about 5 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

32s [Music]
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546s you
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606s [Music]
632s hello hi welcome back it is Thursday
636s once again again again again again time
642s flies like like that
644s this Thursday once again which means
645s that it is a time for another live
648s stream here from the Oslo office snowy
651s also calm calm and it's been been snowy
654s and Natasha doesn't like to snow it's
665s cold and wet and I mean it's still March
669s and we have winter until I guess no
671s would be fine no it's all should be fine
673s too but I know it's like in between rain
676s and snow witches
677s it is the Natasha and yes a Power Hour
680s here from our offices in front come
684s where we've gotten some cool new lights
686s that should now no longer shut off so
695s yeah we have we have thing here that
697s should be able to we should be able to
698s control the lights and all that kind of
699s stuff that's gonna be neat and it's it's
702s good I think much better now I wish the
706s lamps will actually make me look better
708s it's it's yes and I my forehead doesn't
713s look all shiny you know we don't need we
715s don't need makeup artist anymore so
716s that's good yes and we're wearing the
720s latest fashion trend yeah here at the
724s hurt the fun come off is because we as
728s you as you may have noticed if you
729s follow us on twitter or on instagram at
732s official phone call we've got some super
734s cool dev team hooded jackets it even has
739s that yeah it even has the screaming man
742s on the back and the flag which is really
744s really cool we also got just bring in
747s heavy so i
749s yes expect us to wear that if you meet
754s us somewhere out there we'll definitely
755s I yes at conventions and need to see
762s juicy and all that kind of stuff willing
763s this is decked out it so weird
768s we're trendy people now I think because
770s everyone else the office is wearing them
772s and when everyone is wearing something
773s of course it's a trend all right let's
775s get into the cool new stuff yes other
778s cool so it's been a while I think we did
780s I think we did our last exile stream
782s maybe three weeks ago yes because we've
785s done we've done to near zero streams and
789s then we're back to clone XS now because
792s there's been some developments and first
797s off shout out to chat and shout out to
800s the community for helping us out with
803s testing and with feedback and with bug
805s reports and all that kind of stuff
806s thinking we know that it took a while to
811s get the most recent patch out and we're
814s not aware of that when we're you know
816s admitting to that stuff but you guys
819s have been really patient with us you
821s appreciate that a whole lot especially
824s those of you who helped out on our test
827s live build and our chests live servers
829s with everything that needed to be done
831s there so yes and to everyone who helped
835s out during the so called call to arms
837s events that we did your Atlantean sword
840s keys will be sent to you very very soon
843s and we just need to get a few ducks in a
846s row before we can do that and then
847s everything will just be will be shipped
849s off all right just big we did we have
857s released four patches in one week yes
863s absolutely
864s we're gonna we're gonna get to that very
865s shortly but yeah four patches in one
866s week three of them was this week alone
869s yeah because there's gonna be a free
873s weekend on Steam starting I think it's
875s later today we're gonna get to like most
878s likely unfortunately we can't really
881s tell because it's on Steam
882s when they actually push the button so
886s let's raise me Connor they tell you like
888s at 8 o'clock but it should be sometime
890s around like right after this June mm-hmm
892s so around yeah 7 8 European Time
896s so do your do your calculations or just
899s head on over to time and date calm which
901s I usually used to when I have to set up
902s all of it all of that stuff alright so
907s yeah
908s what have we added to the game now we've
910s added a whole lot the main theme was
918s yeah the one thing we kept talking about
921s for a while at least was building
923s optimizations we talked about new
925s continent balancing we talked about new
927s and improved white which we managed to
929s get in just at the end for the pathway
931s now unfortunately the building
933s optimizations had to be disabled because
936s that is essentially what was holding
938s back release yeah because we we kept
942s doing play tests and we kept finding
944s like new like tiny things that we knew
947s people would be upset about but people
951s wouldn't necessarily appreciate it
952s let me roll the patch out with those
954s yeah I mean you there was like an issue
957s where you would actually have lost
959s building yeah materials and things yeah
961s and that's not I mean we know that's not
964s fun and that's that's frustrating so we
967s decided to disable the building
970s optimization but instead get the patch
972s out with a lot of the things that people
974s that you guys have been waiting for
976s yes fixes and balancing and specific
979s levels of perch improvements and all
981s that good stuff and the the voice over
983s IP yes very important for all players
985s yes exactly so but we hope that we
989s should be able to put it back in
991s relatively soon like very soon I don't
994s want to give any actually TAS because I
996s don't want to put any pressure on the
997s Horde developers they already work so
1000s hard but it it I think it's gonna be
1003s very soon yes yeah we we know that the
1008s words very soon isn't always the most
1012s positive
1015s sort of yeah very soon TM and then
1018s people don't know what that means but
1020s it's just the like when we have a very
1023s when we have a firm locked in patch date
1026s like that is when we will tell you guys
1028s more and the reason we're not you know
1030s saying a target is because if it becomes
1034s like the last time where we have to push
1035s it back and then move it and then move
1037s it and then move it it's where we would
1039s rather just know specifically the the
1043s firm date and then we then we roll it
1044s out essentially yeah so PlayStation 4
1048s has issues right now from what we know
1051s but I don't that's not from what I
1052s understand it'll be on our side because
1054s that's a PlayStation 4 update and it
1057s seems that PlayStation Network has some
1059s issues at least that's what I know right
1061s now so we we've been looking into it but
1063s I think it's not necessarily something
1066s on our side Michael Devon I keep
1068s checking max
1069s yep for all your ps4 players who mention
1072s it would start buying the game so I'm
1076s gonna yes fantastic nice guy yeah that's
1082s real good nice alright so we're gonna go
1087s through some of the stuff that was in
1088s the patch and for those of you who have
1091s already read the patch notes this might
1092s be a bit oh yeah or tried looking at
1097s some of the stuff already like this you
1100s might hear and see things that you have
1101s seen or heard before but we also
1103s realized that there might be people
1104s watching the streams who don't know
1106s what's up there might be people who are
1107s waiting for the free weekend to start
1111s and they're wondering what we've done
1112s with the game before they jump into the
1113s game during the free weekend so we
1115s wanted to you know dedicate some time to
1118s people who might not be completely up to
1121s speed on what's been what's been going
1122s on in the land of Colin exiles
1124s essentially there's a good question here
1126s though when will we cosplay as the
1127s aquilonian and the elephant
1129s [Music]
1132s friends who was supposed to help me with
1134s the cosplay she actually got sick Oh No
1137s so she didn't mind she didn't really
1139s have time to work on my cosplay right
1141s because I sent her everything I even
1143s wrapped myself in like those type things
1144s and they're all the measurements that
1146s she needed and but I didn't want to
1149s pressure her so hopefully it will still
1151s happen I would like it to happen
1153s I'm not sure if the measurements are
1155s still I still fitting though right now
1157s because that has been a while ago that's
1158s I've actually timed this really really
1160s well because now the Sun is coming up
1162s and it gives like a real cool like halo
1167s so yeah we've we've added in a bunch of
1170s new PC camps and PC progression has been
1174s revamped so factions are a bit more
1176s difficult now and factions have lutes
1181s that are more I guess in flavor of
1184s specific to their yes section so if you
1187s meet our fairies
1188s you will you will encounter loot in them
1191s that are natural for them to have with
1194s them and for sample pirates will have
1195s more higher gear than for example darf
1198s re will etc etc etc we've also done
1202s monsters and animals bit more difficult
1205s to fight but you also get more
1206s experience points from them and to see
1212s and yes we've also started spawning in
1215s certain elite types of monsters which I
1218s think are already roaming around the map
1220s they can spawn in inside camps or they
1225s can also spawn as fame rope roaming more
1227s stronger versions of versions that are
1229s will be making yes they have glowing
1233s eyes as far as I know and different
1240s specific force to actually hit forest
1244s for a different type of monsters or NPCs
1247s have like they look different as well
1249s now so it's an indication of okay this
1250s is a special especially a PC or a
1253s special yeah so I think like unique
1256s thralls have like a gold bar on them
1258s like named trolls and then if there's a
1259s it's like a boss monster has like skulls
1261s underneath yeah so you know it's a bad
1263s guy because it has skulls and it's
1265s probably not
1266s beer or my ass depending on who you are
1269s and how much you've leveled up you know
1270s that kind of stuff yeah dragon teeth
1272s says that many Bulls Crocs with blue
1274s eyes blue glowing eyes were really cool
1275s as I was attacked by two of them and
1281s another thing we did recently is that we
1283s we removed the hunger system and
1287s essentially now your pets and your
1291s throats are running on a decay system
1294s similar to what your buildings are
1295s running on except separated wait there
1299s are different decay timers for both of
1300s them and so their life is terminated if
1303s no member of your clan or the clan which
1305s they belong has logged into the game for
1307s for two weeks at least that's the
1309s setting on official servers and but they
1311s were still game buffs for eating food so
1313s if you want to feed results and feed
1315s your pets you can still do that but we
1316s decided that I wasn't really working as
1322s we got quite all the feedback that yeah
1325s you guys the players didn't really feel
1328s it was very rewarding it was more of a
1330s kind of a find and it wasn't really fun
1332s yeah
1333s and of course we're happy to listen and
1337s to adjust if needed and of course
1341s there's some really cool new
1343s role-playing updates you can write a
1345s biography for your character if you want
1347s to this is my card right now mock not
1349s mock now and it's fun comeback words I
1363s was gonna I was gonna do a whole thing
1365s about it like eagle-eyed viewers in chat
1367s may have already noticed what the name
1375s that's very true
1376s I didn't have to do that but then you
1377s can basically just click the edit button
1380s you can start writing you're limited to
1381s three thousand characters so you can't
1383s just put in the entirety of Lord of the
1386s Rings in here which I remember yes
1390s because it's happened once before it I
1393s think around but time we rolled out
1395s naming pets
1396s someone had copy paste of the entirety
1398s of
1399s I think it was the B movie or Loretha
1401s rings and then things just sort of died
1404s unfortunately you guys are so creative
1405s yes
1410s we've also added in let's see I'm gonna
1412s go back and I'm gonna spawned some stuff
1415s new
1419s we've also added in special notes that
1423s you can is that the right yes that is a
1425s right note that you cannot sing right on
1428s if you want to you just pop it on the
1430s ground then you click the button and
1432s then you can write basically whatever
1434s you want it's the same interface and
1441s then you can leave messages to your plan
1443s members and you can I think there's also
1445s one with like a dagger through it that
1449s you can put up on walls so you can do
1452s all kinds of really cool stuff your old
1453s place you can put rewards and other
1454s players example or you can do you can do
1457s like a scavenger home and say like okay
1459s whoever brings me like on that nose
1461s whoever brings me by dragon heads yes
1465s super amazing reward and to to read the
1469s biography of other players because that
1471s was a question we just got in chat
1473s you basically just walk up to them you
1474s hold down the ikki like there should
1476s have been another player here I realize
1477s now I should have coordinated this
1478s better you just walk up to another
1479s player you hold down the e key and then
1481s there should be a toggle you can choose
1484s that just says like read biography and
1486s you can also if you if you don't want to
1490s read people's biographies there's also a
1491s biography sharing and access setting in
1495s the gameplay you can choose share with
1497s everyone share with clan members or turn
1499s it off and same thing with showing
1502s people's biographies some actual
1503s biographies by clan members or don't
1505s show it at all because you know in case
1507s kiss people write things that that they
1511s shouldn't which some people might but
1513s yeah yeah people also started noticing
1516s the new yes thank you very much for long
1520s Chung thank you very much
1522s we've also updated the key art on the
1524s steam store page which is really really
1526s cool we a shout out to the artist who
1528s made that for us
1529s you also have an interesting bubbles
1531s coming
1532s where it will show you a little bit step
1534s by step which process we went through
1536s with the artist to actually create the
1538s ordinates I think personally it's let's
1543s see what else always working oh thanks
1550s writing and strutting instructing voice
1555s actor see he's doing a whole bunch of
1559s stuff finally another final thing I want
1564s to talk about is what am I supposed to
1566s do with all my meat though well your
1568s character can eat it because your
1569s character will still get hungry and you
1571s can still get you can still give meat to
1575s your thoughts and they will get a buff
1576s from it so there's still that whole
1579s system another thing that I wanted to
1586s point out for like role players is the
1588s new system we have with dice where you
1591s can roll a dice and I'm not sure why
1595s it's not working right now but I think
1596s it might be working because please so
1599s it's supposed to start later tonight I
1602s mean supposed to go on until Monday
1604s evening Europe European time European
1607s time yes unfortunately since again it's
1611s team who has to push the button we can't
1612s really decide when exactly goes like we
1615s do assume it will be some time right
1617s after this dream though between well
1619s like let's say in like 40 40 minutes to
1622s an hour maybe around that time I am so
1628s okay so shadow over on YouTube asked if
1631s we were Norwegian I'm Norwegian Atari
1633s Swiss and a lot of people working at the
1637s office are Norwegian but some of them
1639s are also not Norwegian armours speaking
1645s of which he said loudly I'm sorry ciao
1649s sorry to anyone's ears so we have in a
1654s sense added new clothing and armor
1659s because as part of the content balancing
1662s that we
1663s done is that we have yeah you just came
1665s in son is that we have basically done an
1668s entire revamp we've basically done an
1672s entire revamp of the unnamed City area
1675s which is this area right here because we
1677s realized that a lot of players once they
1680s hit level 60 no sorry mmm they they like
1684s mostly just stayed like people would
1686s just stay out of this area because like
1688s it is important to the story in a lot of
1689s cases but there wasn't really any reason
1692s to go there once you were done with the
1694s story bits and so we decided that well
1699s we need to give players a reason to go
1701s there and so we introduced some new
1705s bosses to the area so our eight new
1707s bosses there are several mini bosses and
1709s they will a lot of them will drop either
1712s legendary weapons new legendary weapons
1715s that we've added or legendary armor
1716s which I'm wearing right now and as you
1718s can see it is it is slightly altered
1722s versions of armor that already exists
1724s but they have unique names and they also
1727s have unique buffs to your attributes so
1733s I'm wearing the god I I'm wearing the
1736s commanders chest plate I'm wearing the
1737s gauntlets of the brute vermin hide pants
1740s and war mammoth boots and if I head over
1743s to my attributes you can see that I have
1745s a +4 strength plus 1to agility plus 4 to
1748s vitality plus 1 to accuracy you know all
1750s of these boosts come from the different
1753s armor pieces that I'm wearing now you
1756s don't get a there's no full set of all
1759s these legendary armors like it's all
1761s legendary armor pieces because they're
1764s supposed to be slightly ancient and some
1765s of them decayed and all that kind of
1767s stuff
1767s so you're we're essentially asking you
1771s to mix and match but if you for example
1774s already wear a reptile armor you can
1776s just throw on Gotham's of the brute and
1778s it won't it won't mess too much up of
1780s the the aesthetic you got going on
1783s so we we wanna we wanted to add like
1786s more reasons for people to go to the
1787s unnamed city and so adding in new
1789s weapons and new armors and all that kind
1791s of stuff was was a way to do that also
1793s what is probably important to mention
1795s here is that
1796s this is right now some of the most
1799s powerful armor that you can get in the
1801s game yes and that's also the reason that
1803s right now we don't have legendary repair
1806s armor kits that's on purpose so because
1810s this is like super powerful if you get
1811s like a set of well a set of different
1814s type of these legendary armor pieces so
1817s the reason behind this is that we are
1821s looking at or we want to create more of
1823s these and add more legendary like
1825s specific unique armor pieces as well
1827s down the line and then we will also look
1829s at maybe adding or the plan is from what
1833s I understand also at a later point to
1834s actually add one of those armor repair
1836s kits yeah but we have to kind of get a
1839s feeling first for how powerful is that
1842s and how easy to get four players and
1844s making sure we don't like screw the
1846s whole balance over with being able to
1848s just repair that like ad nauseam right
1850s so we want to get a feel for that first
1853s and as rob the Swede points out in chat
1857s he is one of the designers on colleagues
1859s us some armor spells or ground special
1861s buffs when you wear them like poison
1862s removal on the world of breathing etc so
1865s there's a good reason for to head to the
1868s unnamed city there's also this sword
1872s that I'm currently reading called the
1873s lying bastard sword which looks like a
1875s sword but attacks like an axe which I
1877s really really dig there's also the sword
1879s of chrome which takes one swing and then
1881s drains your stamina but it's also it's
1885s also a pretty powerful sword as far as I
1887s know so it's sort of a really it is
1892s extremely pointy it looks like you can
1895s yeah it helped a dragon alright let's
1907s see how about an invisibility armors
1912s make it easy to hide my fall does all
1914s the fighting I think that's a bit too
1916s ope
1917s but I like the idea I guess I would do
1923s that the cube that you can see in the
1926s lower left corner is one of the dice
1928s that you can use right now
1929s unfortunately I realized what I was
1931s trying to make it work is that it's kind
1933s of broken right now it doesn't it
1935s doesn't work but this it's on our list
1937s of things to fix
1942s that's a Harry Potter yeah I think he
1946s means the invisibility cloak yeah if you
1952s don't only work you can stay still like
1954s your predator and another thing that
1957s we've added in the UH name to the
1959s unnamed city is something called a
1961s fragment of power and that is something
1964s that a boss that you've any boss that
1967s you fight will drop can drop yes and so
1974s you know spoiler warning I mean this has
1976s been out for for a little bit but
1978s spoiler warning in case you want to
1980s figure this stuff out for yourself
1981s fragments of power can be used in two
1984s different ways one of them is to just
1986s use it from your inventory and it will
1989s say you have gain:feed points and
1991s consuming one will give you ten feet
1993s points I already had two ten in in
1995s advance and so once you hit level 60
1998s once you've spent all your feed points
2000s if you continue farming fragments of
2002s power you can eventually unlock every
2004s single feat in the game we did this so
2008s people would have more stuff to do once
2010s they reach level 60 and have more of an
2013s incentive to keep playing because one of
2016s the things that we heard one of the
2018s pieces of feedback that we got from a
2019s lot of people was that well I've reached
2021s level 60 and I have all these feats but
2023s I want I want to try the other stuff too
2025s and I don't want to keep resetting
2026s everything because like resetting
2028s everything means that you have to start
2030s like unlocking and go through all the
2031s trees it's a bit it's a bit of a hassle
2035s having to do that would you ring so we
2038s figured hey why don't we give you this
2040s thing that gives you some feed point s--
2041s it's not a finite resource it's an
2044s infinite resource and you can get from
2046s from bosses as long as you kill them of
2047s course and then you can keep adding and
2051s keep ya trying new stuff and unlocking
2053s new feats because like attributes we
2057s sort of want to limit you because we
2059s don't want you to be too overpowered I
2060s mean imagine running around with
2061s 50 points in every single attributes
2064s which I think a lot of people can do
2066s because that was next play for a while
2067s but but feet points three points are
2073s sort of a different matter because we
2076s don't it doesn't really exactly it
2080s doesn't affect game balancing in such a
2083s huge way as for example giving you a ton
2086s of attribute points for example so but
2090s I'm also gonna have a drink of water and
2093s I'm going to talk about it you can also
2097s head to the archivist in the online city
2101s and deliver a fragment of power to him
2104s which will then grant you a special
2108s scroll which will grant you a special a
2110s random scroll yes which will then grant
2112s you a special recipe for a bunch of
2114s different things so I have one of them
2116s here that's basically the scroll telling
2118s you give me a fragment of power and I
2121s will give you knowledge and then I have
2122s another one here for a venom infused
2125s sword I just use it and I gain another
2129s feat to be able to craft a venom in a
2131s few sword I'm not really sure where I
2133s can find it but it's supposed to be here
2136s somewhere
2137s what's that's cool I can feed on the
2139s survival you have skull icon I don't see
2150s a skull like on mmm I also need to drink
2154s but we can just turn that off let's go I
2156s can feet under survival you have take up
2160s casks sure not sure what that's
2163s reference to anyway god someone is
2171s trying to message me on slack while I'm
2174s on screen mastery and that's not fun I
2175s also picked up a I also picked up a
2181s scroll earlier with something that I
2182s could craft and I got the ability to
2187s make the Glasser weapon which is
2190s basically two broken bottles that you
2192s use
2193s the same way that you would use any kind
2195s of knife weapon and it's it's to add
2199s more variety it's to add more cool and
2202s interesting and funny weapons like this
2206s battle spatula which is an axe there's a
2210s broken stool or a table leg there's a
2213s wooden practice sword there's a bunch of
2215s like some of them are some of them are
2217s chalky items and some of them are
2219s weapons that actually do a fair amount
2221s of damage and for ya before for role
2227s players I think this will be this will
2230s add a lot of really cool stuff because
2231s you can be the character that runs
2233s around with a giant spatula because why
2235s not I know what they mean
2238s this yes library of esoteric artifacts
2241s decorative metal skull that's something
2243s I also learned from the archivists now I
2246s get it
2247s sorry special yes we weren't paying
2249s attention and it's it's a decorative
2252s skull and you can place it on your shelf
2254s and then you can make weird YouTube
2257s videos I know some people do that
2261s alright what's excited for the unnamed
2263s city mmm I think so yes we should also
2267s mention mention but the extra feed
2271s points that you gain from using a
2273s fragment of power won't go away if you
2276s knew we say yes when you use a yellow
2278s lotus potion so let's say like right now
2281s in total I will if I spend my twenty I
2283s will have five hundred seventeen
2286s attribute point no yeah feed points and
2289s then once I if I choose to respec I will
2292s still have five hundred and seventeen
2294s yeah so you don't have to like you don't
2296s really grind everything which is which
2298s is really really cool yeah question pop
2301s up if you some sort of force yes and
2305s there's also no cap on how many feed
2308s points so if you I mean if you play for
2310s long enough you can essentially get all
2314s of these other things as well like if
2316s you learn acolyte offset you will then
2318s be able to if you learn all the acolytes
2320s things from
2322s from the religion trainers you can then
2324s start to unlock everything else here you
2326s can essentially with fragments of power
2328s unlock every single feat available to
2331s you in the game if you play hard enough
2334s play long enough and some people do that
2338s yeah the glance should actually be
2340s dropping now but they should I think
2345s I've seen people post now that they're
2347s actually drill thing yeah
2348s also Kelvin wants to know if there's a
2351s if we've had any thoughts about adding a
2355s purpose to races so like if they're
2356s forest can eat raw meat hurricane is
2359s have an increase in boiler bow damage
2360s and cetera I think that was discussed
2362s during like very early in development
2364s but it was basically it came down to not
2368s making it this an MMORPG
2371s and so the races are purely cosmetical
2374s and purely for role-playing roasters
2376s answered that he's holding it down we're
2378s not making any guarantees okay then take
2382s Rob's word for it no mind at least that
2383s stuff was I was that's what I was told
2385s like a while back that of course things
2387s might change what else can we talk about
2391s we could probably talk about something
2393s else that's really neat and cool
2396s yeah so that's that it has been worked
2399s on but we have no ETA on what is
2403s actually gonna come but it has been
2404s worked on and we worry aware that
2406s something that's a place where you would
2407s like yes
2413s battle specially used by a character
2415s named Gordon Ramsay that would have been
2416s I'd love to see that I this problem I
2419s mean there's probably some are peers
2422s yeah there's also a new thing we added
2427s called a dismantling bench which
2428s basically just breaks things down for
2431s you so if I want to I can probably no I
2434s can yeah I can break down the battle
2437s spatula I can get star metal bars like
2439s get fragments of power if I want to so
2441s if you let's say you kill someone who
2443s has one of these legendary what are
2445s these weapons in them then if you have
2447s this metal bench you can just get some
2450s cool stuff back drops on us right now
2454s that is true so right now
2456s doesn't show axial by your name anymore
2459s but we have a poll going right now for
2464s the official servers because we are
2467s planning to add a setting for private
2470s server I mean so they can choose if they
2472s want that to show or not if they want to
2473s actually show the player name that
2475s interacted with something or if it's
2477s just like a player has taken in blah
2481s blah blah right so server admins will be
2484s able to choose what they want to do but
2486s on official service we currently have a
2488s poll in the discussion going on the
2489s forums for different settings for PvP
2491s PvE and PvP servers so if you'd like to
2495s give your input there make sure to check
2497s that out
2499s make me coffee in twitch chats says that
2501s they restored licenses on their ps4 and
2504s they can log-in now so maybe that is a
2507s workaround for people who are having
2508s some ps4 problems right now licenses and
2513s I come I can log-in yep so fingers
2518s crossed and so yeah
2522s the dispatcher burns basically after you
2524s just take a bunch of stuff put it in
2526s there and then break it down to there
2527s mostly based components I think you get
2530s like 50 or 40 percent of the of the
2535s stuff you need to make the thing so it's
2538s it's it's not a 100 it's not a one to
2541s one thing but Rob can probably confirm
2544s that for me yes shout out the sorbonne
2549s shout out to people from our forums
2551s shout out to a lot of people these are
2553s not these are not shout out to Harouna
2558s got me for the hosts thank you very much
2560s and we're trying to pay attention to
2563s chat were also trying to get through
2564s everything here - yes new and improved
2568s voice which we mentioned Robbie's
2570s Robbie's promising stuff into a 20%
2573s return on repair cost I should clarify
2574s alright it's good thank you rob we
2578s should get Rob in here sometime and
2582s neta for consumer watch for all this we
2585s are working on that but right now we
2587s don't have any ETA but we obviously are
2589s trying to get it out as soon as we can
2591s we know that you guys your console
2594s players are waiting for it yep
2597s let's see where wasn't you new and
2599s improved voice which we know has been a
2601s very important issue for a lot of
2602s role-playing community and based on the
2606s feedback so far the new voice is working
2608s really well like we've implemented VBox
2611s which is a I think they were bought
2613s recently by epic or unity or someone
2617s they were about by someone anyway and
2620s basically it's a much better system than
2622s what we had previously
2624s and it's also introduced new lip flap
2627s movements which doesn't work when you're
2629s in single-player because I'm holding
2630s down the push-to-talk button and it's
2632s there's there's nothing right now but
2634s maybe if someone else had logged them
2636s you would have seen it I don't know but
2639s it's if you're one of those people who
2641s really like to yeah if you like to play
2644s without people if you like to roleplay
2645s and if you know you like to see mouth
2648s movements when you're talking and so it
2650s sounds like your character is speaking
2651s it looks like your character is speaking
2653s we have had it that feature for you
2655s because it's been very important we
2664s can't unfortunately comment on anything
2666s do relate to that base you have nothing
2668s to say about the dune there's nothing I
2675s mean the reason for that is that there
2678s is nothing to say right now like we we
2680s literally don't know anything other than
2682s we're making dune games at least I don't
2685s know anything beyond what was in the
2686s press release so sorry yeah in case you
2691s missed it we recently announced last
2692s week that we're gonna be making we're
2694s gonna be releasing yes we games based on
2697s the June license we working with
2698s legendary like well not working with
2702s them but we we got and we have a
2704s contract with that Devore at least a
2706s three year games based on a dune IP
2709s which is super super exciting Justin
2712s Lewis we are looking into the jawsaw
2715s glitch that you
2715s are referring to and we just missed your
2719s comment earlier but you know in general
2723s with mid exploit and glitches we have
2726s been fixing quite a few recently and we
2728s are trying to address as many as we can
2730s and as fast as we can if we keep doing
2732s that as well and specific there's some
2735s glitches like stamina glitch which is
2736s not just one specific instance where it
2739s happens no we are getting there it's
2742s getting better and better and it's
2743s getting harder and harder to do it and
2745s we try we really do try our best to -
2749s with the help of you guys and many of
2751s you have been talking to witnesses
2752s specifically on the forums giving him
2755s tips and hints and I'm telling him how
2758s it's done so they can reproduce it so we
2761s have been focusing very actively on
2763s exploits specifically recently I think
2765s hopefully you notice that with the patch
2767s notes as well and we will keep doing
2769s that yes don't be absolutely are of
2771s course interested in fixing all those
2773s exploits because we know it's not fun to
2775s not have even play field specifically in
2777s PvP absolutely the thing is also that a
2781s lot of these fixes take time like we
2784s need where we need a working repre case
2786s and then we need to be able to yeah we
2789s need to be able to reproduce it on a
2790s regular basis and then we have to figure
2792s out why this happens and then we have to
2795s figure out what the fix is and then the
2796s fix has to be implemented etc cetera so
2799s it it might it's it's sometimes it takes
2803s a while like that is just the nature of
2805s the beast that is the nature of video
2807s game you know great job on the pattern
2808s of fixes so far you all deserve the
2810s upcoming weekend well so hard but of
2821s course we will be monitoring what's
2825s happening and specifically the exploit
2827s so we'll still have people working and
2831s yeah purge fixes which I also see people
2835s asking about in chat is something that
2837s we have added a bunch of fixes to in
2841s on the pc version and that stuff will
2845s make it to consoles at a later date
2847s unfortunate we don't have a firm ETA
2848s right now but it is something that is it
2851s is something that's being worked on and
2853s it's something that's gonna hopefully
2854s happen as soon as possible but you know
2857s the console patches first have to be
2859s made then they have to go through
2860s certification and then all that kind of
2862s stuff but talking about that nothing I
2868s think we've done a lot because are
2873s specifically also for consoles yes that
2876s will address quite a lot of things which
2878s of course me saying that is not gonna
2880s help because I know you guys are waiting
2881s for that specific patch yeah so but once
2885s that patches out it should actually have
2887s significant improvement specifically for
2890s consoles as well some of the servers
2892s might actually be working as servers
2893s some of the purchase might actually be
2895s working a little too well because I've
2896s heard I've heard of people having like
2899s for purchase that's if it can happen
2907s sometimes it be like that sometimes but
2909s yeah like there there are of course
2911s updates coming to consoles as well like
2913s we haven't forgotten about you I know
2914s that it's sometimes it can it might seem
2918s like that way if things take time but we
2920s have absolutely not forgotten about our
2923s console players and we are working on
2925s getting the console patches out it just
2927s things just take time unfortunately and
2930s yeah a lot of the PC players in chat or
2932s just came back yeah can confirm the
2933s purse is working very well I think that
2944s was yeah and the final thing that I
2946s wanted to mention that we wanted to
2947s mention is something called the black
2949s Yeti which oh yeah you know I'm just
2952s gonna do do this so it doesn't kill me
2955s and then spawn it in just to remove that
2958s I'm also gonna make sure that this chat
2960s updates properly is there anything on
2964s the horizon first of all passive
2965s animations through all interactions you
2967s mean I mean we have been working on
2971s you know a wheel for the throw so you
2973s can set it to like passive or aggressive
2975s and those things so that's in the works
2978s so we have been working on this it's
2980s just stuff like I don't actually know
2981s that you'd like to ETA or just that as
2983s I've said by now and this is the black
2987s Yeti I mean he's a bit outside his
2989s comfort zone so I think he's sweating a
2990s bit this is one of the this is an
2994s example of like an elite monster that we
2997s added into the game like his eyes are
2998s glowing his furs all black the he does
3003s there's a bit of a thing there and he's
3005s not attacking me because I'm cloaked
3007s right now and I think we're just gonna
3010s put up on his misery watch a nice
3018s looking claws and he's got some butt
3020s cheeks because to stop so yeah that's
3040s the that's the baqia it can be found
3042s south east of the volcano and in the
3044s mountains north north east of the mouths
3046s of the dead and it's more like a
3050s wandering monster type of thing so there
3053s aren't a lot of legendary chests around
3055s it but it will still drop a key so you
3057s can grab a key and then run towards
3059s another chest and then open it that
3061s hopefully not get attacked by whatever
3063s most of you find nearby also the black
3065s Yeti can spawn as a purge boss if you're
3068s so lucky so you'll need to take it down
3071s that you need to take it down then and
3074s there that's why I feel like the fact
3075s that it can be purged by an army of
3077s scorpions yeah snakes - that's so
3080s Indiana Jones why did it have to be
3084s snakes yeah someone else got the Conan
3087s singleplayer that's unfortunately
3089s something that we can't comment on we
3092s don't have any enough about that right
3093s now either but rest assured we are among
3096s the first really exciting things with
3099s you so we will share as soon as we can
3101s yeah it's it's like once we once we're
3104s allowed
3104s once we can share more of course we will
3107s but we might not always be able to share
3111s stuff is super important man I've been
3114s ignored on chess types for like five
3116s stream silver saucer what was your
3118s question its I'm sorry if we like miss
3121s some questions sometimes it feels like
3123s I'm reading everything but then when I
3125s watch the stream back I'm like what I
3127s don't think question so it's not that we
3130s try to ignore you on purpose absolutely
3132s not it's just like with like a huge
3135s screen return to Texas like it's a
3137s breeze it you know something and yes
3139s there might be spider purchase which I
3141s saw insane as WL so I guess I'm never
3146s gonna play Conan Exiles ever again so
3151s someone earlier mentioned that they were
3153s to stop dating the licenses was it done
3155s right yeah but that's that gets them
3157s into the servers this the ps4 problems
3161s right now or the ps4 problems that have
3164s been existing for a while because that's
3165s something that the PC patch we think
3168s will address at least hopefully
3170s fortunately as well so whenever the the
3173s console patch is coming out it should
3174s relieve that issue for consoles yes
3176s absolutely the damn thing there we go
3181s new messages new messages that's the
3187s thing I'm not afraid of spiders I hate
3188s spiders they're the worst of my Manx
3190s ants are the worst I have a phobia fans
3193s even a name for it I think usually
3195s usually I don't mind video game spiders
3197s but our spiders look too real yes and I
3206s hate them and they make the skittering
3207s sound and it's like the giant the giant
3211s spider with the hair and I'm like oh god
3214s it's the worst hate are not working the
3220s mountains and we currently don't have
3222s any plans for mountains
3224s and I'm sorry I don't have different use
3228s yep
3228s we know we know people really want it we
3231s know people have been asking about it
3232s for a while but that is all we have to
3236s say about mounts like it's currently not
3237s being worked on and yeah I mean pushed
3242s by spiders on this floor it's not new ah
3244s that could be I'm not I'm actually not
3247s sure if spider perches on him from
3248s before rope can probably answer that he
3250s should he knows she might be able to
3252s answer that yes of course where you're
3255s building yes
3258s sorcery or VR support so VR support I
3261s don't use them the game is there there's
3267s a line in the game now is there a line
3269s in the sand Japanese dragon I'm not sure
3273s what you're referring to
3276s okay I'm gonna answer the question that
3278s was about sorcery or VR support VR
3281s support as far as I know we don't have
3283s any plans for at all and as far as
3289s sorcery goes sorcery is currently on ice
3292s and because we've been focusing on like
3296s critical bugs and issues reported by the
3297s community and we've been focusing on
3299s improving the game before the free
3302s weekend it's gonna happen very very
3303s shortly hopefully yeah and basically
3307s well we'll have to recheck the status on
3310s sorcery later on and see if it's
3313s something that we still have resources
3315s to to roll out or something that we you
3318s know still want to run we absolutely
3319s will let you know what's happening
3321s what's we know once we know more they
3324s will be more stuff coming up just
3328s checking my slag to see if there's mutes
3330s maybe for example yeah and yeah like we
3335s we see you we see people posting and
3338s chat about you know glitching and bugs
3342s and exploits all that kind of stuff and
3343s as we mentioned earlier we are working
3345s on these things and we unfortunately
3348s don't have a system now for
3350s administrating our official servers
3351s we've talked about this before in our
3353s forums we talked about on social media
3354s etc etc but so what we're trying to do
3357s is we're trying to
3358s these exploits altogether and the way we
3361s can do that is with your help like if
3363s you know how I exploiters performed like
3365s please tell us if you know a certain way
3370s to gain an advantage over other players
3371s that's legitimate like please tell us
3374s because the more information you give us
3377s the easier and the faster we can take
3379s care of these issues because once we
3381s realize that like this is on the UH
3383s needs to be prioritized
3384s we will prioritize it we will 100%
3386s prioritize it that's what I wanted to
3390s say about this so um roadmap please so
3394s right now what we want to do is we want
3396s to get of course this current patch are
3399s stable unlike as I mean it is stable
3402s it's out there but we want to get it on
3404s console of course first and as you know
3407s the focus for this specific patch
3409s roadmap was to strengthen basically the
3413s core of the game that's like the
3415s building system the purchase the AI and
3419s Thrall systems and all like all with
3422s like input from the community and fix
3424s exploits specifically as well I need
3427s more things for role players and also
3430s balancing in general that's all the
3432s things that we've done now so for now we
3435s want to get that on consoles as well
3436s because it has like significant
3438s performance improvements as well and now
3442s for next week or maybe two weeks
3444s depending is of course we want to put in
3446s the building optimizations that we had
3448s to remove which will be really great
3452s both for PC and for consoles and after
3455s that we will be looking at more things
3458s and we will absolutely let you know what
3460s kind of role that we have planned for
3462s after this but right now we need to
3464s focus on on getting this patch out on
3467s all platforms yes and I also see people
3471s asking about a new map because I know
3477s that this looks very very suspicious to
3481s a lot of people but right now we don't
3483s have any plans of expanding the map like
3487s we we wanted to add
3489s more biomes during early access we did
3491s that we added the frozen north and at
3494s launch full arch we added the swamp
3497s right here and then we also added the
3498s volcano area right here with the new
3500s dungeons and some extra extra goodies in
3502s them
3502s and like that was apparently that was it
3505s and currently we don't really have any
3509s more plans to expand the map I mean it
3511s might change but I can't promise that it
3514s will never say never obviously no right
3517s now we are not planning to expand much
3519s but of course there's plans for
3521s additional content as we we know when we
3525s notice that of what we're working on
3527s will of course thank you mm-hmm that's
3529s that is the idea yeah once we once we
3532s have more say than we can of course so
3537s if you're on twitch at I'm gonna open up
3539s this whenever you set it Lumina open up
3542s we give away so if you're in twitch chat
3543s just type in exclamation point raffle
3545s and then DLC key of your choice yes you
3553s can just like wonder and you see there's
3555s actual different space to to place
3557s dungeons there like I think the dungeons
3560s are placed around like these areas like
3562s it's very outside of certain areas okay
3565s oh god it's all these people are in
3570s already it's amazing
3571s coming an accessibility notification
3574s building and stability is too low that's
3580s a good idea yeah usually when stability
3585s is too low you just can't build there
3587s like there's the thing doesn't actually
3590s discuss that I know because he came up
3592s in suggestions a few times that it
3595s doesn't necessarily tell you why you
3597s can't build or buy your own place
3599s yeah there's not enough information like
3602s why can't I place this thing here what
3604s exactly is missing so we've actually
3606s been discussing this and that would go
3608s into that system
3609s I think this giveaway broke restream
3612s chat
3621s poor restream there we go
3627s we opened up again yep has entered the
3631s giveaway service Thank You sad flute for
3633s entering the giveaway I'm thank you solo
3635s for to follow I like that name there's
3640s also fuckin witness that point goes away
3641s so being able to tell which issue this
3643s would be nice yeah I mean we're still
3646s improving on a building of building a
3648s quality of life things as well so we
3650s have we have collected quite a few
3652s suggestions from your sides of course
3654s from the forums and from I'm ready than
3657s steam and all the different areas so
3660s we'll keep
3662s we need a crossover between Conan Mortal
3665s Kombat's Stargate and predator that's
3666s gonna be very difficult I think and I
3668s don't think cabinets the guys who
3670s holding the conan license is gonna
3671s allows that but you know one can always
3675s dream of course of course of course of
3677s course is this PT are alive right now
3680s all the things that we've talked about
3681s in the stream is currently live right
3683s now this isn't that's live or yeah on PC
3686s and only on PC but yeah if you are a PC
3689s player you can just play your game and
3692s then you will find all this stuff I mean
3693s you'll have to look for it a little bit
3696s and then you'll find it and the steam
3700s free weekend is supposed to be from
3702s later today until evening on Monday
3706s whenever the person who needs to push
3709s the button yeah it's team is up evolve
3711s is up and that's gonna it's gonna get
3716s there yes and man this giveaway it's
3720s just like flying dudu yeah so far the
3726s majority want event logs names shown
3728s which is weird because most posts we saw
3731s on the forums were about removing them
3732s but we'll see and will be possible to
3737s have a server setting for ballista that
3739s do not worry about building stability
3741s I'm not sure I'm not sure we would like
3745s to do that design wise because I think
3747s it's the whole building system is kind
3749s of based on somewhat reality and physics
3752s so I'm not sure that would be I mean I'm
3758s never saying never again but I feel that
3761s they designed behind the whole building
3762s system is a little bit different and
3764s they want that stability like feature in
3766s place
3768s silver saucer that's a suggestion that I
3772s can take back that we can take back to
3773s the dev team right now I think there
3776s should be a clan chat and they should be
3778s a regular chat in the game cause if I
3782s get my new boss not soul level well it
3788s depends kind of Li for you her to like
3789s big bosses or mini-bosses so yeah
3791s there's you can switch between
3795s there's like a local chat and then
3797s there's clan messages so you can switch
3800s between between the two at least local
3804s and global if you want to and but yeah I
3808s will make the suggestion about whisper
3810s chat and like other stuff people do not
3814s complain about things that are how
3816s they'll like them to be so yeah all
3818s people that like name cinnamons looks
3819s just kept quiet
3821s well that's the thing though I'm
3822s necessaries we do have a conversation
3824s going on right now and the poll and we
3826s do need your input on this because we
3829s we're aware that not everyone like
3831s frequents the forums but we need to at
3834s least we're trying to get as much input
3836s as we can yeah so if you see it and you
3838s want others to comment on it you should
3840s also like share it with your friends or
3842s your community if you play on I like
3843s like I don't specific server and you're
3847s like please go votes right Ally from
3849s what I understand it's like which makes
3851s sense to me - is that PvP players are
3853s kinda split between if they want it or
3856s not
3856s and PDMP VDC is pretty clear that they
3859s don't mind showing the names but anyway
3863s we'll we'll keep we'll keep having an
3865s eye on it and it might even be an idea
3869s to do an actual official survey so
3871s people get like a pop binding game and
3873s they go and votes so we get even more
3875s input because it's obviously also clear
3878s to us that not everyone would see that
3881s call and would actually comment on it so
3883s we want to make sure we get a good a
3885s good like overall impression of what the
3888s community actually wants yes all right
3891s the giveaway has closed so everyone
3895s typing in raffle and chats you're out of
3897s luck sorry unfortunately but I'm gonna
3901s pick the winner and I'm gonna get this
3904s thing ready because I like pushing this
3906s button the winner is jerk founds in
3909s twitch chat congratulations
3911s [Music]
3924s I even push the button nice so I'm gonna
3927s find them in the twitch chat no send
3930s them a whisper and that is for a DLC key
3934s of your choice all of them already you
3937s can also say that I'll just wait for
3940s exactly if you know those new DLC that I
3943s like that one it can be it can be any
3946s kind of DLC key you would like or it can
3949s be a future DLC key if you want
3951s that's not confirmation of a future DLC
3955s by the way it depends on if there are
3956s future DLCs so we shall see we shall see
3959s and people asking about the the poll on
3965s the forum I think that's under general
3967s discussion yes it says your name where
3974s is it there we go I'm gonna blast that
3978s out in all chats you know if in case you
3983s have a account on the forum you can go
3986s and vote all right I'm gonna pick
3988s another winner because we got a bunch of
3991s entries and the winner this time is
3993s colic zero zero one congratulations
3995s university-owned again
3996s [Music]
4009s yes it's from Close Encounters yes and
4033s the parent that's been used in a bunch
4035s of other movies as well
4037s all these anime characters graduating
4039s you are all these animal wrestling you
4041s are dead
4041s well yes but they also sort of exist as
4045s a mental image inside shinji's mind
4048s I haven't actually watched the show I've
4049s just read a bunch of stuff about
4051s Evangelion so I might just be talking
4054s out of my butt unfortunately but yeah
4058s someone is getting reprimanded by
4060s management am i what what Oh someone is
4063s good thing to reprimand my management
4065s I'm sorry what happens I had no idea
4068s what I do I do know what I do I mean you
4074s know your Rui is tweeting about this
4076s we're gonna pick a third winner in our
4079s giveaway in the third winner his sticks
4082s is awesome
4082s please pick up in chat and we can send
4085s you a we can send your deal Zeki
4091s all right here we go do we know more
4110s skiing I haven't seen any specific
4113s modifications but remember chat
4116s community we have steam free weekend
4121s starts in any moment really any moment
4124s alright that's cool hopefully well I
4126s think that it's just it should be like
4128s at least in the next hour hopefully any
4130s moment the next hour and it will last
4132s until Monday evening our time she's
4136s gonna be around like yeah monday around
4137s 6:00 depending on when it starts today
4140s yeah and the same time on Monday yes
4143s kind of around that time can we buy a
4147s fun come sweater unfortunately not these
4148s are internal use only
4150s yeah he's not actually developer
4152s sweaters yes that's that's the thing
4155s then would make it a bit tricky right
4157s even though a lot of you are kind of
4159s like part of the team with all the
4162s reports and feedback that you're getting
4163s us and helping us fix things and improve
4166s things and fix exploit specifically even
4168s though I know a lot of you are
4170s frustrated that we're not fixing them
4171s fast enough for you guys but I assure
4175s you that we work we are on the case
4176s you're trying to fix them as fast as you
4178s can because there's really no there's no
4182s like nothing to be gained for us to keep
4183s them in the game longer than needed
4186s exactly nothing we don't gain anything
4190s right fan on the arm fixed but maybe
4197s maybe we'll be able to do other kinds of
4198s giveaways going forward yeah folks
4200s behind us s that is usually around like
4202s 7:00 p.m. so we will of course update
4204s all our social channels and forums all
4206s that kind of stuff
4207s absolutely guys so you know immediately
4210s when you can you mind you like to say
4211s that I mean in a nice way
4216s sure yeah okay that's what I meant in a
4218s nice way yes chat amen
4228s I think we're gonna sign off because
4230s we've been going for about an hour now
4232s and yeah I hope everyone found this
4237s enlightening and I hope I think we're
4239s gonna go okay so yeah we know that quite
4244s a lot of you are really irritated by the
4246s fact that it gets wet yes indoors it's
4249s so much the thing is even though it
4253s doesn't seem that white but that is
4254s actually quite tricky to fix but since
4258s we know and we've been actually hounding
4261s the developers about this as well
4262s because we know that quite a few of you
4263s are really irritated about this that we
4265s are trying to look into it but it is
4268s that it's actually not that
4269s straightforward to fix I mean it's on a
4272s trail or - we know that all of you have
4274s moved in on that as well so we won't try
4276s to look into it yes yeah someone in chat
4280s suggested raffling away my auctioning
4283s away my sweaters and t-shirts never over
4286s my dead body from my cold dead hands or
4288s from the Salvation Army store that I
4292s give my old t-shirts to and I don't want
4294s to use them anymore we're gonna sign off
4297s we're gonna go hopefully get back to
4301s work yeah yeah yeah definitely we are
4304s gonna get back to work as always thank
4307s you guys and girls so very much for
4309s being part of our community and being
4312s patients with us if I just get delayed
4314s so delayed you know you later delay
4317s we're like the team here is really
4320s working hard like the developers are
4322s working so hard they everyone wants of
4324s course content to be the best you can be
4326s economic sales yes but we are so so very
4330s thankful for having you in the community
4332s and helping us with feedback and reports
4334s and suggestions as well and as always
4337s before we go Nicole who should be in
4341s chat at least on Twitch if maybe Nicole
4344s has found someone that we can raise
4348s let's raid someone be nice please be
4350s nice maybe give them even a follow yeah
4353s I'm you know please just be nice to
4355s everyone who's joining us for the free
4357s weekend
4357s yeah good to each other yeah we need
4361s more friendliness and more understanding
4363s respect for each other it looks like
4365s we're rating X are kin with about 200
4367s viewers so give them our best tell them
4369s that they're awesome that we love them
4371s and then we're gonna sign off and we're
4374s gonna get back to work
4375s so we'll see you guys in about a week's
4377s time yes
4398s holy moly 218 fun calm raid holy moly
4409s how's everybody doing welcome to the
4413s stream rate than vases how is it going
4418s hi everybody I'm mixer Caen I'm a
4421s variety streamer but I have fallen back
4423s in love with Conan I never was out of
4425s love but we were playing a lot of it a
4428s lot of it now thank you for that host
4430s here in Cary and we're happy to be we're
4434s having a blast
4444s you
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