3 months ago - FatsharkStrawHat - Direct link
Hey Everyone,

We wanted to share a message saying we’re aware of audio issues being present since 1.6.0 and 1.6.1. After further investigation we’ve identified that these are two distinct issues. They are predominantly apparent on XBOX, but they also may affect other platforms.

  • Audio Crackles since Hotfix #54 (1.6.1). The temporary fix is to go Speaker Setting and change the auto-detect setting to any other option. We have a potential fix for this issue coming for Hotfix #55 (1.6.2). For more information, please see: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/known-issue-audio-issues-after-1-6-1/102634
  • Game Stutters / Freezes. We’ve seen an increase in some stuttering and freezing issues in the game since the last hotfix. We’re exploring potential fixes, including one in our experimental branch on Steam. We appreciate the players lending us a hand in the experimental branch, since it’s been hard to identify the root cause of this issue. You can find instructions on how to access it on the forums. If you’re experiencing this issue and you’d like to report it, please leave a comment on the existing thread so we can track this properly.

We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. As soon as we’re able to validate a fix, we’ll push it out to the players on all platforms. Thank you for your patience and your help.