about 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

Additionally to what @Kwalya mentioned, if there’s suspicions of DDoSing, make sure also to get in contact with G-Portal and/or Sony.
To clear any confusion, we don’t have server admins on official servers, nor any admin password.

about 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

The dismantling glitch has been fixed internally and in Testlive. Should be out by the next live patch.

about 5 years ago - Ignasis - Direct link

If the alleged DDoSing is happening on PS4, we would suggest to set your PSN profiles on private and not accept any group invites. We’ve heard reports in the past about similar issues like this and this seemed to fix the ways individual IPs were acquired.
If it affects a large chunk of players in the server, you could get in contact with G-Portal (via Twitter or Facebook) explaining the situation, with concrete timestamps and server number so they can check if there’s been an anomalous amount of traffic during that period of time.