over 3 years ago - Veldmaarschalk - Direct link
Short summary of your issue Missing counts in 1066

Game Version 1.03

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In game, in 1066, there are several counties which are not ruled by their historical rulers, some of those dynasties became quite important and famous.

County: Zollern
Count: 212395 Friedrich von Hohenzollern

County: Hohenberg
Count: 33519 Egino von Urach

County: Rothenburg (could be renamed to Scheyern)
Count: 20257 Otto von Wittelsbach

County: Wiltberg (could be renamed to Henneberg)
Count: 33433 Poppo Babenberger

County: Görz
Count: 33480 Meinhard Meinhardiner

County: Namur
Count: 90119 Albert de Namur

County: Maastricht (could be renamed to Loon)
Count: 106570 Emmo van Loon

County: Herefordshire
Count: 40420 Harold Vexin-Amiens

Please explain how to reproduce the issue

Is there anything else you think could help us identify/replicate the issue?

Frederick I, Count of Zollern - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

House of Urach - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

Otto I, Count of Scheyern - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

House of Henneberg - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

House of Gorizia - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

Albert III, Count of Namur - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

Emmo of Loon - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

I have attached a save game