Thursday is our post-update mailbag with lead designer Alex! You can leave a question for us to answer on stream in the thread below.
Join us on Thursday for the Q&A stream and the answers to *your* questions.
@dchurch71 If you're playing the single-player mode you can adjust the thrall/pet limit manually (or turn it off completely if you want).
If you select "Make me Admin" in the Server Settings menu you can then go to the "Pet and Hunger" subscreen and modify the Population limiter :)
@GliderRip Mounts are available on consoles right now, friend :)
@spiiritedaway Why there are crashes? From what we can tell it's an out of memory issue. We're still working on a patch, but once it's ready to be deployed we'll deploy it.
@GaugeRhal Hey Gauge Rhal!
This is intended and was mentioned in the patch notes for the latest update :)
@dchurch71 Depending on how many players are in your clan, this number might change. On an official server, you start off with 65 if you're solo, but 5 more will be added to the max limit per person joining your clan.
On private servers the limit is set by the server admin.
@HYggdrasil Not yet Hyggdrasil, but it's not a bad suggestion!
@PlayerConan Hey there! There isn't a physical strategy guide to buy, but our Wiki has a ton of information available:
@The_Joker_hahax We're aware of this and working on a fix
@LTechna That's a bug, something we're going to fix :)
@DaboraKay We're still working on the console hotfix. It will roll out the minute it's ready
@JoshuaLaFloe Look closer!
@MikeT10272093 Hey Mike!
There is a patch in the works for the crash issues on consoles and it will be patched as soon as it's ready
@shaiQu3ra Yes! That's a great screenshot
@sunnygrace1313 That look great!
@ffejhedges As soon as possible
@Glorthoron By Crom, that's beautiful!
@fire6336 It's a tactical choice you'll have to make when you play. We can't promise that it's going to change, but if we see a high community demand for it, it's definitely something we can consider.
@Raunchy_Pixels The growth rate on Bearer Thralls is unintended and will be balanced out with a patch. Pets and thralls will start out with relatively low health, but will increase in health as they level up.