#CK3Tricks 🧲
The feature "Sway" allows you to increase your opinion with the targeted characters. It is useful if used on powerful characters, for example on your Liege if you want to keep your titles, or even on the pope to ask for gold. Right click on their portraits & Sway! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmopjMwXYAI7YJf.jpg
@PBerhouet @Grgrrn En 1066, l'Aquitaine se brise rapidement la glace avec le Royaume de France... l'occasion de prendre une part du gâteau et devenir indépendant ! 😜
@Ble_TBM Seigneur Bleh, vous avez pu monter une glorieuse dynastie, monter de grandes armées, monter de resplendissantes paroisses... 😰 ... hmm, monter vos statistiques ?
Dans tous les cas, c'est une victoire ! http://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/FD_YuBkWQB4DYdP.jpg
🗺️ Where Are We?
Thule is the farthest north location mentioned in ancient Greek & Roman literature and cartography... but what IS Thule?! 😏 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEA-jjCXwAQUqmF.jpg
Many #CK3 players start off in Ireland, but have you ever wondered how accurately we portrayed it?
See where we got it right, and where we missed the mark, while learning more about the history of the Emerald Isle with this video from History in Bits!
@Rasenkai_99 @adeveloper_dev It's the Petrine Cross! According to Catholic tradition, Saint Peter asked to be crucified upside-down as he felt unworthy to be killed in the same manner as Jesus.
The Catholic Church holds that the Pope is Peter's successor, so the Petrine Cross is symbolic of the Papacy.