over 5 years
ago -
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Patchnotes (0.9.2-0)
- Shuriken attack now correctly consumes 25 stamina
- Removed invisible orc hairstyles from character creation
- Fixed bosses not spawning in some invasion quests
- Fixed an issue with dialog options appearing in speech bubbles
- Music loop option should be working now
- Mages can no longer teleport through gates
- You stop riding when your pet is defeated
- Fixed distant menhir tablets
- Harp etc. can now be used in water
- Shuriken attack now correctly consumes 25 stamina
- Removed invisible orc hairstyles from character creation
- Fixed bosses not spawning in some invasion quests
- Fixed an issue with dialog options appearing in speech bubbles
- Music loop option should be working now
- Mages can no longer teleport through gates
- You stop riding when your pet is defeated
- Fixed distant menhir tablets
- Harp etc. can now be used in water