almost 4 years ago - /u/iamgrouch - Direct link

Hey everyone, your friendly neighborhood Grouch here with a quick update:

We’ve been keeping a close eye on discussions regarding AFK players and their impact on matches. As I’ve mentioned in Discord and a few reddit threads over the past week, we’re attacking the problem in a few different ways, and the very first of those solutions is slated to come with tomorrow’s update. In addition to updates to battle pass challenges, bug fixes, and some minor quality-of-life changes, we’ll be rolling out the Surrender feature. This feature will allow players to begin a surrender vote during a match, and if it successfully passes, the match will end. No need to stick around and keep AFK players company in unwinnable matches. Don’t worry, AFK or disconnected players don’t count in the vote. This is our first step towards handling AFK players and our design team is actively working on finalizing plans for how we want to disincentivize the behavior to begin with (like taking away rewards and preventing challenge progress). Once those plans are more concrete we’ll be sure to share them with you.

And now, to address one of the hottest community topics: version 1 of voice chat has moved into the internal testing phase! The feature won’t make it in for tomorrow’s build, but assuming we’re not seeing any major issues in testing, it should be coming sooner than later (the team said I could commit to June publicly and they wouldn’t break my legs). The first release of voice chat will be available for use in matches, be an opt-in experience (off by default), voice activated, and have core features such as the ability to mute and report other players. We’ll be working on additional features like push-to-talk once we get v1 out the door. We thought about holding the feature back to get them out together, but figured you’d rather start talking sooner than later.

That’s all for now! We’ll see you again tomorrow.


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almost 4 years ago - /u/iamgrouch - Direct link

Originally posted by Omnifarious

I hope to god you guys have a cooldown on how often Surrender can be called otherwise we're going to see the same salty AFK bitches spamming Surrender votes every 3 seconds when the match isn't going 100% in their teams favor.

It has a 60 second cooldown if the vote fails. We'll adjust the timer if we see it's becoming a problem.

almost 4 years ago - /u/iamgrouch - Direct link

Originally posted by BarcusBrown

Thanks for the update! Just for clarity sake, when voice chat becomes active at whatever update it gets put out, there won't be an option for Push-To-Talk , and Push-To-Talk will be added later?

That is correct. Push-to-talk will come in a later release.

almost 4 years ago - /u/iamgrouch - Direct link

Originally posted by ZulZah

Cool update. I am just wondering how were you guys planning for enabling communications before the game was released? As I’m sure the type of game Crucible is, I assume the devs/PMs figured it would be a critical feature. Based on the feedback/reaction of the lack of voice or chat communications, did it speed up plans for it to be released by a drastic amount? Also was there a lot of surprise internally by the reaction of lack of this feature?

Hey ZulZah,

Good questions. We had already started work on voice comms before launch. After seeing the first wave of player feedback we immediately upped its priority at the studio and reallocated developer resources to help get it done sooner. We also made the tough decision to reduce the scope of the initial version, allowing us to get it out the door faster but with less bells and whistles. Like I mentioned in my post above, we felt it was important to get the first version out ASAP.

I wouldn't say we were surprised to see that players want voice chat. We knew it would be a hotly requested feature (which is why we were working on it), but I do think we underestimated how strong the reaction would be. We thought quick comms would be a stronger stop-gap solution, but it's pretty clear that Crucible is best experienced when you can coordinate with your team in real time. It was a miscalculation on our part and we totally own that. Not much we can do about it now other than getting voice in the game as quickly as possible.

Hope that answers your questions!

almost 4 years ago - /u/iamgrouch - Direct link

Originally posted by ottoginc

I am glad to see that you guys are focusing on the communities worries, at least a couple of them.

I do have to say, it is alarming to see that the issue of AFKing is somehow only arising weeks after launch. This is an obvious one. I do not see how a surrender option is even marginally tied to combating AFK players, when you guys don't even have an AFK option in your report menu. If a single player is AFK, that impacts the match enough to make it a problem, but simply giving up is not a solution. If there's an AFK player in every match, your proposed "first step" literally translates to "Do not play Crucible".

Make a movement/action timer. 1 minute. Give it a display on the HUD that has a countdown. "You are idle. You will be kicked in 30 seconds unless you do something. If you are kicked, you will not be able to join another game until this match is complete." This is not an unusual feature. Definitely add an AFK option in the report menu. That ones obvious too. If enough people report someone as AFK, and they are indeed not moving, they are kicked as well. With these two things combined, you can weed out AFK players and issue suspensions and bans.

There's no difference between an AFK player, and an empty spot and AFKing needs to be punished immediately, not just by having to go AFK in a different match because you made everyone have to surrender.

Second note, this sentence in particular is also alarming:

And now, to address one of the hottest community topics: version 1 of voice chat has moved into the internal testing phase!

Version 1? Three weeks after the game is launched, you guys have your very first ever version of voice chat ready for internal testing? So this really was something that is 100% an afterthought? A team based game absent communications. Can we at least get text chat started too?

I apologize for the overall negative vibe of this comment, I really do like this game and am appreciative of all the things you guys are doing, and you guys are doing them pretty fast in the scheme of things. It's just some of the things you are doing now should have been part of what people got on launch day. Instead they got disappointment. Luckily for everyone this is a free game. You don't like it, uninstall that shit and move on.

Then there's assholes like me who spend $75 on Founder's packs and feel entitled.

Please keep at it, I still speak highly of this game. Don't let it dieeee.

Hey otto,

I appreciate your passion and there's no need to apologize for it. We have a shared goal.

To address a point you made, surrender isn't a "solution" for AFK players, it's an escape pod if you end up in a bad match - a final resort. We wanted to surrender for general gameplay anyhow, so it's a two birds, one stone type of situation.

We have AFK detection going in with this build as part of surrender and we're actively working on "what we do" with AFK players once we identify them. As I mentioned above, we want to remove rewards to help disincentivize the behavior to begin with. We're also looking at implementing punishments for repeat offenders and working with our customer support team to ensure that habitual afkers are taken care of.

The leaver option is the right option for reporting players for AFK'ing, but you're right, it's not super clear. I'll pass that feedback along.

As for your comments on voice chat, I answered a related question in this thread - take a look at my reply there.

Thank you for your support! Also, I don't think I'm supposed to laugh at the entitled joke but I did anyways. :P

almost 4 years ago - /u/iamgrouch - Direct link

Originally posted by ZulZah

Thank you for providing that insight from your end and I totally can understand that. I’m impressed with how active you guys are in communication and updates and looking forward to giving Crucible some more time with how you guys are showing care to the game and player feedback.

You bet. :)