This sentiment again? Amazon owns both Twitch and Relentless. They could have free or at least very, very cost effective, built-in ads on literally every stream on Twitch. A pre-roll ad on Twitch would be played to millions of people in the target audience every single day. There is absolutely no where else they are going to find that kind of ad value.
To me, keeping the tournaments going is fine. It's gives the devs a look at what an organized, practiced competitive Crucible game plays like. The problem is they haven't iterated on the game at all. They are being fed this information and haven't made changes to see if they can make the game better in that environment. Maybe they are doing that internally, I don't know, but it's been awfully quiet for quite some time. Maybe that two grand could go to an employee incentive to come up with innovative new features for the game, similar to a hackathon. The tournaments and their payout aren't really the problem, it's more that, seemingly, little visible progress is being made with the information from the tournaments.