about 2 years ago - PDX_Pariah - Direct link
Howdy all!

Here with the updates for the week is your friendly local Community Manager.

Sadly, there will be no Developer Diary this week from either of our Studios as they are both hard at work on the next latest and greatest content for their respective platforms.

This week over at Lab42, they are working to make sure that the feedback and input from our Console players is taken into account and all opinions are being heard. This also means that they will be working on an update to handle any issues or errors that have been reported before they start work on future content. We know you are excited to see the timeline for Ruler Designer as well as Flavor Packs and other DLCs, but we want to make sure you have the most solid and easily playable version of the game before that time. In the meantime, please keep sending us your feedback and issues and we will continue to collect them and work on getting the game where it deserves to be. Our Console base is super fun to talk to and interact with and we cannot wait to do even more in the future!

Meanwhile, for our team at Stockholm this week, we actually had a really interesting and fun Dev Diary, but it got pushed back a bit to make sure we are giving the information a final tuning. This will make sure that we have everything as fully realized as possible before pressing it out to you fine folks! That being said, we are not sitting idly by on any part. There have been a lot of solid initiatives going on in regards to the Forums as well as Discord that are close to fruition and we are excited to see those results. You may have noticed the changes on the Forums already in the form of our new Code of Conduct!

While we know that most of you are super anxious for news, rest assured that it is being worked on in a swift, thorough, and direct manner for the future. We will see you all next week with a new Dev Diary and hopefully any news that we might have by that time.

about 2 years ago - PDX_Pariah - Direct link
johnty5 said: Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

Do you reckon there’ll be a DD next week?

WestuHal said: Looks like they’re expecting to put one out next week from the last sentence in the post…question is as to whether it will be an announcement of new content of some kind (flavour pack 2?)…

Anyway, I appreciate being kept in the loop.

CORRECT! We should have a normal DD for everyone next week!