about 1 year ago - /u/slayerdk-PHX - Direct link

We are working hard to quickly resolve live issues.

For more help or assistance with your account, contact Dauntless Player Support.

- Phoenix Labs Development Team

Greetings Slayers!

With every patch comes unforeseen bugs. Until the next patch is released, this will be the place to post your reports on bugs or other technical issues. These Megathreads provide both the developers and the community a consolidated place to track current and pending issues.


  1. We request that you upload your screenshots/videos of potential issues to Google Drive and include the link to that evidence with your report. When using Google Drive, please make sure the Share Settings for each file/folder is set to "Anyone with the link", otherwise we will not be able to see it.

  2. Provide as much information as you can both in the format and in your Extra Details. This helps us recreate bugs on our end and discover if the issue is widespread or localized.

Please copy & paste the format below when creating a comment.

Bug Submission Format:

In-Game Name:

Type of Bug: Behemoth, Weapon, Gear, Performance, Cosmetic, Visual, etc.

Google Drive Link(s): See Prerequisites for instructions.

Normal Behavior: What is normally supposed to occur?

Actual Behavior: What actually happened?

System Specs: Internet speed, Operating System, CPU, GPU, (or Console).

Geographic Location: This is so we can verify which server you are connected to.

Session ID: (Optional) This can be found at the top right-hand corner of your screen.

Reproduction Rate: 1/10: Occurs once every 10 times, 10/10: Occurs every time

Reproduction Steps: How can we cause it to happen so that it may be tested?

Extra Details: Anything else that may help?

Every comment might not be addressed, but rest assured that the devs go through each one.

Before commenting, please aim to upvote comments that are the same or similar to an issue you have experienced, as someone else may have mentioned it already.

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/slayerdk-PHX - Direct link

We are working hard to quickly resolve live issues.

For more help or assistance with your account, contact Dauntless Player Support.

- Phoenix Labs Development Team

Greetings Slayers!

With every patch comes unforeseen bugs. Until the next patch is released, this will be the place to post your reports on bugs or other technical issues. These Megathreads provide both the developers and the community a consolidated place to track current and pending issues.


  1. We request that you upload your screenshots/videos of potential issues to Google Drive and include the link to that evidence with your report. When using Google Drive, please make sure the Share Settings for each file/folder is set to "Anyone with the link", otherwise we will not be able to see it.

  2. Provide as much information as you can both in the format and in your Extra Details. This helps us recreate bugs on our end and discover if the issue is widespread or localized.

Please copy & paste the format below when creating a comment.

Bug Submission Format:

In-Game Name:

Type of Bug: Behemoth, Weapon, Gear, Performance, Cosmetic, Visual, etc.

Google Drive Link(s): See Prerequisites for instructions.

Normal Behavior: What is normally supposed to occur?

Actual Behavior: What actually happened?

System Specs: Internet speed, Operating System, CPU, GPU, (or Console).

Geographic Location: This is so we can verify which server you are connected to.

Session ID: (Optional) This can be found at the top right-hand corner of your screen.

Reproduction Rate: 1/10: Occurs once every 10 times, 10/10: Occurs every time

Reproduction Steps: How can we cause it to happen so that it may be tested?

Extra Details: Anything else that may help?

Every comment might not be addressed, but rest assured that the devs go through each one.

Before commenting, please aim to upvote comments that are the same or similar to an issue you have experienced, as someone else may have mentioned it already.

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/slayerdk-PHX - Direct link

Hey Slayers, we are aware of log-in issues affecting some users after the deployment of 1.14.4. This has now been resolved. If you were affected, please contact Support for a small compensation. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

about 1 year ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by poisonvein777

Games still crashing often when a behemoth dies. Been happening a lot since the update before this one.

Xbox series X

Hey u/poisonvein777, can you please write in via the support link at the top and include if it's happening in specific hunt types (if so, which) as well as against any specific behemoths, or any other spotted patterns?


about 1 year ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by wizardpotato08

So when I first started playing the game, it was fine, but ever since the most recent update, the game doesn't pick up on when I click my mouse right. It doesn't happen in menus or in other games, only when I am on a hunt and attacking something. Does anyone know how to help?

Hey u/wizardpotato08 this one is really strange. I would bring this to Discord #Technical-workarounds channel or write into our support team via the link at the top. I would recommend including details like if it always happens, only sometimes etc.

about 1 year ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by Icy-Bee-2157

▪ In-Game Name: Machetos_Syxgott

▪ Type of Bug: Behemoth/Visual


▪ Normal Behavior: Behemoth: The Horns of Boreus when broken drop to the ground.

▪ Actual Behavior: Behemoth: The Horns of Boreus when broken break, drop to the ground but at the same time still appear on him(it looks like they don’t get broken).

▪ System Specs: PS4(p.s. my mate on PS5 does have the same issues)

▪ Geographic Location: Middle Europe; Germany

▪ Reproduction Rate: 10/10 Every time I enter the Fight/ the Islands the bug appears.

▪ Reproduction Steps: Behemoth: I entered the fight and each time I break the horns they drop and still maintain on its forehead.

▪ Extra Details: Behemoth: It happens on every map with each Boreus(Lesser Boreus; Boreus; Deepfrost Boreus)

Thanks for the report! I just wanted to note that while we don't always respond to every report, we do read, log and manage them. Much appreciated!