about 8 years ago - - Direct link

Behemoths are savage, gigantic beasts that roam the Shattered Isles and threaten our right to survive. Entire settlements and countless lives have been lost to these beasts. A behemoth will consume every resource and drop of aether in its path, leaving nothing but lifeless husks.

The Behemoths of Dauntless appeared first on: playdauntless.com.

about 8 years ago - - Direct link

Behemoths are savage, gigantic beasts that roam the Shattered Isles and threaten our right to survive. Entire settlements and countless lives have been lost to these beasts. A behemoth will consume every resource and drop of aether in its path, leaving nothing but lifeless husks.

The Behemoths of Dauntless appeared first on: playdauntless.com.

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