over 1 year ago - Sarealac - Direct link

Hello everyone,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Could you please let us know if you notice this stuttering/freezing in specific spots on the map? If so, please send us a screenshot of the in-game map pointing to these locations.

Do specific activities/actions make this issue worse? If so, could you please let us know which ones and give more details?

Thank you in advance :smile:

over 1 year ago - Sarealac - Direct link

Hello everyone,

Thank you for this information!

Could you please answer a few more questions to assist us in narrowing down what the root of the issue could be?

  • What Console version are you playing on? (PS5, PS4 slim,…)
  • Are you using a wireless or wired internet connection?
  • Does this behavior seen on Single Player?
  • If you are experiencing this in an Official Server, please share the Official Server Number with us.

Thank you in advance! :smile: