11 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
11 months ago - PDX-Trinexx - Direct link

Today is the day when Tours and Tournaments and the accompanying 1.9.0 Lance Update will be released! To tide you over until then we’d like to share the full update log.

Read Dev Diary #128 on our forums![pdxint.at]

1.9.0 Lance Update
  • Added regencies, so that characters unable to rule for a short time (e.g., because they're traveling) have someone to watch their realm whilst they're gone
  • Added entrenched regencies, so that characters unable to rule for a long time (e.g., children) can be bullied by regents gone mad with power or sedately supported by regents who just want to do right by them
  • Added a baker's dozen new mechanical interactions around characters becoming regents or thoroughly abusing their power whilst they are regents
  • Added diarchies system, allowing mod-scriptable power sharing arrangements between two characters at a time (for the sake of sanity, you're restricted to only _one_ diarch at a time, so you can't have a regent and a Custom Modded Evil Prime Minister at the same time, but you could have either or contextually)
  • Added the Coups feature, allowing regents to, with some effort, overthrow their liege and steal all their shinies at the low, low price of extreme risk of death or imprisonment and an unpleasant nickname
  • Added trilateral interactions where intermediary can veto or allow the interaction before the recipient can accept or decline. This way liege can have a say if diarch wants to (ab)use their powers
  • Added the Travel System so characters now actually move across the map and through individual provinces when traveling to Activities, optionally with an entourage of other characters
  • Added 130+ events that occur while traveling, both dangerous and non-dangerous in nature
  • Added the Caravan Master court position that affects travel stats and organizes the logistics of their liege’s travel
  • Added several Travel Options which allow for customization of travel plans (e.g. hiring specialists to counteract terrain danger)
  • Added travel route editor so that you can place waypoints on the map to adjust your travel route
  • Every character now has a bonafide location on the map
  • Characters Paying Homage, Petitioning their Liege, and going to Meditate in Seclusion now travel to their destination
  • Added Vassal Stances, every vassal now has a stance based on their personality, various opinion modifiers that previously impacted any vassal/feudal vassal now impact only vassals of a given stance
  • Vassal Stances have a preferred heir, when succession happens they get a temporary opinion boost with the new ruler if it was their preferred heir, or an opinion penalty if not.
  • Men-at-Arms can now be stationed in a specific holding, most building modifiers that previously impacted all men-at-arms now only impact the one stationed at that province.
  • Revised the rewards and balance of practically all buildings in the game to account for Men-at-Arms Stationing and other new changes, more details in the ‘Balance’ section.
  • Significantly refined the game's economy; Building Slots now increase with time, many new Buildings have been added, Building Costs have been completely revised, Domain Limits have been lowered, etc. More details can be found in the Balance section.
  • Adult Count+ Rulers (excluding Mercenaries) now have a chance to passively gain nicknames such as 'the Able', 'the Fat', or 'the Terrible'. The chance to gain a nickname goes up with rank, age, and prestige/piety, and the types of nicknames you can get are based in large part on traits, skills, and circumstances. For example, 'the Careless' can be gained while in a civil war of your making, if you have low diplomacy and some tyranny. When you get a nickname, an event will tell you which one you got, accompanied by a small reward or penalty.
  • Added 75+ new Nicknames, most of which can be gained passively.
  • Nicknames can now have descriptions, visible when moused over, finally allowing the use of ironic nicknames without an immense amount of explaining.
  • Added descriptions for most historic nicknames and all in-game given nicknames.
  • Added a Game Rule to control the frequency of random passive nicknames appearing on rulers
  • Added a Game Rule to tweak the Domain Limit of all rulers; +1, +2, +3, -1, -2, -3
  • You can now offer to Pay Ransom for your courtiers, vassals, close family members, dynasty members, lovers, friends, or anyone who is married to a member of your close family or dynasty
  • Added the Economy Mapmode, accessible from the ‘Additional Modes’ menu or by pressing ‘Ctrl-S’. It shows income on a per-County basis, allowing you to plan your conquests properly. It also reveals the location of all Special Buildings in the game, whether they are constructed yet or not.
  • Added the Control Mapmode, accessible from the ‘Additional Modes’ menu or by pressing ‘Ctrl-F’. It reveals the Control levels of all Counties in the world and also shows where Absolute Control is in effect.
  • Added a Destroy Artifact button, which allows you to destroy any Common or Masterwork artifact you no longer want in order to recuperate some of the gold cost. If you are Iconoclast you can destroy Artifacts of any Rarity, and will get Piety for doing so.
  • Significantly updated the Current Situation widget to be more user-friendly and useful for both new and experienced players; we’ve updated several entries with more information, added several new situations, added icons to all entries, etc. More info can be found in the Interface section.
  • When hiring a Physician you can now see what Aptitude they will have directly in the Event Option
  • We’ve added a HUD Skin Selector which allows you to switch between any of the existing HUD skins, overriding the default. This means that you can, for example, use the Norse skin from Northern Lords when playing outside of Pagan Scandinavia.
  • The Outliner has been significantly updated to be more useful: Pinned characters show more info (health, powerful vassal status, if they’re in a faction), Armies now have icons that show what they’re doing (moving, fighting, embarking, etc.), Armies show more general info (quality, supply status, attrition), and finally the Outliner will remember your last settings (it will start open if you had it open last game, etc.)
  • Canterbury Cathedral has been added as a special building with a set of modifiers, three levels of upgrades, and new on-map 3D models for each stage
  • Traits can now have Tiers with individual xp bars; this is in effect for the new Traveler and Hastiluder traits, but has also been added to all of the older ‘tiered’ traits such as Reveler, Hunter, and Pilgrim.
  • The Barbershop has been updated to be Fullscreen with a host of new tools and settings: you can select which Background you want (which comes with appropriate lighting by default), which characters should be in the shot, which animations they should use, and at which zoom level all characters should be displayed. Characters can be moved around the scene with drag-and-drop, and can be rotated 360 degrees. We’ve added quick-access character presets (self-portrait, council, family), a screenshot button, and a ‘Hide UI’ button. You can also pin characters and bring them into the scene. All drop-down lists can be searched with ‘fuzzy’ text input. Several characters can be edited without closing the barbershop or resetting your scene in between. You can add dynasty/title shields and names to the scene, as well as character names, should you want to create a family portrait or similar.
  • Legwear is now accessible as a customization option in the barbershop
  • You can now pick your hair color using a color wheel in the barbershop
  • The rules for who you can edit in the Barbershop are now consistent with who you can edit the title/dynasty of, which means that you can now customize your vassals and subjects.
  • Added an event where your Realm Priest riles up your Zealot vassals against you
  • Added 5 Martial lifestyle events
  • Added 1 Wealth lifestyle event
  • And much, much more

The full changelog is significantly longer than we can fit into a Steam announcement, so please head to the changelog thread on our forums[pdxint.at] to read the whole thing!

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