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Empocariam said: Noticed on Steam that a new *Lifestyle* was being added with the Travel Event pack, that's awesome! Hope this space opens up more, (Raider and Adventuerer lifestyle?) and also maybe comes with an companying update to how XP is earned. A little boring now that you really only have 1 main lifestyle +% bonus. I really like +% bonus based on actual skills mod (so you get +12% Bonus to stewardship lifestyle if you have 12 stewardship, not just the stewardship education trait), that I think sadly has been abandoned.
Snow Crystal said: We will have to see how the new lifestyle is received first, of course, but I am hopeful that there is space for adding even more lifestyles down the line at some point.
_Sorre_ said: Question about the lifestyles:
Will the new lifestyle in wandering nobles have prerequisites? (like either being landless, having the traveler trait, the pilgrim trait or the adventurer trait)
I feel it would be appropriate to have the lifestyle only appear in the UI under some condition. It would really make sense otherwise.
Snow Crystal said: No, the only prerequisite is to have the DLC. If you have the Traveler trait, you will get more exp in the lifestyle (similar to education for other lifestyles). The plan is for the AI to choose it less often though, and usually only after they've already completed another lifestyle tree. But we want it to be open to the player whenever they want.
Silens said: Without asking you to make any promises on future content, are you free to give an example of what that traveler lifestyle is about in gameplay terms?
The current five lifestyles are centered around the five basic skills, but I have difficulties imagining a lifestyle that is about... what exactly? Will it give lifestyle xp for other lifestyles? Give you money? Skills? Traits?
Also, will it make any sense to take up that lifestyle if you're landed?
Thanks in advance for taking the time in answering our questions well beyond working hours!
Snow Crystal said: It is primarily for landed gameplay, so, I'd say it makes sense. But, well, sure, I can go into it a little bit.
The lifestyle is about getting bonuses or advantages whilst travelling, and each tree is trying to flavour that in some particular way.
The Surveyor tree is focused on land management and improving your realm.
The Wayfarer tree is for those who just want to enjoy travelling, and have a stress loss and fame sub-theme.
The Voyager tree is for those who want to see distant lands, gaining extra bonuses from Points of Interest or from reaching your destination.
I'd rather not go into too many details, because, you know, work in progress, things can change, etc etc. But one of the perks for Voyager right now is that you gain more development in your capital when you travel somewhere that has a higher development than it, the idea being that you see others doing things differently and getting inspired to improve things at home.
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