Culture Shock #6 - Mediterranean Madness 🌊
Elisabeth & Fabian are back to try and see if they can break their way out of the Mediterranean and hybridize their culture all the way to India!
@CarrilhanoD @Lab42Games Good day! Portuguese is one of the languages we are working on adding to CK3 at a future date. We will be sure to let the community know when it's ready!
@Yayosef2 @Lab42Games is working on finishing the port of Royal Court. As this is a process of testing, fixing, and testing again, it's difficult to give an exact date at this time. We want to make sure we get it just right! Once we have a date, we'll be sure to let the community know.
@prinzrebelI @fenstersturs @Lab42Games is working on finishing the port of Royal Court. As this is a process of testing, fixing, and testing again, it's difficult to give an exact date at this time. However, if all goes to plan, Royal Court should come out sometime this spring.
@DavidRo34719838 These Updates will come to Consoles in due time. As the PC version came out 1.5 yrs before the Console edition, there will naturally be a difference in release times as every bit of content needs to be ported over to Consoles.
@John13098233 Greetings!
Everything will come to Consoles eventually, however the PC version has a 1.5yr time advantage on the Console Edition. Every bit of content needs to be ported over first, so it's a matter of time.
@dawf12 Everything will come to Consoles in due time, however the PC version has a 1.5yr head start on the Console Edition. Every bit of content needs to be ported over first, so it's a matter of time. Northern Lords has already come to Consoles and Royal Court should come this Spring.