Original Post — Direct link

After 40hrs of gameplay, watching some videos, talking to other players, and analisys I've written this wall of text while playing, reading and watching videos. It might have stuff most of the community wants / is expecting and also inputs I came up with.

I'll try to format this thread as clean as I can. I've created some edits both in image and video form to help visuallize what I'm talking about.

Settings / Menus:

- Battle Pass should be XP based, not challenge based.

- Let us rotate characters in Collections.

- Make keybinds for each character

- Field of View slider/options up to 105.

- Character passives should be shown on main menu when clicking on a character to edit essence upgrades or changing characters, not just when pressing F1 ingame.

- The tutorial needs to be reworked, it should guide a new player through the whole process of selecting a character (just default it to Mendoza), checking upgrades, selecting a drop point, what each event does, the ping system.

- Before anyone goes into a public match, make them see the video introduccion to said gamemode. Those videos also need to be redone, they explain too little.


- I've seen this suggested, and I'm still not on it 100%. Traversing the map from side to side is a chore. If a player is out of combat for x amount of time, give it some extra ms to get to an objective / teamfight.

- Up the movement speed of all characters for at least 7-8%. adjust ms scaling on essence upgrades or ability buffs.

- You should be able to cast any ability mid air. (ADS can stay unavailable, the devs seem to like that, and I don't mind it).


- In all gamemode, everyone should drop together at game start, give 15 seconds to select, if someone fails to do so, randomly spawn them on one of the drop locations.

- When dying during a game, the game should always wait until a spawn point is selected before randomly spawning the player.

- Better interaction UI, current one is too bland and covers too much of the screen.

- Give players an extra 25% ms after respawning for 30s.


- Anti AFK system, kick them and make them AI, or just kick them with a leaverbuster system.

- Add a surrender option in-game available at 10 mins.

- Add an "Avoid Teammate" just like in Overwatch, max 3.


- Make the Pod landing more impactfull and immersive, it's underwhelming and buggy.

- Death timers should include the pod landing animation in it. Waiting 15-20s and another 5-6 for it to land is too much, specially late game on Heart of the Hive.

- Fix the camera angle and FPS drop when dropping down on a pod on respawn.


- We need reticle options: Opacity, color, countour, etc.

- There is no intuitive way to tell if you hit a crit spot, the red hitmarkers aren't a good idea. The sound effect for crit spots and body shots is too quite and gets overshadowed by gunfire. Also change the critspot hitmarker color.

- Add on-hit sounds, this will increase the impact of combat.

- Add an options to see actual damage numbers when we hit something. Make this toggable, and add opacity, type, and location options.

- Change tab to display a score board and use the default "m" for the map.

- Add an option or just simply show challenges during game while opening the map. Show a notification when a challenge is completed.


- Minimap with team mate indicators.

- Add a color to our character portrait on the map. Most of the time, if there are several of one character, there is no way of knowing who is who. This could also be fixed with nametags.

- Opening the map should show you the level of the enemy team(s), plus essence and kill count of allies (at least).

- Allow the use of the ping wheel on the map.

- Change default ping when map is opened to a waypoint to help players learn the map faster, don't do a voiceline with it and let it be visible until removed or 1min, which ever.


- Toggable text chat / voice chat.

- Allow us to mute allied chat and pings.

- Allow us to bind pings, emotes, voicelines to keys.

- Dobble pinging is either bugged completely or visually bugged ingame.

- Pings should show on coords on the top of the screen as well.

- Pings should be colored player specific.

- Pinging items, meds and objectives need to have a different icon, the audio queue is not enough.

- Pinging something on the map lasts too little, up the live time to 1min.

Map Variety

- Add a blue plant that give the player 30% more movement speed that decays over 3s. This is interrupted if the player uses an ability (ADS does not count here), takes damage or fires/swings.

Objectives / Locations

- Using Healing stations should heal max hp percentage per second. You have to be out of combat for 10 seconds to use it.

- Damage should disable your ability to capture Harvesters or Hive Hearts.

- Audio queue for when an enemy captures a Harvester or is taking over one of the allied Harvesters.

- Capturing a Harvester should have reward a small buff, this could be movement speed, max hp, health regen, etc.

- Harvesters passive essence gain should be greater for it to be worth contesting.

- Essence Siphone: The blue aura covers too much of the screen, probably just a ghost like effect behind the character would be fine.

Post Game

- Maybe we could get Kill/Assist and a damage graph in post game screen.


Now I'm moving to a per-character analysis. I played them each up to Lvl10 on various gamemodes, read the wikis for stat numbers, watched some videos too.
This is a longer part, full of text and only 1 video (for now).


Captain Mendoza


No complaints. Well rounded soldier character. Could probably use a little more mag size pre Level4 upgrade.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: They are all very good and cover different playstyles.

Level2: Good upgrade overall. Very good for 1v1s.

Level3: I feel like Headlong Rush doesn't fit his kit. He has some armor, yes, but he isn't supposed to go directly into the enemy.

Level4: Good upgrade.

Level5: Again, very good upgrades, both for different playstyles.


  1. As of now Autogun Turret seems to only fire straight ahead. Could probably be more usefull as a sentry gun.
  2. Change Headlong Rush for something else more fitting.
  3. There are some problems with animations with Cpt. Mendoza. You can sprint and bunny-hop indefently. Aiming while airborne is glitched.
  4. Maybe, for balancing sake, maybe reloading should cancel sprint.
  5. Fix his sprinting+jump animation, he get's stuck in it. The issue here seems to be the delay between his jump landing animation and the spirinting + jumping one.
  6. Let us ADS in mid air with decreased accuracy.

Very solid soldier character, most of his kit has no issues, or could use some small QoL.





Damage seems pretty balanced, same for range.

Firepulse Thrusters:

You can blast 3 times back-to-back for great map coverage. Fits very well in her kit for mobility.

Magma Spiral

Amazing AoE ability.

Ignition Spark

Great disengage tool. Can also be used for mobility.


Very good long range ability. Once you get the DoT for this, it's great for farming essence without taking much damage.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Flame Projectors and Refinery Blast are both very good options. Thruster Pounce feels a bit of, but is a great engage tool if you had the high ground.

Level2: No complaints.

Level3: Inediary Shot is a very good farming/zoning ability. Magma Swarm is perfect for ~. Tuned Spark Coils is a good upgrade, but feels more usefull on Alpha Hunters rather than for Heart of the Hives.

Level4: No complaints.

Level5: Both Goes to Eleven and Ready to Rock are good options, but it really feels like Ready to Rock is more usefull so far.


  1. The heat cooldown is very fast, and for the suggestions I will make next, it should be adjusted. So far Flamethrower consumes almost nothing when used alone, mabe increase damage and heat gauge consumption?
  2. Fireball can be used almost back-to-back-to-back indefently if you wait a bit between each. I'm not sure if a small .3 cooldown would be good or an increase of heat gauge consumption.
  3. Thruster Pounce should could be changed to make Firepulse Thrusters consume less heat if the characters kit ends up moving in another direction.
  4. Goes to Eleven's heat gauge increase is very good, but in a middle of a fight I still don't know if meleeing someone for 40 DoT is more usefull or not, mostly because we have no idea how long that DoT is.

Her kit is really solid. I've seen her being played a lot, which speaks for itself. Some work can be done to balance her.




Fire Misty:

Pretty good primary fire, I like the cone of fire effect for the crosshair/accuracy.


Very good mobility tool. Kinda wonky when attempting to use it on CQC.

Tanking Up:

Very good self heal. Needed, as Earl is a tank character. I expected it to be a heal over time ability though, the stock heal it offers is kind of underwhelming.

Blowback Vents:

Combined with Afterburner, this is the best tool you have to prevent a team from gathering a Hive Heart on Heart of the Hives. Very good self semi peel.


Good secondary fire.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Big Rig is the way to go on pretty much every instance. Only way I see myself using High Idle is when I have Bugg or Shakirri on my team. Packing a Spare is not even worth taking as of now.

Level2: Nothing Wasted could be better.

Level3: Directional Vents is good if you have a very mobile team. Scatterblast Shot is very bad right now. X-Turbo Draft is very usefull for tight situations when you just need a quick heal to continue your fight without waiting for Turbofire to loadup.

Level4: Full Throttle is an amazing upgrade for agresive engages or for peeling your teammates.

Level5: Star-Ball Energy Drink is a very good tank oriented upgrade. If you want to deal more damage, use Red Line That Sucker, specially if you have healers.


  1. Fire Misty shouldn't stop while firing Upshift
  2. Tanking Up maybe could be used while using Afterburner and Blowback Vents, it would provide a little more gameplay versatility.
  3. Tanking Up mabe should be changed to a flat heal plus a heal over time.
  4. Jumping shouldn't cancel Afterburner.
  5. Maybe being able to Tanking Up while using Blowback Vents.

Overall, Earls kit is super solid. I had a lot of fun with him, and he is also annoying to fight against, since most of the time he isn't being focused if he doesn't engage first. I would dig being able to fire while in Blowback Vents.




Primary Fire:

Her primary fire is interesting, you can just get someone low enough to get killed by DoT and not enough to let them heal it or shield it.


Great mobility tool for traveling/dodging.


Very good smokescreen like ability. Great for blocking vision and disorienting.

X-Ray Goggles:

Very good safty tool. Let's you check up if you are being flanked. or check on traps.

Adhesive Alpha

Fits very good on her kit. Good for kitting and escapes.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Smuggler's Compartment is meant for aggresive early game, very good. Blink Booster is a great option for traversing the map. Finish Them! won't really be used that much, your reload is fast enough.

Level2: Medical Mastery is an incentive to play agresive.

Level3: Rappi-Shot Stabilizer needs to be worked on, underwhelming. Z-Ray Lenses shouldn't be an upgrade, you can just look around for that effect. Alpha Spill works great with Electro-Cloud, very good kit synergy.

Level4: Increased mobility with Multi-Charged Blinkvest, very good upgrade.

Level5: Explosive Teleport is good for escapes, or if you jump into the enemy, Electro-Cloud and move out after Adhesive Alpha. No agresive incentive from this. Isochronal Cloud seems like a good map control upgrade, has potential.


  1. Primary Fire could have at least 2 more shots on the mag.
  2. With the above, increase reload by .5s or more.
  3. For balance sake, Shift shouldn't phase through terrain or obstacles, plus you could increase the deleay between Shifts by .5s
  4. Blink Booster could use 1 or 2 more meters.
  5. Finish Them! Doesn't really fit her kit, needs to be changed for something else.
  6. Rappi-Shot Stabilizer could use an increase in fire rate, Kick reduccion is fine.
  7. Isochronal Cloud would be worth taking if the small clouds also had poison.

Tosca's kit feels very





Nice combination of ranged and melee combat.

Weapon Swap:

Could use some work, change between ranged and melee weapon.

Force Dome:

Very good zone control ability. Needs some work.

Holo Shield:

Your only source of versatile protection if you are reloading your pistol and fighting against a long range enemy. Very good for CQC.

Disruption Strike / ADS:

Disruption Strike is just terrible at this time. The damage is underwhelming and it fails to hit targets if you move your aim last second.

I can't count the amount of times I've trying flicking my aim in CQC to use this and completely miss. I'm not sure if this is a projectile based ability or just melee.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Extended Lunge is very good, since most of the time, you will be on your sword. Starlock Capacitor gives you those much needed shots you need for early game. Noble Shield is nice upgrade, but could be better.

Level2: Unless your target is completely still, this upgrade is mostly useless. I can see this as a skill gap for Shakirri where a player could aim at a targets possible future position, predicting his movement and deflecting the projectile (if enemy is ranged) to deal some damage. I still think it needs some work.

Level3: Synergistic Blade is very good for those situations of immediate ranged to melee combat switch in which you still had shots on your gun. Freezelock Pistol is also a great option for long range combat or if the enemy team has super mobile characters. Healthy Gambit is good, if you have a well rounded team, aka Tank and Healer.

Level4: Force Dome Overcharge is a great upgrade overall. No complaints.

Level5: Strike to the Heart only makes sense to use on a Heart of the Hive as of this time. Restorative Dome is an amazing upgrade for team utility, it provides a great healing buff.


  1. Swing needs some work to be working correctly agains mobs, it's either Swing or the hitboxes of mobs are the problem.
  2. Swing could use more damage against mobs, damage againts players seems fine. Issue might be linked to previews suggestion.
  3. Disruption Strike is underwhelming right now, against mobs and players, damage needs to be increased accordingly.
  4. Noble Shield could be changed to an all around shield and could be swapped with Healthy Gambit.
  5. This may be an overkill for an upgrade but instead of increasing deflected shots by 50% we could instead convert the damage recieved to extra energy for the pistol, which would give Shakirri a reason to switch back to her pistol for those extra shots.
  6. Instead of increased damadge for shots remaining in Synergistic Blade, we could have increased damage when there are no shots remaining. Maybe make her have a use for "reload" which would instead let her consume the pistol energy for increased melee damage for a short time or for X amount of confirmed hits depending on shots available on her pistol.
  7. Strike to the Heart is pretty much a tank/Hive killer upgrade, and it's good, but 3 minutes is way to long. I still haven't thought about this too much. Deacresing the time for the damage to go through would be to overpowerd without lowering the base damage of the upgrade, but I would like it more if instead it was maybe 100h/s for 3 seconds (?). I'm still trying to think about this.
  8. Her "Recharging" pistol UI is so bad. I never actually know when my pistol is ready without switching back and waiting 1s for the guns ammo HUD to update. There should be a progessive HUD element that let's you know when the gun is fully recharged, and with this, change the "Recharging" text to a graphic element, either a circle or something else. The red translucid text is way to hard to see when fighting.
  9. The reload time for empy pistol clip is 2.28s, recharging just 1 energy (1 pistol shot) takes the exact same time. This could to be adjusted to take 24ms per used shot instead. Starlock Capacitor should not be touched with this, meaning the extra 2 shots should not be counted towards the reload time.
  10. Impoved UI elements to let players know when pistol is ready / is being reloaded.
  11. Allow for Q and F to be casted at the same time as Shift.
  12. Allow us to ADS/Shot and Swing while using Holo Shield
  13. Shift and Force Dome shouldn't interrupt Q.




Spray: Underwhelming primary fire.


Good mobility and kitting tool. Could use some work.

Shield Burst:

Shield is balanced, but needs work.

Crop Dust:

Good zoning tool.

Seed Pod:

All around good ability, could be better.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Onboard Diagnostics sounds good in theory, not so much in practice. Early Bloomers is the best on here, no reason not to use it as of now. High pH Mixture is good, if you are looking to play more aggresive.

Level2: Realigned Gyros is good, but maybe have it at 6.5 or 7.

Level3: Tend and Protect is really good for utility. In the matches I used Protective Husks I never saw an overshield on my Seed pods, not sure if bugged visually or just not working. Booming Blossoms very good zone control upgrade.

Level4: No-Weed Presticide seems good, no idea what "Vulnerability" stands for, could either be a resistance debuf for the enemy or something else.

Level5: High Grade Bio-Fuel is good if your team is super mobile. Daisy Chain is a most if you run Booming Blossoms.


  1. Spray is terrible, the arc at which you can shoot is too small. Increase distance.
  2. Thrusters cooldown could be a bit faster, helping you chain bursts.
  3. Crop Dust could a grenade type projectile, would give it more versatility. Maybe this would be too good.
  4. Onboard Diagnostics would actually be good if you didn't get slowed down while healing. This also may be too overpowered.
  5. The health of the Seed pods should decay that fast when idle.
  6. Only reason to not run Early Bloomers is if Spray did splash "damage" and when you hit a mob/enemy it also affects the Seed pod.
  7. When aiming upwards and standing in water, it's impossible to see anything since the camera clips under it.
  8. Lower Seed pod health and increase cooldown.





No complaints, very good primary melee.


Great mobility tool


Needs some more work. The grab is nice, takes some time to get used to the range and the hitbox.

Resonating Axe:

Very good. Both choices are very good on the correct situations.

Sonic Pulse:

Good ranged ability.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Take Second Wind if you just want to farm essence and while having great map coverage.

Level2: Tough it Out makes your engages more versatile, you can either rely on healers or on escaping and popping a Med without being chased.

Level3: OK, Now I'm Mad is very good, if you have a healer on team that is focused on keeping you alive while you peel. Blood Tracker is kind of nice, but there are better options. Incoming doesn't really fit Drakahls kit.

Level4: Push Through the Pain is the perfect upgrade combination with Tough it Out, I really like the synergy.

Level5: Abs of Plasteel is the best upgrade for Drakahl. If you are near L5 and there is a Hive spawning soon, you better farm for it before going in. Sonic Shock is good for keeping targets from running away, very situational. Mostly against ranged mobile characters.


  1. Enraged Life-Steal Claw would be better if instead of a flat life-steal attack, you get life-steal on-hit for 3-5s. Would have to check how balanced that is.
  2. For Resonating Axe's stun area attack I feel you should be able to use it to cancel Rush. Would allow for very good engages. Maybe also allowing for the spin attack to cancel Rush would be good.
  3. You can't mash F or Q while using Chop, which really digrades Drakahls in-combat options and slows down his ability cycling. This two seem to be combat locked some way that require you to stop holding left click for them to actually work.
  4. With Get'em Gutted we could make it apply Vulnerability if you use Enraged life-steal (this would synergyse great if it's changed to be on-hit life-steal), could be OP though.
  5. Enraged and Resonating Axe shouldn't go on cooldown if no option is selected or if Rush is used without selecting any option. We should also be able to use and choose for either of them while Rush is active as an input buffer to be used as soon as Rush ends.
  6. Maybe instead of Incoming we should have something that synergyses with area stun and increasing its duration for 1 second. No idea of a name for it, maybe Ground Pound?
  7. It feels like Jink (Passive) has a cooldown that isn't known, either give a visual prompt ingame when it is off cooldown and keep the delay or just let us spam it after every jump.


Rahi & Brother


Knuckleduster Laser Beam:

Great primary weapon, could use a small buff.

Scout Ahead / To The Rescue:

Cool repositioning ability, needs some work.

Laugh it Off:

Very good ability, great synergy with Knuckleduster Force Punch.

Shield of Justice:

Good support ability. Needs some work.

Knuckleduster Force Punch:

Great execute like ability to finish off enemies.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Continual Overshield is very good for short lived combat, let's you always keep some shields for Knuckleduster Force Punch. Justice for All is the more support upgrade on L1. Good, but there are better options. Concussive Punch is the way to go if the enemy team has a ranged characters, so if they try to run, you have some way of trying to finish them.

Level2: Great upgrade for primary fire. No complaints.

Level3: You will have no idea what Overshield Tune-Up's is supposed to do after you learn that characters have passives that only appear in-game. Very good if you want to use Knuckleduster Force Punch and keeping some shields. Shields Up is very good with Justice for all in the case the enemy team has Summer or Tosca, so they can stay healthy through all that DoT. Pushing the Boundaries is the more aggresive style upgrade here, great for finishing off enemies.

Level4: All in the Timing is very good, could use some changes.

Level5: Knuckleduster Charge-up is just a +2 from Laser Precision, solid. Save the Day would be good if Scout Ahead / To The Rescue had some changes I'll be suggesting.


  1. Knuckleduster Laser Beam needs increased range to compete with the variety of characters in this games roster.
  2. Scout Ahead / To The Rescue should be way faster, it takes too long for brother to move to position, plus there are visual bugs while he travels. This would allow for Save the Day to be worth taking. Also would make it a better mobility tool. Right now it's just too clunky.
  3. Shield of Justice travel time is really weird. Either it should be tethered to allies as it goes forward to provide the shielding or it should be changed to a aim and shoot projectile that you can choose an ally to give it too. This would remove the AoE shield, so I'm still not sure if that would be a good change.
  4. Laugh it Off is really odd to use, the reason it probably has the actual laughing animation is to balance out Rahi so he can't immediately start shooting or casting Knuckleduster Force Punch after it. Also, I don't get why he floats, but sometimes it works for traversing the map. This floating stance should be in the ability description.
  5. Laugh it Off should negate DoT damage to normal health and be applied to the shields instead.
  6. Reloading during Shield of Justice should be a thing
  7. Jumping should have less of a vertical boost and more of a horizontal boost.
  8. Justice for All could be changed to tether the projectile to your allies so they get a shield refresh while they are near/tethered to it, with a the replenish being balanced, maybe something around 20shield/s for 3s.
  9. Knuckleduster Force Punch's description should say that it moves you forware 1.5-2meters when using it.
  10. Rahi's health should be separate from the shield health. Having 1400 hp isn't clear enough. Have it be 1200 HP and beside it X Shield. This will help on when to use Knuckleduster Force Punch.
  11. Let Rahi call back Brother by holding Shift if you end up not wanting to teleport, also refund part of the cooldown if this is done.

Overall his kit looks pretty fun and aimed at, again, having good aim too and knowing when you use your abilities. The boost jump + Laugh it Off + Knuckleduster Force Punch combo for movement is fun to use when out of combat.




Grappling Hook

The mobility of Grappling Hook feels good, but it can be improved. I would suggest that she should hops up and forward at the end of the hook. If you jump as soon as your lands, it cancels it self. So not sure if intended or not.

Jamming Shroud:

The protection if gives from enemy fire from long range is pretty good. The description for Jamming Shroud is pretty lackluster. I have no idea if I get hidden from the map while firing.

Squid Mine:

This has to be the worst ability in the game so far. The Squid Mines description says it follows a target and explodes, but I've yet to see that happen.

There is also no way of knowing if it is also supposed to work with mobs or just with enemy players.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: Expanded Quiver could be impoved. The rest they all fit there.

Level2: No complaints. It's a good upgrade to use while being chased or when enganged at close range.

Level3: Dazzling Burst is fine. Heal in Shadows is super lackluster. 20h/s is terrible when you cloak for litterally 1.5 to 2 secs (still don't know the exact ammount). Safe Harbor should just be replaced with increased movement speed at all times.

Level4: Blend with the Reefs should be moved to Level3 and Heal in Shadows should be here. The current setup makes no sense.

Level5: Neurotoxin Venom is great for choke point control or to avoid flanking. Strike to the Head is fine.


  1. This upgrades could be played with a little more. We could get a longer invis time as an upgrade instead of the healing/second.
  2. Expanded Quiver could be 3 or 4 bullets.
  3. Tidal Reach should give you the 2 charges and stay at regular range. As of now, it just impoves your CQC.
  4. Grappling Hook should have a range indicator, something like blue when in range, red when not.
  5. Scout Ahead / To The Rescue can't be used if you can't aim at the floor of the area you are trying to go to. Make it so that platforms / high terrain is also detected with the range mesh instead of where the reticle is being aimed.
  6. Squid Mine's description should state that you can only have up to 3 active mines.
  7. Grappling Hook doesn't take Ajonah all the way to the end, where it landed, it just drops you around 4-5meters away from it. Let us go all the way.

Overall, Ajonah's kit is solid on the "aim for more damamge" area, but right now, she lacks a way to defend on CQC, if the mines worked, this could probably be solved.





Great mobility/kitting tool.

Inertia Gun:

Recoil is kind of harsh, since there is no ADS, but overall it's solid.


No complaints, works as expected.


Great DoT tool to use agains Hive and tanks, or just to prevent enemies from fleeing with little to no health.

Essence Upgrades:

Level1: There is no reason not to use Restorative Exchange at this time. Stalker's Knife would be viable for Alpha Hunters. Taking Cover seems pretty bad, interactions arent' that fast. Could be used as a flanking upgrade.

Level2: No complaints on Fully Engaged.

Level3: Capacitor Overflow would be nice, if Inertia Gun didn't last so little, but still, it's very solid. Full Blast Shot is very good to fight against melee characters. Cut and Run doesn't seem to really fit her kit. Could be improved.

Level4: Nice upgrade for Jet-Dash.

Level5: Upping the Voltage seems like the best option here, the extra energy is very welcome, could be better. Disruptor Charge could use some work too.


  1. Taking Cover should be longer, at least 7s.
  2. Capacitor Overflow should have an additional effect of granting faster energy regen.
  3. Cut and Run should be completely changed. Make it so that your current weapon has its energy replenished and call it Energy Boost.


With this I conlcude my feedback post (so far). I want to discuss all of this with the community and see what they think of it.
Thanks for reading!

External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/iamgrouch - Direct link

Thanks for the well thought out feedback! There's a lot of great detail in here.

*takes notes*