over 1 year ago - Paradox Interactive - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s hi I'm Molly I'm the associate producer
9s on Crusader Kings 3 console edition
11s hi I'm Joel I'm the UI ux designer on
15s the project
17s we are excited to finally be able to
19s share with you some details on the new
20s content coming to Crusader Kings 3
22s console edition
24s the ruler designer is coming to consoles
26s now you can terrorize and bemuse the
29s inhabitants of the world with your
30s unique and overpower godlight rulers
32s despite visual differences from the PC
34s original it plays just as well
36s the menus and navigation have been
38s redesigned to guarantee a smooth
40s experience across the board
42s they have been revamped and restructured
44s much like the base game to be suitable
46s for consoles
49s the reimagining of the rooted designer
51s has been a major undertaking for the lab
52s 42 team and we appreciate all the work
54s our developers have put into making it
56s what it is now
57s [Music]
59s with the introduction of the northern
60s large CLC a lot of new content has been
63s added to the game starting with Winters
66s now certain regions of the map will be
68s affected by the cult there are different
70s levels of severity and this will affect
73s your troops in the field of battle so
75s plan carefully
76s still on the topic of battles duels have
80s been introduced to the game now with a
82s specific martial perk or a personality
84s traits you can challenge your Rivals and
87s punish criminals in a multi-stage combat
90s system
91s duels can be to the death First Blood
94s Golds or to Simply humiliate that one
97s ruler that keeps on pushing their luck
102s being the Viking means adventure and
105s exploration in Northern Lord you can
107s Embark another engine adventure to one
109s of the many broken Realms of the world
110s you can hire new men at Arms unique to
113s North rulers like the Bandai Pikmin and
115s varangian Veterans to Aid you in these
117s new adventures which leads us nicely on
120s to the new legacies coming to the game
122s two Dynasty legacies unique to North
124s cultures have been added to the game
125s Adventure and pillage the adventure path
128s is tailored for those who want to
130s explore the world while the pillage path
132s is designed for those who wish to see it
133s burn
135s thank you
136s decisions have been added to the game
138s that will enhance the experience of
140s playing as a northern ruler you will be
142s able to form the high Kingdom of the
144s North Sea where you bind together the
147s British Isles and Scandinavia in the
149s juror
150s you can forge the Germans Vikings a
152s group of fanatic fundamentalist Norse
155s religious followers bound together by
157s holy order
158s but be careful though as they are likely
161s to punish you if they find you are not
163s living to the standard of a strong
164s Norseman
167s we have also added many quality of life
169s improvements to the game you can now
171s change the name and master of your house
173s and Dynasty CGS now have the option to
175s assault thought once the walls are
176s breached
177s we have also added a couple of changes
180s to the military menu we have added a
182s toggle button that will allow you to
183s control whether your arm is split into
185s smaller groups and adjacent Holdings
186s from the supply and Main the Rally Point
188s is reached
189s and now to the raised Army options this
192s is lab 42's expansion on the original
194s Rays or Mana arms from the PC game we
197s wanted to give you more flexibility when
198s raising your forces with the raised Army
201s options you'll find a variety of choices
203s based on the Mana arms mercenaries holy
206s orders and special units you have
207s available
208s and you'll be able to raise each group
210s independently from each other
215s a quick access bar on the Rally Point
216s menu for even more flexibility and full
218s control
220s all this content and much more awaits
223s you with the new update 7 Northern large
225s CLC
226s on behalf of the lab 42 team we
228s appreciate you sticking around and hope
230s you all enjoy the new content See you in
233s the next one see ya
239s thank you