over 1 year ago - PDX-Trinexx - Direct link
Later this year, after our next big expansion is already released, the Dev Team will begin working on a new event pack… one chosen by you! Vote now on our official forums[pdxint.at] between three different event pack themes to determine which area will become more fleshed out in the game next.

Read more about this poll and cast your vote on our forums![pdxint.at]

Potential Event Pack Themes

Wards & Wardens
Take a deep dive into what being a child in the Middle Ages was actually like, and explore what guardianship meant in practical terms. Wards & Wardens would feature events revolving around childhood, being a guardian, children at court, and more.

Love & Lust
Let your love life take the reins! While lovers and spouses take on a larger role in Love & Lust, explore events related to more intimate relationships, expanded seduction, married life, and more.

Villains & Vagabonds
Leverage your fearsome reputation and learn what it truly means to be dreaded. Villains & Vagabonds will feature events embracing the consequences and opportunities of being a tyrant, while considering contrasting themes of fairness and honor.

Have ideas for how these themes could be thoroughly explored in CK3? Share them with us and the rest of the community—we’d love to hear what you think! Not yet sure which theme to choose? Feel free to discuss the pros and cons you see for each choice, just remember to cast your vote by January 27, 8am CET when the poll closes.

The choice is yours, so vote now on our official forums![pdxint.at]