So I’m one of those players that came back after the update. And it was pretty good. No more loading times so I actually was able to do tons of fighting (With consistent amount of other people) and I was having fun.
But soon after reforging my Axe and getting it up, I had to leave those enjoyable Hunting grounds into ones with painful Behemoths and little to no people. And then I came to a realisation that kept me away from Dauntless each time I stopped. I’m bad at the game, I mean REALLY bad at the game.
I’m a Axe main that does Half life, yet I don’t have Discipline because I’ve never beaten a Trial. I only was able to get my Thrax Axe through luck and being carried. I miss 10% of my Interrupts. I can’t kill half the Behemoths by myself and I struggle with the other half.
It sucks cause no one will play Shock Escalation (which is my favourite) because of the new Hunting grounds. And I just never see myself improve.
Enjoying a game is when u can keep coming back for more or for a challenge. And for me I can’t play Shock Escalation and it’s not a challenge when your own skills aren’t good enough for u not to get obliterated.
I really wanted to get back into dauntless. But Im just bad and I never see myself improve. Sorry this was just a rant as I’ve never been In This situation of realising I can’t get any better.
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