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Princes and Princesses of Fashion, sound the horns for the arrival of Polish language support and our next Content Creator Pack, West Slavic Attire! Crafted by the talented Pierre "El Tyranos" Azuelos, West Slavic Attire features new clothing and accessories, bringing Western Slavic flavor to your court.
Discover Western Slavic Culture
Immerse yourself into Western Slavic culture with diverse new fashions. This pack includes:
Free Polish Language Support We are pleased to release free Polish language support for all players. You heard that right, the Polish language is now officially supported in Crusader Kings III! We would like to give a special mention to modders Santroy, Hora, Witcher, sano2, and Blizzer for their hard work - their community translation gave us a solid footing for this new localization. From the Crusader Kings III team, thank you all!
Aktualizacja pobierze się automatycznie, po czym będzie można wybrać język polski w menu ustawień w grze. Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie!
Discover Western Slavic Culture
Immerse yourself into Western Slavic culture with diverse new fashions. This pack includes:
- 6 clothing models
- 1 new legwear model
- 15 pieces of headgear including the crowns of Bolesław I and Casimir III the Great
- 2 additional war nobility headgears (a crown and a crest)
- 1 new sword
- The Szczerbiec artifact - the royal coronation sword of the Polish monarchy
- 11 clothing patterns and trims
Free Polish Language Support We are pleased to release free Polish language support for all players. You heard that right, the Polish language is now officially supported in Crusader Kings III! We would like to give a special mention to modders Santroy, Hora, Witcher, sano2, and Blizzer for their hard work - their community translation gave us a solid footing for this new localization. From the Crusader Kings III team, thank you all!
Aktualizacja pobierze się automatycznie, po czym będzie można wybrać język polski w menu ustawień w grze. Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie!