@Box_Hobo Thank you for your interest in Craftopia! We merged our favorite game genres to develop this game! We hope Craftopia will be the eye-deal game for everyone ;)
Today's alpha update, the "raft" will be available in C"raft"opia.
In this update, it's just a vehicle, but we're currently preparing new content using this raft! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_S6XA_VQAM10B6.jpg
@CoringaGamer212 The new patch to resolve the Xbox performance crash issue is currently under review. It will be released as soon as it passes the review.
@davidprowntree The new patch to resolve the Xbox performance crash issue is currently under review. It will be released as soon as it passes the review.
@metalheadDC Hello, it's unfortunately not possible to change your character's appearance in the current stable version of Craftopia. But the next major update that we're working on will make it possible to change the appearance of your character. We hope that you will enjoy t...
@JacobCheeseman4 The new patch to resolve the Xbox performance crash issue is currently under review. It will be released as soon as it passes the review.
@jdgregory311 The new patch to resolve the Xbox performance crash issue is currently under review. It will be released as soon as it passes the review.
@TylerMc62148867 Hi, thank you for reporting the issue related to build mode setting and map marker. The build mode setting is available only to the deployables that are not floor, slope, or wall. We're aware of this issue now and the dev team will consider changing or modifyi...
@garycfc08 Thank you for reporting! The snap-to-grid mode of building is only available to deployables that are not floor, slope, or wall. We're aware of this confusing system and considering changing or modifying it. Again, thank you for playing our game Craftopia!