11 months
ago -
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Hello everybody! With Chapter III now available, we're releasing the instant unlock for the expansion pass, Couture of the Capets. We're also adding some models from our Content Creator Pack, North African Attire, as personal and court artifacts for Berber Cultures.
Existing save games should be fully compatible with this update, but any mods that add or alter clothing may need compatibility patches to function properly on this version of the game.
PC Update 1.11.5 Changelog
Existing save games should be fully compatible with this update, but any mods that add or alter clothing may need compatibility patches to function properly on this version of the game.
PC Update 1.11.5 Changelog
- Couture of the Capets - Added several new clothing items based on the fashions of High Medieval France.
- North African Attire - Made some props available as personal/court artifacts for Berber cultures.