Inspired by the survival game Conan Exiles and with help of a major Swedish furniture manufacturer, Funcom is proud to reveal the upcoming launch of CÖNAN, a furniture line set out to improve quality of life.
More info and all product details here:
@GemmaBabbler: @ConanExiles I do a custom arena challenge for my players every well on our RP server. Confinement has my well of ideas g…
@PabloImmediato Hey there, for these reports we'd recommend DMing a community support rep such as Ignasis or Hugo on the official forums. Thanks for your patience!
We're extending the XP Boost event until April 6th so you can take full advantage of the event through the weekend! This includes official servers for PC, Xbox, and PS4. We also want to take the opportunity and ask: How are you doing, Exiles?
@Austin_81004 Hey there! We currently don't have plans for keyboard and mouse support for the console versions. Sorry about that!
📯 Hark! 📯 A sale comes from the horizon! We're holding a weeklong sale on Steam. Now's the chance to meet up with your friends in the Exiled Lands or beat them up with an array of weaponry.
⚔️ Conan Exiles 50% off ⚔️ DLCs 25% off
You can learn more about the dungeons and server that builds them through their website:
Take virtual tour through this player made dungeon, "The Cave of the Necromancer"! An evil wizard is experimenting on live subjects to find the key to immortality. Your goal is to stop the Necromancer and free his captives! Beware, he knows you're coming.
@Kyle75229576 Hey! If you go to the official forums, we can try to troubleshoot there. In the meantime, are you playing on a server? If so, play on singleplayer for a minute or two then go back to the server. This may help as a work around. Thanks for your patience!
Doubled harvesting rates are now over. But we're going to keep this momentum going! All official servers on all platforms now have increased XP rates until April 3rd. Live, laugh, slay but at distance of 6 ft. Cheers!
@CJCA915 It was a little over a week ago. You can check out the notes here if you'd like. Try offering them through your inventory and not your hotbar and see if that helps.
@Natural_Noona @kotfrp Glad to hear that! :) We've definitely got things coming! 🤫
@GreyhawkMike: Dear Crom: I think you dropped this. I'm sure you won't mind if I borrow it. @ConanExiles
@KittyG_baby They're just looking for a good scratching post! Even if that means you. ;D
@AlfredoGB22 Hey there! We have multiple teams working on different things. Unfortunately, some bugs can be harder to fix than others and may take longer. But we are working on getting more fixes out in the future. Thanks for your patience!
@CJCA915 Hey there! This is currently fixed on PC but we're working on getting this out for consoles as soon as possible. Sorry for the trouble!
@justkeepshootin It's currently fixed on PC. The same fix will roll out for consoles in a future patch. Sorry for the trouble in the meantime!
Mercury poses a great question! What enemies have you "lovingly" named?
@Mercury2P The hyena skull helmet! It's a great look. The recipe is out there, and there are some great guides that tell you how! Though we don't want to spoil it for you if you want to try and find it yourself. :)