Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

25 Mar

Өглөөний мэнд!

Today we'll be covering some of the extra mechanics that Nomads use. We’ve already talked about the main features in our first Khans of the Steppe Development Diary, so make sure you take a look at that one first – and apologies if I repeat myself.

We shall now get into the details.


As we have mentioned in previous Development Diaries, Nomads have their own mechanics and, when it comes to how they rule, one of the most important is their Dominance level.

Before I dive into the specifics of each level, it's important to note that Nomads have a fixed Minimum and Maximum Domain and Vassal Limit per Dominance level. These numbers can be increased only through Dominance and Yurt Buildings, and no skills or lifestyle perks affect it. We have also changed the Lifestyle Trees to better work w... Read more

18 Mar

Hello there!

Welcome back to the first official dev diary for our Core Expansion this year, Khans of the Steppe. For those who did not see it, we first talked about the DLC back last month with Dev Diary #162 - Steppe by Steppe, so I recommend reading that first.

Today we will discuss Tributaries, Confederations, and Raid Intents. All three topics were mentioned in the previous Dev Diary, but we will discuss them at length in this one, so let’s settle in like a migrating nomad and get started.

Follow-up from Previous Dev Diary The team has gone through an intense iteration period based on both feedback collected internally and the comments received from our previous Dev Diary. Many changes have been thus made, and we are sure we are not done with it yet. However, here's a small list of some of the most significant tweaks done based on your feedback:

  • A new, "base" Tributary type has been made available for non-Nomads.
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12 Mar


Hello everyone! I'm the Community Manager with Paradox Studio Black, and today we're excited to present to you the next stage in Crusader Kings III's development: Chapter IV. Today, we'll go over the themes of each piece of content that make up the Chapter, as well as give a brief peek at their features. Without further ado, let's get into it.

Core Expansion: Khans of the Steppe The first release in Chapter IV, Khans of the Steppe, focuses on the brand-new Nomadic Government and the systems we've created to support it. Inspired by the nomadic peoples of the Eurasian Steppe, these mechanics will challenge you to adapt to a lifestyle dominated by the ebb and flow of t... Read more

11 Mar


This Dev Diary is about the upcoming free update, which we’ve dubbed 1.15.0 ‘Crown’! Similarly to free updates of the past, the Crown update will be pretty big - it has reworked systems, new features, and a myriad of bugfixes and balance changes.

All of the changes that I’ll go over stem from the fact that we spend a lot of time updating, tweaking, and bugfixing existing systems and features as part of our parallel development track setup - depending on the status of an individual track, people from that track are assigned to what we call ‘Realm Maintenance’, where we focus on improving areas of the game that we either feel aren’t good enough, or that you in the community are asking for us to change. Usually a lot of Realm Maintenance time happens at the start of a new development track, as there are few bugs in newly developed content during, for example, the concepting or pre-production phases. During Realm Maintenance we have Improvement Days where we ad... Read more

25 Feb

Hello everyone! Today we're releasing our two newest Content Creator Packs, Medieval Monuments & Arctic Attire.

Please find the changelog and release trailers below.

General Update
  • Added support for Medieval Monuments and Arctic Attire Content Creator Packs
  • Added new DLC icons and descriptions for the Content Creator Packs

Medieval Monuments Content Creator Pack
Discover the great architectural achievements of the Middle Ages with the Content Creator Pack Medieval Monuments.

Created in collaboration with the established Crusader Kings III modder PiGu, Medieval Monuments brings new varied and culturally significant monuments to the game.

... Read more

18 Feb

Hello everyone! We have an unusual dev diary today, in that it’s two dev diaries in one! PiGu, developer of Medieval Monuments, and Aj, developer of Arctic Attire both will give us a brief overview of the content they’re bringing to Crusader Kings III as well as the work that went into creating it.

Let’s dive right into it with Medieval Monuments.

Medieval Monuments

Hello everyone!

I’m Pietro “PiGu” Cavalli, creator of the Medieval Arts mod, and today I have been granted the privilege to welcome you to this developer diary introducing the new Crusader Kings III Content Creator Pack: Medieval Monuments!

I’ve been playing Paradox games for years, but Medieval Arts was my first modding experience.

Developed in 2021 to represent the artistic and architectural achievements of the... Read more

13 Feb

We’re pleased to announce that two new Content Creator Packs are coming to Crusader Kings III on February 25th! These packs introduce historically significant monuments and new clothing inspired by the Sámi and Khanty peoples of the far north, offering players even more ways to immerse themselves in the Medieval world.

Discover the great architectural achievements of the Middle Ages with the Content Creator Pack Medieval Monuments made by the modder "PiGu", bringing 20 new varied and culturally significant monuments to the game.

This Content Creator Pack includes the following monuments:
- Drassanes
- Great Kyz Kala
- Cluny Abbey
- Maior Ecclesia
- Walls of York
- Great Mosque of Damascus
- Jokhang Temple
- Wartburg
- Beta Giyorgis
- Holy Wisdom of Novgorod
- St Wenceslaus Cathedr... Read more

11 Feb

Өглөөний мэнд!

I am here to welcome you to a special kind of Development Diary – It's the first of a series, but the rest will come later and not in the following weeks. We're working on a comprehensive system for the Nomads of the Steppe, and while we are knee-deep in the production of the expansion, we still want to introduce you to the features as soon as possible, with the aim of collecting feedback and acting on it during our approaching iteration phase.

For that reason we are showing screenshots earlier than usual, so do keep in mind that all shown here is still a work in progress.

Therefore, some small caveats:
  • Layouts, visuals, and other aspects of the UI may change as we continue to refine these systems.
  • The map set up is also not final and we are open to feedback.
  • All values and numbers are still subject to balancing, and some of them are mere placeholders while we work o...
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20 Jan

Steam's Real-Time Strategy Fest is here, and Crusader Kings III is participating! During the sale, you can enjoy the following discounts on CKIII content:

  • 70% off Crusader Kings III
  • 50% off Royal Court, Fate of Iberia, Northern Lords, Wards & Wardens, and Friends & Foes
  • 45% off Crusader Kings III: Starter Edition
  • 30% off Tours & Tournaments

…and more!

Check it out before January 27th to save on Crusader Kings III and other Paradox Interactive titles!

20 Dec

End of an Era

With Legends of the Dead, Roads to Power, and Wandering Nobles, we've had a captivating journey of new content, flavor, and mechanics released for Crusader Kings III in 2024. You've crafted your own legends, danced through illness, relocated camps, blinded co-emperors, and finally... took a hike. From all of us at Paradox Development Studio, thank you for a fantastic year. We're incredibly grateful to have players as passionate about the medieval era as you are, and we wouldn't trade (most of) you for the world.

With all of the content in Chapter III now released, the time is quickly approaching to retire the content bundle. While all of content within Chapter III will still be available individually (and as part of the Collection Bundle), you will no longer be able to purc... Read more

17 Dec



2024 is coming to a close, and with it the conclusion of Chapter III and everything we’ve done this year - we’ve hit some big-ticket milestones, including one I’ve been dreaming of since I started working on Crusader Kings way back in 2015! In fact, back in 2017-2018, when we were planning the features for the CK2 expansion Holy Fury, I had a design for a rudimentary ‘Adventurer’ mechanic that we ultimately decided not to go with because ‘it’d fit CK3 much better’! Interestingly enough, some elements of that design survived to this day, such as the concept of officers, mercenary work, and contracts on the map.

Discuss Dev Diary #161 ... Read more

28 Nov

Hello everyone! We're releasing a small update today to tackle some localization issues reported to us since the introduction of Polish language support alongside the launch of Update 1.14.2.

This update should be fully compatible with mods and save files supporting 1.14.2.

Thank you to everyone who reported issues to us after the release of Update 1.14.2! As always, if you encounter issues after today's update, then please let us know by submitting a report in the Bug Report board of our official forums[]. Changelog
  • Fixed UI overflow when...
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27 Nov

Princes and Princesses of Fashion, sound the horns for the arrival of Polish language support and our next Content Creator Pack, West Slavic Attire! Crafted by the talented Pierre "El Tyranos" Azuelos, West Slavic Attire features new clothing and accessories, bringing Western Slavic flavor to your court.

Discover Western Slavic Culture ​
Immerse yourse... Read more

26 Nov

Hello there!

I’m Pierre “El Tyranos” Azuelos, the creator of the Community Flavor Pack mod. The past couple of months have been busy again and I am once again delighted to collaborate with Paradox Interactive on a second Content Creator Pack named “Western Slavic Attire”.

This second project is a little more special as it does not come alone, for the 8th official language of Crusader Kings III will be released at the same time. The game will be entirely translated into Polish and for free of course!

Introducing the Content Creator Pack ​
Before showing you some garments, explaining the artistic direction and getting into more technical details, I wish to (re-)introduce you to the vision of this project.

The philosophy remains the same as “North African Attire” and this Content Creator Pack has been designed to be of similar size: you get an entire set of clothes, headwear, armors and trousers for Western Slavic characters. These assets are exclu... Read more

20 Nov

We are thrilled to announce the next Content Creator Pack coming to Crusader Kings III: West Slavic Attire, crafted by the talented Pierre "El Tyranos" Azuelos. West Slavic Attire will arrive on November 27th.

Discover Western Slavic Culture Dive into the world of Western Slavic societies with a rich array of new clothing and accessories. The pack includes:
  • More than a dozen new distinct clothing items
  • New legwear
  • New unique headgear
  • New intricate patterns
This pack is perfect for those looking to expand their medieval wardrobe and immerse themselves further into the diverse cultures of Crusader Kings III.

Free Polish Language Support Alongside this release, we are delighted to introduce Polish as the 8th official language of Crusader Kings III. This update will be freely available to all players. We would like to thank modders Santroy, Hora, Witcher, sano... Read more

19 Nov

Hello everyone! We're releasing an update today to address several issues reported to us since the release of 1.14 "Traverse" Update. Please check the changelog below.

Update 1.14.1 Changelog
Game Content
  • Reorganized the Wandering lifestyle trees slightly, so the activity opening perks would be one row further up, and easier to open up early.
  • Moved around the three perks 'Mercenary contacts', 'Been there, done that', and 'Journey planner'.
  • The 'Second try' modifier for failed inspections will now go all the way up to 30% (if you fail it three times in a row).
  • Changed the merge France decision to be visible even if you don't hold both titles.
  • Made the dynamic battle points of interest slightly more likely to happen in general, and particularly if a player is involved.

  • Fixed all adventurer invasion casus belli granting you ...
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06 Nov

Hello everyone! We're releasing a small hotfix today to address a bug with sieges. Please check the changelog below for the specifics!

Update Changelog Bugfixes ​
  • Fixed an issue where siege occupations would last forever if the attacker was ousted from their realm by a third party during war.

While we don't anticipate this update will break compatibility with existing saves or mods, we encourage you to disable all mods and start a new save if you encounter any issues after today's update. If the issue persists, then please post a thread on our bug report board here!... Read more
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04 Nov

Hello all! Today we are releasing the Event Pack, Wandering Nobles. Alongside this, we are also releasing Update 1.14.0 "Traverse".

Check out the release trailer just below this text, and then the changelog a bit further down!

Update 1.14.0 "Traverse" Changelog​
Expansion Features (Paid)​
  • New lifestyle, ‘Wandering,’ split into three new lifestyle trees
    • Inspector: Landed characters can survey and improve their realm; landless characters can specialize in a terrain type
    • Wayfarer: Travel to reduce stress and pursue fame for your exploits.
    • Voyager: Improve linguistic skills and live the life of a tourist and sightseer.
  • Three new activities linked to the new lifestyle
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29 Oct

Hello there!

Last week, we got a glimpse of what we are adding to the Wandering Nobles DLC. Today, we are back to discuss the new Wandering lifestyle and the new activities it unlocks in more depth.

Discuss Dev Diary #159 on our forums![]

New Lifestyle​ As mentioned last week, it is set up like all the other lifestyles in the game, with 27 perks spread across 3 lifestyle trees, 3 new traits, and 3 attached focuses. Unlike our other lifestyles in the game, it is not c... Read more