over 6 years ago - Funcom - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
14s I can't anymore hello everyone hello
32s look who's here Wow change people who
36s are these strange Americans
39s technically we should have you in the
41s middle because you'd be like a pink
43s balancing point probably I'm sorry to
51s everyone listening would sit with
52s headphones you know since since its
55s launch we gotta do those that thing and
57s in case you didn't know like in like a
60s week or so bunch of kids are gonna be
61s running around while tuning these things
63s yeah like us yes I guess we have a
66s little manchild laser is not exactly a
75s lion of MGM it is not doing what we have
78s so so how is everyone watching I'm like
84s an hour yeah this is fine this is fine
86s yeah everything is fine
87s yeah I'm satisfied with the way things
89s are progressing yeah things are fine I
92s mean yeah it's really good to be here
92s for those that don't oh yeah like I mean
94s pretty sure this is certainly Nicole's
97s enough Nicola - first time here
98s streaming with you yes absolutely live
101s stream so yeah yeah you are slightly
104s yeah yeah yeah yeah
106s for those that aren't familiar with
108s either of us so you might know Nicole of
112s course has been working really hard
114s she's been on a lot of the stream she's
116s been doing a lot of work on the forums
117s and on Twitter and all that she's one of
119s the dedicated community managers for
120s Kleenex cells along with the end yes my
122s name is Andy I'm a community manager
123s you're working in the Durham office as
125s well with Nicole but I usually do stuff
127s with like our live games or mmo's but
130s since this is a big deal as well saying
132s anything kindly invited to help out and
137s come along and hang out for a little
138s while it is all hands on deck all hands
140s on deck indeed
142s yes it is a pleasure to be here so thank
144s you for having me
145s yes thank you for coming thank you I
147s like having you here thanks and I'm not
149s jet-like to all hell - not anymore not
151s anymore yes thank you like we we thought
156s we need a Nats so I went out and I got
158s hats ooh sorry someone I recognized oh
162s okay
163s so yeah pcs already been patched in case
166s people were wondering I think ps4 and
168s Xbox are slowly slowly coming up I don't
172s know that word was slightly then turned
174s to slowly in 53 minutes in fact yeah so
177s there will be a little closer to one I'm
180s told I think some Xbox users already
183s have the patch - lucky you but it's
185s gonna be rolled out like a little bodies
187s in love my little but we're just here to
190s have fun and play around and talk with
193s people on the internet and maybe you
195s know give away some some copies of the
196s game and stuff yeah we'll be doing some
198s giveaways throughout the stream and
199s we'll be counting down to the official
200s launch of Simon exiles and just can
202s wonder it out and see it right there
205s over Andy's head this is all super
208s confusing yeah are we giving away party
212s hats we are not giving away party huh
214s I'll give you away I'll give away my
215s party hat I'll sign I'll sign it I'll
217s breathe in it yeah are you gonna sniff
221s it like I sniffed the collective oceans
223s no I didn't select the collectors
225s there's a nice nifty uh the Box did you
228s sniff a map - yes yeah you sniff two
231s things on stream and then you're forever
232s in the guy's nose
234s yeah okay this is fun this is
239s interesting this is like my first really
240s big launch thing so this is gonna be a
246s this is gonna be interesting
248s so like my biggest concern is that like
250s everything sort of like cuz you know our
252s servers are gonna get hammered
253s everything is just gonna be a you know
255s it'll it'll be fine we got this it'll be
258s great carbuncle says on a cake sniffer
260s your overall mixture I'm not a cake
261s sakes Carbunkle good sir I will not have
263s that on my reputation so yeah I see a
269s couple questions which also are on chat
271s in general also so like just you guys
272s know we will have a small launch patch
274s as well they get 1300s
276s right at lunch this will be for the
277s consoles so yes NP they're not that
281s small though like ps4 is gonna be like
283s 12 boxes gotta be a lot more okay so
287s like the final patch is gonna be coming
289s like right when we open the server's
290s yeah correct yes so you know get some
295s you know be patient it's gonna come
297s eventually we're just rolling it out bit
298s by bit we want to make sure that
299s everything is working so yeah that's it
303s basically maybe say that we were doing
304s also people with yes okay cool okay what
307s are we going to be I think we should be
310s giving away some Barbarian editions we
311s will people maybe we should give away a
313s collector's edition should give a
314s collector's edition that maybe we should
315s just run around and have some fun and
317s server whose plan apparently we're gonna
320s be able to do giveaways on mixer now -
322s can we do that yeah yeah yeah that
326s alright can we do that yes we should do
328s that because last time we only did it on
329s which I think people are they upset yeah
332s I imagine so yeah alright cool so let's
335s do a couple giveaways for mixer and
336s twitch yes yeah let's open up a raffle
340s we're doing one now do it yeah alright
349s so if you're in no that's a poll that's
351s something else there we go
352s do you want a key yes or no yes I don't
358s want to keep if you're in the twitch app
360s we've opened up a raffle and now do they
363s have to do do they have to say raffle or
365s can they just they have to say ramble
367s okay our IP chat there we go alright
369s running by and Carbunkle who's in the
372s mixer chat I think you'll be able to set
375s something up for us yeah we're counting
382s everyone's yes we can we can sort of do
385s them separately we can just let the
386s twitch thing run for a bit then we can
388s stop it and then then this core then
390s mixer can can do a new one and then you
392s know it's yes and of course if anyone on
395s the dev team is from watching I think
398s some of them are if you want to drop by
404s yes i guess i think the players will
406s enjoy that stuff you know yeah there's
408s there's plenty of people that have been
410s working on this game night and day to
411s bring us to today you know it's not just
414s us
415s yes I mean we we are a streaming why
418s don't we go back and finish launching
420s the game then because we have nothing to
421s do with code or design or same I doodle
437s sometimes noodle needles yeah hi pot is
440s doing a giveaway so over on mixer create
445s says one one the giveaway all right yes
449s please write that down cool CRI you TTS
452s and then I think we also close the
454s raffle on Twitch it is now closed
457s Chad is still slowly going no Nicole did
461s in fact not make the new loading screen
463s art can I I mean maybe just ask you
470s should I stole maybe you can dole plus
474s alright and over on twit the over on
478s twit twit sure twitch I'm gone today I
482s am destroyed already the one the only
485s pulse pollster guys that's a very as an
487s excellent screening has won the
490s Barbarian Edition also you should follow
493s our channel yes follow our channel don't
496s just don't just sit there follow follow
497s us because we need them followers so we
499s can become rich partners or something we
502s already are come on I'm joking I am
508s joking
511s alright so yeah man it's been uh it's
513s been a nutty past you know several I
516s mean I would say months and we have
518s someone dating speaking of someone from
521s the dev team know we go concern do you
526s guys are not listening so I am very much
528s listening
529s I
532s Griese for those of you who don't know
534s Natasha are PRN communities they're just
537s walkin yeah brand-new fresh off the we
548s weren't all concerned about these guys
550s because they start listening and see mom
560s yeah just so you guys know yeah I don't
562s think you have you actually this is our
570s biggest fan anyway but maybe you have
581s over there so I'll leave you guys you
583s can put it I think you can put it over
584s there and then just like later on
601s question did you intend to make it so
603s stone source can be used to break onto
604s your three wall I mean you're supposed
606s to be doing be able to do some damage to
607s walls but it's like 1% of player damage
610s that the numbers online are wrong and of
611s course Pro fix it but because you know
614s we want people to use Tarzan trebuchet
616s sand explosives and all that good stuff
618s to it arena that's what we want to do
621s hmm
622s all right thank you mom hey any mom or
627s giving us a fan should we plug this
630s thing in we should probably plug this
631s thing it's just standing out looking at
633s us yeah there's nothing called
635s electricity right and you have to plug
636s that in yeah hello shout out the
638s California hello brew surfer I see you
640s would say no no no they just say in
646s California alright just saying hello
647s California brew supers reverent really
650s hard man that's awesome really oh yeah
653s I'm also getting dating advice based on
655s what I wrote on Twitter the other day
657s yeah but we'll get to that
660s okay cool
662s [Laughter]
664s I don't know I I can hear it I don't
667s think they can as we can hear the fan
669s yes hello from Baltimore hello from
672s Spain ho from New Zealand Oh
674s Utah my goodness the Internet is right
679s there are people people people come from
681s all over to a bunch of people Wow all
684s right so what's in this large tight
685s patch and it's a bunch of stuff but like
689s key among them would be unlocking their
692s keto as a god Abbot are unlocking the
696s swamp of course i'ma mocking the oh man
699s that's nice and cool nice and cold
706s ooh it's there kiddo it's the volcano
709s and it's the swamp Oh swamp oh yeah
713s uh-uh
714s why are you shut us to joke a partially
719s gonna post this in chat by the way
723s there we go Oh so people can read what's
726s in the lunch say thing yes it's Decatur
729s okay now swamp oh and then a bunch of
733s fixes for and of course we're making so
750s that thralls don't damage other players
752s that you can't damage other thralls if
754s you're a player on pv servers we're
756s reworking the servers into PvP PvE and
758s PvP conflict
760s you can read about that in the latest
762s community newsletter which you can find
764s on our forums and our blog Koenig
765s softlock home slash blog trying to
770s figure out what else there's a healing
772s rebalance there's a bunch of general
774s balancing quality-of-life adjustments
776s you can find it on the link oh god no no
786s it's coming from inside the house no
789s someone else lasted Nicole is single she
792s is not she's in fact engaged I just got
793s engaged yeah happy Nicole yes
798s oh I bid my soul sir thank you
803s yes okay this is probably the least
810s planned and silliest the most serious
812s yeah that's fine and look at all the
814s love coming in chat yes people say they
816s played it last night they was good
819s why no beer because it's question
822s because it's 1216 I mean it's five
827s o'clock somewhere well it's 5 o'clock on
832s nd time I guess oh it's about 6 o'clock
834s a.m. now for yes somewhere it's for your
838s time
839s oh you're saying I'm alcoholic right oh
841s your Savior golly I did say that anytime
845s where are the beers I don't know you had
848s a little bit of shame they're in the
849s fridge yeah we have to come visit us
851s please bring yeah someone something come
854s over here let's crack some cold ones
855s let's do
856s the boys the boys and girl yes someone
860s says I've outside the fun gum studios
861s the security guard will let me in well
863s that's a lie because we don't have a
865s security guard what we do have our like
872s locked doors lives yes Oh God yeah it's
876s 1217 not really well depending on where
879s you are in the world it can't be
880s drinking time you know we have cake we
886s have champagne yeah we do yeah we had we
887s had the good luck cake we had a bunch of
889s pastries and a little bit of shame
891s hectic storm wants me to tell them I
893s love you acting storm hmm yeah we
897s actually have Conan guarding our place
898s the guy from the ads is actually he's
900s actually like standing there with a
902s sword on his back yeah yeah crumb
906s blasted you from his Mountain he made me
910s strong so I won there's gonna be a new
917s launch trailer and be some blog post off
920s going up and then of course all the
921s service will mark a night's sleep
923s hoarding can't point correctly there we
926s go it's like 40 minutes away it says so
927s right there
929s Nonaka likes your pink played thank you
934s what's the difference between paint
936s we've been playing in our ground
937s plate is usually done like it's just
939s like vertical and horizontal is typical
942s yeah yeah so flannel is played usually
944s then Argyle is the diagonal hello ago
946s yeah we need to show those amazing we
954s got a ton of left all the video ads and
965s you need to crouch down sorry there you
968s go hello meal before chronic Oh God
978s oh okay alright you need to grow a bit I
982s do
983s I should I should be sitting there
985s because then it's like it's because I
989s think yeah like yours is slightly longer
990s than I need to draw some on paper and
992s I'm like take it to my face exactly
995s alright so my name is Louis I'm the
1000s video producer which means I make
1001s trailers and all that stuff or x-alps
1005s amazing yeah today it's about X yeah
1009s we're launching to this yeah all about
1011s that yeah great we're doing something
1014s today oh no I'm just here so for those
1017s of you who like you might not know like
1019s this is a guy who wrote and directed and
1022s edited and just finalized all the
1025s live-action ads that you see you've seen
1028s like last week you've done all our
1030s announcement ads since you were hired
1031s like a year ish I was hired right before
1034s the frozen north updates all right my
1037s first three weeks was just being thrown
1039s into three weeks of about three videos
1042s you know bigger and better and frozen
1045s north updates and launch stuff traveler
1048s fire and I think I survived I'm here
1051s anyway someone said that the rumor gag
1054s was rad so okay thank you people are
1056s really be loving those trailers and
1060s speaking as someone who's like worked
1060s across the sea and like unis for the
1062s work that you've done with our other
1063s games also you've done a fantastic job
1064s so thank you very much thank you yeah we
1066s all really appreciate it here yes
1068s awesome although all the players are
1070s really big in your work too so it's good
1072s stuff thank you awesome
1077s [Music]
1087s seven pounds yeah yes it's not sharp but
1094s you can literally cave someone's brain
1095s in now you can't you can hug someone
1097s yeah definitely it's pointy as well
1099s right guys that bull says she can feel
1103s about in the room thank you very much
1104s there is a lot of love in this room and
1106s some wow what is it heavy I am overcome
1110s with power yeah we're dead protect me
1114s and me he told me
1116s gotcha but this cost us like five
1121s hundred dollars a day from a shop in
1123s Spain yeah no we're not gonna raffle the
1125s sword away no the sword is not gonna be
1126s given away
1127s we're just gonna put this up for Michael
1129s walls again stab someone you know okay
1139s things appearing on camera larger than
1141s me or yeah larger than we appear on
1142s camera this is a print this is a massive
1145s thing though it's right how did the bat
1148s sword but you know it's good you can
1150s hurt someone yeah what's the dps on them
1154s five that I don't know okay I don't know
1159s if that's good or bad it sounds bad
1160s I know what dps means I know like five
1162s oh yeah by the way someone asked if we
1166s played on the test flight version do we
1167s need to change back to the standard
1168s version yes you do because once we like
1171s once the patch larscheid patch has been
1173s rolled out which is several hours ago
1175s the test live version is behind the live
1179s version so if you want to play on the
1181s official servers and if you want like
1182s everything that's up to date you need to
1184s play on the branch like the the main
1187s branch the default branch spacing and
1188s its name you like if you're already on
1191s test live you know how to switch back if
1192s you're on console you can just ignore
1193s everything I just said because that
1195s doesn't matter yes Oh what oh no I'm
1204s just reading chat all right do you know
1207s someone's gonna get hurt when a sword
1208s comes out I mean yes but we I think we
1210s were able to hurt anyone I didn't get it
1213s we did it yes I'm glad we're good i
1216s suppress every urge so I know yeah she
1223s can deal with me she can deal with
1224s anyone cuz I'm an insufferable as i
1228s troll all my co-workers can you do a
1232s backflip no I cannot do a backflip and
1234s at no point that I produce a french maid
1236s cosplay that's yes you did
1244s biggest fantasies did you tweet it out
1248s [Laughter]
1257s I've been chewed it up you've been to
1261s expose expose no no yes I'll be correct
1273s abuse yeah I do feel abused
1275s I feel abused by these two people uh-huh
1277s what that stuff Americans are here for
1279s right ah I have no response I have no
1285s response
1286s absolutely no response well I just are
1293s we ever really just thank you Andy oh
1307s look everyone I've been there you look
1313s like you've come from the beach I've
1314s been at CrossFit
1315s oh no I'm completely stuffed I needed to
1318s go there and take out all my aggression
1319s and it worked there's a point yeah you
1326s haven't seen it don't you know where did
1327s this come from from Spain I think we've
1329s hoarded it it's like five hundred
1330s dollars he smelled it by the way now he
1337s has to deal with it why oh no it's just
1343s more of a stemming point yeah do we have
1344s a first aid kit here by the way I don't
1346s wanna especially nobody wearing that
1350s ridiculous hat yeah safe we try ice
1354s cream what's going POG life is asking if
1357s we're gonna stay off the voice of the
1358s merchants please say yes yeah I don't
1360s think it's play sold against know it was
1362s it was maintaining much invoices in the
1364s last somebody else the other day if we
1365s were gonna replace them because some of
1367s them sounded a bit old and I'm like no I
1369s liked it there and he gets fine perfect
1372s yes because one of them is view one of
1374s them is me mm-hmm
1375s one of them is one of our animator
1377s one of them is our project manager if
1387s you joined up were to be back to be back
1404s yeah exciting how does it feel so is it
1407s gonna roll out oh man we worked really
1410s hard and well for a year for two years
1415s but for the year that people have seen
1416s the work yeah I'm tired
1420s we all are dull well your job is just
1424s beginning community go yeah I'm also
1430s working on future star Oh interesting
1434s for coloring eggs by the way just in
1436s case people are wondering so know how to
1437s talk about it yet but cool stuff so
1439s gettin excited sweet
1441s someone says my partner is enjoying
1443s playing in the front room he's been
1444s fiddling around with a dog slider for
1446s the last two minutes in giggling like a
1447s mutter then basically you know they
1451s always say make the game you want to
1453s play yourself and I like to play with
1454s myself so there we go
1457s inappropriate there's nothing wrong with
1461s play with myself all the time I don't
1463s like playing with other people so crying
1465s guys thanks to everybody who buys again
1467s today everybody who has been supporting
1469s us all through early access I'm going
1470s out to be with my team not just these
1473s guys but the rest of my team when we
1475s launch again and we're gonna be watching
1477s stream and so if you're streaming we'll
1479s enjoy it in you can you live record them
1481s hit the launch button
1482s oh yeah the launch button people actual
1485s ready sure that'll be happening in
1486s Germany
1487s oh no but I'm steamed there's an actual
1491s button Oh at least record it yeah
1499s alright cool all right thanks Joel thank
1505s you bye Joel you know there's a button
1508s you're missing on this string deck
1510s that's a barrier yep I have a folder
1513s here called sounds but there's nothing
1514s in it
1515s I'm sorry oh right the more you know
1521s sound this is my a horse sound that's my
1529s air horn horn which so JT brigh has been
1534s asking this question for a while now are
1536s the console servers region-locked can
1538s you as players play with the EU place
1539s yes in theory they can in theory yes
1543s okay if I let my beard grow will I get
1546s to work with you guys
1547s you'll have to work with us first and
1548s then you grow the beard first you get
1550s the job of that I'm coming in soon yeah
1552s slowly soon very soon TM yeah yeah
1557s should we just get a pen and be like
1560s yeah mascara right we can just like just
1565s like do a little soul patch
1566s yeah oh do we have we need like a thing
1570s where it can just like draw on the
1571s screen right like like the like the
1574s sportscasters dude for liking stuff oh
1576s yeah like drama mustache and Nicole I'll
1579s look into that for okay perfect
1581s okay no servers are not official servers
1584s are not up right now no they're not
1585s there's still a patch barring there are
1587s not so they're up but they're long open
1591s for GEX it's like you're gay
1593s so if you if you're on Steam right now
1595s if you're in the game like you will see
1597s official servers but they're all locked
1598s behind a password that's just gonna be
1600s removed once the once the official
1602s launch is gone and then then you can to
1605s play on them but if you have a private
1606s server you can start playing right away
1607s you start playing on single-player or
1609s all that kind of stuff
1610s so whoo thanks like that also my knee
1614s console achievements will call my mind
1615s once the launch site patches out and
1618s yeah all that good stuff I think we
1621s should do another giveaway yeah yeah
1626s sure one for mixer one on Twitch and our
1629s good friend carbuncle in the mixer chat
1631s will take care of some of that stuff for
1634s us because he's an awesome guy there is
1638s who does he doesn't do everything we
1641s asked him to he does some of the things
1643s we asked him to he's been a big help
1645s yes absolutely sharra yeah seriously
1647s shout out to all our steam mods and like
1651s people on make certain people but
1653s especially especially our mods on the
1655s forums they've been awesome
1658s yes it's teach carbuncle Who am I
1661s forgetting well there's some there's
1663s some old like veteran fun comm
1665s moderators that ask for like since
1666s Anarchy online yeah that's like people
1668s like milcom and silty on Zoo that's been
1670s helping out a whole bunch with a little
1672s like a bunch of stuff also so yeah just
1673s like a bunch of og people and we I mean
1676s you know I seen chat also like Ezra and
1678s Freddie and David I saw them so yeah
1681s they've been a huge help for everything
1682s so thank you for for all your help and
1684s get always done over on mixer it is
1686s Ashley m64 I'm guessing she's 964 fan me
1690s maybe possibly she's maybe she's 64-bit
1693s yeah gratulations you've won yourself a
1696s you won yourself a collector's edition
1699s and won yourself a barbarian Edition by
1702s the way a Jaguar yeah famous to equal 64
1705s remember that no that was a terrible
1712s console that was a terrible it was
1715s elevated for sure yes all right Jesus
1718s it's only half an hour left I know right
1722s to it yes we're gonna draw more like Oh
1736s give you my guyliner i'll maybe this
1741s isn't an IRL street yeah I mean
1743s basically I mean yeah shit I should
1745s probably change the category of them all
1747s right and over on Twitch we have another
1749s winner in the raffle it's Roberta nur
1752s Ratbert Roberta rubber first loss yes
1756s follow us please
1758s he's been on twitch for quite a while he
1760s joined 431 days ago alright
1764s okay and yes we'll have more than one
1768s pvp server up on mobile no no this isn't
1774s all this isn't those other games I'm not
1778s gonna I'm not gonna named up anything
1781s this string is really annoying me
1784s see I've a string right here this is
1797s life this is uh this is what I mean by
1801s DPS right I get that I just get the mess
1803s with you yeah sure why not
1812s Yin Zi Mackenzie this got weird real
1814s fast this got real weird fast it's been
1817s weird dude just embrace it
1818s that's very true we are not
1822s we're on game cam now with the countdown
1827s alright so I'm just gonna spawn in some
1830s some stuff this is the strangest stream
1832s I've ever seen you should try it as a
1833s direct stream sometimes I'm gonna look
1837s like a pirate in black man yeah just
1840s embrace it I really wish that we had I
1842s know we've got the peg leg but I wish we
1843s had like one for all ones including the
1848s doll what I heard dong say I wish like
1853s we've got the page that there should
1855s have been one for you two hooks
1862s basically what's what your ass like
1863s Sheamus no no it should be like actually
1865s like pegs for every are ya nut hugs you
1869s just like a trees Bogota give and asks a
1875s quick rundown on what's new since early
1876s access release that's a lot so yeah
1880s that's like the rest of the stream
1881s probably to talk about yeah maybe we
1883s should like we should just like rerun
1884s the last stream we did basically did all
1886s that all right so I'm gonna see if I can
1890s remember everything to new avatars to
1894s new play fields the volcano
1898s neutral City and the West purge system
1901s decay system temperature system like
1904s hundreds of new armor pieces and
1907s placeable and weapons wall system was in
1911s there already was it giving equipment to
1913s throw this I mean yeah what else the
1918s perks have been added like to further
1920s the attribute system new building pieces
1923s have been added since early access
1925s launch trebuchet Simon added avatar
1927s defense siege defense
1929s in general the new combat system
1930s obviously that's a pretty big one
1934s climbing horse farming rocket your
1940s farming rocket trees here if you're
1942s using that if that's a mod oh if you're
1944s using that specific mod from Josh big
1946s shout out to Josh tech over in Australia
1948s and all the people guys and all the mods
1950s because it's been super fun seeing what
1952s kind of mods people have been making
1954s yeah all you mod creators have been like
1956s it's seriously been like part of the
1958s lifeblood of like owning excels on Steam
1960s so like you guys got some amazing stuff
1962s absolutely yeah and it's just by I I saw
1966s one earlier today but I forgot it was
1968s wasn't Josh acres in chat hey Josh I saw
1973s some total conversion mod not too far
1975s back from some of the guys it was it was
1977s a game design school in Florida they
1979s nice they did anything where like you
1981s have to yeah you have to pace of alt and
1983s then you had like a whole bunch of like
1984s different siege weapons that like some
1985s of them were like aren't even in the
1986s game like ballistas and cannons and
1987s stuff like that right and you have to
1989s like you have to build afford about your
1990s fault and then whoever loses their vault
1992s first loses the game and it's like
1993s actually got Excel contain game mode
1995s yeah that's super cool I'll see if I can
1997s dig up a link and I'll show it to you
1998s yeah that's a super rad
2000s someone said that they hadn't seen is
2005s that actually question from mixer that's
2008s yes which is the new nerdy DLC on xbox
2010s free or do you guys on a price that'll
2011s be the new DLC is free oh yeah if you're
2014s in if you're in Europe yes and and
2018s you're wondering where your full nudity
2020s is on consoles you'll have to go into
2022s the PSN store or the Xbox Store and
2024s download a free patch to patch him the
2027s nudity stuff because we had to ship a
2030s bill that didn't have any of that
2031s that already enabled so it's gonna be
2035s real easy hey see ya yeah sir if you're
2037s on a look at European score a Peggy was
2039s we call Danielle you'll be able to
2041s download the full nudity yes patch for
2043s free I'm gonna do a quick thing and just
2046s see we have no plans for actual full
2053s intercourse however that's all that is a
2057s month oh sorry Crickett who cares
2068s welcome to The Pleasure Dome yes someone
2075s asked if they could see their keto
2078s avatar yeah it's gonna be a bit crooked
2081s I'm just gonna that's fine all right
2085s let's see so we're gonna be okay we're
2091s spawning some NPC's for the the new
2093s avatar priest derp derp pedo stern enemy
2101s mod yet there's nothing just Conan's my
2106s waifu just like screaming internally
2118s this is very awkward because I can't
2120s find a decade Oh priest in the admin
2123s panel and I can't find the avatar token
2128s Oh
2129s BTech seagull the official servers are
2131s not open yet now they'll be open when
2133s the countdown is where you can see in
2134s the bottom left of the screen when
2136s they're gonna be able to so that's weird
2145s hmm I was very strange you know what I'm
2149s just gonna
2151s quick thing okay quick thing oh yeah
2155s wait some time lamentation the Conan
2158s visual novel Thank You rear each yeah we
2163s should get on that like we should get on
2166s that yeah why don't you know Joel just
2168s start playing a bunch of visual novels
2170s and then we can get working on like some
2172s sort of plan
2174s okay let's do it yeah let's do it we're
2177s launching in Japan why not let's do it
2178s let's go all the way oh my god so be
2182s awesome I'm gonna see coming in with
2183s like big anime eyes the goose and pie
2185s kromm senpai make me strong between ya
2194s all the gods and stuff I'd be awesome
2196s oh yeah avatar dating soon just finally
2198s just five characters I mean yeah
2201s obviously I've seen enough hentai to
2203s know where that's going oh this is a
2208s family show this is a family game if the
2211s DLC says that it has a price that's not
2213s correct it should be free by the way if
2216s people are I noticed some people are
2218s mentioning so not supposed to happen
2223s yeah we'll look into it thanks the
2224s report and he stopped watching anime
2227s makes your brain I'm sorry no I tell him
2229s I looked through it oh all right we're
2233s gonna find it we're gonna find that food
2235s Oh
2237s rack'em 70c a consoles and PC won't be
2239s able to play with each other - correct -
2240s see you guys now yeah and it's very much
2243s great yes we're not doing cosplay
2244s because we don't really have the
2245s infrastructure for it it's pretty
2248s difficult to do so we decided not to do
2252s it sure yeah I'm like that all that also
2254s involves like you know like PC and
2255s consoles may not necessarily be on like
2256s the exact same version the same times
2258s also just cuz like the whole
2259s certification process and how that all
2261s that stuff goes yeah yeah I just not we
2263s just can't do that
2264s sorry so we're looking into the whole
2267s nudity thing new DLC thing it should be
2270s free some players are reporting that
2271s it's has a price that's not supposed to
2273s happen so we're trying to see what
2275s that's about
2275s I found the mob that I was talking about
2277s earlier which is just called no whoosh
2278s noise which gives you everything you
2281s need to know about that particular mod
2283s so yeah Jesus we have 18 minutes left
2288s what about what's happening it's crazy
2291s it's happening this is insane
2294s I the meridian okay thank you very much
2299s Robert
2299s thank you all scream bye Robert thanks
2301s buddy so off-screen now he does an
2303s excellent voice off-screen was Robert
2306s one of our designers who told me what I
2311s needed for the keto summoning so we're
2315s just gonna get the right on that I'm
2316s just gonna lemuria is one of the lost
2318s confidence and is cracking all right
2320s yeah yes they are I believe they're
2322s descendants from Atlantis okay yeah
2324s right on so I played an old bunch of tf2
2328s servers called the lost continent
2329s oh sorry it's fine it's fine don't worry
2337s about it that's fine all right
2342s how BIG's the up they're gonna be on ps4
2344s um I've been told but it's gonna be
2347s about 12 to 14 gigs depending there we
2355s go I'm always so worried you did it oh
2358s so super worried if it's gonna launch
2361s it's gonna spawn it okay or not right so
2367s the album what do you mean about
2368s teleport cuz we recently did a like a
2370s waypoint teleport system from a
2372s structure that you can now build called
2374s the map room where they ask I'm just
2376s seeing some questions in chat about like
2378s quote what about teleport so I'm just
2379s wondering what you mean about that so
2381s like yeah like we basically added a fast
2382s travel system recently where like if you
2385s go you could go talk to an entity called
2386s a cartographer it's like a technically
2387s like a religion that you learn yes so
2390s you learn how to do that meaning a
2391s crafting recipe yeah so you learn a
2392s crafting recipe that lets you build this
2393s huge like mat for a metal ladder we to
2396s teleport you to various some like
2398s obelisks that you found like throughout
2400s the Exile plans you can gets only one
2402s way though so you can only go go to a
2403s obelisk that you learned you can't go
2404s back that's something that we did add
2406s and helps a lot of like convenience and
2410s just like be able to get around
2411s yay I'm sorry if I mister responds your
2414s question after that but yeah I just uh
2417s hit me up again so I can read it you can
2419s also you
2420s so admin teleport if you're in admin
2422s mode which is what I just did you just
2424s open the map right click and then over
2428s hold on control then click right click
2429s and then you'll teleport whatever you
2431s want to go all right let's get some zeal
2434s up in here yeah well thanks back now the
2438s Viking your family - I appreciate it
2441s you're very kind
2444s crack this sucker there is an admin
2446s panel on consoles yes of course the
2449s server will have to be enabled like
2450s allow it or like you know you're a
2452s single player like local hosting session
2453s will need to be allowing it but yeah you
2456s can get to the admin panel to the
2457s console I can read it everyone read what
2463s my point exactly
2466s chad is moving so quickly can anyone
2467s read this I read it Joe my witness to
2469s you I am slightly able to read it oh
2472s yeah
2472s so for people who wanted to see their
2473s keto in action here we go yeah perfect
2477s when I saw a question pop up also so
2479s like private servers are not being wiped
2480s we have no yes cannot touch privately
2483s that's not our server so like we can't
2485s like this is an MMO keep in mind right
2486s so you don't have like private servers
2488s or private servers like that's your
2490s server so you can do whatever the hell
2491s you want with yes our official servers
2493s are being wiped
2494s we recommend wiping the private servers
2495s yes we do recommend it just in case yeah
2497s for compatibility like concerns but like
2500s yes yeah like all your stuffs still
2501s gonna be there once like once the game
2503s goes live officially so yeah don't worry
2505s about that design me too it's really
2511s good
2511s I was made by Van Buren one of our
2513s creature designers who basically made
2517s almost all of the monsters in the game
2520s yeah mr.kato who is a goddess of death
2524s and goddess of sex so she's obviously
2526s half of her it's a beautiful woman half
2527s of her it's a rotting corpse she has
2530s some trouble fitting into this
2532s passageway so he's gonna turn around
2534s when she attacks she does a sweeping
2537s like damage
2540s breath and I'm a healing breath so she
2542s will damage damage enemies basically so
2547s she is the corpse
2550s hey man we're not here to kink shame no
2553s absolutely I share no beard that's wrong
2557s true why would she though she's a woman
2559s Oh yen's let's let's not discriminate Oh
2564s God yeah that was shit that was kind of
2566s bad I would like to apologize for what I
2570s just said it's fine you and I will go
2573s shoot myself no don't do that by the way
2578s 15 minutes
2580s 13 minutes that's what it says right
2582s there it's under 15 minutes yes I needs
2586s your monster that means we're doing
2587s another giveaway oh is it bad but that's
2590s what it means yes come dude God all
2596s right let's do another giveaway
2597s carbuncle
2599s let's do it boy let's do it all right
2601s we're gonna reset on Twitch open it up
2607s sweet yeah right now we definitely
2610s cannot see anything that you type it all
2611s says it all says raffle shout-out I saw
2615s a couple mixer people someone said so
2616s generous No
2618s [Music]
2621s nope her tattoos are simple yes pleasing
2624s to the idea giveaway in three two one on
2627s mixer and Chams illa forever over a
2630s mixer that's a very good very good news
2632s cap Scylla was one another barbarian
2635s edition shout out the raffle is still
2638s going on over on twitch oops
2641s rip chat boop boop love me geez we have
2644s we have close to 1500 people watching so
2647s much it's really cool thank you baby
2649s beard for the win thank you and oh god
2653s this is still going slow it is it's just
2655s cuz you go let's just keep a garden okay
2657s I can't read any going keep it going
2661s oh yeah there's a lot of people in chat
2665s this is awesome my goodness thanks guys
2669s yeah 1520 viewers now I tell your name
2673s names white against the white background
2674s so I can't actually read it I'm very
2676s sorry wait hi mom hi mom actually don't
2679s know if I France my mom isn't watching
2680s oh that's awesome
2681s no she isn't working she has no idea
2684s what I'm doing
2687s does watch some streams my parents
2689s actually do watch my Japanese yes and
2694s like apparently was the cutest little
2695s lady oh she's a wonderful Japanese woman
2699s yes right I've closed the raffle out
2702s which okay so we're gonna draw a winner
2705s [Music]
2708s the winner is Philo quark Kyle oh thank
2712s you for following who is actually
2713s following us yay we're gonna announce
2715s that winner in chat congratulations you
2717s are the proud owner of a barbarian
2718s Edition we're gonna send that key to
2720s once we're done with the stream we're
2721s just gonna DM everyone who has won so
2724s that's gonna that's how that's gonna
2726s play out perfect
2727s boy faked and rigged rigged can you
2732s transport all the server's no you can we
2735s don't have that option
2736s oh thank you sir contest appreciate ya
2740s you get so much love over that of the
2744s archives lattice hello can I just don't
2746s act like what how did the Argyle start
2749s it started with this yeah yeah yeah so
2751s like my when I was first offered the
2754s community manager position my first
2756s stream over in the North Carolina office
2758s I decided to just like wear my pink
2760s Argyle cuz I was like but I thought it
2762s was like a loudest and like most
2763s interesting thing that I had in my
2764s wardrobe so I was like fuck it let's
2766s just wear this thing and just look fine
2767s let's just be an asshole to the viewers
2770s skies all right I'm joking I'm joking
2774s yeah let's go make yeah what do they
2776s make a good first impression so it's
2778s like no and everyone in chapters like oh
2780s my god you're like I like that we
2783s actually kind of trademark brand now
2786s it's like well this is a meme now yeah
2788s it's a meme now so yeah like if you guys
2790s like on the forums or whatever like if
2792s you guys see like you'll see a little
2793s pink argyle sweater icon that actually
2795s one of our GM's for our live games drew
2797s for us yeah because if you see that if
2800s you see anyone posting with like a pink
2802s Argyle something that's probably me but
2805s yeah I just like to turn into a thing
2806s and now I'm just the argyle Avenger mr.
2809s Arlo man or God make man but I think all
2811s those are the things what's great is in
2812s our other games secret world legends we
2814s have a t-shirt with a t-shirt yes yes
2817s yes we now have a C shirt in game that
2819s has a picture of my shirt just like the
2821s whole thing on it so I'm just reading
2838s share right now timid wait what oh I
2840s love those guys out of it I it's very
2843s stylish absolutely yeah yeah this is
2855s important for you guys to know those
2858s guys to know tell us Joel the server
2860s browser still says pvp fuck we know
2863s completely knows you know about us we
2865s make sure everybody in the world knows
2866s that yes we know 1500 people now in fact
2869s know 1500 people 1500 people that's more
2872s than man yet schooled in so I'm guessing
2873s it's because Andy's here yeah
2877s it's cuz it's the beard isn't it yeah
2880s [Music]
2885s did you check the style on the ps4
2887s update ah I see I see a shout-out to
2890s Asheville North Carolina one of my
2892s favorite cities in the state yes
2894s I've never been there oh dude it's
2897s awesome like it's right near the
2898s mountains it's like only looking for
2899s four hour drive from like the Durham
2901s area okay it's super awesome it's like
2903s super artsy and everyone's like super
2905s hip and it's a super fun it's a lot of
2907s fun awesome music scene awesome beer
2909s lots of good food the clocks all right
2911s primo I'm gonna repeat what Joel said
2913s because a lot of people were like well
2915s what was that so PvE conflict servers
2918s will in the server browser show up show
2922s up as pvp fast they are still PvE
2926s conflict servers they're just tagged
2929s wrong in the server browser that's
2930s something we'll fix it's just a minor
2931s thing the rule set is there still they
2934s are set to PvE conflict they're just
2937s tagged incorrectly really so hmm
2940s there's no pvp fast anymore PvP vanilla
2943s is 2x harvesting 1x crafting and 1x XP
2947s just so you know people can rebuild
2949s faster after they've been rated I've
2951s been you know attacked and all that kind
2953s of stuff
2953s so that is that is like the vanilla for
2955s PvP and then PvE and PvE conflict it's
2957s gonna be 1x everything because people
2960s can't destroy your stuff there exactly
2962s so hey dude good to know I'm doing well
2965s sorry I'm just reading chat right now I
2966s was super hungry I'm super sorry for
2968s saying super so many times about the
2973s Xbox emphasized the Xbox update is gonna
2975s be pretty big it's gonna be like around
2977s 40 ish gigs 40 45 ish gigs that is
2982s unfortunately a lot and it's
2984s unfortunately out of our hands that's
2985s not something we were able to to you
2988s know control but once that is that like
2991s you should have everything and you
2992s should like everything should be good to
2993s go so yeah
3001s oh you're very welcome so if you've been
3004s playing on xbox and you're easily had a
3005s 44 gig update that is the largest a
3008s patch on Xbox and we are currently
3011s checking in to see what the side is on
3013s the ps4 update because players I'm
3016s wondering wondering where it is
3017s basically we're gonna get to that later
3021s oh six minutes I'm just gonna sit here
3024s and stare at the clock for a bit while
3026s also kill these apples in complete
3028s silence now let's not do that my radio
3035s my radio instincts are kicking my brain
3037s just goes sure sure there's too much
3039s silence so someone speak someone says
3041s something Oh Nicole you're cut off on
3044s camera but I know you'll issue she's
3045s looking off at the chat right now sorry
3047s yeah while the men hold down the fort no
3052s I mean yeah I mean I'm just sitting here
3054s like let's go well it's good that you're
3064s you know self-aware about it oh yeah I'm
3066s hyper subconscious about all this I like
3071s freak out every time I'm on stream
3072s because it's like doing this for like
3075s two years now every time oh thank you
3079s very much every time you break I buy you
3082s do a five minute rattle oh yeah and he
3086s has to clarify if you are on a console
3088s and you're in the US there is no nudity
3090s there is partial nudity which are boobs
3093s but there's no full nude no no buts or
3097s dogs or anything like that for you
3098s unfortunately also someone asked about
3102s the shipment on the Barbarian edition
3103s servers Oh God
3106s this person is trying to kill me no
3108s chill I saw you yeah I mean you've been
3110s witnessed let's just rip pepperoni to
3120s say at five minutes so we did do that I
3123s made a suggestion right actually now
3124s it's open now you go go go kill tap our
3129s toots
3129s [Music]
3133s it's me
3136s thank you yes the mixer giveaways thumb
3155s for bon John's won the giveaway
3157s congratulations you have won a more
3158s regulations in the barbarian Edition is
3161s this awesome Conan Cal's t-shirt yay
3164s which which we're wearing and it's
3168s awesome
3168s which you are way too high where I think
3170s all this where you're in Europe and also
3173s a bunch of keys for digital Conan books
3178s digital code and comic books a Conan RPG
3181s book you know bunch of like cool cognate
3184s related stuff
3185s there's no in-game DLC in the Barbera
3188s nation I just want to make that clear
3189s because I just confuse some people but
3193s it's just a bunch of like outside game
3195s goodies that we want to give people who
3196s are you know we want to be in cloning
3198s pens or maybe learn more about Conan the
3199s Barbarian so so that is that and then
3203s the twitch I raffle is still going but
3205s I'm gonna close it I'm going to draw a
3207s winner and the winner is one shout
3210s underscore lied thank you for so much
3212s for following me congratulation I'm
3214s learning you did it yeah I did it I did
3216s it we did it
3217s we announced it was a winner in chat and
3218s I'm just gonna do it yeah right
3221s oh Jesus we are three minutes ago and
3225s this is crazy
3226s [Music]
3228s it'll be fine whoa what's going on easy
3232s ASCII art in there
3233s what's that asking I don't know I'm
3235s gonna see if I go play not inappropriate
3236s this is a family stream guys is it guys
3239s this is a family establishment and I
3241s think it was think of the children
3248s why is there no nudity on console well
3250s there was a bunch of different reasons
3253s it's weighing the ratings boards yes
3255s it's in short regs hmm that is it can I
3262s explain PV conflict service yes I can
3264s PvE conflict servers are PvE service
3266s with PvP combats timers basically that
3270s means that outside primetime which is
3273s five to eleven local server time there
3277s is no player versus player damage and
3279s there's no player versus building damage
3281s during primetime you can fight other
3285s players and kill them there's PvP combat
3289s but there is no building damage like at
3293s all whatsoever in times depend on the
3295s server that you're on yeah and I like
3297s the time depend on the local time of the
3299s server so it's different from someone
3301s who's in Europe than from someone who's
3303s in the US for example at least on the
3305s East Coast so yeah basically that is how
3310s that is
3311s then on PvE servers there's no no
3314s fighting and no building damage on PvP
3317s servers you can fight each other all the
3318s time like one on one or one own two or
3321s whatever but building damage will be
3323s delegated to only during prime time do
3327s we want to change it to like Tyler to be
3329s really big ones one minute I mean we're
3330s not one minute now so yes we can of
3334s course our faces like this yeah no like
3336s the entire thing
3340s [Laughter]
3346s I blossom
3349s my eyes are this big okay so I guess I
3361s guess this is the time we get our
3362s parting moments off yeah all right I
3366s need some parting shot eason ah I need
3368s to shrink this account it's too big now
3370s it's too late now
3371s there we go just let me just embrace it
3374s [Music]
3377s seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds I'm not
3382s gonna do this for 30 seconds or 25
3385s wait I thank you all for tuning in today
3387s thank you all for your support through
3389s early access before and hopefully beyond
3392s for God and it's been a hell of thing
3395s when the final ten seconds right now
3397s server's gonna be opening up shortly
3400s eight seven six five four three two one
3418s you
3430s we do chat is going crazy rip chat we're
3435s gonna go nuts really soon tricked you
3439s there didn't we all right so really
3444s quick can I give a couple shout outs
3446s really close out yeah just really quick
3448s wanted to give a couple shout outs from
3449s Andy yes and then a surprise yes
3453s and then yeah so quick shout outs for me
3456s for like to give a shout out to team
3459s Durham USA they're probably not watching
3461s cuz it's really early still but maybe
3463s looking at to the bothy probably won't
3465s but saying hello to you shout out
3467s staying sane and Shuba for your support
3468s shout outs to nice origami soldier for
3471s this lovely Illuminati pin and all the
3473s secret world players that have supported
3474s me over the past couple years so thank
3476s you all thank you to yen's thank you
3479s Andy
3480s it's my pleasure thank you thank you did
3482s Nicole oh yes thank you and thank you
3488s all of you so yes thank you guys this
3491s has been crazy oh yeah we're gonna go
3493s nuts in a little bit but what's the
3494s surprise take us away surprise is a
3499s collector's edition raffle
3504s all kinds of everything boom it's a
3511s giant box no no it's a mini it's a
3513s miniature me it's just gonna and yellow
3517s you to tell you pat bad puns or
3519s something special yen's Eric miniature
3521s all right oh all right so what's in the
3525s collects edition well there's gonna be
3526s an art book there's gonna be a comic
3528s book there's gonna be codes for digital
3530s Conan books there's gonna be a code for
3532s a digital RPG book there's gonna be
3533s three soundtracks there's gonna be the
3536s the map printed on a nice piece of paper
3539s it's gonna be the day one edition of the
3542s game it's gonna be yes that's it
3544s soundtrack it's gonna be the the Conan
3546s statue it's gonna be three soundtracks
3549s like one frayed one for Conan I guess
3551s that's two for alc
3553s Coenen statues gonna be so much good
3556s stuff cool yeah sweetheart book and chat
3561s is going crazy yeah if I think carbuncle
3565s is gonna set up the yeah yes it's there
3568s and yeah we are slowly but surely
3573s removing the passwords on the on the
3577s official servers it's happening right
3578s now we're at 2,000 viewers as we're
3581s closing down the stream I really like it
3584s so I'm gonna mix her chapters wrote down
3587s pornhub I don't know why none of that
3590s none of that absolutely not affiliate
3594s unaffiliated and the mixer giveaway is
3598s done it is caveman data in 1985 you are
3601s won the giveaway congratulations you
3603s have won a collector's edition hey
3606s you're welcome and we will DM you to get
3609s all the details and what kind of like
3610s position you want and I'm also sorry I'm
3614s sorry where to go okay and we are also
3621s going to give away something on Twitch
3623s there's another collector's edition nice
3626s I'm gonna draw right now it is Overlord
3628s Mike 25 thank you for following
3632s congratulations you can stop typing in
3636s raffle now because it's done it's over
3638s there that's very true yeah I was gonna
3642s do the whole like you get nothing good
3646s all right
3647s Jesus Christ this chat is going alright
3652s so I think that's it for us oh we need
3657s to go and get on by forum trains and
3660s yeah we got to get back to our battle
3662s stations so I'll start messaging
3664s everybody who's lying
3665s alright and yeah yeah we'll be there
3667s manning the forums and on the will be on
3669s the the tweeters and their face boxes
3671s and the all that jazz box making sure
3674s you guys in the loop of what's going on
3676s yeah and then you tell them this is how
3678s you can tell us what's going also
3679s because you guys need to report stuff
3681s tell us what's going on coming up we
3684s know what's going on the servers are
3685s still password-protected so we're gonna
3686s get
3687s well we're not perfect the other one
3688s right yeah so yeah we're still in the
3692s other in the rollout phase right now so
3693s yeah we're still opening up the servers
3694s right now they'll be open up soon ts
3696s thank you for patients appreciate it
3698s all right we're still humans working on
3700s this it's not like we flip the screen
3702s checked every single one yeah so it's
3704s kind of it's gonna happen okay we're
3708s gonna go see you out there enjoy the
3711s game this has been really fun and silly
3713s and weird it's been a hell of a journey
3715s for me and for everyone else so from all
3718s of us here at fun calm thank you so much
3721s for watching thank you so much for
3723s playing and bye
3736s you
3743s you