s like whole families playing together is
3196s freaking amazing
3197s I love that all right chat slowing down
3200s so I'm going to close the raffle good
3202s luck everyone
3204s [Music]
3207s John underscore ns thank you so much for
3210s following us Wow he's been on twitch for
3212s ten years he's been on twitch for over
3215s ten years that's just in TV yeah I
3224s thought that role congratulations John
3227s thank you for falling as well we're
3231s gonna DM you on Twitch once this thing
3233s is over and done with and we will send
3235s you the lovely DLC key alright theme
3239s perspi yes it's all steam don't worry
3250s about it
3250s ah justin.tv don't blame my fragile
3252s there any news on more RP elements out
3255s into game I think we've added a lot of
3258s RP elements with just one out but no
3263s there's ever an actress but we want to
3264s we're gonna try to hit that balance
3265s between you know being for role players
3268s being for PT peers being for PD ears my
3271s kind of stuff so so it's a bit of a
3274s balancing act but you know I think that
3276s with all of this stuff like role players
3279s who who are into like you know
3281s decorating their stuff for like sending
3284s a screenshot so my kind of stuff like
3285s this is Wow Joe Lynette says that he was
3287s a moderate for hanneke Oh mines Java
3289s chat oh wow that's impressive man oh wow
3294s that is that's old-school
3297s god is nice and it's very old-school
3299s that's super also though holy shit
3301s but it's so good that's really good
3303s thank you for sticking with us yeah
3305s exactly thinking the same way
3309s okay can we get where we can put ages
3316s unfortunately like that is something
3318s people keep asking us about and we've
3320s said it a couple of times already that
3322s to capture players like we need to make
3325s it fun for both players yeah like we we
3330s need to give you if you're the player
3331s who's been captured we need to give you
3333s a way to get out basically and then like
3336s if you're just knocked out then there's
3337s nothing that's happening happening like
3339s fun I mean I heard I were playing arc
3344s and being shot with the tranq darts and
3345s just like sitting there was like okay
3347s I'm just gonna I'm knocked out like it's
3351s like being sued on in PvP yeah it's not
3353s fun but we it's something that we wanted
3357s to do and I can't say for sure if it's
3360s been nixed completely but it it's a
3364s mechanic that we need to think more any
3367s pants and showing out the plays debuffs
3371s yes
3373s more on that later yes you will in the
3379s future get to see when you're debugging
3380s someone and you will get to see how that
3383s looks
3383s I don't know Cripe me no get stunt all
3390s right all righty oh that was right we
3394s have to turn it off
3395s we are professional after taker happy
3398s yep yes very true graphic okay we're
3403s gonna chill head out and I think now in
3407s theory at least the DLC should be
3410s available on all platforms
3413s so I'm ps4 and PC icebox it's good if
3418s you enjoyed what you've seen please
3419s follow us on twitch follow us on Twitter
3422s twitter.com : exile Facebook
3424s facebook.com just : excellence
3425s what else do I need to see say oh yeah
3428s we should host someone we should have
3432s someone I should also mention that we
3435s have a fan art and fan fiction your arm
3441s is right there sorry we have a fan art
3444s and fanfic contest going on we've gotten
3448s some amazing entries from people but we
3452s want more so send us stuff go to connect
3457s SOUTHCOM slash news to find to find all
3462s the rules
3462s well that kind of stuff because it's
3465s it's important that you read the rules
3467s and then you know send us send us your
3472s best work Sunday's your best artwork or
3474s the best fan fiction and tweeted us and
3476s tweet at us do all my good stuff and
3478s that thing stand still if you send us an
3481s invitation to like visit your
3482s settlements that'd be something really
3484s fun to do like our future streams yes
3487s you would love that
3488s well I love you too gonna we're gonna
3490s get in touch with John Boehner at least
3491s to have it you already invited us so
3493s exactly so check out in the stream I'm
3495s gonna see if I can find someone
3498s that one smallish yeah thinking that so
3502s we can see some some Colin and enjoy
3507s some exiles the new barrier that sounds
3509s great though yeah Conan the new Berrien
3511s yeah alright yes do it
3513s so as we like to do drop some excels on
3516s set as we like to do we're gonna raid
3520s someone and after that we're just gonna
3524s sign off and oh alright we got this one
3534s nickel we found someone yeah we got
3536s someone
3537s alright let's do it
3541s so alrighty thank you guys for watching
3545s yeah thank you so much we're gonna close
3547s this off and then everyone will just be
3550s pushed into poor Marconi ones chap yeah
3556s hopefully doesn't get a heart attack but
3557s last guy started shaking yeah so be nice
3561s be nice say hello yes be nice say hello
3563s tell him we sent you and talk to you
3567s guys later
3567s love you bye