5 months ago - Funcom - Direct link
5 months ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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638s hello hello
641s greetings checking out
643s chat howdy howdy duty all right hello
647s and
651s greetings thank you all for tuning in to
653s another uh exciting uh Dev stream uh for
657s Conan Exiles it's that time of the
658s Season exiles uh we're here to preview
661s what's coming up next my name's Andy I'm
663s here joined by Dennis vet lead
667s designer H and in uh working the decks
670s in the back is hello the goblin the
673s goblin
675s Nicole very oh wait actually I had your
678s mic muted sorry can you say that again
680s sorry awkward hello I'm in the back over
683s here looking at
684s chat thank you Nicole so let's see so
688s you said up the volume do you me mic
689s volume are we too soft I thought we were
691s doing okay but might just be that might
695s be the microphone thing with Nicole
697s there we go cool cool yeah so we have an
701s exciting episode for you today um for
704s those of you watching at home yes we are
706s going to be previewing Chapter 3 of age
709s of War um so this is a uh this is like a
714s developer live stream showcase so we're
716s going to be focusing today on um talking
719s about the new feature showcasing them
721s showing off what we can um and then
724s we'll be also ending the stream with
726s some housekeeping notes for the
728s community uh a little giveaway as well
730s actually oo stay tuned um and that's
734s about it we have a jamack thing so we
736s probably won't beat around the bush too
738s much to begin with do you have any for
740s wordss or anything like that Dennis I'm
741s just going to move this
743s over sorry to put you on the spot really
746s nothing before we just get into it so
749s let's have at it yeah yeah so um let's
751s see so for the things that we're going
753s to be covering today are uh some of you
755s may remember or uh road map for Age of
758s War uh we have we'll be showcasing the
761s PVE
762s Siege uh out in the open world today uh
765s as well as the tavern system if you've
767s been following us on social media you
769s might have seen some little Snippets
771s about a barkeep wanting to refill your
773s Grog uh so that'll be that'll be
776s something to cover
777s today um and then yeah commun stuff uh
780s also public beta is available you can
782s play this right now and test it out if
783s you wanted to but we'll talk about that
785s in a little bit uh it's available now uh
787s the public beta is available now so you
788s can just go find the public beta client
791s on your steam Library download it now
794s and give it a shot patch notes are
795s available please give us your feedback
797s let us know what's
799s up um I think that's about it for the
803s intro should we jump into things with
805s the tavern or not the tavern the uh the
808s SC let's do it let's do it okay so
812s switching over all
815s right so a little loud music is loud
819s okay let me turn this down even
822s further don't know why let's see I'm
825s just going to turn these up now let me
828s know how this sounds team maybe I'll
830s turn this up a little bit too okay
833s great thank you sorry about that great
837s yes so we have new armor as well so yes
839s yes this uh we're at a location in the
841s exiled lands uh where a new base will be
846s located uh then is going walk us through
849s what we can expect here yeah for some
851s reason uh it doesn't seem like it's
853s spawning we got all these things set oh
855s oh oh there it is
858s snap okay yeah no here it is I cool okay
861s cool a few totally wrong direction yeah
865s um so here we are uh PVE raid so PVE
869s raid was a really cool thing for us to
871s approach from like a design
873s perspective um in exiled lands we want
877s to add more content and more stuff to do
880s places to go things to see but we don't
882s have a lot of places to do it because
884s we've kind of already established where
886s you can build in the map so when we were
890s coming up with the narrative for the age
891s of War and we knew that one thing that
894s we thought would be really cool to do is
896s smash cities yourself because if you're
897s a PVP player you get to blow stuff up
899s all the time but hey if you're playing
900s on a PVE server you never get the joy
903s and crumbling castles and you know it's
905s a lot of fun especially with your
907s friends so we wanted to come up with a
910s way to take one of the camps that we
912s already had so we took an old dogs of
914s the desert Camp called the ruins of el
916s Mariah and we made the stigan move in
920s and this is kind of their base camp
921s right so you know in in your head you
923s can imagine that when they're coming out
926s to purge you that this is effectively
928s where they're coming from right so the
930s Army that's come in has settled down
931s here you'll be able to come in take the
934s fight back to
935s them um so we've done a lot of stuff to
939s accommodate this and one of the things
941s that you might be able to tell is that
943s this is made out of our own building set
945s that like you can use as a player so we
948s have a system that we built in the back
950s end now that will allow us to go in as
953s as designers build buildings out and
956s save them and put them different places
957s in the map in this chapter and in this
961s release this is the only building um
963s it's just this large base in this spot
966s on the exil lands so we don't currently
968s have one of these bases in sypa we would
971s like to put one up and additionally put
973s more of them in different
975s places um but due to the immense effort
979s the team had to make just to get this
980s one to work correctly uh you know we hit
983s time constraints on that so it's a thing
985s that we'd like to keep expanding upon in
987s the future uh
990s so
991s now you can bring all your tools uh if
994s you remember eastar the cell sword from
997s rescuing him from The Purge you know he
999s has the opportunity to sell you some
1000s stuff uh that you can bring here to
1002s fight really namely the explosive jars
1005s um we had some other plans to
1007s incorporate him that will probably get
1009s pushed a little later and then some more
1011s of his inventory will be become relevant
1013s to the purge as well um but for now he's
1016s got explosive jars and another thing you
1018s you can get is battering rams so if I
1022s pull my inventory away the battering ram
1025s that The Purge brings against you you
1028s can use against the stigan now as well
1032s um I'm excited to finally be able to
1033s role play as a uh Demolisher yeah no no
1036s thoughts head empty just smash finally
1038s yeah it it's awesome um you know we we
1041s tested it and and at first I was like
1043s well can't like it was in it was always
1045s like part of the plan to give this to
1046s people and we thought it wasn't going to
1048s fit into our scope and then we were like
1049s well let's just try it and see what
1051s happens and there were some inclinations
1053s that some things would be too broken to
1054s actually be able to to polish them up
1056s and ship it out but uh as soon as we put
1059s it on it was like 95% done because it
1061s had most of the stuff that we needed for
1063s the NPCs to use it and the player
1064s doesn't require a lot more for the
1066s specific activity so there are some
1068s things like you know if if you uh if you
1072s do some actions it'll just instantly uh
1074s put it away like sprinting will put it
1076s away I believe climbing will put it away
1077s as well instead of having an un sheath
1079s animation but the functionality for The
1081s Purge is all there so now if you walk up
1083s to building pieces and doors you can
1085s swing your your uh battering ram at them
1089s gotcha um there's some Balan stuff in
1091s this public beta build that's not done
1093s so you might see that it's only costing
1094s like three stamina to swing it and
1097s whenever I hit doors and stuff it's not
1099s going to lose durability or much
1101s durability I believe um but these are
1104s meant to be disposable so like you knock
1106s down a door or two with them and then
1109s after that you know it it breaks like
1111s any other tool would and um yeah you'll
1114s have to bring some of those bring some
1115s explosive jars some tribues and some
1117s friends and they Siege to the uh to the
1121s keep yeah so okay just to just to
1123s clarify also having the battering am
1126s battering ram out automatically snares
1128s you like that yeah yeah there's
1130s basically just a maximum walk speed
1132s whenever that's that's on so that's all
1134s the faster you can go and like I said if
1136s you sprint it will put you right into
1138s Sprint so cool yeah and does that work
1139s on player buildings uh yeah it will work
1141s on player buildings obviously as long as
1143s like PVP or such is enabled yeah and
1146s there are some cats here too
1149s um um whenever whenever we do The Siege
1153s you'll notice that like the big doors
1154s and stuff get knocked down really fast
1158s uh we made some special copies of some
1160s building pieces to build this specific
1162s base so it
1164s wouldn't present more issues than good
1169s so we don't want it to take a really
1170s really long time like pacing is still
1172s important this is content that is
1174s designed for like max level characters
1176s too um
1178s so if you're fighting the stigan like
1181s the uh you know level probably like8 n
1184s 10 Purge then you should be expected to
1186s be able to do this the number of friends
1189s you need to bring maybe High maybe low
1191s really depends on yourself your build
1193s your your load out your skill um it is
1197s doable by a single player if they are uh
1200s you know up there in gear and in skill
1203s and we're still working on some pacing
1204s stuff as well so I think whenever you
1206s see this on on the public build um there
1208s might be some lws in combat but uh we we
1212s want to iron that out a little bit more
1214s as well um uh Cybercat ask will modders
1218s get uh that copy building Tool uh at the
1221s moment
1224s no there is currently the ability to
1226s overwrite the existing one but you can't
1228s place new ones in the world so and I
1231s believe this is the case if I'm wrong I
1233s apologize but I believe you have the
1235s ability to make different copies but you
1238s can't place them out as the way like as
1240s this one is placed out you can just
1241s replace it with a different
1243s blueprint
1245s um let's see all right should we just
1248s start slamming some walls yeah
1252s okay this thing on um I had a couple
1255s questions in chat they were asking if
1256s they can disable the system at all this
1259s particular one doesn't have the ability
1260s to be disabled at the moment I believe
1263s um I do know that's going to be a thing
1264s people
1266s want
1268s um it's effectively taking the place of
1270s an existing Camp I guess you could
1272s overwrite that blueprint in the dev kit
1274s but you couldn't do it on a server
1275s setting
1276s level thank you yeah so it should be
1279s able to be modded out but not server
1281s setting turned
1284s off all right um I think we have some
1287s friends uh yeah yeah yeah we've we've
1289s conscripted some helpers to help uh
1292s assist us with the siege of Al
1296s Mariah and uh Looking Good Buddy's
1300s looking good here uh o OG func commers
1303s or Secret World fans may also appreciate
1305s uh the the throwback the throwback
1309s calling at the siege of Al Mariah do you
1311s understand that reference let us know
1313s yeah let's let's see in chat actually
1314s first who knows the reference and
1317s then I'll get really nerdy on people
1319s after that can we get a crown oh Jimmy's
1323s here yeah Jimmy's here Jimmy of course
1326s well
1327s yeah okay okay so I'll just get really
1331s nerdy in terms of like Conan stuff and
1333s Secret World stuff at the same time it's
1335s a you know a little marriage we have
1337s Happening Here the entire like premise
1341s for Howard's Conan universe is that as
1344s time passes civilizations rise from
1347s barbarism into decadence and then
1350s crumble under their own you know their
1352s own hubris the uh the threat of other
1355s civilizations or barbarians taking what
1357s they have so our world and the world
1362s that Howard wrote is all built on the
1365s ruins of past
1366s civilizations so whenever we were
1368s looking for a place to put this and we
1370s were trying to map out like okay if we
1372s do the story this way how do they how do
1374s they travel through the world if you
1375s look like the battle pass tblo and stuff
1377s and we're like okay well here's a cool
1379s place for it and it happens to be called
1381s el Mariah which you know I'm sure very
1384s early on Joel named this Camp elmariah
1386s intentionally because we have well the
1389s ruins of el Mariah in secret world
1391s there's a city it's kind of like almost
1392s like a Hub City in in Egypt called Al
1395s Mariah so now we've taken the ruins of
1398s Al Mariah built them back up into
1400s civilization or you could likely
1402s consider this decadence as well and now
1404s you can come and smash the building down
1406s and send it back to barbarism
1410s and then of course in the future it's
1411s rebuilt uh as El Mariah in the secret
1418s world let's smash some walls yeah let's
1420s let's smash some foundations and walls
1422s boys let's go all rightt I I think our
1426s little homies here are going to start
1427s throwing out some some rocks uh just to
1431s show you guys that hitting buildings
1432s with rocks is cool oh that was a little
1434s bit short but that's a lot of fire we've
1437s got some new fire effects I think on the
1439s explosive jars this update I think
1441s that's new for this one yeah and all
1443s those all that free treb ammo that you
1444s get from the battle pass you can you can
1446s throw it up you can load it up into
1447s there for The Siege as well so that's
1449s exactly what that was uh leading up to
1451s was you know this Siege I know they
1454s seemed pretty useless before but now
1456s you'll have a little resource Bo to send
1458s you into it if you've been finishing the
1459s battle pass now now you understand so
1462s yeah I mean this is again the the this
1464s this base is built 100% with uh building
1467s pieces that are available to players
1469s this isn't like uh like an
1470s indestructible prefab or anything like
1472s that so everything you see here uh you
1475s know apart from those W wagons are
1476s indestructible but like all the
1477s buildings themselves all the building
1478s pieces of this Castle are keep are
1481s behave uh correct me if I'm wrong behave
1484s identically to what a player structure
1486s or how how that would behave like yeah
1488s sorry goad oh sorry I was going to say
1490s like I mentioned before the only
1491s difference is we adjusted some health
1492s values gotcha right yeah but otherwise
1495s like yeah like explosive jars trebuchets
1497s uh all work work to demolish building
1499s pieces you can scale the walls uh
1501s assuming they don't have fences anywhere
1504s um anti yeah antic climb yeah yeah um
1507s this is a spot where we're seeing some
1508s low where we shouldn't probably
1511s um but there should basically always be
1513s a fight going on as you're as you're
1515s you're getting into it I think that we
1517s probably knocked out a lot of the guys
1518s with the uh with the truchet there yeah
1520s a bunch of suppressive fire to to kill
1522s the guys but yeah so uh under normal
1524s circumstances what would be happening
1526s here so like dudes would be like just
1529s exactly it would it would be this inside
1530s the gate and outside and then as we bust
1532s through you'll see there are some some
1534s more guys inside as well um they're
1536s actually not terribly tanky but I do I
1537s do have uh you do have like God mode on
1541s I have god mode on but I also have like
1543s U an iron tier weapon so that's not
1545s working in my
1547s favor and so uh I guess I guess for
1549s those playing at home also and and and
1551s wanting to like chew on this Siege also
1553s like what what what um like what is this
1555s tuned for in terms of like difficulty or
1558s like like what are expectations of our
1559s players or Clans who want to tackle this
1561s pretty much all of our new content um
1563s when we're talking about trying to do it
1564s for max levels um which this this
1567s particular thing is for higher level
1569s characters so if you're somewhere
1571s between 55 to 60 you're expected to be
1573s able to participate maybe even 50 to 60
1576s really um just depends on your gear
1578s level more than anything because those
1579s last five attribute points will have a
1581s Major Impact but sure yeah am uh we try
1583s to tune everything for for two players
1586s um we expect that most things will be
1587s like two players playing together with
1589s THS because that's what most people
1594s do so we smash some walls down get into
1599s the next one and then here you know
1601s again we should see more enemies inside
1603s I think we have an issue in today's uh
1605s this is not the build that will go out
1607s today to everyone else it's an internal
1610s build so there's another issue on it
1613s yeah and again like as as with anything
1615s previewed on today's stream and also on
1617s the public beta test this is still uh
1619s all the footage you see here is still
1621s work in progress uh so please partner
1623s dust if you if you uh if we see
1626s something that we didn't foresee uh and
1629s so uh another question that also popped
1630s up a bunch of times in chat and so like
1632s because the space is destructible uh but
1634s this is still like a like a permanent
1636s addition to the map uh what what do we
1638s think what are we talking about in terms
1640s of like respawn times for example uh
1643s basically when no one's around it'll
1644s come back so if you're not there
1648s yeah so like Ting it or whatever yeah
1650s Okay cool so because one person in chat
1652s was asking like oh like is it like are
1653s the doors going to respawn like while
1654s I'm in the base like trying to blow
1655s things up that the answer is no so once
1659s U much like qu quantum physics once it
1662s is no longer observable it then returns
1664s yeah I also wanted to show you guys like
1667s um we I just picked up some jars and bl
1670s them blew them up there's battering rams
1672s and stuff littered inside as well so if
1674s if you get in the the front gate you
1676s should be able to get stuff to to help
1678s you get through the the walls after that
1680s as
1683s well hopefully we've got our bosses
1685s inside I haven't checked inside this in
1687s this build today Dink and so it uh you
1691s know this even though this is a like a
1693s player built structure like there are
1694s like PVE Tier rewards for for completing
1698s this encounter yeah yeah um we kind of
1701s looked at this with the mentality of it
1703s being like an Overworld dungeon more
1705s than anything so once we get to the top
1707s you'll see there's actually a boss in
1710s the end and the boss has uh some some
1713s fancy Loot on his loot table for pick up
1716s as well
1719s um
1725s yeah here uh as we get into the next
1727s floor
1729s up
1731s um there's more dudes yeah there's more
1734s men the hand of War should be here so if
1736s you've been finishing Purge is you know
1738s at the end there's a a special boss that
1741s comes out that character is the boss of
1743s this Flo and then his boss is the boss
1746s of the next floor but I have a feeling
1749s we might not see him
1750s [Music]
1754s today all right we got a question from
1756s chat what's up um so you said that in
1758s order for it to respawn people have to
1761s be relatively far enough away from it is
1764s there any preventive measures for if
1766s someone like decides to just Camp inside
1768s yeah we're not going to talk about it
1770s okay got it very
1773s good it's a the the ever uh the ever
1777s ongoing and escalating arms race against
1780s uh people who want
1782s to hurt other people's experiences is
1785s again ongoing so that's why we don't
1787s talk about that kind of we know we know
1788s it's a thing we're aware uh yeah so that
1791s that's the boss uh we didn't get super
1793s amazing loot from him this time uh but
1796s he also has some treasure that we can
1797s bring with us and you know these will
1799s will drop now hundreds of coins um that
1802s you can take with you reinvest back into
1804s purges or into to building your your
1806s horde bigger buying things um one thing
1810s that I this is almost kind of a segue
1812s into taverns
1815s um we're going to start to use gold more
1817s as like an actual currency so there will
1821s be more stuff that you can interact with
1822s to actually buy things from people in
1824s the world um it'll start in this update
1827s again it's on a smaller scale but there
1829s will be stuff to do with it and you know
1831s going forward just we'll be adjusting
1834s the economy of how much of that you know
1836s you can really obtain and spend and
1839s things like that uh so yeah uh that was
1841s a quick run through here like I said if
1844s if you um if you're a geared up player
1847s you can get through here really fast
1848s today we didn't see the resistance you
1850s would normally see um this is a place
1853s the Army inhabits so there will be an
1856s army here uh but in the build that we
1859s had to switch to today um for we had a
1861s little bit of a technical issue with our
1863s other build we had to switch to this one
1864s it doesn't have everything that you you
1866s should see on the beta as
1868s well uh I have let's see what should we
1871s do now Andy go straight to the tavern or
1873s well let's see uh we can start talking
1875s about yeah we can move into Tavern stuff
1877s if we feel it appropriate uh I know
1880s there's a couple questions here
1881s questions about yeah there's a couple
1883s questions in chat here we're we're
1884s trying to address what we can here I
1885s mean we already touched on like
1886s potential for people trying to build
1888s nearby or like sitting inside the thing
1890s we'll have something we've considered
1892s and we'll have preventative measures but
1893s we're we're not going to disclose those
1895s uh here um we didn't change the build
1898s radius that was around the camp before
1900s so if you had a if you had a base built
1902s close to this um I think we either
1905s adjusted at none or very very little so
1907s there should be real no major issues
1909s with having a base near the existing
1911s building and um I believe this content
1914s will spawn pretty much no matter what so
1918s if it's close by you know it'll still be
1921s there to
1922s do
1924s excellent H yes excellent new neighbor I
1927s mean yeah the stigan are the stigan
1928s legion is just like popping up
1929s everywhere now so they they now have
1931s actually have a home that you can take
1932s the fight too uh and this the system is
1935s really exciting at least for me
1937s personally cuz like the the potential of
1938s like I don't know it's the fact that I
1942s sorry I'm really excited that we have
1943s like uh a new like Overworld like
1946s landmark that's been updated uh I'm a
1948s big fan of that and I'm uh huge fan of
1951s this Tech uh I think it's really cool I
1954s I'm looking forward to doing more with
1955s it yeah we look forward to expanding it
1957s as well so there are more options that
1958s we can offer with
1960s it what about a new Mount we'll get to
1962s that new Mount question mark we'll get
1964s to that yes yes yes we'll get sand worms
1968s no oh yeah can you use battering rams on
1971s pvec player
1973s doors you would have to do it during
1976s like Siege hours yeah yeah yeah
1979s gotta it's it follows the same building
1981s or sorry the same damage rules that the
1983s the server would normally
1987s follow sweet okay
1990s um we'll try to collect some additional
1994s questions uh and then try to cover what
1996s we can at the very end uh and of course
1997s like um we'll have uh you know you can
2001s always ask us more questions on the
2002s forums we also have our public beta
2004s forums open right now with the build
2006s live you can view the uh the patch notes
2008s now I believe I think we had like a link
2011s to it in chat if uh one of our lovely
2014s folks could post that back up in chat
2016s really quick because I don't have the
2017s link handy uh right at right at my
2020s fingertips but uh go there let us know
2022s what you think or if you have any other
2023s questions about what you see here ask
2025s away or play it yourself because it this
2027s is playable right now on public beta uh
2030s just make sure you use the public beta
2031s client sorry just to correct that pvec
2034s thing no on PVP servers you can use on
2036s other people's doors pvec doesn't have
2038s building damage uh so it would be useful
2040s got okay that's what I am okay there's a
2042s lot of people panicking but sorry yeah
2043s thank you
2044s Myra um also in this base like there's
2047s more to explore here too we took the
2049s critical and direct path straight to the
2051s end um so that coupled with not a lot of
2055s enemies attacking us made it really
2056s quick but it'll be a lot more difficult
2058s whenever yeah there and there's more to
2060s see yeah sorry to talk over that's okay
2062s yeah because I know that like uh I guess
2065s it depends on whether or not you want to
2066s show off all the little like nooks and
2068s crannies here there but I think you you
2069s showed off like one little uh cupboard
2072s with like a bunch of explosive jars so
2073s we have we have a whole bunch of like
2074s toys and goodies like hidden throughout
2076s yeah there's chest here like yeah to
2078s reward you for exploring so like again
2079s yeah we just made a beine for the boss
2081s but you can grab like you can uh look
2084s around and try to try to pick up what
2085s you can and a lot of these ramp parts
2088s will be manned as well so like there
2089s will be you know different uh archers
2092s standing standing by
2094s and mhm a lot of guys on the walls to
2097s attack you MH
2099s MH so should we go to our yeah yeah so
2102s and then yeah you had you had touched
2104s upon the um like siging into the tavern
2107s system as well and first of all sorry uh
2109s thank you so much to our uh support
2111s helpers for for coming by Manning the
2112s trebuchet uh thanks for taking the time
2114s out of your day to to come help us with
2116s that uh but you you are all free now uh
2119s go back to your regularly schedule
2121s duties while we talk about Tavern
2124s stuff so uh what we have here is a base
2129s uh that was built with uh a combination
2131s of new building pieces and existing
2133s building pieces that are currently
2134s available uh this is an Acer themed uh
2138s like
2139s Rivertown uh yes sorry one sec yes
2142s Nicole sorry sorry very quick question
2144s people wanted to to see the map where
2146s this was located by the way oh yeah yeah
2148s so it it is thank you thank you for
2149s thank you Nicole thank you for that
2150s question in chat so the there is already
2152s an existing uh point of interest in the
2154s middle of the Exile land simply called
2156s the ruins of Al Mariah and that has been
2158s built back up on over uh so where the
2162s ruins of Al Maria used to be is now the
2165s um the the the stigen
2168s keep so hopefully you saw that on the
2170s map uh where exactly that is sorry my
2172s client locked up for a second good you
2174s did so right there I forget if you touch
2177s on ruins sorry can can FRS use batter
2180s battering rams or no no THS can't use
2183s battering arms right now I do know
2185s that's a thing a lot of people will want
2186s so we might do it eventually but one
2189s thing I think keeps it a lot more
2191s Dynamic is if the player if you are
2193s required to use the battering ram then
2195s you get this really cool back and forth
2196s of like buying little Windows of time
2199s after having slaughtered a bunch of
2200s enemies to hit the door a few times
2202s before someone comes back to attack you
2204s so it's kind of like to me at least it's
2206s a lot more engaging to have ask you to
2208s do it than have someone do it for
2211s you thank
2213s you yeah so this uh this base was built
2216s by uh one of our uh like old just just a
2221s a veteran of funcom a veteran of our
2222s games he's the guy that always builds
2224s our uh bases for like you know yeah yeah
2229s like any a lot of the social media
2230s updates that you've seen or like in past
2232s streams that we've had where we we run
2233s around in a pre-made base uh basically
2236s one guy in our Osa Studio builds all of
2239s this to igle so shout outs to him um so
2243s yeah so here we have uh we're going to
2246s be showing off
2247s uh some of the new building pieces uh as
2249s well as uh our our expanded kind of th
2253s placement system I guess I know I know
2256s we've we formerly had some like
2259s initially I think in last chapter we had
2261s thalls that you could place just by
2262s doors and we're expanding up on that
2264s system so there will be archer in
2265s placements uh the ability to uh leave a
2270s thrw at your uh burning oil pot uh and
2273s seat them at your Tavern if you want
2277s want yeah so uh now you can see when
2280s that giant spawn oh sorry I hit the mic
2281s stand when the giant spawned far away
2283s The Archers were actually shooting
2284s arrows at it so whenever they're further
2287s away uh not like immediately underneath
2290s the archers your archers will actually
2291s attack stuff as they try to come to your
2293s base
2295s um which is a lot cooler than it looked
2298s just
2300s now uh but another thing is they they
2302s can be used to to man these pitch pots
2304s so you can actually have a th dump the
2308s burning pitch onto certain spots and
2310s this will help a lot with things like
2312s defending your basement other players
2313s and The Purge where you want to create
2316s like a you know a passageway for them to
2319s come through that they're guaranteed to
2320s get hit by this
2323s um and The Archers now won't run away so
2326s that's the biggest thing like if if you
2328s had archers placed in your base before
2330s using the old system you would just
2331s place them out and it was kind of like a
2333s tossup whether or not they would
2334s actually try to use their their range
2336s weapon weapons or if they would try to
2338s get in melee and start to hit stuff so
2340s or like try to like down like R yeah
2343s they just run away get stuck on each
2345s other and get all choked up so we've got
2347s this piece here now called an Archer
2349s post and it looks like a a little quiver
2352s and you can put this on like you know
2354s crenelated walls um or like this uh
2357s fence here sorry failing to pull out my
2358s building hammer and
2362s uh the Archer will stay at that position
2365s like the doors that that we put um we
2367s put the guard positions on the doors
2369s last update um so it's really another
2372s tool or another set of tools that you
2373s can use to defend your base and keep
2377s things acting the way you want them
2378s to I mentioned it in the last stream too
2381s but this is the kind of way that we want
2382s to start to move toward with THS so you
2385s see them just as less of an inventory
2389s item and more of a thing that's present
2390s in the world um and that's what we're
2393s going to be working toward so once you
2396s have someone and you've made a friend
2398s they are a person in the world not a
2399s thing that you just kind of you know
2401s place and forget you might tell them
2402s what to do but uh yeah that's pretty
2406s much that for those and then uh as far
2408s as like what's eligible to be placed at
2410s an Archer station is it can it be any
2412s thr or does it have to specifically be
2413s an Archer thr I don't think it needs to
2415s be specifically an Archer but I'm not
2417s 100% positive um anything that is like a
2420s fighter should be placeable there I
2422s believe just like with the guards on the
2425s doors any fighter type not specifically
2428s fighter but you know basically we have
2430s two a split between CRA crafting THS and
2433s and fighting THS uh and any of those
2437s that are in the world like a
2438s dancer uh you know fighter bear whatever
2442s those guys should be able to man The
2443s Spot wait did you say bear Bearer a
2446s bearer I was like can you have a bear
2448s man an Archer station yes
2452s please all right I guess we should get
2455s into the town now as well
2459s I wish I had a good way to show the
2460s pitch pot but I think that it'll be kind
2461s of
2463s uh unpredictable what this what I spawn
2466s tries to do yeah I mean they they
2468s already exist in Chapter 2 so I think
2469s folks have already had a chance or you
2471s know I imagine most folks have had a
2473s chance to try it out if you're doing uh
2475s base defense stuff but this is just like
2477s an automated version of it right like if
2478s it detects an enemy yeah oh there we go
2481s it actually ped it out even though even
2483s though it couldn't hit them there
2484s pouring one out for our dead homies that
2485s are stuck in the door normally it would
2487s pour them out and try to actually hit
2488s them yeah yeah
2491s yeah skeleton armor
2495s sorry sorry it was all caps I had to I
2497s couldn't I couldn't resist I'm sorry
2503s goes and then just like normal pitch
2505s that'll burn over time yeah just like
2507s leave the dot on the ground yeah
2509s yeah and I know so yeah I saw someone on
2511s YouTube asking also like yeah so are the
2513s are these archer in placements like
2514s they'll just stay there right like it's
2516s essentially like a turn or like a tower
2517s almost yeah they will not leave that
2519s spot they'll stand there and
2521s fight excellent so yeah I I hopefully I
2525s know I saw some excitement for that and
2526s I know I saw in chat like some people
2527s saying like oh finally like some better
2529s Archer th functionality which I'm also
2532s happy for too
2534s so uh are players damaged by the pitch
2536s if it's Auto dropped on you since we
2538s have god mode we can 100% tell yeah it's
2541s just like normally if someone did it to
2543s you TCH him so don't stand in boiling
2545s pitch it doesn't hurt a ton right now
2548s but it might get some balance revision
2550s on the uh on the test server get some
2554s Buffs so yeah we're going through our B
2556s our base that was L invaded by small
2559s skeletal inv yeah just just a minor
2561s skeletal Invasion they're just here for
2562s a calcium it's fine uh it actually
2564s reminded me one other like super minor
2566s thing I want to talk about before we get
2567s too far um but we made additional
2571s adjustments to the camera o that's
2574s exciting the lock on camera I know not
2575s everyone uses it but uh for the people
2577s that do use it I'm you know we're trying
2579s to make it more and more kind of
2581s accessible right um so if I just spawn
2584s another skeleton here
2588s skeleton um so now you can see it's
2591s pulled further back so it's possible to
2593s see like the your feet a bit more so you
2595s have a better idea of where your
2596s character is in relation to your enemy
2599s and another cool thing is right now on
2601s live it's really hard to fight things on
2603s inclines but now if you get really close
2605s to something the camera will kind of
2606s tilt up over it so uh you're kind of
2610s looking down on it more and it's just a
2612s lot easier to fight stuff like that
2613s that's awesome that's good yeah and
2615s it'll adjust for inclines better as well
2617s so if there's actually if you're lower
2618s than something or something's higher
2619s than you then it's a lot easier to see
2621s what you're fighting uh it used to be
2623s kind of just like a straight line like
2625s you're here and the other thing is right
2626s in front of you so whenever you're
2628s fighting you can't really see what's on
2629s the other side of your weapon so now it
2631s kind of looks down on top of
2635s it all right oh yeah wack is asking how
2638s do how does that work with like the
2639s bigger enemies same as before okay yeah
2642s uh it's a lot harder to get closer to
2644s those points but test it out you'll
2648s see uh here's a bell ding ding so we'll
2653s have a a host of new placeables and
2654s building style options that are in the
2656s sort of like the the AER venure like
2658s Nordic theme uh as well as new um Clan
2662s emblems uh and other customization
2664s options as well uh more uh we're adding
2667s a whole bunch of like Clan Emblem
2668s enabled placeables as well with this
2671s update including a Tavern sign which
2673s you'll see in just a moment yeah uh this
2676s also is a Tavern guard armor set which I
2679s think is pretty sweet um I had the nedan
2682s Archer one on before I just put some
2684s more uh cool stuff on oh let's do this
2686s one now because it's super appropriate
2688s here's the barkeeper set
2690s yeah it's all dark and wet because it's
2693s rainy but it's more red than it appears
2696s I I guess okay now that we found some
2698s cover's our Clan Emblem uh you know
2701s Tavern bar sign it's got a you know a
2703s horn on it for drinking but you could
2705s call it anything you wanted technically
2707s the sign is
2708s editable oh that's exciting
2712s H Oh yay it's my trash Heap now it's
2715s Andy's house it's Andy's
2717s house it's way too clean for that
2719s there's not enough junk laying around in
2721s every corner and now we're in the
2724s tavern uh is a one bandages no but there
2728s is one that is
2731s bandages so looking fresh oh yeah so
2736s healthy I'm so healed and Medi and then
2740s I don't look like I'm definitely not AER
2742s I am not I am not a Nord I'm I'm part
2744s yamama Tha part
2746s whatever this that set was really uh
2748s there's we we have a set I I believe
2750s it's in the in the shop that uh is like
2754s medicine tent themed stit in like
2756s medicine tent
2758s essentially the horny T yeah not enough
2762s uh not enough of that here either hey
2764s look at that oh yeah there's
2766s something oh
2768s yeah uh well we can touch on that a
2770s little bit later too but yeah so one of
2772s the one of the other things that I'm
2773s really excited to uh talk about or at
2776s least touch on a little bit today is um
2778s some of you may remember we uh had a fan
2779s art contest earlier this year I think it
2781s was like April or March uh called Mystic
2783s masterpieces and uh one of the one of
2785s like the winning like prize conditions
2787s was that we would have uh the winning
2789s submissions turned into placeables in
2791s game uh and so the the three winning
2793s entries of the contest have been uh
2795s turned into free placeables that anyone
2797s can learn uh doesn't it's not payable
2799s doesn't cost anything um the the the
2802s tool tips uh need to be updated they
2804s currently just say
2805s painting uh and uh currently don't have
2808s uh artist attribution uh and so the
2810s paintings themselves will be implemented
2811s in this coming update but the uh like
2814s proper attribution will be coming in a
2815s later up
2817s update uh now that we're in the tavern
2819s let's talk about Tavern stuff
2822s um so this update is super super
2826s exciting for us
2828s um you know a lot of Adventures start in
2831s a
2832s Tavern it's pretty much cliche right
2835s like super cliche uh like almost every
2837s Dungeons and Dragons campaign that
2838s everyone's everever done has started in
2840s a Tavern um so as we look at the the
2845s longer life of of Conan and and what
2848s kind of stuff we'd like to do we'd like
2850s to start adding more and more stuff that
2852s makes the game World feel alive and I
2854s was talking about that with the archers
2857s before right like The Archers behave as
2859s you would expect them to um the guards
2862s have a job they guard the door you can
2864s assign them to do that so other things
2868s we wanted to do were with other thrs
2870s like crafters and stuff like that and
2872s and one of the things that I really
2874s wanted to do or that like we collect
2876s itively wanted to do was add a place
2878s that you could come as like a a central
2881s point for adventure so right now with
2885s the
2886s tavern uh a lot of what you see here is
2889s just kind of placed right like you could
2891s build something similar to this right
2893s now but there's more stuff going on in
2895s the background that you can't really
2899s see the barkeeper is now a new a new
2902s thrw a new follower that you can get and
2906s whenever you find them you'll find them
2908s in the purge in this update in the
2910s future there will be more additional
2912s sources but for now you'll have to
2913s complete the purge to un to rescue the
2916s barkeeper the barkeeper becomes your
2918s companion and they teach you how to
2921s build a Tavern uh they're kind of they
2924s have a little dialogue line that's
2925s essentially like I'm a lot more used
2927s behind a bar than I am in a
2929s battle and if you build that Tavern and
2932s put them behind the
2934s bar patrons will start to come to the
2937s bar so the people that sit in the bar
2940s aren't just your THS that you've sat out
2943s there will now have people coming in
2945s from outside that will take seats at
2947s tables have drinks that you can uh speak
2950s with and um in this iteration the
2954s biggest thing is that you can hire THS
2957s from The Tavern through
2960s that there's a little more as well if I
2963s speak with her here uh you can see she
2966s has the normal talking trade and there's
2968s a new one to enlist context so the
2971s barkeeper is really like the eyes and
2973s ears of the underworld she knows
2976s people and she can help you get those
2979s people so now we have a new menu where
2983s you can come and actually if you've
2985s rescued iscar from a purge you can hire
2987s him to come to your Tavern he'll pop in
2991s take a seat and you can interact with
2993s his
2994s inventory I think that that immediately
2996s A lot of people that are into like RPGs
2999s and stuff can see the extreme potential
3002s in this uh like I I'm literally giddy
3005s with excitement about it because now so
3007s cool we can contextually rescue or find
3010s or meet or assist people in the world
3012s and bring them into your
3016s base it's the seeds of Adventure like we
3020s we'll now be able to give you things you
3022s know going forward we can plan new
3024s content that will come back to your base
3027s send you out into the world and then
3029s have a reason to return back to the base
3030s as well um someone asks if they work as
3034s THS these specific characters do not
3037s work as thals but that's not to say that
3039s other ones could not so iscar himself uh
3043s will not follow you and fight with you
3046s but that's not an
3051s impossibility all right one second we
3053s got a couple questions from CH what's up
3056s um also I just wanted to say that uh I I
3058s do see your all's questions uh I'm
3060s collecting them as I go some of them are
3061s a little bit uh off topic so I'm I'll
3064s try um asking some more towards the end
3067s uh but for the tavern in particular um
3071s the town that you guys are showing this
3072s one isn't permanent this is just a build
3074s correct that was made so you guys don't
3075s have to worry about that um people are
3078s confused where you're showing off right
3080s now this is this is just something we
3081s built to show off the pieces and yeah
3083s yeah like this isn't some like this is
3085s like our private server bu we yeah yeah
3087s this is all stuff that we built so like
3088s yeah like mechanically kind of the way
3089s the tavern like the bar works is that
3091s it's a it's you place the bar down and
3093s you you you man it with the barkeep and
3096s then from there uh thr or you know
3098s potential patrons will uh enter like the
3101s vicinity and attempt to seat
3103s themselves uh based on just whatever you
3105s have out so like you don't have to have
3107s like a specific setup like there's no
3109s Tavern building it will just
3111s automatically try to find available
3112s seating for for potential NPCs to come
3114s in uh in this examp example here we do
3116s have a bunch of like placed NPCs and
3119s thrs um you can in fact at at the at the
3122s bar itself there are some slots for
3123s people that just sit down there uh we
3125s have some people just uh you know
3126s hanging out in the floor that kind of
3127s leads into the second question actually
3129s what's up what's the second question uh
3131s someone was asking if you could toggle
3132s the barkeeper on and off so if it's
3133s night time you won't have people
3134s entering the tavern um I imagine that's
3136s for RP purposes but uh I would imagine
3139s that's up to the server owners and like
3140s the people like uh well just in normal
3143s gameplay there's not an option like
3144s right now if you place the keeper so I
3146s mean what you could do is just take her
3148s from behind the bar like if she's no
3150s longer at the bar people won't come that
3152s makes sense oh yeah bar's closed yeah
3154s yeah yeah yeah bartender's gone home too
3157s 4 a.m. maybe in the future uh there
3159s might be some way to automate that yeah
3161s yeah can we um is there any way that we
3163s could try to like place or like move one
3164s of the these folks around to show like
3166s what the seating system kind of looks
3167s like or that that we can actually Place
3169s folks I can try I don't know we'll see
3172s if it will do what it's supposed to
3174s yoink perfect we had we had a build
3177s yesterday and the issue in that one was
3178s that all the chairs were invisible so
3181s can you yeah if you just like yeah stand
3183s guard and then just like place them
3184s somewhere else yeah yeah there you go so
3185s yeah you can see like the various uh
3187s like valid locations that you can place
3189s them just like with the uh yeah I see
3191s what you're saying sorry yeah I'm I'm
3192s sorry I was nondescript about that yeah
3194s so yeah so whenever you have a thrw uh
3196s that you want to play somewhere those
3197s green outlines show you where you can
3199s put them and then just snap them right
3201s in there and that is the exact system
3204s that we're going to start trying to work
3206s into like crafting stations and things
3208s like that so you can say hey th this is
3210s what I'd like you to do instead of just
3211s go somewhere and do an emote do this
3214s specific
3215s thing um there's a juggling man on the
3217s floor yeah we got to we just got to move
3220s those that they're again this is all
3221s work in progress St yeah sometimes
3224s sometimes they go through the floor on
3225s server
3229s start oh the cat's gone there was a cat
3231s up here before do the green outlines
3233s also show yeah so all those all those
3235s locations I think are wait can can the
3237s player sit at the bar like a thr can I
3239s know all those other places are just
3240s like regular seating like it's just
3243s regular seating for anyone so this is
3245s like all that stuff is just like
3247s actually like this one you probably
3248s can't because this one's designed for
3250s them to sit at but like the individual
3251s chairs I should be able to sit at this
3253s one yeah cool and now I as a player will
3256s do the same thing that the uh NPC would
3260s do yeah yeah what's uh sorry one sec we
3262s got another question from chat what's up
3264s sorry I keep interrupting
3266s questions um someone was wondering if
3267s other players can visit and recruit
3268s thews from other people's
3271s taverns I am not positive what the rules
3274s are on that right now but I think that
3276s we made it clan restricted I don't think
3278s that you can go somewhere and hire
3280s someone from another Clan's Tavern me
3283s but if it was another player in your
3285s clan theoretically
3287s yes sweet thank
3289s you there is also
3294s um no I guess I won't say that
3297s yet there is a chance for very high
3299s value thrs to appear in your
3304s Tavern they cost more coin but they
3306s bring more value M that's
3311s exciting any other questions from chant
3314s or so yeah uh so yeah I mean you can
3317s basically with the system I mean you can
3319s just build as soon as you plop down your
3321s Tavern bar or like your bar and just
3323s like you just have some tables anywhere
3325s uh people will potentially start coming
3327s in the at least on this build like the
3329s the hireable or like the the the autogen
3333s thrs that actually come in or characters
3335s I should say that come into your P come
3337s into your bar uh are currently I think
3339s dressed in like regular kind of like Co
3341s outfits yeah yeah right now if you see
3344s guys that are just wear they look like
3345s Exiles basically right they just look
3347s like regular Exiles from early game uh
3350s and the tavern Works in syta yeah yeah
3353s okay cuz that's just a yeah it's
3355s mechanically again it's just a it's a
3356s crafting station I guess technically you
3358s then man with a
3362s barkeep and so yeah this is this is an
3365s exciting like Launchpad again for for
3369s things we want to also try and do for
3370s the future it's it's all very
3374s exciting um so let's see oh yeah we need
3378s music in the tavern as well yeah
3380s actually one of our stretch goals that
3381s we didn't hit was adding some more
3383s rabble in here as well um so you know we
3386s we do have plans to expand more on this
3389s as well I think that um now that we have
3393s this was like an entire thing to build
3395s right uh but we built it in a way that
3397s it could easily expand to other things
3399s so now if we wanted to make a stage that
3402s people can go up and play instruments on
3404s that's much more simple work for us
3407s right uh things like that are absolutely
3410s within the realm of possibility
3412s now you could even be one on the stage
3414s playing the instrument
3421s excellent so okay um let's actually
3425s explore some of this base some more also
3426s and show off some of the other things
3427s that we have coming up in terms of like
3429s building sets or other other fun uh like
3432s options that we'll have uh that'll be
3434s included with the battle pass and the
3436s bizaar and of course again yeah if you
3438s have any other questions about the
3439s tavern or the siege of Al marai please
3440s let us know in chat and we'll try to
3441s answer what we
3443s can all right yeah I don't know if
3446s there's anywhere you want to guide me to
3447s specifically there is well because I
3449s know yeah yeah yeah the dungeon stuff
3451s yeah so we have um so coming up uh oh
3454s [ __ ] I forget sorry part of my language
3455s I forget off the top of my head whether
3457s these are I'm assuming this is a bizarre
3460s set but yeah we're we're uh expanding
3462s upon the um yeah gotcha yeah we're
3465s expanding upon the the the Lost dungeon
3467s Set uh adding uh additional new options
3471s uh for creating the dungeon of your
3472s dreams uh including uh
3475s more columns more types of uh uh um imp
3480s implements for your friends to play in
3485s uh and spiral
3487s staircases yeah this guy's uh crying in
3490s the jibit here um yeah yeah what's up so
3493s you get the barkeep from The Purge you
3495s said yeah okay do you know what level
3497s Purge you possibly need I don't know
3499s what the minimum level is off the top of
3501s my head I'm sorry that's
3503s okay can you put a t inside this dungeon
3507s theoretically yeah sweet yeah you could
3509s put it anywhere excellent
3511s perfect uh so here again is another
3514s extension of that same system that we're
3515s using
3517s um you know so here's the old uh guard
3520s position beside a door so that person
3523s will be a guard we probably need some uh
3525s signaling that kind of shows what the
3527s the job is right or like what the action
3529s is cu now you see there's a lot of uh
3532s potential places to put it and one of
3533s them isn't in here
3535s so you can put a put a thrw in there now
3537s similar to the chains before so you can
3540s actually take this guy out they're
3542s decorative you see
3544s yeah and uh yeah the spiral stairs they
3547s they lead to nowhere but I want to show
3548s them because of how cool they are yeah I
3550s mean they technically lead into a room
3551s upstairs that's just unfurnished
3552s currently it's just a blank room uh so
3555s they they do take up a fair amount of
3556s space but I know some people might be
3558s pretty excited about so worse yeah
3560s pretty excited about a spiral staircase
3562s option finally for your dank
3564s dungeons
3567s those stairs are awesome hell
3570s yeah so that'll be something that's
3572s added uh I know we have other things
3575s that we are adding I know we're adding a
3576s new bear pet a new cat pet uh as well as
3579s an uh I know we touched upon it briefly
3582s I know some people in chat were like is
3583s there a new Mount maybe there is I think
3586s this roof piece is new too right so oh
3588s yeah yeah the vaed ceilings yeah Ved
3591s ceilings for it um we actually had this
3593s in the tavern too I'll go back and show
3594s you guys again too but we did a similar
3596s thing um in the tavern nice oops wait so
3601s sorry onor this this comment made me
3603s laugh what uh can you make the cry more
3606s pathetic and pained oh yeah we need
3608s something more authentic here let me we
3609s might need a poker for that let me do
3611s some vo for it then I'll I'll I'll
3613s volunteer as tribute for anyway thank
3616s you for the question sure
3620s yeah H yes I'm contemplating this
3622s torture wack yes very good it's pretty
3624s sad
3627s uh rightthe where else where else should
3630s I go I think there's a mount over or not
3632s a mount sorry a new uh pet over
3637s here so that's what a pretty stag yeah
3640s that's the I think a veneer
3643s heart
3645s yeah an elk and then uh we do have uh
3653s you want to just talk about the mount
3654s where's it that great question uh I will
3657s I think we just have to show some video
3659s for it because this build is very silly
3660s with when it comes to the camels but I
3662s left one over
3664s here do we dare oh oh no yeah sorry
3668s sorry like we we've got a bug yeah a
3672s little little bit of an issue with this
3673s thing where you're TR yeah so I'm just
3675s going to we're just going to show off
3676s some of the the uh couple of the new
3680s cosmetics in the mound in a video uh it
3683s is really funny though we might I really
3685s want to show a video of it like on
3686s social media later but yeah right now
3688s it's just like not a great
3689s look um it it's incredible hold on but
3694s yeah let me let me see if I can fire up
3697s this just really quick just make
3699s sure okay
3705s cool all
3709s right the camel has not only had too
3711s much cactus wine it is like
3715s their hump is full of cactus wine and
3717s has not going anywhere anytime
3722s soon so everyone yeah I mean everyone at
3725s this point knows that the new Mountain
3726s is a camel
3728s um if you don't here's your introduction
3731s you can ride a camel now can you punch
3733s the camel you can't there's no camel
3735s punch emote uh you could just use a
3738s regular punch that's an option so you
3740s could punch your camel
3741s manually um they're balanced to be the
3744s same as Horses I think that we're
3746s probably going to increase their storage
3747s size a little bit to kind of you know
3749s drive home that they a pack animal a bit
3751s more um so that might be like the slight
3753s Advantage they have over
3754s horses and here's the the the new bear
3757s cub and a little black cat pet one cool
3759s thing too if it's not shown in this
3761s video uh the bear cub is part of the
3763s tavern set as well and in the bar for
3766s the tavern there is a little cubby for
3768s the bear to sleep in oh yeah yeah
3770s there's like a little like slot
3771s underneath the T yeah yeah yeah that's
3773s super cute here uh sorry oh you go ahead
3776s you got it I mean these are the these
3777s are some of the new armor sets that are
3779s also coming uh with the chapter on the
3780s right hand side we have a vaner bar I'm
3783s GNA pause this vard wait yeah vard barke
3786s on the I can't anyway yeah vard barkeep
3789s and then all the way on the screens left
3793s is the tavern guard vanard Tavern guard
3795s outfit uh and then the middle one I
3797s think is the that's a niedan Archer set
3799s Medan Archer and on the left side of the
3801s screen also is the lookout Bell that's
3803s the Bell that you can ring
3805s oh yeah yeah that's an interactable and
3806s it's just it it clanks around and lets
3809s people know oh there's Intruders watch
3810s out I believe that's currently part of
3812s the nidian Archer the same set the new
3815s yeah I'm not uh I wasn't 100% sure on
3817s the um like what what all was included
3819s in like bundles any right this up the
3822s theme of that one is like uh look Archer
3824s Lookout essentially gotcha cool thank
3826s you oh also we didn't mention this but
3829s camels are base game so oh that was one
3831s of my questions yeah you don't have to
3832s pay to have a camel you can just tame a
3834s t camel now yeah and like there'll be
3837s like alternate Saddles and such that we
3839s may have available in like either
3840s through the BP or bizaar but yeah like
3841s the base functionality to like have your
3843s own camel is for everyone like you don't
3845s have it's not payall or anything like
3846s that do you know the inventory space for
3847s the camel uh it's currently 10 slots but
3850s I think that we're probably going to
3851s expand it to be 15 or
3855s 20 sweet uh and so there were a couple
3858s questions in chat actually going back to
3859s the tavern system a little bit um is
3863s there uh what so all types of THS are
3867s like are potentially available through
3869s the TH or through the tavern system like
3871s can can like Crafters come in in in
3873s addition to Fighters or like is there
3875s can you not yet yeah okay so that that's
3877s just again I don't want to get too deep
3880s into it because it's not in this actual
3881s update I don't want to confuse anybody
3883s but that's like our long-term plan is
3886s that all Crafters exist in the world in
3888s the same way that Fighters do so if you
3891s find a a blacksmith or you know
3895s whatever whatever crafter cook like they
3898s they will always be a character that
3899s exists in the world and they when you
3901s convert them they won't become an
3902s inventory item uh stay inventory
3906s item can bar patrons be
3910s romanced if only yo yeah yeah question
3913s from chant what's up um someone was
3915s asking if they can recruit crafter
3916s thalls from The Tavern like Carpenters
3918s yeah yeah that's kind of what we're
3919s touching on oh I'm Sor yeah yeah sorry
3921s sorry yeah yeah this is this is
3922s precisely what we're touching on cuz I
3923s did see that comment time too looking at
3925s CH yeah we we thought about making it so
3928s you could like hire them and they would
3930s just convert into an inventory item
3931s right away but I think that at the end
3933s of the day we decided like the full
3935s experience of having them is so close on
3938s the horizon that let's not put the time
3939s into
3942s it thank you thank you oh bearup is part
3945s of Tavern set Tavern is not base Game
3948s tavern is base game but there is a the
3950s SK the the bar that you see here is a
3953s skin for the tavern uh there's a
3955s different one for the base game as well
3957s yeah and I think well we're also
3958s planning on having like a yamatai themed
3960s uh Tavern Set uh that will be coming in
3962s the uh Bazaar at some at some point as
3965s well yeah it's very exciting it's super
3967s cool
3968s looking H you can sit down like those
3970s like uh like tat Tomy mats I think and
3972s like the the floor tables and such too
3974s so it's it's very very quaint I love it
3976s quaint in a good way I know quaint
3977s sometimes like has like negative uh uh
3980s can be construed as a negative Comet but
3981s I I'm using quaint as like a positive
3983s like oh it's cozy
3986s okay so uh we're we're just coming up in
3988s the hour so I did want to move forward
3989s just a little bit um going forward so uh
3993s again the uh most of this so all the
3997s actual gameplay features are now
3998s currently available to be played right
4000s now on the public beta uh that went live
4002s this morning just a few hours before
4004s today's stream uh everyone can access it
4007s uh through your steam Library so it's PC
4009s only uh you have to just download the
4011s public beta client uh for COD and Exiles
4013s and then you'll be able to patch it up
4014s up uh and then go from there and then uh
4018s once again let us know your feedback on
4019s the forums uh and you can read all the
4021s patch nots on our forums as well did you
4023s want to surf through this at all yeah
4026s yeah let's take a look at some of some
4027s of the the battle pass she get some of
4030s the battle pass stuff yeah yeah um so
4033s I'll just click through the tiers real
4034s quick and you can just glance real quick
4036s at what's there I'll point out the
4037s things that are cool so there's that in
4039s your
4040s heart thank you Myra and uh again
4043s there's like like Andy said there's a
4044s lot
4045s cool you know Clan Clan Emblem supported
4047s stuff in this it's a really cool one
4050s yeah yeah you can see some of the kegs
4051s that were placed in our Tavern uh yeah
4054s all new emotes uh wall sprays all the
4057s stuff that you oh wait was that the uh
4059s all the stuff that you would expect okay
4060s that's the drinking one I got I want to
4061s show you guys a specific emote if it's
4063s in here
4067s ooh and you get a little sneak peek of
4069s all the amazing background Tableau our
4072s artists create there's the bar counters
4074s sorry that one's part of the battle pass
4075s oh cool okay great
4079s sweet oh yeah that was the one of the
4081s cool armor sets that was being worn
4082s earlier oh yeah yeah and that's uh um
4085s that was uh adapted from Age Of Conan
4088s too this was an AOC armor set that we
4090s translated what class was that I forget
4092s off the top of my head now I feel bad I
4094s think this one was just a generic Mage
4098s one at that point cuz it was one of the
4101s tanan one I think it came out around the
4103s teron expansion Savage Coast yeah yeah
4105s gotcha gotcha but it's a pic dish
4108s set if it was for a specific class it
4110s was probably Necromancer
4112s gotcha maybe someone in chat
4115s knows there's the guard armor
4119s m a bunch of free treb ammo for that
4121s Siege here we
4125s go oh yeah and just
4127s like just be
4130s dead I need uh I need a picture of that
4133s inside of a crater
4136s go for recreate my favorite Yamcha meme
4139s for all you weebs out there hope you
4141s understand
4142s that all right well that's
4145s that chat destroy thanks Ed anyway
4147s certainly don't have to be a a weeb to
4149s like DB that's true I I that became very
4152s mainstream it is very mainstream I
4154s apologize I shouldn't but I I feel like
4156s the
4157s the I don't know the the cultural impact
4159s of the Yamcha mem is a kind of a more
4161s specific targeted uh audience I think
4165s so when will this content be playable
4167s for us so uh again it is available now
4169s on public beta but chapter 3 is set to
4171s officially launch on December 14th uh so
4175s we'll have a little little under a month
4176s of testing before the official launch
4178s again December 14th uh but yeah that's
4180s when chapter 3 will officially launch
4182s for everyone uh incl so uh both on PC
4185s and on consoles uh where you can where
4187s you can sink your teeth or or or put
4188s your drinking corn to your lips to to uh
4191s to tackle all this uh new content that's
4193s coming your way just in time for the
4195s holidays T the season baby let's
4197s go a quick question yeah yeah so another
4200s quick question yeah can you just um I
4203s guess we had some questions so can you
4205s go over what will and what won't be on
4207s syta because there's some confusion
4209s there for this update in general yeah
4211s well the I sorry I can I think I know
4214s the answer to this I mean it's the the
4216s all all the like the gameplay features
4218s so like the The Tavern system all the
4220s new buildables uh all that will be uh
4223s available for everyone the siege of Al
4224s marai is exclusive to Exile planes uh
4228s there's no like analog or counterpart on
4229s zpta we definitely do want to put a
4231s version on of it on cpta but it's a
4235s complex feature to implement so we had
4236s to do it simply in one place to get it
4238s right and then we can do it in other
4240s places later
4243s okay cool and I I I know I also saw some
4246s questions about some other things that I
4247s know we've talked about in the future so
4248s is this uh like like things like oh like
4251s fatalities or like anything with the
4253s purge and stuff like that there's a lot
4254s of PVP questions I was wondering uh yeah
4257s yeah yeah I did see a bunch of those
4258s questions as well um do we have any like
4261s uh gam player PVP or maybe maybe saying
4264s oh PVP specific changes are maybe the
4266s best way to to frame that but do we have
4268s any like combat changes or balance
4269s changes or anything in that realm that
4271s we can
4273s expect um I'm trying to remember
4276s specifically um so just for everyone
4280s else's uh information I
4282s suppose I working in several different
4285s releases at a time so it's hard to
4287s remember what is where sometimes yeah
4289s Dennis is a busy guy he's managing a lot
4291s of high level stuff for the game so
4293s every where everything kind of falls
4294s into with each like release and build is
4296s kind of I I did just test this um but
4301s one thing that we are shipping in this
4303s update is we added nine frames to the
4306s startup of the spear heavy
4309s attack so all of our thres or all of our
4312s animations are made in in 30th PS and
4315s those nine frames will extend the time
4318s before the hit occurs on a spear heavy I
4320s think that's the biggest PVP like really
4324s oriented change and it really just made
4326s sense for PVE and PVP because before the
4329s heavy attack on spear was actually
4331s faster than the light attack so now it
4334s feels a lot heavier and it'll be harder
4336s to put that snare on people that uh I
4338s think a lot of people are frustrated
4341s with nice so yeah yeah the slower start
4344s up on the attack is yeah got we've we've
4346s got some other stuff coming too and
4349s again I I don't like to talk too much
4351s about what's not in this update but I
4353s know a lot of people pretty much like
4356s everyone wants a fix for roll spam and
4358s we are testing a fix for R spam
4360s internally right now it will not be in
4362s the hot fix if we have a hot fix after
4364s this it'll be in like whatever the next
4366s major update will be but we know that's
4369s a hot topic for a lot of people so I
4372s just want you to know we're working on
4373s it cool thank thank you for that yeah
4375s yeah many many times it's like you know
4376s we see a lot of comments come up and
4377s like we can't realistically answer like
4379s each and every individual combo but we
4380s do see you know we do see a lot of these
4382s comments and we do what we can but you
4384s know it also like we don't want to put
4385s ourselves in a position where like we're
4387s saying we're going to do something but
4388s it isn't working out internally or
4389s something like that we don't want to
4390s overpromise or anything like that or set
4392s expectations and then end up not like
4394s you know not be able to do it I guess so
4397s speaking of over
4398s promising should we segue into the
4402s additional seasonal information yeah
4404s sure that sounds great unless Nicole you
4407s have anything else you want to ask about
4409s uh am I on yeah yes yes Sor you're fine
4412s no nothing to ask about but I just
4414s wanted to also um say again and I say
4416s this every stream that we have new
4418s content coming but with these new
4420s patches are always bug fixes too with it
4422s obviously we're not going to go every
4423s single one but they're in there yeah and
4426s a lot of the stuff yeah like uh uh you
4429s know the public beta is definitely there
4430s to like get feedback and and and
4432s identify like issues or bugs that might
4435s pop up some bugs take longer to fix than
4437s others so like we may not necessar like
4438s if it's like a really serious issue we
4440s may not be able to like guarantee
4441s that'll be resolved by the time it
4443s launches but that kind of stuff usually
4445s gets reserved for like any like uh hot
4446s fixes like you might remember from last
4448s chapter like we had something that
4449s popped up I think during the beta but it
4450s was a pretty big issue so we need more
4452s time to do it but it did come out I
4453s think eventually in either hot fix one
4455s or hot fix two not that long after the
4457s launch um you know obviously we we in a
4460s perfect word we could snap our fingers
4461s and like fix every bug but that's just
4463s not how sofware development works so
4465s yeah we have a very aggressive release
4466s cycle and it takes a long time to
4470s actually get those through to all the
4472s platforms that they need to go that too
4473s because of like certification and all
4474s that so there's a lot of roadblocks and
4476s a lot of like red tape to have to go
4477s through with that kind of stuff so we
4479s piate your patience when it comes to
4481s some of the turnaround time and some of
4482s the issues that kept identified uh for
4485s lack of better term so anyway I've been
4488s I've been talking over you sorry no
4489s you're fine um okay so this thing it's a
4494s a pretty big thing to talk about
4499s but I'll start by going back to what
4502s someone talked about with over promising
4504s right
4505s someone uh some yeah you know someone
4507s brought up you know a lot of people in
4509s chat are saying like where are
4510s fatalities where are alliances I think
4514s that alliances specifically were a
4517s probably a case of over
4519s promising um there are a lot of concerns
4522s with alliances that I knew about
4524s whenever we brought it up to begin with
4527s the more we had time to think about it
4529s the more we decided it was just not
4531s worth doing right now in the Incarnation
4534s that we plan doing it so we need to go
4535s back to the drawing board a little bit
4537s with alliances I still want and need to
4541s find a way to get people to be able to
4543s play together easier I think that games
4546s are more fun in general when you're
4548s playing with other people and just
4549s because you play on a PVP server you
4551s shouldn't be penalized for that so we
4554s would like to find a way to make
4556s essentially grouping work
4559s without
4560s allowing people to overrun servers just
4563s by having too many
4565s friends
4568s um so that I would consider an
4570s overpromise in a way because we really
4573s weren't 100% sure on the plan when we
4575s started it fatalities are in the works
4579s uh we have fatalities we have fatalities
4581s working we have many fatalities the best
4585s F the biggest fatalities and they're
4588s very very good fatalities however to get
4591s that entire system working the way we
4593s want it to we're pushing it back in
4594s another release as well and that brings
4597s me to the much larger point that
4600s they're are currently three chapters in
4603s an in an age so we have nine months of
4606s uh one kind of concurrent theme and
4608s story to drive us through we're going to
4611s be adding a fourth chapter to them
4616s and a lot of that reason is just because
4619s like we have more that we want to do and
4621s not enough time to do that thing so I
4624s want to give you fatalities I don't want
4626s them to be
4628s garbage um so you know that and we also
4632s have a lot more Purge content coming we
4635s actually have like um I think four or
4638s five new specialty waves for The Purge
4641s that are like 95% done but because
4643s they're not completely done I don't want
4645s to give you something broken
4648s so our new layout will really be like
4652s kind of a major feature some content in
4655s the next chapter and some like quality
4657s of life fixes and updates then another
4661s feature update and then another quality
4663s of life and content update so you'll see
4665s content in all four of those releases
4667s going forward and every other one will
4669s have more major updates to the game and
4673s those four chapters will carry us
4674s through our our ages
4678s until yeah and so the the end of time I
4681s guess the the then the question there is
4682s yeah well so Age of War will have a
4684s fourth chapter then there will be a
4685s fourth chapter of age of War yep very
4688s exciting so you here to hear folks uh uh
4690s be on the lookout for chapter 4 uh we'll
4692s be um we'll have more details like about
4694s that in the coming weeks and months as
4696s well as a a letter from our producer
4697s talking about uh kind of like the high
4699s level stuff uh regarding like the this
4702s kind of thing so keep an eye out social
4703s media channels uh in the coming weeks uh
4706s as we approach the holidays and the
4707s launch of chapter 3 uh one other thing
4709s too just before it gets lost in the
4713s the in chat here a couple people have
4716s asked what fatalities are so if anyone
4719s is an AOC player going back to more
4721s older funcom games they'll be similar to
4723s the AOC fatalities where when someone
4726s dies they enter sort of a stunned State
4729s and
4731s whenever they're in that state you can
4733s attack them with like a light attack and
4734s it'll instead of doing the light attack
4736s perform a fatality and you know other
4738s like dismember or otherwise dismal or
4741s viscer or you know it'll kill them in a
4744s very colorful way and then you'll get a
4745s benefit for doing that so you'll deal
4748s some more damage get some stamina and
4749s some health back and you can continue
4756s slaying do we ever have oh uh well some
4760s some astute Exiles are also mentioned
4762s talking about uh uh down but not yeah
4764s down but out not out and for the
4767s uninitiated down but not out is a system
4769s where when your follower reaches no
4773s Health they have died essentially
4775s instead of dying they go into a down
4777s state where you can help them back up
4779s and they get some of their life back and
4780s they can fight again that's also on a
4783s road mapap for things that we'll begin
4784s releasing I do not believe that as an
4787s age of War Chapter 4
4789s release it might be an a third age uh
4793s release I'm not 100% positive but it is
4795s still on a road map I still want it
4797s there I think that the frustration of
4799s losing followers especially to things
4801s outside of your control is too high to
4802s not have
4805s it thank you for that yeah yeah and yeah
4809s that there will be another age after age
4811s of War uh and I saw someone in chat ask
4813s again so again uh what Jeremy's in chat
4816s oh LOL making dad jokes yeah yeah yeah
4819s uh and then so yeah chapter Age of War
4820s Chapter 3 what we're previewing today uh
4822s will be officially launched on all
4823s platforms uh the targeted date is
4826s December 14th and it is currently
4827s available to be tested on public test or
4829s public beta uh right now uh only on PC
4833s though so if you if you're on Steam
4835s again just uh download the Conan Exel
4837s public beta client update it and you can
4839s play uh some of the chapter 3 stuff
4841s right
4843s now cool okay that was someone keep
4845s saying give darfari more content but
4847s like we literally have that armor set we
4849s have so much so yeah I guess that's
4851s piced that's different I'm just going
4853s I'm going to swap back just really quick
4855s too uh and so that brings us uh we're
4860s we're running over a little bit for the
4862s hour so I just wanted to go over a few
4864s housekeeping and Community notes uh
4867s before we start exiting or before we
4870s before we bid you at you so you can go
4871s play and test uh so again yeah there's
4873s going to be a little giveaway uh coming
4875s up I believe today it's yeah very tiny
4878s give so Nicole what are we what are we
4881s doing what are we doing so
4884s oops oh we had okay sorry we had a yober
4887s contest and the winners got um a couple
4890s really cool items including a DLC of
4892s their choice uh one of the winners has
4894s graciously decided to give it away and
4896s they said hey you have a stream coming
4897s up I'd like to give it away to um chat
4901s so we'll run a little giveaway literally
4903s just just it's just one DLC I I would do
4905s more if I could but um shout out to
4909s jalus that's uh who is giving it away
4912s thank you for that yeah so um I guess do
4914s you do you want to do it now or later we
4916s can just I mean we can we can run the
4918s thing like how um get those tickets
4920s going yeah like can you explain like how
4922s players or how viewers you just need to
4924s chat and find in the twitch or or
4926s YouTube just say something and you'll be
4927s entered yeah and so and both twitch and
4929s YouTube are eligible for this okay cool
4930s exclamation point lore oh my God the
4934s legend excuse
4936s me
4938s sorry and so yeah uh for for those of
4940s you watching also uh at home who
4943s uh yober was a um uh last year we did a
4947s uh uh like a building contest titled
4950s yober this year we did another yober uh
4952s another contest titled revenge of Y
4954s October uh this time was a spooky
4956s screenshot contest and so um we had a
4959s number of uh entries coming we chose a
4961s screenshot contest because that way also
4963s like console players can get involved
4964s and then it's a lot easier for them and
4966s screenshots are a lot simpler to just
4968s like take than yeah you know original
4969s art or or anything like that it doesn't
4971s have to be a building or anything like
4972s that either did you want to show I will
4974s yes sorry no no no you're fine you're
4977s fine I know I'm on top of things for
4978s once it's crazy it's weird right what
4981s the so here are uh oops you can kind of
4985s hello I didn't I didn't resize these
4988s perfectly but you can kind of see us in
4990s the corner here I should have moved
4991s these over but yeah so this is a
4992s slideshow of the various entries that we
4994s got uh these are all the winners and no
4996s particular order across the three
4998s platform or across four different
4999s categories unmodded Modded Xbox and
5002s PlayStation
5003s um unmodded a moded being on PC
5006s sorry the composition in some of these
5008s was actually so good oops actually
5011s remember being like when we we vote on
5013s them internally and I remember being
5015s able to vote and being happy that I got
5016s to pick ones that all had good
5018s composition
5024s oh all right congratulations love this
5027s one yeah this one's really
5029s nice I really like the um
5033s what is it the the looks like a carnival
5035s cart of sorts I don't know if that one
5037s made it into the finals but I remember
5039s that honorable mention gotcha Okay cool
5042s aesome so yeah thanks thanks so much to
5044s all the uh entrance and for and congrats
5047s to all the winners of uh the October
5049s screenshot contest as well apparently
5052s the bar patrons are crying in the back
5054s right now oh so you just hear we're just
5056s hearing like people crying in the
5058s backround that's funny I mean yeah
5059s that's what you that's it's realistic
5061s Tavern you go there you go there to
5062s around your sorrow you know it's what
5064s you do oh I made myself sad okay I'm
5067s going to go switch back to this
5070s now uh and then also yeah actually I
5072s wanted to uh I lied I wanted to go back
5074s to the game display uh I wanted to show
5076s those pictures uh the yeah those
5078s paintings off again so again uh these
5080s are uh the the chapter 3 update also
5083s features uh picture frames featuring uh
5086s original fan art uh from our three
5088s winners of The Mystic masterpieces
5089s contest again they don't have proper
5091s artist uh attribution and we apologize
5093s for that but at least the art is in and
5096s we're we're in we're in the process
5097s right now of contacting the wiers again
5099s to just confirm details and uh we we
5102s have to like send it through like
5103s localization and all that so
5105s unfortunately there's the other one hold
5106s there's one more
5109s H one too oh yes yes yes there it is
5111s there it is yeah and so um you know to
5115s to make them fit within the game world
5116s like they they underwent like some minor
5118s changes mostly to just like add like a
5120s like a linen texture sorry to to make it
5123s look like it actually like feels like
5124s it's within the world and doesn't really
5126s like take you out of it but that those
5127s are the only changes that we made but
5129s otherwise yeah these are the these three
5130s winners are
5131s under um the it's just called Mystic
5134s masterpieces collection again it's
5136s available for everyone it's just uh it's
5138s just a feet that you can learn for free
5139s there's no pay wall or anything like
5141s that so again congrats to the winners
5143s and thank you for for your submissions
5145s all right I'm going to roll it okay just
5147s so yeah it's just one winner so uh it's
5149s out of like hundreds of people so good
5151s luck good luck
5154s I hope I win I've been talking in chat
5155s oh yeah I hope I win congrats 24x I'll
5158s DM you H alas
5164s rats um and then uh I have a couple
5167s shout outs we had um one of our
5169s developers here had a specific request
5171s for someone who helped us out a bunch
5173s with uh with just like sending us a
5176s bunch of information on uh just like
5179s kind of serious issues that were going
5180s on within the game and so we uh we' like
5182s to give a quick shout out to Lyft uh
5187s lfed uh for for your amazing info thank
5189s you so much uh as well as uh couple
5192s other folks that have been helping us
5193s out with uh identifying some critical
5195s issues so thanks thanks for the help and
5197s thanks for the shout out there thanks
5198s for the call out there vior appreciate
5200s it and then once the uh once all the
5204s giveaway stuff is finished up and we get
5207s the person the the winner they Goods uh
5210s there's one other fun little thing that
5211s we wanted to show before uh we head out
5213s and and wish you all an excellent uh
5215s rest of the day and
5216s week um but before we move into that do
5219s we have any closing comments or anything
5222s like that we'll try to again we'll try
5224s to answer your questions as best we can
5225s on the forums so right now uh we are
5227s kind of running out of time and so we we
5229s don't have a ton of time to answer too
5230s many more
5231s questions um
5235s but we like to close us out with that's
5238s it for me I'm just super excited um I
5242s cannot
5243s wait for the stuff that we can do with
5245s the new tools that we have and I hope
5248s everyone has fun making sweet taverns
5251s and smashing
5253s walls yeah it'll be
5255s fun uh and then oh and then yeah just uh
5258s I saw someone talk about like bizarre
5260s stuff too there will be a new um I think
5262s there's
5263s actually there's a I think there was a
5265s rotation or bizar rotation today and
5268s some new uh some new and returning
5270s bundles are actually back so I think
5271s like one of the returning bundles is
5273s like the nemedian bookcase or or Library
5276s bundle and then uh a couple other uh
5279s returning bundles for back back out of
5281s the Vault uh from from the age of
5283s sorcery so uh things are actually coming
5286s back which is exciting and uh stay tuned
5288s for
5289s more okay uh I think that's about it as
5292s far as like this preview goes uh what we
5295s wanted to close out with was just a fun
5296s project that we've been working on
5297s internally just uh it doesn't have
5299s anything to do necessarily with chapter
5300s 3 stuff but it's it's a fun creative
5302s project that we'll be working on uh it's
5305s it's like a little little planet Earth
5307s themed documentary uh that we we can
5309s just roll in just a
5311s bit uh so I'm actually going to do that
5314s right now we'll be back in just a second
5318s uh here it is
5320s hibor
5326s [Music]
5330s discoveries the exiled land is a harsh
5333s and dangerous place and the vast desert
5336s area in the South the broken highway is
5339s no
5340s exception here you won't find much
5343s between the dunes of sand and forgotten
5345s ruins besides Rock and the occasional
5349s Bush but soon Dooms turn to Jagged Crags
5353s pools of glittering water and patches of
5356s lush
5358s Greenery it is in these patches that a
5361s mother Shale back builds and protects
5363s her
5367s nest aggressive in nature she will do
5370s whatever it takes to protect her
5376s eggs a nearby imp takes a
5388s chance the mother comes out
5391s Victorious and prepares for whatever
5393s else may
5404s come the imps Retreat into a nearby cave
5408s hanuman's Grotto giving shelter and
5411s safety to these once human and now
5414s deformed
5415s [Music]
5417s creatures Twisted with corruption they
5420s are unaware and indifferent to the
5422s beautiful crystals that Adorn the cave
5425s walls and
5429s paths dive deep enough through the
5431s caverns and there sits Hanuman the ape
5434s God Palms faced up and awaiting
5441s offerings the Demonic imps and the
5443s Towering shalebacks are as deadly as
5446s they come however there are others who
5449s claim the most kills in the river the
5452s mighty sharp toothed crocodile blending
5455s into the brown and green of the land
5458s they have ambushed many unsuspecting
5463s Travelers and yet even they cannot match
5467s the giant crocodile their name says it
5471s all Exile Travelers take heed three
5475s times the size of common crocodiles this
5478s monster Sports long sharp teeth a spiked
5481s tail
5482s and Jaws long enough to swallow an exile
5487s whole with an abundance of water in such
5490s an arid climate many peaceful creatures
5493s make their homes here including rabbits
5496s and multitude of colorful fish swimming
5499s beneath the surface only an experienced
5503s Hunter will know how to capture and kill
5506s these wild animals to make a meal and
5508s put the ever persistent Beast of hunger
5511s to sleep until it wakes up
5516s again though staving hunger and thirst
5519s isn't the only threat to those condemned
5522s here quickly learning that to kill means
5525s to survive those that made it this far
5528s can be extremely hostile to others
5530s around them here we see a nordheimer
5534s fresh from the desert and determined to
5537s make it through another day he scans the
5540s camp hoping to find something useful
5544s before jumping into action and taking
5546s the two campers by
5551s [Music]
5567s surprise Victory but only by an inch the
5571s NTI must celebrates his win but even the
5574s hard-earned victory does not guarantee
5577s his
5583s safety he needs to search for
5591s shelter quick moving and turbulent this
5594s imposing Sandstorm blots out the Sun and
5597s anything caught within it grains of sand
5601s picked up by the wind tears everything
5603s in its path to shreds in
5607s minutes Without Shelter all the proper
5610s equipment death is
5619s inevitable the dark of night shrouds the
5621s Oasis as bonfires from various camps
5624s spark and give light skull's end is home
5628s to arguably one of the most dangerous
5631s tribes in in this area of the
5634s Oasis those who accidentally wander onto
5637s darfari land are unlikely to leave and
5641s may instead find themselves on the
5643s dinner
5646s menu by intent or coincidence these
5650s cannibals guard the entrance to a dark
5653s and for boing underground sewer the
5657s drgs many have tried and many have
5660s failed to defeat the Abyssal Remnant a
5663s giant serpent resting in a pool of
5670s acid the Desert
5673s Oasis and mighty Bluffs within it are
5677s full of wonder and secrets hidden in
5680s every
5682s corner join us next time when we explore
5686s and uncover more of the Mysteries within
5689s the exiled
5690s lands
5692s [Music]
5706s he all right well hope hope you all uh
5710s hope you all enjoyed the first
5711s installment of uh of hiban discoveries
5715s uh we had a lot of fun kind of working
5717s on that it's it's uh it's it's been made
5720s over quite a while uh no no like special
5723s like Unreal Engine whatevers just pure
5727s raw capture from a game pad in in game
5729s and uh uh shout outs to the voice actor
5732s uh voice of Kaz Kaz
5735s yes just a one just a wonderful person
5738s uh incredibly fast turnaround time on
5740s the script uh top topnotch topnotch
5742s higher so thank you for that I think
5744s there are mods for the mating of wild
5746s Exiles but that's not in the base
5748s game yeah we were just doing like it was
5750s like a pure vanilla client and all that
5752s stuff so yeah sorry anyway yeah so uh
5755s that about wraps it up for today uh uh a
5757s quick shout out to so uh I know I know a
5759s lot of folks over on YouTube are leaving
5761s some passionate uh questions we are
5763s aware of all that kind of stuff uh we
5764s are working on fixing uh uh bases and
5768s all that kind of thing uh but yeah so
5770s we're going to be uh saying our goodbyes
5772s uh wait you're now on screen but there
5776s you are that's it's Nicole hoay the so
5780s yeah um thank you again uh from all of
5783s us here uh at funcom in North Carolina
5786s uh thanks for tuning in today for a
5787s chapter 3 Dev stream uh again public
5791s beta is now available for chapter 3 go
5793s to your steam Library download the
5795s public test client leave your feedback
5796s on the
5797s forums uh official launch December 14th
5801s stay tuned for more thank you all so
5804s much for tuning in
5805s [Music]
5810s bye