11 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
11 months ago - hawkward - Direct link
Thank you for playing Craftopia!

After over a year of development, we are finally ready to announce that the Seamless Update, the biggest update ever for Craftopia, will release in June 2023!

It's been over a year since the last major update, and in that time, the game has evolved into an almost completely different game. Craftopia was released into Early Access in 2020/09, and since has undergone a difficult but exciting development journey. At first, we endeavoured to update the game on a daily basis but soon found that this approach was not sustainable.

As we continued to improve the game, there were many problems that we just couldn't solve in the short term, so we took some time off and worked hard to make the game the best it could be.

One year has passed since then.
In order to solve the problem of "moving islands isn't fun", which was the feedback we often received, we radically revised the game (or almost completely rebuilt it), and at the same time, we took your warm requests such as "the combat is boring" or "XX is unpleasant" seriously and steadily revised the game point by point.

Finally, after a year and a half of work, we've finally reached the point where we feel we can present to you once and for all!

We will continue to update the game, taking your feedback into account, so thank you very much for your support!

By the way:
We've also resumed the development of Overdungeon (our first game) and released a new update for it. If you're interested, you can find it here.