almost 5 years
ago -
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If you do get the time and energy, please do send us a support email with your client log. This is an issue we're looking into and the more client logs we have on it, the better!
If you do get the time and energy, please do send us a support email with your client log. This is an issue we're looking into and the more client logs we have on it, the better!
The goal, I believe, is for an error to kick you back to the lobby so you can try to log in again. That's part of what needs to be fixed. Having to ALT+F4 and then reload everything definitely sucks. We don't have a way (that I'm aware of) to pull client logs without contacting the customer at all, but we do have some front-end quality-of-life work to do when it comes to messaging errors to the players and asking them for more information.