over 2 years ago - PDX_Pariah - Direct link
Howdy all,

Friendly neighborhood Community Manager Troy here to bring you the brightest and freshest news regarding Royal Court!

This year has been a long and interesting one, to be certain, but we are here all together to make sure that our fantastic community gets the product that we have all been waiting for and deserve. Earlier this year, we informed you all that we were working hard to make sure that Royal Court was up to our standards.

Royal Court is not only the first expansion for CK3, but also a set of features entirely new to the CK series, including cultural evolution and language. It is very much breaking new ground,and as such, we are experimenting at every turn.

With that in mind we are not, at the moment, entirely satisfied with Royal Court's progress, especially regarding its stability. There are a number of bugs we really need to iron out, and are taking more time to make sure it is in line with the standards you expect. We also understand the frustration that delays cause, but we would like to make sure we are always as forthcoming as possible and that you hear the news directly from us. It’s a tricky balance between sentiments like “It will release whenever we finish making sure it is ready” and things like giving exact timelines only to make necessary but upsetting changes to that timeline when we do actually need time to review and make those changes.

That being said, look forward to news about the 2022 release date Soon™!

In the meantime, you can catch up on all the previous points in our Royal Court FAQ HERE!

All of our team is hard at work following their projects through to completion and making sure that all the tasks that they started are fully realized and supported. This means they are going to keep up their hard work and make sure that Royal Court is the success that both their efforts and your expectations deserve.

All that said, we are super grateful for all the dedication and passion you have shown for Crusader Kings III leading up to this point. Your thoughts and feedback on the systems, features, and integration of Royal Court have led to some interesting changes and alterations that we may or may not have otherwise considered! Without your input and support, this game and expansion would not be anywhere near what it is shaping up to be!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We appreciate your understanding and patience.

- Pariah