Oh no! Are you noticing it in all hunts, or only certain ones? Are there some islands/Behemoths that make it feel worse, or are they all on par? I logged a bug, but more details will help us *ahem* hunt *ahem* this down <3
Oh no! Are you noticing it in all hunts, or only certain ones? Are there some islands/Behemoths that make it feel worse, or are they all on par? I logged a bug, but more details will help us *ahem* hunt *ahem* this down <3
Hey everyone, this was a quick fix, but we have more in-depth work to do around how their damage actually scales.
We're working on it! I've gone ahead and passed this on as well.
I didn't play enough escalations since the patch to tell if it happens in escalations
It happened to in at least two maps, for sure I can tell it's hades' reach and probably undervald defile, I just know there was drask during that event and got hit often while fighting quillshots in hades reach. Lately I were using sword so only time I weren't sticking to behemoth was when they did wide swipes like those of quillshot's and slides like gnasher's or drask's charge.
That if gruk gruks will decide to attack you might be similiar to how repeaters seem to need to touch tips of the tails to empower while they can stay 2-3 meters away from sides of long behemoths.
It seems like behemoths will often move and probably break the nono zone between you and gruks, you chasing the behemoth all the time doesn't matter because if they target you they will finish the job and not chicken out mid roll.
Thank you! Will let you know if we need more info