Conan Exiles is on sale in @Xbox's Survival of the Fittest Sale! You can get the Xbox version of Conan Exiles for 50% off the full price. That also includes the Complete and Deluxe Editions!
The offer runs out in 5 days, so you better hurry:
On Thursday we're kicking off a community mailbag where we'll answer your questions and comments.
Leave a question (or comment) in the forum thread in the link below and tune in on Thursday at 5pm CEST on our streaming channels!
We've released a hotfix addressing a critical issue with thralls reverting to 100HP with no equipped gear. No gear has been lost and after updating to the newest version you should be able to see all previously equipped loot in your thralls show again.
It's stream day once again on Thursday and this week we're doing a post-update Q&A with lead designer Alex and community manager Jens Erik.
We'll open up a thread on our forums and on Reddit later today where you can post questions for us to answer on stream.
Exiles, We're aware of an issue introduced in the latest patch with thralls not showing any previously equipped gear. We've identified the cause and fixed it internally plus any gear that isn't showing won't be lost. We plan to release a fix for it ASAP. Thanks for your patience.
@sleepyslothxx Hey there! Looks like for some on PS4, it still shows as needing to be paid for though you have the pass. It's currently being investigated and will update as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience!
@marden_seth Sorry for the trouble! Looks like for some, it still shows it as needing to be paid for though you have the pass. It's being looked into at this moment. Thanks for your patience!
In honor of the release of Debaucheries of Derketo we want you to unleash your inner creative and show us your moves!
It's time for a Conan Exiles emote contest!
Head on over to our forums to read the contest rules and start planning your entry:
@JacktheCnt That depends on the extent of the bug in question. Unfortunately can't guarantee that resolving the issue will return all the items automatically
@Quiet_Swallow @SassyAssassin30 It could also just be a cache issue on the PSN Store, and once it updates it will be free of charge for Year 2 Season Pass holders :)
@JacktheCnt Unfortunately we're not able to immediately return the lost weapons and armors
@nilrochaart Very, very close to Sepermeru :)
@JacktheCnt We are working on getting this issue fixed as soon as possible, but unfortunately we probably won't be able to fix it before raid time starts today.
@TheBridacious @funcom Thank you for your report. We will investigate this
@SassyAssassin30 @Quiet_Swallow We are aware of this. :) We're in talks about Microsoft about solving the issue in the Xbox One store and we've gotten in touch with Sony about the Year 2 Season Pass issue on PS4.
@Cynfulx We've gotten in touch with Sony about the Year 2 Season Pass issue and we hope to have it resolved as soon as possible :)
@MarcojoyZhao Hey rep,
This is due to a bug and we will fix it as soon as we can
@SassyAssassin30 @Quiet_Swallow Thank you very much :) We've started looking into this issue. If you already own the Season Pass you shouldn't have to pay for the Debaucheries of Derketo Pack
@DapperPaperBag We rolled out an update for it today, adding a new dungeon. The patch notes can be found on our forums:
@Quiet_Swallow @SassyAssassin30 Hey there!
That's odd, because we tested it just now on a local console couldn't replicate the issue. Which country are you located in?