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I was attempting to queue up for a match today and wondered what's wrong after 4 minutes of queue time, so I went ahead and took a look at the steam chart for this game to find out how few players there are...I really like some of the ideas of this game and feel like it has potential, but what feedbacks or suggestions can we players possibly do when it's virtually impossible to get into a match and play the game?

Although I am aware that making a PvE mode will not likely address the issue, but that is a feature I want to know if we will have in the game, as it should allow matches to start up with more ease and allow the players to play the game and see if there are balancing issues between the characters or bugs that can undermine one's gameplay.

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over 3 years ago - /u/henrystelter - Direct link

While we're in Closed Beta, we have a weekly playtest every Friday from 11AM - 5PM Pacific, where all the devs log on and play alongside players. Queues are generally pretty fast during those windows.

Outside of the weekly playtest, I would recommend signing up for the gamer role we have in our Discord - you can use it for LFG purposes and ping other players with the role who are interested in joining pick-up games.

Looking forward to seeing you in-game!