over 1 year ago - FatsharkCatfish - Direct link

Yes I totally understand where you are coming from. I’ll be flagging this feedback internally immediately - if there are any updates or changes based on it I will let you know.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

Appreciate you taking time to come here, register an account and share your feelings on this, it shows how much you care for the community and the fan experience.
That said, your feedback is being taken, and it will be shared with the team. :handshake:
We never want to let our fans down so we hope you will bear with us as we work on improving communication, transparency, and listening skills.
(New hire here, brought on to help with community management, hello! Also an Imperial Edition PC player from beta so I understand the sentiment)
The other CMs and I hope to be able to bring updates about this, please be sure to leave more sentiment, and thoughts on the user surveys which will be going out in in some weeks (unsure on exact date) about the recent changes. This is a survey coming out from the Community team, so a different goal/vibe from a previous survey.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

Appreciate the patience and communication from the community, and not being screamed at.
Thanks guys. <3

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

What was cropped out here is context, who I was responding to and why.

For context:
At that time Discord was in an uproar - including DMs with threats and people trying to get those communicating maturely to devolve into a tire fire. I was trying to gather broader sentiment than just one person, which can be hard to do picking out insults and conjecture, so I asked for people to be respectful. Comments were made that I should be more upset, when in reality I had just found out - and I prefer to see how things will be handled before I let something ruin my week.

I hate to be the one to say it but if every comment i say will be taken out of context and waved in front of upset people to incite more upset its going to be very hard for me to help with transparency.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

That was in response to yet another message cropped out where a very emotionally charged person implied that they got no reward at all.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

You are speaking to me as though I have been here longer than two weeks and have had any say at all on what was decided pertaining to this.

In regards to “discord gets more communication” - I actually hang out there in my OFF TIME because there is voice chat and I am able to do pug runs. I was a fan before I was brought on as staff, and I genuinely enjoy playing the game. That said I will be here in the forums more often, but In my defense, no one on discord has misquoted me to try to cause further upset in a conversation. And reddit is also being shown love.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

I understand and I want to help.

Its very difficult to do that when people take quotes out of context to try and bait people into an emotional response.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

Positivity is key in hard situations.

Hoping to be able to come back with something positive to share.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

Thank you - I honestly want to help. I will share this from the discord community and i wholeheartedly feel this to my core:

Sister Septicemia Yesterday at 4:55 PM

I love this job, and I love this company and I love this community, I can see both sides and its like watching two people you love fight when you both want the same thing. I appreciate the thanks but its not needed, just getting to participate in a better community with a stronger playerbase is all the reward I need.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

oh, sorry - they were implying the 2500 bonus was literally and not figuratively non-existent because of the current xbox promotion.

edir: Also this wasn’t an intended slight, so I’m sorry if it came off that way - I am just in meetings, so I am doing my best to respond. Apologies.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

the comment was at someone who bought the imperial edition and said the 2500 bonus aquilas did not exist - because of the xbox situation. Context is important.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

Heard, understood, and agreed.

I have been here since beta as well, I bought the Imperial pack, and I did not have the full scope of the issue. I do now.

over 1 year ago - FatsharkSeptSis - Direct link

I’d rather post an update on the situation rather than the out of context screenshot. I am waiting until there is more I can say that will be helpful, but yes thank you for understanding the situation. I appreciate your time .