To piggyback off what Kraahk posted (thanks, buddy! 👍) :
1. We have some ideas for what VIP will consist of, but it doesn't affect your passive skill training anymore. There haven't been any announcements on how VIP will adjust, but we want to stay as far from anything considered pay-to-win as we can.
2. Kraahk posted some good numbers, but I wanted to reiterate that leveling up isn't solely done through sacrifice. You can also fight NPCs in the world to earn experience, but be aware that the NPCs that count will depend on your vessel's quality and level (just like item sacrifice).
3. There were some recent sanctioned Campaigns that gave prizes (the Trials of the Gods). Currently, though, Campaigns are for bragging rights. In the future there will be a variety of prizes available depending on the Campaign.
4. Kraahk got this one.
5. Yes, you can have multiple vessels and swap between them whenever you like. They can be in different worlds, have different levels, be different Race/Class combinations, etc. You can also delete vessels by clicking the little red trash can icon in your vessel list, but be aware we can't restore them if you do that.
6. We have a How to Play page for the basics, and the FAQs get more in-depth in separate systems.