over 1 year ago - PlayDauntless - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s do you hear that slayers
7s that is the sound of the public event
9s beacon
11s but instead it's in real life
15s hello hey guys hey guys
16s how's it going
18s welcome to the dauntless drawing stream
22s i will be your host today
24s my name is derek um i am the audio
27s artist here at phoenix labs
30s some would call me the dj dauntless
32s um
33s but i go by many names
35s and sitting beside me here is julio
38s hey guys how's it going my name is julio
40s i'm a concept artist on dauntless
43s hell yeah yeah we uh we're stoked we've
45s not done anything leaks before
47s uh and hi hey people are saying hi to me
49s in chat oh man this is wonderful um yeah
52s we've not done anything like this before
53s but we thought it'd be super fun to just
55s sit down with the fans
57s and have a little bit of a drawing
61s session to see if we can can't come up
63s with uh new behemoth ideas because we
65s are struggling
67s like julio's having a really tough time
69s oh yeah
70s and
71s it's uh we thought hey why don't we turn
73s to the fans yeah and no just kidding
76s this guy has no shortage of ideas it's
77s insane
79s he's so good
80s yeah this shirt's pretty awesome isn't
81s it i uh
83s this is one of the reasons i love
84s working here they give you great shirts
86s and the kron4 is also a sick behemoth
88s right yeah
89s uh yeah this is exciting um i guess a
92s little bit more about us before we start
94s diving into things um as i said i do
97s audio here i've been with phoenix labs
99s for three years and i'm the guy that you
100s would uh point to who makes the behemoth
103s noises the creatures sing and stuff
107s you might know me from that youtube
108s video where i use a dresser to make the
111s sounds of agaris
113s if you don't no no biggie but you should
115s go check out that video it's pretty good
117s um
119s and yeah julio tell me more about you
121s cool okay uh my name is julio and i'm a
123s concept artist so
125s i have been drawing pretty much my whole
126s life and it's kind of gotten me to here
129s at phoenix labs where i've been
131s designing behemoths and armor sets for
133s about the past year or so
135s it's a super extremely fun job
137s so i'm really looking forward to drawing
139s some behemoths with you guys today
141s spider behemoth someone's just like
143s spiderman let's go we gotta get people
145s are shooting ideas yeah okay we're gonna
148s get into it yeah we were talking and
149s maybe we can get through a couple
150s behemoth ideas today just uh
152s you know we want to open the four to you
155s guys right really just let you guys
158s give us your ideas
160s no cap um
162s we um
165s before we start um
167s why don't we
169s think about a little bit about
170s the type of behemoth
172s um because dauntless has a whole
176s plethora of different types of behemoths
178s so it might be cool to open up a poll or
180s something on like what kind of behemoth
182s you guys would like us
183s sorry us i'm not drawing what am i
184s saying well we're all drawing together
186s kind of in a way you know yeah well i'm
188s here to learn yeah because i don't know
190s anything about drawing um in fact i
192s don't think i've ever watched this
193s process before myself so i'm very
194s excited um and
197s just so you guys know it's not just
198s going to be a camera on us the whole
200s time we also have this beautiful look
202s where julio
204s will be drawing and i'll be like whoa
207s how did you do that face that's
209s incredible
214s um
216s someone's saying spider-man we already
218s got people asking for different
219s behemoths is great that's awesome my
221s ex-wife i don't know if we can do that
222s one that might be a little tough you
224s know like
226s yeah um
227s you could do some umbrella behemoths
228s maybe that would hit this kind of same
230s note i don't know yeah yeah
232s what are you guys saying you think we
233s should start up a pole to kind of get a
235s gauge of like what type of behemoth like
236s an embermaine type or maybe more like a
239s torgadorno type or a flying behemoth and
242s you guys can vote on uh
244s what your heart desires
248s see what people are saying here
250s we're getting a yes
254s shrek
256s um maybe i can try doing that later i
257s don't know about like you know like ip
259s things like i don't know if we're
261s allowed like legally
264s uh yeah i don't know we might get in
265s trouble for that one yeah
267s but can you imagine dr drast meshed with
270s shrek that would be amazing i can but i
272s don't want to imagine that really
275s yeah i mean okay wait again we're gonna
277s get started don't worry but how do you
279s like question for you how do you usually
280s get started with a concept like how the
283s freak do you
284s pull that out of your brain to be like
286s i'm trying to make this kind of behemoth
288s well well like a lot of artists
290s including myself we kind of like cheat
292s so we find reference images and then
293s just kind of mix things together so
295s reference images like on google or just
297s watching nature documentaries really
300s like planet earth that's a really cool
301s one
302s and just looking at different animal
303s behaviors and trying to combine them in
305s like really interesting ways
307s so
308s like one example might be something like
310s a peacock has these big peacock tail
312s feathers which is really exciting and
314s colorful and if you look at a mantis
315s shrimp it also has these like peacock
317s fin
318s uh limbs which are really cool so you
320s know maybe there's something between
321s like a peacock and a mantis shrimp like
324s they kind of reflect each other so um
326s that's kind of how my brain works like
327s i'm mixing things together like that
328s yeah that's so cool
330s i mean it's similar with audio too we
332s kind of take inspiration from different
333s references we're like oh what if we just
334s throw this all together and then yep
336s kind of i feel like everything in life's
338s a remix you know you take elements of
340s things and you're like
341s put it together um that's super cool
344s yeah thanks for sharing that man yeah
345s for sure we're getting crabs people in
347s here we're getting giraffes yep frost
350s spiders i i'm seeing a lot of spiders in
352s the chat which is kind of cool i really
355s want to do spiders that's like that's
356s like my number one like if i could do
358s any behemoth it would be spiders but i
360s think there's you know like the
361s accessibility thing of doing spiders a
363s lot of people have spider phobias
365s and if you have a game with like a giant
367s spider running around i yeah i don't i
369s don't know if that's okay i know you
372s guys want it but if someone sees a
374s spider in the game they're getting down
375s well that could be a good challenge like
377s like that just down right away yeah we
379s could try a spider behemoth that's
381s maybe friendly but the thing is if you
382s go too friendly then you don't really
384s want to slay it you just want to become
385s its friend yeah yeah the trick is in the
387s past have had problems making beginners
389s like too cute sometimes and then you
390s don't want to like cut off their head
392s you know
393s you want to make them aggressive and
394s mean
396s yeah i still get that with a couple of
397s being he must be honest yeah i'm like i
399s feel bad i'm slamming i'm just like
400s destroying you and
403s is are you you're not okay yeah oh
405s you're dead
406s so there's a poll going right now okay
408s it's sweet okay we're gonna let this
409s pull play out uh i think that'll help us
411s gauge where we want to start yeah but
413s you know the the best things really come
416s from the internet like coming to
417s decision on something whenever the
419s internet votes on something yeah
421s we got umbrell leading the charts okay
423s all right yeah whopping 50
425s over top of tara and frost and radiant
428s radiance creeping up
430s oh i can vote too maybe i'll vote what
432s are you going to vote for get in here
434s well i'm going to vote for umbral if i'm
436s allowed to vote or is that cheating
438s what's that can i vote
439s i mean as i say it allows us to here so
441s maybe you could but i mean sure
443s oh it shows the numbers there too okay
445s it does cool
446s um
447s we're seeing yeah still seeing a lot of
448s spiders
449s look at those two studs hey i know that
452s guy thank you dougie
455s humble spider crab emerald undead dragon
458s these are
459s scorpion crabs sounds good is there
462s i mean i guess crabs are kind of cool
464s that's true so it sounds like we're
465s leaning arthropod right like a lot of
466s people are saying like crap scorpions
468s spiders
470s um that's my job i love that kind of
471s stuff so that is ladies and gentlemen
474s we have the results are in yeah
477s umbral has taken the the uh the lead for
481s what type of behemoth so yeah maybe we
482s can do an umbrella
485s uh
486s crab like scorpion thing sure yeah you
489s guys feeling that spiders i know cool
491s kind of mentions fighters are a risk for
493s a phobia for some certain people yeah um
496s so if we want to kind of get this in the
497s game guys we got to work together and
500s maybe we could uh
501s find a happy medium with crabs
503s i also saw somebody in the chat mention
505s tentacles so
507s i might throw in some tentacles because
508s uh tentacles are always awesome jeff's
510s feeling that says someone
512s sweet all right squad beyond
515s you guys there's chad this is great um
518s crabs i mean in this context crabs are
520s great
521s um
524s octopus yeah so yeah i mean i think i'd
527s say you just start going for it man yeah
528s that sounds awesome and um
531s sure yeah thank you and uh
532s ladies and gentlemen we are we are
534s kicking off
536s the drawing session with julio
538s you can put it to the main camera for
540s now actually and just chat i'm just
541s going to find some pictures of cool
543s looking crabs and octopuses and things
545s like that no love for hamster behemoths
547s hey i gotta say
549s if a hamster is a behemoth unless it
552s look gnarly af i wouldn't want to slay
554s that thing you know i already have
555s enough trouble with uh certain behemoths
557s it's uh
559s yeah i don't want to go into it
562s what was the weirdest object you used to
563s make audio with
566s i feel like
567s i feel like the person asks you this
569s question knows the answer
571s and i think i know who you are
573s the weirdest object i use was probably
575s well probably my dresser and i've
576s already mentioned that yeah it's a
578s really creaky dresser you can you can
580s get really weird audio from the weirdest
583s things guys let me tell you
586s um
589s the dresser is a weird one yes
594s man
596s could you draw like a semi-tutorial
599s people i think are in here for some
600s lessons i mean some lessons sure yeah i
602s couldn't yeah i can like talk about my
604s process as as i kind of go if that works
606s for you guys
608s um yeah
609s all right do you want to switch to this
611s and ladies and gentlemen give it a go
613s here we have it
615s who leo was ready to kick it off i hope
619s i'm ready let's see we agreed on some
620s more like an umbrella yep crab like
623s scorpion or scorpion like crab and i'll
626s just be reading out comments and stuff
627s as you go um we can kind of direct him
629s but i'd love also julia to explain his
631s process so i can shut shut up a little
634s bit here
637s cool so um
640s i guess if there are any artists
641s watching the stream and you want to
642s learn how to draw behemoths i can kind
644s of talk from that perspective a little
645s bit and teach you the the process
648s um don't choke now someone said
651s that's great support
653s but yeah okay
655s that makes me feel so much better like i
657s feel so much stronger now and more
658s confident after that yeah yeah
662s yeah just make sure you keep reading me
663s like the most worst comments on there
665s yeah i'm gonna try and get your your
667s morale as low as possible yeah i mean
668s you gotta keep me on my toes right
670s yeah
671s um
673s what software are using i'm using
675s photoshop
676s and for the most part like a lot of
677s people you just ask what brush you use i
679s usually use just the round brush
681s very default settings um and i kind of
683s just go from there
684s i'll show you my tablet settings as well
686s for any other digital artists out there
689s i like to lean more towards the soft end
692s um
693s if i'm not like super in a super
695s confident drawing mood sometimes i'll
697s push it more towards the firm end so
698s i'll grab this i'll pull it down and
700s that just means you have to put down
701s more pressure while you're drawing to
703s get the long lines you want whereas if
704s you go
705s push the graph up this way
708s it requires less pressure to put down a
710s line so if you're feeling more confident
711s you don't need as much pressure putting
712s down lines you can just do that
715s um i have my back button set to right
717s click my front button set to pan scroll
720s uh that's about it really default
722s settings and then we just go from there
725s and uh someone asks what kind of pad
727s you're using
728s what kind of pad i'm using oh uh tablet
730s sorry yeah yeah this is uh yeah this is
732s a cintiq uh 24
735s hd pro it's one of the newer cintiq
738s models i have the the same one at home
740s it's amazing
741s yeah yeah it's an awesome one yeah we
743s got some love for julio in the chat
744s thank you so much
746s uh this guy's great i love working with
748s them so you guys are all blessed right
750s now to be able to see this in action
753s um
754s yeah there's some great great comments
756s in here let me just
757s um let's check out this have you had the
760s devs ever considered using past concepts
762s as a base for new behemoths
764s um we've gotten inspired by past
766s concepts uh for instance thunder deep
769s grass i forget what i was looking at but
770s i think there was an old concept of
771s drastic that i thought was really cool
772s so i pulled some of those shapes into
774s the newer thunder deep dress
777s yeah
778s noice
779s yeah yeah we we always we have such a
782s sick palette of behemoths in our game
784s that we often draw from i know
786s personally when i'm designing too sorry
787s i don't want to deter from the art when
789s i'm doing sound there's a lot of
790s inspiration i get from other beings it's
792s just we have this great palette to work
794s with it's a lot of the same stuff i
795s think right it's like composition is the
797s same between mediums and stuff like that
798s right yeah that's true and behemoth yeah
802s i mean that could be cool
803s i could see that a menacing ant
806s there's some creepy ants in eldon ring
807s as well that scared me yeah a lot so it
811s could be cool
812s how far are you into elden ring i beat
813s it you beat it i thought you couldn't
815s beat that game i i mean i never thought
818s i would but 173 hours later i did beat
821s it okay nice nice it's a great game
823s i mean
825s what can i say
826s well made
828s karabakh karabakh v2 please no
832s yeah i honestly am not a big fan of
833s karabakh myself
838s draw the rest of the owl julio i don't
840s know that's the you don't know what it's
841s it's an art meme oh i i know what this
843s person's referring to yeah yeah i'm just
845s reading out comments yeah i pretend i
846s know about art yeah it's this really
849s funny meme where somebody is like uh
850s they draw like a circle so like this is
852s how you draw an owl first just like draw
854s a circle yeah
855s and then it's just like the next picture
857s is just like a fully rendered owl that
859s looks like amazing
860s it's just like just draw the rest of the
862s owl
863s with like some more colorful languages
864s in there but yeah
867s um
868s when i'm sketching like oh go ahead all
870s right someone's asking why you flip the
871s screen oh that's a good question i
873s flipped the screen a lot because like uh
875s it's kind of the same thing as if you've
876s ever done a drawing and you walk away
878s for a while then you come back and then
879s you realize that your drawing looks
880s really stupid it's because you've kind
882s of just been in that tunnel vision mode
884s for a long time
886s so sometimes i flip the screen just to
887s get a fresh
888s image like fresh take on it nice yeah
891s nice
894s um
896s sweet it's it's really rough right now
898s it might be a little rough for a while
900s it kind of depends like i usually take a
901s little while to warm up big mommy
904s does that mean
905s it's it's all in caps we really like it
907s okay fresh
911s julio does animations also
913s um
915s i did animation in high school 3d
917s animation in high school and then i did
918s some 3d modeling for my most of my
920s career
921s and uh yeah i've been dabbling in 2d
924s animation recently a little bit nice
926s the 2d animation is really hard
929s yeah i mean i i've never even touched
930s any of that so i mean i imagine it's
932s very difficult someone um is asking if
935s this is recorded yes unfortunately it is
937s incredible later but
939s but for you guys who wanted to pick up
941s tricks and tips on how to draw like an
943s absolute
944s beast this is going to be great
948s give it blade hands
950s i the thing is like whenever i'm doing
952s behemoth i'm like it has to have blade
954s hands it's like all of that's where your
956s mind is like instantly i just want to
958s put swords on its hands so like when we
960s did sevilla i was like really excited by
961s that i was like we can't just keep
962s putting swords on behemoth those
964s behemoths hands you know
967s yeah
971s i want to work on dauntless we're always
973s hiring
975s go to dxlabs.com actually that's what
978s the website is but
980s check go apply we this place is awesome
984s do you have two favorite behemoths
987s i guess uh just a question both of us
988s i'll go first
990s yeah i think i do i really like um
994s oh it's so hard to choose oh dear no i
997s really like
998s well i really like ceviche um
1005s i mean as you i designed sound for music
1007s so that's that's something i'm a little
1009s biased but i like the blade hands i'm a
1011s sucker for blade hands uh but i also
1013s really like um
1015s i really like valamir too because of the
1017s cool
1018s disco like
1019s uh nature of the fight i remember when i
1021s first bought valomir i was like whoa
1023s this is what sets this game apart from
1024s monster hunter i was like this is
1026s different because i mean they would not
1028s do any of this in monster hunter and
1029s then you learn those those little orbs
1031s that float around are the worst to deal
1032s with
1034s never perfect dodge through those things
1036s hell yeah balmer fan here too we're a
1039s few in numbers but yeah yeah
1043s what did you use for those civite noises
1045s uh
1046s i used my co-worker actually believe it
1049s or not uh my one of my co-workers was
1052s giving me really cool loon sounds uh
1054s like the bird a loon and he could use
1056s his his hands to make the sounds i was
1058s like get in my office we're gonna record
1060s it and that's actually what i used to
1062s makes a beat
1063s yeah how are things going over here good
1066s um i kind of got some like general forms
1068s here um it's culminating guys
1070s something's happening yeah so drawings
1071s never look amazing at the beginning like
1073s you're just kind of blocking things in
1074s right right now i'm just kind of
1075s thinking of the big forms so what do i
1077s want the focal point to be um and it
1080s kind of depends on like what the goal of
1081s the behemoth is since we don't really
1083s have a design brief for this i'm just
1085s going to try out like some random things
1087s here
1089s uh
1090s sorry i can't keep up you guys are
1091s asking so many great questions so i
1092s apologize if i miss your question just
1094s ask it again and i'll i'll try to get
1095s back to it um
1097s someone's asking if you specialize in
1099s other [ __ ] other than just drawing
1101s monsters or do you do character design
1102s too or um
1104s just monsters i really like doing
1105s anatomy studies that's kind of my my big
1107s thing it
1108s they're hard and like kind of annoying
1110s but i guess it's you know it's good
1111s practice right and yeah yeah sure yeah
1114s sure um but yeah like
1116s creatures and weapon design is probably
1118s my favorite so
1119s like i'm just so excited to be at
1121s phoenix labs doing that it's like such a
1122s dream come true yeah they really let us
1124s go crazy with design and like there's no
1126s really limit which is also why we're
1128s doing the stream because we want to get
1130s inspiration from you guys uh you know
1132s you guys always have sweet ideas
1134s um as i mean this is already looking
1136s really cool like i say there's nothing
1138s here yet there's something
1140s the pressure the pressure right guys
1142s we're getting somewhere
1145s when new weapons um
1147s likely not gonna happen just gonna say
1149s that yeah we got
1151s we have we have some other priorities
1152s right now so
1154s julio i draw with a mouse my existence
1157s is in pain
1158s uh yeah i'm just so sorry to hear that
1161s that's just really tragic
1163s it's like
1164s wow that's the saddest thing for them
1166s yeah i'm so sorry hey i i'm sorry that
1169s uh
1170s you have to go through that man that's
1172s that's bad
1173s so you can like crowdfund your tablet or
1174s something there's there's some like a
1176s like pretty affordable like if you get
1177s like a used uh bamboo like wacom bamboo
1180s it doesn't have the screen on it it's
1181s just like a regular flat tablet you just
1182s draw directly on it it goes to the
1184s screen your monitor um i use that for
1186s your simple cheap and simple um
1188s like like relatively cheap like i think
1190s it's like 100 bucks compared to like
1191s thousands of dollars one of these guys
1193s but um
1194s you know that's what i use like i only
1195s started using cintiq maybe three or four
1197s years ago nice uh before that i just
1199s used like a tiny bamboo tablet yeah
1204s great question i'd like to know thrax
1205s was intentionally so diddy i don't i
1208s don't know what diddy means did he i
1210s don't know if i'm uh
1211s too old to understand that do you know
1213s what diddy means i could get a whole
1214s query on that question i don't know
1217s everything evolves into crabs even bemus
1219s hey you my sir studied evolution yeah
1223s good job or ma'am sorry i don't know
1226s that is a great meme
1232s are you gonna add more elements of
1233s course yeah we're just getting started
1235s oh i don't know if they mean like
1236s another element of the game like oh no
1239s water you're right yeah i don't i was
1241s thinking in the stream thank you kindly
1243s who are you yeah uh we haven't
1244s considered it but that's you know we're
1246s not close to it we feel like we operate
1249s pretty well under the the four we have
1250s right now you know radiant umbrella
1253s five six yeah and
1256s blaze and so
1259s yes give us squirrel with this bug
1262s okay
1264s squirrel yeah i thought you know what i
1266s thought about the water element too
1268s i could be cool
1270s centaur squirrel insect
1273s what are you drawing someone's asking
1275s the thing is like i actually don't know
1277s what i'm drawing right now i'm kind of
1278s just
1280s it sounds really bad i'm just like
1281s drawing shapes and then hoping i find
1283s something sometimes like i'm i'm really
1285s hoping this gets really exciting really
1287s fast uh but you know it's the creative
1289s process right you can't you can't force
1291s it
1291s um
1292s let the artist do his work guys come on
1294s it's gonna be okay no this is already
1296s looking cool dude and you know the
1297s process
1298s this kind of thing is something you
1300s really can't force either with
1302s with something like art and sound
1304s whatever medium you gotta like there's
1306s like a flow state you gotta get into i
1307s find more than anything i've noticed at
1310s least for myself and
1312s for like honestly guys for julio to be
1313s like coming on stream to do this
1315s i commend him i would i would like
1318s literally
1318s crap my pants doing this because
1321s it's like
1322s oh just make something
1324s okay
1326s no not lobsters well
1328s we could maybe do lobsters we could do
1329s some lobsters you know
1332s just keep drawing that owl
1335s hey what are you working on uh work yeah
1337s exactly
1340s make goofy beady eyes goofy bdi's okay
1343s also after you uh search that you just
1345s pull up the slack after yeah sure you
1347s can't see it so that'd be great put this
1349s over here
1353s okay
1471s ladies and gentlemen
1472s you can now hear me clearly
1476s we are back
1477s welcome back to the stream so
1479s i gotta be honest with you guys i'm a
1480s little embarrassed i'm an audio person
1482s and my mic was muted
1485s so we're just going to let that sink in
1487s a bit
1489s we're going to go we're going to work
1490s past this we're going to look at julio's
1492s beautiful art
1494s so
1495s thank you thank you
1497s thank you very much for the support you
1499s guys appreciate it
1502s he's looking a bit angry over there uh
1505s sorry angry too angry well i gave him
1507s friendly eyes but then i didn't want to
1509s like hurt him no we don't
1511s i mean that's totally cool
1513s time for crab
1516s maybe we should just have pets
1521s it's only tight for about two minutes
1522s thank you douglas you you good man you
1526s big busty eyebrows i really like these
1528s adjectives people are using to describe
1530s things
1538s if we're going for a crab can it be an
1539s earth type
1544s i mean
1545s that's up to julio really if he wants to
1547s do that he can do that but
1552s i was doing some behemoths the other day
1553s actually and i kept coming back like
1555s tortoises and stuff in their shells
1557s you know something yeah like patterns on
1559s the shelves of tortoises yeah like
1561s really there's something majestic about
1562s that why couldn't humans be born like
1564s that you know with cool patterns on our
1565s bodies
1566s which is fleshy maybe one day maybe one
1569s day yeah technology
1574s so like um would love to work with
1576s phoenix i'm good sketches but i don't
1577s know if i'd be good at it would there be
1579s a way be a way to find out more
1580s information yeah if you hit up our
1582s website we have the like listed i think
1584s um requirements for working with us but
1586s if you're also looking
1587s for uh inspiration or like
1590s instruction
1591s youtube's a good a good resource yeah i
1593s don't know if you have any tips on
1595s boosting your craft you can um you can
1597s also post in the dauntless discord
1599s there's a fan art channel you can post
1600s your stuff in there that's it that's a
1601s good one sometimes i go in there um
1604s also feel free to like message me on
1606s instagram it's not like an official
1609s route or whatever to contact but um i'd
1611s be happy to answer any any questions you
1612s have or if you want any tips yeah nice
1615s thank you
1617s shrimpy should be shrimpy
1619s yeah i this is this is kind of this is
1621s turning into something turtle crap
1623s turtle crap i think i have to lose the
1624s eyebrows because it's looking too too
1626s stupid kind of looking like parasite
1629s parasect from pokemon oh no oh yeah
1631s that's the other thing like
1632s everything you draw there's a pokemon
1634s for it
1635s kind of like simpsons did it you know
1636s like whenever simpsons did it yeah yeah
1638s but how many pokemon do they make is so
1640s many aren't there's like thousands i
1642s have a buddy who can list all of them
1643s and backwards
1645s get out of here that's skill that's
1646s that's real talent
1648s rip angie yeah
1650s i'm sure he'll bring back the angry look
1652s i always had angry eyes i'll be back
1654s julio actually has an old youtube
1655s channel as well where he has great
1657s rendering tutorial
1658s is this is your time to flex your
1659s youtube handle man oh man i uh yeah i
1662s have a couple youtube videos i don't
1664s really post anymore sometimes like
1666s if i'm feeling in the mood maybe i'll
1667s post something again yeah um but yeah i
1669s don't like yeah i'm not gonna ask for
1671s like uh like subscribe kind of thing
1673s because i don't really have anything to
1674s show people like it subscribe yeah
1676s i post more frequently on my instagram
1678s actually so like yeah like our instagram
1680s and art station um and if there are
1682s tutorials again just feel free to ask
1684s them if we can put a tutorial together
1685s cool
1686s someone's saying make his eyes big and
1688s bulgy that makes me [ __ ] bug-like yeah i
1690s like that idea it's a great tip and you
1692s want you what else is nice about that is
1694s um
1695s wow this looks so bad right now um
1698s just give me i just need time um
1701s in the world baby so uh yeah the cool
1703s thing about umbrell uh is that so we
1706s have like an art bible for all the
1707s different elements umbral is a lot about
1709s rounder softer googly shapes
1713s so the big round eyes really play into
1716s that well
1717s um
1717s yeah so that's a good good call out
1719s there
1720s yeah i really like octopus eyes too
1723s so at one point in i'm gonna sorry guys
1725s i'm gonna get to your questions too but
1726s at what point in the concept do you
1728s start introducing colors
1730s um is that part of a concept usually i
1732s usually
1733s do that kind of towards the end like
1735s i'll drew like line art and then
1738s i'll do like a bunch of color variations
1740s okay for it um
1742s yeah that's cool yeah i just it's i i
1745s don't know it's so interesting to end up
1746s not familiar with this process at all we
1748s just i think most of us just assume
1750s these things get created you know and
1752s like a snap of a flick of the wrist
1756s can you make the legs hairy
1757s yep
1759s yeah i don't know sorry i don't know
1760s what that was um
1763s another
1765s my microphone
1766s might have been yeah just
1768s doing something i work will keep
1770s monitoring that
1771s yeah i know my mic is just not liking me
1773s at all today
1777s you hitting your mic hey i mean i got
1779s aggression issues but i don't take it
1781s out on my mic
1783s sorry about that though guys
1790s let's get another poll going yeah what
1792s are we feeling do you want to ask them
1794s like uh
1795s like what type of arms or like
1798s you know i kind of like the the eye
1799s question like big bug eyes yeah maybe
1801s yeah why don't we start a pole for the
1803s eyes how to take the direction of the
1806s eyes or anything like any kind of like
1808s add-on can you do polls where people
1809s enter their own thing that would be
1811s really cool okay but i don't think so i
1813s think one of the mods is gonna have to
1814s do that okay but we can leave it up to
1816s the mod maybe uh to choose well yeah
1818s i'll leave it in the mods maybe you just
1820s wanna you guys what do you guys want to
1821s see like more let's let's see some calls
1823s in the chat what what directions you
1825s want to see who you'll go into into
1828s it's nice because it's all in photoshop
1829s right so i can just like quickly like i
1830s want to give it like a little headed
1832s yeah oh yeah you can just be head like
1834s so easily
1835s spider legs or crustacean legs
1838s make him laugh
1840s make julio laugh yeah i tell you a bad
1842s joke
1848s oh come on you always have a bad joke um
1852s uh
1853s yeah
1854s let's go back to chat
1856s i'll think about that one why don't you
1857s like crowdsource the joke from chat yeah
1859s someone's got a good dad joke
1862s i think that's
1865s yes i am
1866s uh
1868s you wonder you can do it
1870s stop while you're ahead yeah this is
1871s gonna be like the dauntless uh joke
1874s stream like yeah just watch derek come
1875s over the jokes the whole time the worst
1877s jokes possible yeah
1881s hey i'm a great joke teller when i can
1882s tell a joke the thing is
1885s when i'm forced to doesn't happen and
1887s then it's bad
1889s um
1891s okay so for yeah we're back to sorry
1893s back to pole
1895s why don't we
1897s yeah what do what do you think of some
1898s different type of eyes we have we had a
1900s beady eyes
1901s big and beady you guys have any other
1903s suggestions for eyes that you'd like to
1905s see
1906s or like even head types like i just
1908s swapped this head for something else or
1909s even heads yeah like this the sky is the
1911s limit guys
1912s what we got so many things we can do
1914s here
1920s big eyelashes
1925s derek i try to tell dad jokes all the
1927s time sometimes
1928s he even laughs
1935s i got that after i said it that was good
1937s i like that one
1939s put the eyes on little stilts
1941s okay
1944s i
1944s wonder why that's funny what it is
1947s a moth face
1949s we actually did have uh one of our
1950s concept artists uh lucia had a really
1952s cool behemoth eddie remember crab moth
1954s oh yeah
1956s is that a leak i don't know if that's a
1957s leak
1958s it's just exploration yeah exploration
1960s so internally we've just been doing some
1961s exploration behind different behemoth
1963s types that we could choose in the future
1965s and we have julio here we also have
1967s another concept artist named lucia who
1969s does some phenomenal concepts as well
1971s and they
1972s yeah one of them was this cool crab moth
1974s that almost looked too cute but
1978s all right all right folks let's focus on
1979s a body part give us one body part to
1982s focus on eye neck leg arm tail mouth
1985s beak tentacles
1988s that's a lot of different body parts
1990s let's see what you guys say
1996s it's kind of interesting because like
1997s octopus have these beaks and then
1998s triceratops have beaks and birds have
2000s beaks i'm like wondering how that can
2001s mix in because this is kind of like
2003s a bit of a mollusk in that way like if
2004s it's kind of i don't know there might be
2007s something there yeah yeah i know for
2008s sure these big eyes that kind of like
2009s look around the map the thing is you
2011s don't want to be like too
2012s like weird because then it doesn't feel
2014s like dawn was saying do you want to
2015s start to become gary from spongebob too
2017s yeah i mean yeah should be our crossover
2020s just
2021s like the fortnite style and bring in
2023s their characters legs legs we're seeing
2025s legs i'm seeing eyes
2028s these sounds are too sad someone's
2030s saying i should do a pull for different
2031s tails try scorpion tails maybe multiple
2033s tentacles yeah i'm loving this stuff
2035s pull is up the pull is up guys which
2038s which
2039s body part should we focus on
2053s i mean honestly i didn't really grow up
2054s spongebob so i can't say much beyond
2057s gary
2058s gary's great i wrote this little thing
2060s here like for art advice if i was like
2062s sum up all of my art experience into
2065s like one phrase this is something one of
2066s my teachers at i went to van arts one of
2068s my teachers taught me this called
2070s general to specific and i like this is
2072s like the one art rule that i use that
2074s kind of overlaps everything else just
2076s general to specific so if you're if
2078s you're drawing a face you don't start
2079s with like the pupil and then the eye and
2081s then the eyebrow you kind of draw the
2083s face shape first then you go you go from
2085s there so that's kind of how i'm always
2086s thinking whenever i'm drawing something
2087s you don't get too locked into something
2089s early on because then you're kind of
2090s trapped right like that's why these are
2092s so loose like i don't
2093s like i'm not attached to this i don't
2095s mind if like i wreck it because it's
2097s it's you know it's just a little drawing
2099s right
2100s cool that's super cool i feel like
2102s there's some good life application there
2104s i'm not going to tell you what it is but
2105s i want you all to think about that for a
2106s second yeah
2109s multiple eyes like spidey please let's
2111s take a look at this poll when you got a
2112s second i'm going to open up the poll
2113s sure yeah thanks man
2115s we're kind of sharing a bit of the
2116s resources here as you can see we're
2118s sitting on our side
2120s all right you can have that back cool
2124s some heads like gentlemen do some heads
2126s on their own head is leading the voters
2128s the poll is almost over and i think head
2130s is taking the cake
2134s multiple eyes would be good
2137s i got it thin claw like arms with legs
2139s of a spider and round head with
2141s hexagonal eyes hexagon hexagonal hexa
2144s mcgonagall
2146s i can't say that
2148s what about a crocodile duck
2152s have we
2153s no we haven't done that i kind of like
2154s that a lot
2155s so thank you for that suggestion
2159s i'm thinking like i'm looking at these
2160s lobsters they have these like they get
2161s tenders on the front like what if we
2162s turn them into tusks
2164s right they kind of got these high
2165s shields if the head wins put horns like
2168s a triceratops okay
2170s we will definitely think about that that
2172s julio still feels inclined
2176s horns like a triceratops people yeah
2178s it's pretty pretty crazy so yeah head
2181s took the cake okay
2182s that's what i'm gonna focus on right now
2184s i'm just gonna draw some heads and then
2185s sometimes actually draw like that like
2186s i'll just draw a bunch of heads and then
2187s form the behemoth from there cool yeah
2190s so i'm just going to pull this out
2192s so guys we have we have a focus now
2195s we're in head zone we're let's get in
2197s our own heads here and think
2199s what do you want to see i know someone
2200s said triceratops
2202s do we have any other suggestions
2205s someone says that head looks dope
2207s so all right we're winning we're doing
2209s it
2210s grukkrux 2.0 oh
2213s oh you didn't just you didn't just say
2215s that
2216s but you know what i have a response for
2217s you there
2218s guard crux 2.0
2223s um
2225s i was about to try and do an impression
2227s of a guardkuck and i added i'm not going
2228s to do that
2230s squirrel head snakehead
2234s mammoth crab
2237s angler fish head anglerfishes are creepy
2240s so cool i wish i could show like
2243s we did so many behemoth exploration
2244s sketches like a couple weeks ago i think
2246s i did like 40
2247s and there was one that i really liked
2249s was called battle mammoth it was like a
2251s mammoth with like a volcano on its back
2254s night armor i really like that one
2256s maybe someday i hate to say tell you
2258s guys but i saw that it's really good
2260s yeah so just take my word for it
2263s we got rhino heads shark heads
2266s bird heads
2269s uh can we get a giant grunk ruck as part
2272s of an event
2275s i mean
2278s if that's what the kind of event you're
2279s looking for
2281s then maybe sure yeah cause i don't know
2283s i would i'd probably steer clear of that
2285s event
2286s the crowd crooks are so annoying
2289s oh i got to tell you guys something too
2291s well i have you here it's just for
2292s everyone's ears
2293s i am the sound of the grunk rook
2296s like it was me entirely my voice
2299s i had i had to make it as annoying as
2300s possible so i used my own voice
2303s it sounds like we're gonna be using uh
2304s more voices for the next behemoth we are
2306s indeed are we allowed to talk about that
2308s at all i don't know if we are okay maybe
2310s let's not we might not be able to i mean
2312s you guys already saw the new behemoth
2313s though uh julio posted i did yeah i
2315s posted a leak um i don't have the image
2318s on me now but i'll just if anybody
2320s missed the behemoth flick i'll kind of
2321s just draw give a little yeah a little
2323s teaser of what it looks like guys this
2325s is you should feel grateful because
2327s you're getting a sneak preview
2330s on uh and in fact i might give you a
2331s sneak preview of the sound of this thing
2332s too
2334s so this is the uh the fluble part of the
2336s new behemoth it's a radiant behemoth
2337s it's called the flu ball
2341s flupil is that the internal name or is
2343s that what we're shipping with uh we're
2344s shipping that yeah
2346s and then
2347s it shoots the the fungus out of the
2348s shallow bowl so
2350s um like this
2351s it comes out like that and it kind of
2353s sounds like this but i won't tell you
2354s which part of the behemoth this is go
2356s for it
2360s okay no our new behemoth is going to be
2362s actually like elegant so there won't be
2364s any fluvals or
2365s things like that
2366s i deserve to get down for that one i'm
2368s taking that
2370s that's uh
2371s that's me
2375s it's the ding-dong
2378s plumbus yeah yeah i catch that
2382s sounds like a blow dart hey
2384s could be the source inspiration you know
2390s behemoth has literal fungus trumpets
2393s could be cool though right yeah it could
2395s be like a terror behemoth
2405s but
2405s i tried to read that i'm sorry
2408s that
2409s i understand i'm sorry
2413s if the behemoth is like a crab it could
2414s it could be able to climb around the
2416s walls and ceiling oh
2418s if it has its own arena i would love
2419s that yeah you know we explored that with
2422s uh torgadoro right when he does his move
2424s where he climbs up the cliff and does
2426s that terrible bomb that it's really hard
2428s to dodge for people like me
2430s that was awesome
2436s that is warthog like oh this is cool
2440s this is looking crab dragon
2442s crab dragon
2444s dope head
2446s yeah like
2447s this man we'll just like work on some of
2448s these more because like i don't want to
2450s just keep doing like i mean i do want to
2452s just keep doing fun drawings but i think
2453s it'd be cool to show like the whole
2454s process like from sorry maybe we'll just
2456s go grab one of these heads yep or a
2458s couple of these well he's jelly's
2459s grabbing it
2461s he's gonna put it somewhere it's
2462s grafting it somewhere
2464s let's just uh see what i got here
2468s um
2470s these ones were okay oh i deleted my
2471s other ones okay that's fine
2474s just start a new one
2480s maybe a lion head
2482s lions are super cool animals to look at
2485s so i would never be opposed to that
2487s hey julio hi
2489s hi
2490s i don't know who you are
2492s hi
2499s someone earlier said demon quill shot
2502s oh nice
2503s taking dauntless to new depths
2505s originally this was just going to be
2507s like behemoth variants but um
2509s i think this is more fun just like
2511s random new things right yeah totally
2512s totally see where it takes us
2515s grukgruck emperor
2518s please tell me more about this grukkrak
2520s emperor you have why do people like so
2522s much i think it's a meme okay i think
2524s we've successfully created a meme nice
2527s cheer for gruk rock
2528s yes
2529s cheer for the grunk rock
2535s have you all used chinese and greek
2536s mythology for concept ideas a laser
2538s shooting cyclops or a nike tail
2542s nike tail tailed fox sorry nike tail fox
2544s would be cool
2546s uh a nike tail fox that's what i read
2549s like like the nike
2551s like check
2552s mark
2553s yeah that's what i was thinking too
2555s but that's maybe they maybe it's like
2557s more brand opportunity like blending you
2559s know yeah yeah you said like you're
2561s fighting a human all of a sudden it's
2562s just like pepsi yeah on the back side of
2564s it when you stagger it yeah
2567s no now i want to go drink a pepsi
2572s nine tails fox
2573s oh they think oh nine tails like oh like
2576s you know um
2577s is that naruto reference is there
2579s something yeah yes well okay i will say
2582s julio i have to open i have to open up
2584s we did look at some nine tail fox
2587s reference
2588s uh somewhat recently
2590s that's all i will say
2592s uh someone's got to go but they wanted
2594s to let us know or ask us if we've
2596s thought about a behemoth that makes and
2597s jumps from platforms kind of like spore
2599s struck and remain or how dr strange did
2602s at one point in infinity war
2604s yeah we have actually um
2607s definitely it's we we all really like
2608s that move internally
2610s it's a really cool move and so expect to
2612s see that in the future i'm sure
2615s cool
2616s ready eska yeah you bet your bottom
2619s dollar currently into works
2623s what about bat type behemoths
2626s we were looking at bats recently as well
2628s actually a little bit yeah yeah yeah
2630s there's some cool ideas there for sure
2635s this looks like a thrax variant if it
2636s were tara the tusk looks very insect
2640s i think i want to keep the tusks yeah
2642s like i just want to
2643s we had like one cool idea somebody was
2645s mentioning i forget who and they're like
2646s you know tusks that kind of dig into the
2648s ground and just like pull up chunks of
2649s ground and throw them at the player i
2651s think that could be really cool
2653s it could be uh very cool for us but not
2656s for the player it's probably very
2657s difficult
2659s no more flying please yeah someone's
2660s telling you to work work work work okay
2662s um work work
2665s get on it man come on what are you doing
2667s i'm not paying you by the hour here
2668s secretly just our our boss just in the
2670s chat is like another player going to
2672s work yeah right just low key just
2674s sending us messages like come on get the
2676s wing yeah come on make something happen
2679s crocodile behemoth
2681s i love crocodiles
2684s the crab is going to throw dirt on the
2686s player
2687s it could they could do that i could do
2689s that yeah
2693s derek had to pull up the whip
2695s ah to nudie if i had my whip
2698s this is one we're going with i'm gonna
2699s grab this
2701s i'm gonna put it here
2702s and this is like my rough sketch a bit
2704s like low opacity
2706s and then i'm going to kind of go over it
2709s make a little bit bigger
2713s ladies and gentlemen an artist in the
2715s works
2717s you're seeing it so
2718s i can kind of like describe like what
2720s i'm thinking about here is like uh again
2722s umbrella kind of these round googly
2724s shapes uh so if the back is kind of
2725s hunched we got these like round shaped
2727s siding
2729s claws exciting talons
2731s um so just yeah keeping that kind of
2733s design language throughout
2736s cool
2737s so i'm going to go in here and just
2738s start uh defining this more i am loving
2740s this someone says and we are loving that
2743s you're loving this because this is fun
2744s for us this is awesome we just like
2747s chilling with you guys um we talk a lot
2749s about our fans
2750s during day at work because you guys are
2752s so active in giving your feedback and
2755s your opinions and it's just great we
2756s like interacting with you guys so this
2758s is awesome
2760s um
2762s let's see what else we got going on here
2764s isn't it too spider-like someone's
2765s saying
2766s i mean could be
2768s um yeah what would you suggest uh to
2770s make it maybe a little less spider-like
2772s like i don't know if if doing furry legs
2774s makes it more comfortable for people
2775s because it's kind of like cute and
2776s fluffy or if like people that are afraid
2778s of spiders are scared of fluffy legs
2781s where do you find the balance i know
2783s the plight of an artist yes
2785s it's all about balance
2787s it's all about balance
2789s new balance
2792s we'll shoot when you just shoot
2793s references yeah we're sponsored by new
2794s balance yeah julio when did you graduate
2796s fan arts
2798s uh 2012.
2800s cool
2801s nice
2803s no to the furry legs
2806s no fluffy legs okay we heard you loud
2809s and clear it's funny we're talking about
2810s like armor sets and like the dauntless
2811s discord and like
2813s nobody wants furry armors for some
2815s reason no yeah they don't they don't
2816s want this fur yeah yeah so lately we
2819s haven't been adding like as much fur
2821s but we still had it like one small
2822s because it makes sense like from an
2823s internal universe perspective yeah like
2825s i like the look of it sometimes um
2827s but i guess that's like a good example
2829s of like how the players give us feedback
2830s because like i'm always just like i'm
2832s lurking in discord like i don't always
2834s chat in there but like i have the window
2835s up and i just see what generally people
2837s are saying i'm watching you guys i'm
2838s seeing what you're saying
2840s and um so yeah be careful what you
2842s saying
2844s oh someone someone's saying some
2846s heartfelt things here okay
2848s many times
2849s every time i play this game you all show
2851s your love for the community so much more
2852s the whole shutting down paradox because
2854s of one of the poor platforms had an
2855s issue
2856s or that was epileptic inducing flashing
2858s is what made it set in stone you guys
2860s are the best oh thank you the entire
2862s community as a whole
2864s yeah that ah you you're great thank you
2866s so much for saying that
2868s you're freaking awesome
2870s you may come into work so great
2873s fur armor is so 90s someone says okay
2877s like leopard print armor yeah yeah
2880s first great on armor someone says
2883s we're airship born sky slayers it's
2885s chilly up there oh man someone's deep in
2887s the lore oh yeah i uh
2890s i respect you slayer
2892s i will say our new armored site coming
2894s out does have fur around the collar just
2896s because it looks so cool sometimes right
2898s like especially imagine like this the
2899s slayer and like the shatter dials and
2902s nice wind blowing
2904s noise sorry maybe i'm talking too much
2906s and i'm not focusing now you're good
2907s okay
2909s just one second we're gonna let the
2910s we're gonna julio draw in silence for
2912s just a second
2920s see
2936s oh
2937s we got a question for julio that we got
2939s been let let known
2941s where's the question
2946s we're gonna yeah we're gonna get to your
2947s question there's a question for julio
2948s we're gonna get to in a second here
2951s um
2953s ultra lis ultralisk wooly mammoth
2956s looking tusks
2957s man those description words
2960s oh ultralisk that's like uh starcraft
2962s right yeah
2964s yeah
2966s i was never much of a starcraft guy i
2967s was always a warhammer guy who decides
2969s what are the behemoth's abilities great
2971s question we have a
2973s behemoth designer in-house his name is
2976s anthony anthony murray and he's awesome
2978s and he designs the encounters so he
2980s works with people like julio and other
2982s concept artists to design what the
2985s encounter might feel like and play out
2987s like and the abilities as well the
2988s behemoths have
2990s it's a lot of fun to see come to
2992s come all together you know yeah
2995s but it's a lot of work
3001s bless it be anthony yes
3011s question for julio what is better for
3013s art symmetrical or asymmetrical
3017s uh
3018s like just in general like when you're
3020s drawing
3021s um
3023s there's a couple ways i can interpret
3025s that question
3026s i have found that
3027s like if you're presenting an idea to
3029s like a team
3030s uh the more dynamic your concept is the
3032s better so like what i'm sketching right
3035s now is kind of in a very like like a
3036s pose like you put your character in just
3038s like a standard pose but when you're
3039s showing to the
3040s the team like internally or even
3042s externally um it's better to have it
3043s like in a cool pose so like i guess
3045s symmetrical like if i'm designing an
3047s armor set and i'm just like drawing in
3049s symmetry looking straight under the
3050s armor it's not very exciting but
3052s sometimes i like to like just like move
3053s an arm around or something just to give
3055s a bit more energy and life to it yeah
3058s it's a great question i've never thought
3060s about that
3061s symmetry my life's very asymmetrical
3065s is that a good thing or a bad thing i
3066s don't know i i should be thinking about
3069s that right now
3070s uh what someone's like what type of
3072s behemoth is this
3073s i'm reading it like as if it's a bad
3075s thing but
3076s um it's not a bad thing they're probably
3077s just curious there is okay so originally
3079s we're gonna do like like elemental
3081s variations of existing behemoths but um
3084s for whatever reason like
3085s we've kind of moved into some like
3087s weirder stuff so
3088s i'm gonna draw something that i think
3089s looks like a cool behemoth and then what
3091s we'll probably do
3092s is uh like if we end up using the design
3094s we'll like map it on to an existing
3096s behemoth or like reuse parts in some
3097s ways to make it to make it work or if
3100s everybody like just really loves this
3101s type of
3102s skeleton maybe we just make a new
3103s skeleton so i don't know nice but like
3107s we can't make any promises so yeah
3108s exactly you can't qualify any of this
3110s okay
3111s you can't help them you can't hold them
3112s liable for what he says here yeah
3114s someone said i got to say someone said
3116s where is this
3117s um
3119s teeny monkey behemoth please
3121s i don't know it just sounds amazing just
3123s imagine a little theme that's like so
3125s hard to hit running around so fast
3127s making like
3129s noises yeah like trying to rock it with
3131s your hammer yeah be so awful
3133s man i've been upset there's this game
3135s this little game called hades that was
3137s like game of the year oh i think didn't
3138s that come out like 90s or yeah i don't
3140s know maybe you guys haven't heard of it
3141s or something uh anyways i've been super
3143s addicted to hades recently it's like
3145s probably like one of my favorite games
3146s of all time and there's this really
3148s annoying boss in like the final
3149s encounter where it's just like this this
3150s tiny rat and like you don't know when
3153s you're going to fight this tiny rat but
3154s it's just exactly what i'm like a tiny
3155s monkey like just this annoying thing
3157s that runs around so yeah i think i
3158s remember i played haiti a little yeah
3159s and that and it was just the worst to
3162s deal with yeah
3163s every game has them we have grunk rocks
3166s um some great questions in here let me
3168s see if i can catch up a bit uh what was
3169s the process like creating sevite i
3171s personally find seville frustrating
3174s yeah savit was
3176s just just to speak from an audio and
3178s concept maybe design point or standpoint
3180s sorry was uh was cool a lot of iteration
3183s uh we wanted to make a fencer type
3184s behemoth so that might be what you're
3186s like you're struggling with because it
3188s it's it's supposed to be more of like a
3189s 1v1 type fight where you react and
3192s respond to it's quick moves and there
3195s should be windows in between to to to
3197s counter
3198s um and that was kind of the whole idea
3200s behind it we kind of had like the
3202s designer of the mid was like it's like
3203s vega from street fighter in a way and
3206s just like the quick firing moves um and
3209s i don't know did you did you have a hand
3210s to save it yourself julio yeah i did the
3213s like visual design i didn't do so much
3214s of the gameplay stuff but um man that
3216s was such a fun process for me like
3219s it was just kind of draw like a
3221s i think we knew we wanted some sort of
3223s insect type behemoth and we knew we
3225s wanted it to be like a living blade like
3227s the main thing about civilians
3229s it's just it's like
3230s sword arms like i'm saying before i just
3232s love sword arms um so like i was in my
3234s element but we tried everything from
3236s like really humanoid looking civite like
3238s one was just like almost just like a
3240s kind of like a general grievous type
3241s thing
3242s oh yeah yeah and then we were like uh
3244s it's not really feeling dauntless so we
3246s pushed more like the natural vibes to it
3249s nice yeah people are there's some love
3251s in the chat for savite someone's even
3253s saying i love the sound design behind
3254s the feet oh yeah
3256s and when that trailer dropped like you
3258s could hear seville's like sound effect
3260s yeah really really fun with that thank
3262s you for that compliment by the way it
3263s means a lot i put a lot of heart into my
3265s work but you know audio is kind of like
3267s the thing at the end that should just
3269s complement the whole experience but when
3270s people call it out i really appreciate
3272s that
3273s how about an armadillo behemoth that
3274s rolls around i know we have skarn that
3276s is armored but more of a mobile behemoth
3278s like
3279s hang guard we have panga rolls we also
3281s have um
3283s phalanx that rolls but yeah i mean
3284s rolling
3285s there's something about giant ass
3287s behemoths rolling around that feels cool
3289s so yeah don't i wouldn't be surprised if
3291s we revisit that
3293s i jokingly call it ninja praying mantis
3296s with katanas for arms
3298s yeah that's a pretty good description of
3299s savit
3300s he's uh he's a weird one
3303s he it is a weird one um
3306s good job with the ceviche sounds the
3307s music is also very good yeah i so i'm
3309s not the composer of the game just fyi
3311s but i work with our composer so he does
3313s he and i had some really fun janging on
3316s savit and we came up with
3318s uh something like something really cool
3319s yeah thanks for that
3322s he's too thin he looks like stick yeah i
3325s know he kind of looks like you break him
3326s pretty easy right
3328s so he has sick oh he's so much love for
3330s audio in here yes
3332s the audio in dauntless is really
3334s satisfying i have to say like you know
3335s the sound effects oh so good i mean i
3338s want i'm not biased but uh it's i mean
3340s it's pretty good uh
3342s what do you say cat what do you think
3343s that went even better than expected uh
3345s anyways um
3348s um
3349s the armor sevete uh
3352s and its weapons are serious are
3354s seriously pretty elegant and deadly yeah
3356s we have great people working on that
3357s kind of stuff too right we have people
3359s yeah sorry you can go ahead and explain
3361s explain a bit of how that works oh sure
3362s yeah like uh
3364s yeah we have like our 3d artists that
3365s just do these amazing models um one of
3368s like the most exciting parts for me as a
3370s concept artist is uh is partially doing
3372s the drawing and i just sound like i'm
3374s excited all the time like at work which
3375s is kind of true like it's really fun uh
3377s sorry not to be stoked yeah yeah i'm
3379s just like always hyped to see like the
3381s next update like if you're concepting
3383s something and then the 3d artists
3385s they're they're awesome and then they
3386s turn it into 3d that's really exciting
3388s for me and then i also love going into
3390s like there's a fashion channel in the
3392s dauntless discord where people wear the
3393s different armor sets and i like how
3395s people like mix and match the different
3396s armor sets yeah yeah um it's fun to do
3399s that yeah but like the speed armor was
3400s actually like somewhat like player
3402s inspired as well because i
3404s just like looking at comments throughout
3405s like reddit and discord and youtube
3407s comments i noticed there was like this
3408s general vibe of people really uh liking
3411s the sleeker armors and i was like well
3412s this is the perfect opportunity for like
3413s another sleek armor set with cindy
3416s um so yeah
3418s i appreciate explanation derek did you
3420s design the impact axe the acts impact
3422s and swing sounds too no i didn't that
3424s was that was before my time here
3425s actually i joined when dauntless had
3427s already been released and a lot of the
3429s sounds have been made so i'm the one who
3431s does all the new stuff
3433s for the last like two three years
3436s uh umbrella ceviche oh you wouldn't dare
3439s you wouldn't dare go there boy
3441s that's dangerous be cool yeah that would
3443s be super cool actually i would love to
3444s see that it's like black blades
3447s yeah
3448s new npc for raiding escalation
3450s no
3451s no no no sorry
3453s feathered serpent
3456s that'd be cool feathered serpent
3460s if you got a tear up plus blaze behemoth
3463s releases poison gases and uses fire to
3465s ignite it and make it explode yeah
3467s honestly oh elemental combinations yeah
3470s we've talked about this
3472s it's tough from a technical standpoint
3474s for sure but you know games like breath
3476s of the wild for instance do such a good
3478s job of combining elements yeah in game
3480s play and fun and inventing inventive
3483s ways i love that about breath of the
3484s wild like the emergent gameplay that
3486s great mixing elements together yeah
3488s classic if any of you haven't played it
3490s stop playing dauntless to go no just
3492s kidding keep playing dollars so we need
3493s you to play dauntless
3495s please play dauntless
3498s what about for the spider prop so
3499s there's been some chat i've noticed in
3500s the chat about like arachnophobia and
3502s how to deal with that so some people are
3503s saying this better problem what about
3505s making it big pause to make it stomp
3507s instead of scattering around
3509s it could work
3510s it's like
3511s an interesting idea yeah i don't know
3513s what it is about spiders that like cause
3514s the like what aspect it is
3517s is it all no what is it yeah it might be
3519s the legs everything any amount of legs
3521s because i know people are scared scared
3522s of mice as well and mice have like a
3524s similar thing with spiders where they
3525s could skirt across so fast
3531s yeah it could be that
3532s someone says give it to oh to nudie
3534s saying give it little rubber boots
3537s um i mean i can put that in a layer um
3543s yeah just why not this is cool i like i
3545s like where this is going julio
3547s this is uh put these boots in layers we
3549s can take them out if we don't like them
3550s later this thing looks like i feel like
3551s this thing could like
3553s potentially fly
3555s and it could come slamming down on me
3557s yeah like fly like a little bit like a
3559s beetle or something yeah like humble and
3560s maybe hovers around and that's what it
3562s look it can locomote faster yeah
3567s see if i can add like a scorpion tail
3569s oops okay i think they were looking at a
3571s umbral hermit crab
3574s want me to want me to give it a biology
3576s yeah please do
3578s i'd love to hear that
3583s if he can throw rocks and control
3585s gravity to do it his shell could be a
3588s black hole gravity lobster oh
3591s that'd be cool so like what what would
3593s his like his shell would open up to be
3594s like a black hole
3596s and then how like we would absorb things
3598s and then spit them out somehow i like
3600s that idea so maybe like one stuff goes
3603s into the shell gets sucked in yeah and
3605s then it comes out the scorpion tail
3606s somehow like so like it's got a stinger
3608s at the end
3610s someone says it kind of looks like a
3611s mean ladybug
3613s i don't know why i read it like that
3616s spider mammoth
3617s we're going somewhere actually you said
3619s woman wombwear wombwear but i'll let
3621s that one slide you meant somewhere
3625s maybe add an acnophobia
3627s wow
3628s one second
3631s arachnophobia mode like grounded oh i
3634s didn't know that grounded did that
3635s that's cool is that that thing where
3637s they make like the model simpler so it
3638s looks less and less like a spider until
3640s it's just like a sphere maybe yeah you
3642s could try that yeah that's cool though
3646s i'm french okay
3649s we're not judging
3650s we like that we love that for you
3655s i like the idea of oh no not another
3657s word that i can't read quiz
3660s oh
3661s thank you i don't know it's not saying
3662s but it is that he's talking about what's
3664s the code of behemoth yeah
3666s i love that uh very colorful it's like
3668s um kind of like a serpent from aztec or
3671s is it aztec or mayan oh man i don't yeah
3674s yeah yeah okay now i'm from
3675s familiarizing myself because usually
3677s like a serpent with like big wings and
3679s yeah
3681s dang
3685s um
3686s give it all the eyes the more eyes the
3688s spookier
3689s okay you can play with some of my stuff
3691s yeah
3692s new element when when we get bored of
3693s the all the other ones look
3696s an element like umbral it's so
3697s interesting and radiant too are so
3699s interesting unique
3700s we've talked about like changing up
3702s little element uh no pun intended little
3704s elements of the elements
3706s to make it more fun and exciting for you
3708s guys so
3709s we're still using the elements we have
3710s to make fun content so
3713s the idea of a new one is great but i
3714s mean we're having fun with what we got
3716s right now
3717s someone mentioned a deer a while back we
3719s already have koshai with antlers but
3721s like yeah actual deer we did uh so
3724s during the behemoth exploration we did
3725s do some like i did some deer stuff i did
3727s some elephant stuff deer uh pigs rhinos
3730s hippos that kind of thing uh ultimately
3733s like what we felt like obviously now
3734s this is like satin stone or whatever but
3735s we felt like a lot of those like
3736s quadrupedal uh like herbivorous designs
3739s were like maybe too innocent like even
3741s if we make it scary it still feels like
3742s you're you're hunting like this innocent
3744s plant eater you know
3746s um i think there's still like an
3747s opportunity to explore that space um but
3749s yeah we have to be careful about that
3750s yeah of course
3752s yeah that's cool though great idea
3755s razor antlers
3760s yeah i mean that could be cool too razor
3761s antlers to sound sharp
3764s it is officially wednesday in germany
3767s happy wednesday my dude
3769s is wednesday my dude
3773s i shouldn't have done that
3775s okay
3776s oh i gotta read this based on what we
3778s have here behold the crunch
3781s okay crab plus sludge
3782s using its large pincers the crunch lurks
3785s in the depths where it spits umbral
3787s saliva into bits and pieces that when
3789s attached onto its back sorry that then
3791s attach onto its back which it then uses
3794s armors weapon and weapons against
3795s predators rarely seen above ground they
3798s are scavengers and make crashes
3800s make crashes skyships their home crash
3802s sky ships their home sorry i'm
3804s butchering your post
3806s that's cool guys i love that that
3810s did you write all more of our behemoth
3811s bios yeah that's great thanks for that
3815s crunch crunch crunch
3817s i'll just write that up slayer you must
3819s go and fight the crunch
3822s it's not a bad behemoth name
3826s yeah
3828s it's like i don't know if this is what
3828s that person meant but just having like
3829s this googly thing on top like like
3832s it's like this black mass and things get
3834s sucked into it yeah i like this
3836s it's like maybe you could somehow like
3838s shove slayers in there and then
3840s head and forbid
3841s you get like an umbral uh debuff on you
3843s or something yeah you could come out
3844s you're like you can't your your move
3846s speed is limited or yeah something like
3848s that yeah that could be really cool
3851s maybe it's from like a shield or
3852s something
3853s someone's like can it have a horn
3855s can it have a hook please
3858s everybody wants horns
3860s we're doing the best that we can for you
3863s you know what our fans ask for it we
3865s have to give it a horn now i know right
3868s one thing when i'm drawing another
3870s little art tip is like try to repeat
3871s curves so i've kind of got these tusks
3873s down here so what i want to do is i want
3875s to i could even just grab this and then
3877s bring it over control and alt
3879s let's rotate it because when you repeat
3882s curves it kind of makes the design feel
3883s more uniform
3886s today i learned
3888s julio you just leveled up our art
3890s knowledge there you go guys
3893s we got some other other comments here hi
3896s someone that's going to art school in
3897s hopes to get into creature design for
3899s concept art well you're in the right
3900s stream buddy
3902s what advice do you have for someone
3903s wanting to get into the industry hmm
3906s okay um
3908s general advice like
3910s yeah there's so many things like so many
3912s things i could say um okay uh
3916s study anatomy like human anatomy animal
3918s anatomy that's super important and like
3920s while you're studying anatomy you will
3922s generally get better at drawing as well
3924s like you'll just get better line weight
3925s and brush brush economy stuff like that
3928s there's tons of youtube tutorials never
3930s stop learning uh
3932s i think that is like don't be afraid to
3934s watch tutorials and study and do
3936s references and stuff like that yeah
3939s i like for me like that's one thing that
3940s kind of stopped like slowed me down when
3942s i was a teenager like before i went to
3944s art school when i was a teenager i was
3945s like really precious about all my
3946s drawings was like i don't want to look
3948s at reference i want this to come out of
3949s my mind like this is just my drawing but
3951s the thing is you're really limiting
3952s yourself when you do that so
3954s um you know don't be precious about your
3956s drawings just keep learning don't be
3958s precious
3959s yeah that's that's so true across
3961s mediums too it's not just art i know
3963s like
3964s just don't be precious about the stuff
3965s you do yeah try and fail share and get
3969s feedback and
3970s just
3971s just just do it just freaking do it yeah
3975s yeah someone asked earlier
3977s important question does it boop does
3979s this have a boob
3980s um it could boop could we could make it
3982s boop somehow it could be in when it's in
3983s its um
3984s if it has like a flying state yeah a
3986s hovering state or something it could be
3987s cool yeah
3989s um
3990s maybe like a slayer could like grab onto
3991s its tusk and like slam its head onto the
3993s ground or something yeah yeah
3999s yeah fluffy yapper keep keep creating
4000s these biologies this is great it's so
4002s interesting
4005s we need a chicken behemoth
4008s do we i mean i say yeah just because i
4010s would love to make chicken sounds that
4012s are like a thousand times huger than a
4014s normal chicken like what would that
4015s sound like absolutely terrifying 100
4018s terrifying i wouldn't want to hear that
4020s that behemoth looks so aggressive
4022s they look too aggressive
4025s uh oh where's the human blob for scale
4027s get on it all right we need birds we all
4029s need to know um okay
4031s this is another thing if you like human
4032s scale like figuring out how big slayers
4034s are next to behemoths that's a tough one
4035s to figure out yeah i was going to ask
4037s you like how do you even determine that
4038s you're like we literally like we just go
4040s back and forth like i talk to the the
4041s gameplay designers they talk to the
4043s animators and we test it out in engine
4045s and just see what feels right because
4046s certain behemoths like feel wrong at
4048s certain scales and right at other skills
4050s yeah it's crazy how just a little tweak
4052s in the size we had this with one beam
4054s that i won't mention but we had this
4055s issue where we just changing the size by
4057s a small percentage changed the gameplay
4060s completely
4061s and some behemoths that came out weren't
4062s even supposed to be the size that they
4064s were originally but then through our
4067s play testing and everything we just
4068s turned out hey this this size feels
4070s better
4073s someone brought back gary as a
4074s suggestion
4075s um i mean we we went through that i
4077s thought we were over it
4079s we're about to go back to gary okay
4081s he's dead
4082s gary's dead someone says this behemoth
4084s is sick
4085s nice nice job julio yeah it's looking
4087s freaking sweet man
4088s like i would fight that thing and
4090s and probably die but enjoy it
4098s i support giant chicken behemoth
4101s oh i didn't save at all so far this is
4103s really bad
4105s okay here's a lesson
4106s for all you guys up there let me print
4108s screen first save as often as you can
4111s this is oh man i am guilty of this as
4114s well in audio design i've lost stuff
4115s before though i you know something you
4118s can do i don't know if it's the same for
4119s these programs set up an auto backup for
4122s when you're working on stuff oh man
4124s oh yeah that's it you have that yeah
4126s that's great because amount of times
4127s i've lost stuff
4130s um you can switch screens if you want
4132s while i save this out i have to do a bit
4133s of oh you're good okay
4135s what about a behemoth with
4137s rather eyes
4139s it's claws protruding
4141s from where the eyes will be oh you're
4143s going in some like alien territory my my
4146s dude that's that's a cool idea though
4148s and
4149s quite frankly might turn dauntless to a
4151s horror game which
4153s i don't know if we're ready for that
4156s it looks like it should be bigger
4159s did you draw him into scale is that
4160s there i did i did draw a human i'll show
4162s in a second there no worries yeah what
4164s was this thing called again crunch
4165s crunch this is crunch
4167s we're all we're all ingredients here
4172s in my opinion ceviche is too small yes
4175s we have gotten that feedback before
4177s but you know what
4178s sometimes i wish i were bigger
4180s so
4181s i guess beggars can't be choosers right
4186s they said the beam that looks too small
4187s right now are too big yeah uh the the
4189s the person is too big the person's too
4192s big in comparisons they were saying like
4194s my default is always like i make the
4196s people like like this
4198s like really really tiny oh yeah yeah i
4200s remind you like actually this is a video
4201s game you have to actually be able to hit
4202s the head and the legs and the tail
4205s i know yeah that's an issue right when
4206s you go too big yeah like even like
4208s toradora's pretty pretty huge it can be
4211s hard to hit certain parts
4214s bigger civit means bigger swing yes it
4216s does
4219s i'm just going to restart my photoshop
4220s savine has adhd
4223s probably
4225s um
4226s so how are we feeling do you want it do
4227s you want to cook up do you want to start
4229s kicking up a new i can start doing a new
4231s one um yeah why don't we do a vote for
4232s this do you guys want me to like add
4234s color and shade this one or you want me
4235s to start a new one let's see let's get
4237s why don't we get a pole going to see if
4238s we should continue this behemoth with
4240s color in like you said shading or should
4242s we cook up a new design and see that one
4244s through
4245s let's uh
4246s let's get those feelers out
4250s i hate humble jazz hitbox yeah
4253s you me both buddy
4257s i'd like to make the person the size of
4258s the wing so he can fit in the tail i
4261s would like an attack to be like he sucks
4263s you in with the black hole attack and
4265s spits you out of the tail that's so cool
4267s i like that that is really cool okay
4269s okay
4270s um
4271s i wonder how we can make the tail like a
4273s tube shape that doesn't look too gross
4278s would you guys like to be able to color
4280s customize your weapons in game
4282s what stops have been implemented so far
4286s um
4287s yeah color dies for for weapons in game
4290s that's a tough one because the way we
4292s have weapons set up right now they use a
4295s different um okay i'm the concept artist
4297s i don't know exactly how the 3d setup
4298s works right now but from what i
4300s understand is they have like a different
4301s material set up right now like a
4302s different shader for the weapons and to
4304s go back and
4306s create dye channels for all the
4307s different weapons would be just like a
4309s colossal amount of work and also uh like
4312s the weapons when we designed them we
4313s didn't have die channels in mind so if
4315s we were to go back and add dye channels
4316s we wouldn't be able to add dyes for
4318s every single aspect of the weapon it
4319s might just be for a couple of things
4321s um yeah and then there's some weapons
4322s have like very specific material things
4324s on them that you can't add dyes to but i
4326s mean it's something we all want
4327s everybody wants valuable weapons maybe
4329s someday
4330s honestly the fact that we can die a lot
4332s of the stuff already a lot of the
4334s cosmetics is pretty great yeah like i
4336s feel you i feel you man it'd be great to
4338s dye the weapons as well
4341s thanks for explaining that though i
4342s wouldn't have been able to i just do
4343s sound so i'm just like
4347s radiant centipede
4349s as the pole is up
4351s so
4352s guys get in there and vote
4355s and make sure that tail can grip things
4357s make it a large claw so we can grab the
4359s objects on it's on his back yeah
4362s i love this idea of like a chat that
4364s just tells me what to do because
4367s it gives me so many like fresh ideas
4369s yeah now this is so sick this is really
4370s cool i like that one
4373s i would love to just keep going on this
4374s design and just like finish it up but
4375s like yeah i'm totally down to do
4376s something fresh like depending what the
4377s vote is let's see what see what our fans
4380s are feeling
4381s oh slayers
4388s what sounds would you try to give on
4389s this behemoth
4392s i wish i could just show you
4394s uh with without like i wish i could just
4396s create one right now but i'll try with
4397s my mouth actually funny story most
4400s behemoth design does start with my mouth
4402s but uh a creature like this
4404s i imagine like an insectoid type
4407s with mixed with something like
4411s oh i don't know like
4414s uh
4417s kind of low and bellowy so maybe some
4419s kind of
4421s uh like uh
4422s what is um
4425s maybe like a whale meets a uh elephant
4428s kind of thing yeah but you have
4430s insectoid type noises in there too so it
4432s could be like uh
4435s kind of thing so like you'd have like
4436s the high pitch of like
4438s mixed with the whoa as it moves around
4442s um
4444s could be cool i don't know
4447s and we have a winner continue with color
4449s and shading people are feeling this
4451s julio nice nice i'm into it um i'm going
4454s to spend like maybe
4456s i should really like set like times for
4458s myself or also just keep it going like
4459s maybe yeah spend like
4461s it's 3 16 yeah
4463s so what do you think what's doable julio
4465s what do we think is possible
4467s so like i think we're originally like
4469s let's see so
4470s i'll do lines for like another like four
4472s or five minutes and just finalize
4474s everything a bit more then i'll start
4475s doing some colors colors is really fast
4477s like shading and colors is super fast
4479s how sweet i'm personally super stoked to
4481s see this because i've never a seen this
4483s before but also watching this these line
4486s drawings come to life
4487s with uh with color and shading
4490s we're stoked
4495s was it a 69 win if it actually was
4498s oh
4499s that's great nice for no reason
4502s when will the crunch be in game would it
4504s be fun to have a bee myth uh the
4506s community helped design yeah that's the
4507s goal yeah we like uh i don't know if you
4509s were here earlier in the stream but we
4510s mentioned that we're just gathering
4512s right now internally a ton of different
4514s inspirations for behemoth designs to to
4517s be able to draw out of kind of like put
4518s them on a hat pull out one of the
4520s concepts be like yes this one or you
4522s know make make educated guesses on which
4525s one you want to use but this is already
4527s looking so cool
4528s i think that uh could be a great
4530s contender
4532s you mentioned that design wise elements
4534s tend to have certain characteristics um
4536s role has softer more rounded shapes with
4538s shock variants hopefully eventually
4540s making their way into the game
4542s what kind of general characteristics
4543s could we expect to see for the shock
4545s element great question that is a really
4547s good question um thoughts on that i do
4549s have some thoughts on that so
4552s well shock is very lightning obviously
4554s so we probably have a lot of jagged
4555s shapes i feel like when we did thunder
4557s deep drastic we kind of hit a note we
4559s really like with shot so it's a lot of
4560s these uh
4562s swooping uh oh you know what i'm an
4564s artist why don't they just draw it oh
4566s he's got a pen and paper
4568s so for shock i probably you know to be
4570s honest i already have like some shocky
4571s shapes in here this could probably if i
4573s change this a bit it could probably be
4574s like a shock behemoth but i think some
4576s lightning shapes where we got
4578s sharp corners loops around the areas get
4582s like really thin and then they get thick
4583s again
4584s kind of like this
4587s so
4588s maybe not super like hard edge there'd
4589s be some some flowiness to it but in
4592s general just some like
4593s really like gestural
4596s thick and thin shapes like that because
4597s if we do two straight like two hard
4599s edges then you know things become like
4602s um radiant like right now radiant is
4604s kind of uh more geometric
4607s that's cool dude thanks for showing that
4609s yeah so however that manifests on
4611s behemoth it might be like patterns on
4612s their skin or you know gills or things
4614s that stick out stuff like that
4617s yeah we and we do do shock behemoths
4618s like the last one was savvit it was more
4620s subtle but that was by design the
4623s designer was wanting to keep it more of
4624s a
4625s subtle
4626s approach to shock but i'm sure there'll
4628s be more exuberant shock behemoths to
4630s come
4632s um
4635s question you guys have the pangar statue
4638s we get models of other behemoths you and
4640s i have the same question my friend
4641s i would love that too me too so the
4644s answer to that is hopefully i can't give
4646s you a concrete answer
4648s what designs on the wings
4651s hmm yes yeah for sure definitely
4654s when will we be getting a humanoid
4656s behemoth
4658s that's that's tough territory to go into
4660s i think julia mentioned a little bit of
4662s that earlier but humanoid behemoths
4665s yeah that's tough i don't yeah like i
4667s don't think we want to be
4669s chopping tails and limbs off of things
4670s that look like people too much
4672s it kind of gets a little weird like
4674s torgador's kind of pushing it savit's
4676s kind of pushing it yeah
4687s people are asking more merch coming to
4688s the store
4690s i believe i mean i mean i don't manage
4692s that side of things so i can't make a
4693s super specific comment but we're always
4696s adding
4696s new merch and cosmetics and stuff to the
4699s store uh well sorry we met at a lot of
4701s cosmetics at store but merch yeah i
4704s don't know maybe someone
4706s i'll see if one of my team listening can
4709s answer that and get back to you on that
4714s laser shooting cyclops
4718s nice
4720s i mean i'm all for that
4722s there is a i don't know if any of you
4723s guys have played returnal
4725s but
4726s actually there's a this there's a
4727s creature in return that kind of looks it
4729s similar family yeah it's a crab-like
4731s creature and it has this move with its
4733s tail it shoots this laser as this one
4735s user just pointed out
4738s such great design so
4740s if any of you haven't played with
4741s eternal great creature design
4744s number one for me
4746s could you make it so that the wings of
4748s the crunch normally are on its back but
4750s they are up like right now when up
4753s upright like right now when he's in an
4755s aether form and while using a flying
4757s attack um
4760s oh
4761s yeah okay so i'll just right here eighth
4762s or stage just so i remember there you go
4764s we can put this as either state
4769s someone's saying some there's some color
4770s suggestions black with a shut with a
4772s shine of rainbow when the sun hits then
4775s detailing it with some green shades
4779s nice i like that
4781s is there a really state for light
4782s bambourious we do not have a release
4784s date yet for that
4785s at least i'm aware of so
4788s otherwise i will let you know
4792s oh see jor one of my good man jordan
4795s just answered
4799s what about lighter glowy tusks
4805s oh i wish we could show our variations i
4807s did i did you keep going to that you're
4808s like
4810s you know it's frustrating like being a
4812s player or like somebody that's really
4814s really into something like i really like
4816s the mcu and just like waiting for
4818s something to come out and then like oh
4819s come on leak something leak something
4820s and then they don't leak show me
4823s but i have to say it's like harder being
4824s on the other end of that and not being
4825s able to show people like the stuff stuff
4827s you've done because like we have done
4828s some glowing tusk stuff which looks
4830s really cool for sure
4835s the wings will be breakable probably
4838s that'd be cool yeah yeah um because i i
4840s would've sorry i'd cut you up but i
4842s imagine like this
4843s would be one
4845s gameplay and and get around easier so if
4845s you of its
4848s you could knock the wings yeah because
4850s maybe you have to like break the wings
4851s or else it can just keep putting them
4853s back and like keeping you in or
4854s generating or something and once you
4855s break off the wings you can't do that
4857s right
4864s all right let's see what people are
4865s saying here we got some great comments
4868s if it can be put in dauntless if the
4870s horns or tusks are broken off they could
4872s be reattached because the sludge helps
4873s it stick cool
4875s and the tusks should be dark as well so
4877s that they blend into the darkness and
4878s not be seen by bigger bigger predators
4882s damn most likely a dark purple as well
4884s matt fluffy abber you are thinking hard
4887s i like thinking yeah this is this is
4890s some good good thoughts
4894s color pull
4895s yeah so yeah we should get it we're
4897s people are asking for a color oh yeah
4899s yeah let's do it let's do color pulses
4900s see what kind of colors you'd like to
4902s see
4903s so um different colors
4905s well it's umbrella so like purple black
4907s but then how can we spice that up and
4908s make it cool
4909s i like the idea of bioluminescence um
4912s more bioluminescent stuff is cool like
4914s yeah glows yeah um like i like that
4917s person was mentioning rainbow because
4919s umbral and radiant are kind of like the
4921s opposite so like what if radiant is more
4922s warm rainbow stuff and then umbrell's
4924s more cool rainbow stuff
4926s blues and greens and purples could be
4928s cool some good options there yeah we'll
4930s throw up a poll for you guys to see
4933s which one you like the most for julio to
4936s take
4937s red hot claws
4940s i think it'd be cool that when it flies
4941s it folds its legs into its stomach sort
4943s of as a
4944s sort of an armor oh yeah yeah that could
4947s be really cool
4948s will you guys ever do a giant penguin
4950s with the accuracy skeleton
4953s i know what they're talking about have
4954s you seen the penguin skeleton no okay
4957s it's like so like penguins look like
4960s this right like
4962s like that's a penguin okay
4964s there's like wings but then like when
4965s you look at this skeleton it's got like
4967s this
4968s like the body's actually like down here
4969s or something
4971s okay
4972s and then oh yeah no you know what it is
4973s i don't think it's the neck that's that
4975s long like maybe the neck is long it's
4976s the legs that's the weird one like the
4978s legs are just like like this
4981s it's really weird i would love to do
4983s that let me see if i can pull up a
4984s picture of that because i find that so
4986s funny i mean oh man
4988s i can't help it but i think about the
4989s sounds that that would make too it'd be
4991s ridiculous
4992s probably probably funny
4995s penguin is all spline
4998s like isn't that so weird looking
5001s oh yeah
5002s it's not what you'd expect right no it's
5004s not
5005s very bizarre
5007s yeah
5008s we got
5009s what the heck happened what what is how
5011s is the evolution of penguins a thing
5012s what
5013s where did they come from
5015s where did they go
5016s where did they come from caught nigh joe
5020s meeman we're memen
5021s that's bad i'm gonna take it i'm taking
5024s an l on that one
5026s we all thought about one of the sorry
5028s i'm so bad at reading and i apologize
5030s i'm butchering your guys's questions
5032s have you ever thought about one of the
5034s radiant behemoths going back in time
5037s making them regenerate health like
5038s agaris or lost limbs like cochi making
5042s remaking its tail
5044s we have played with the idea of time
5045s with behemoths like radiant stuff so
5047s that's not a yeah that's not something
5049s we've dismissed i like your ideas there
5052s put that one in that put that one in the
5054s noggin
5057s someone's gotta go in here get ready for
5059s a family game night that's fun have fun
5062s i love family game night
5064s um
5065s yeah thanks for engaging with us today
5067s that was that was we appreciate your
5068s input and go have them with the family
5071s thanks
5074s i hate that penguins have knees well so
5076s do you so
5078s dad jokes for the win that's my that's
5080s my thing that's
5082s what i do when i'm nervous
5087s you kind of are when it first released
5089s yeah that's so true
5092s maybe a triceratops plate at the back of
5094s its head okay
5096s i like
5097s that kind of plays into it yeah you can
5099s you can also turn people down julio
5100s right you know i have to do everything
5102s they say
5103s he's he's a real sucker for you guys
5107s okay we have a winner for the color
5109s palette okay our color palette is going
5110s to be green blue green blue okay nice
5114s okay i love green and blue together
5117s um
5118s yeah awesome this is exciting i'm really
5120s stoked to see where this goes
5122s um
5124s see let's try to make this
5126s crest green blue rainbow
5129s yes
5130s let's see
5137s julia's looking up some
5139s reference on colors this sort of thing
5142s right i think is what people are into
5144s um is that what we're feeling guys
5146s that's really cool oh hey you know what
5148s yeah those things those things tripped
5149s me out when i was a kid yeah i've seen
5151s that yeah you're like whoa
5153s how's that how's that real
5155s they're really cool like i i love this
5157s kind of effect i wanted to do this for
5158s um when we were working on uh phalanx we
5160s wanted to do kind of like a hummingbird
5162s kind of effect but i think what happened
5163s is because the shadows get so black it's
5165s just like against the art style of
5167s dallas it just looks kind of weird
5168s whenever it's just this like black blob
5169s with like this colorful highlight
5171s um kind of like uh this image here so
5174s we'd have to play with the shader a bit
5175s but yeah yeah really cool
5177s definitely could do something cool with
5178s that
5179s oh yeah saying yeah give him a long
5182s tongue okay
5184s yeah great colors beale time i love
5187s beetles
5188s you know what kamikaze pigeon me too
5191s except i'm lying to you i don't really
5193s like beetles that much they kind of
5194s creep me up
5198s a long tongue that can wrap around you
5200s man that's spooky
5202s they really want something spooky yeah
5204s like spiders yeah and stuff like this
5207s make it throw eggs in the map and if we
5208s don't break their egg it spawns several
5211s insects
5212s oh yeah yeah
5214s you've given me ptsd from karabakh's bee
5217s swarm
5222s i love this stream thanks for streaming
5223s oh you're welcome glad you enjoyed it
5225s or it's not over but i'm glad you're
5227s enjoying it
5228s this is a lot of fun
5230s yeah wonder how long we're allowed to
5231s keep going like i'm having a lot of fun
5232s right now like i know right yeah yeah
5234s probably for a good little bit a little
5235s bit longer at least yeah we'll get some
5238s colors in and then maybe we'll call it
5241s watch like you and i have been just like
5242s holding having to go to the bathroom for
5243s like the last hour i know we're just
5245s like yeah
5246s yeah
5247s uh
5248s keep going single tear just dripping
5250s down
5250s sweat intensifies down
5252s beat a sweat going to no we're good
5255s if we have to use the bathroom we'll
5256s take a quick break but i think we're i'm
5258s doing okay are you doing okay i'm doing
5259s good yeah i'm doing good yeah you guys
5261s are there's so many questions coming in
5262s and comments i just want to keep up with
5263s this
5266s i hate the bear care back sweep be
5268s swarmed don't need the egg spiders yeah
5270s pass on that thanks for the idea
5273s i've always had a a concept of a
5275s dauntless quest type called austin ship
5277s explorations basically a quest type
5278s where you would travel austin ships and
5280s fight the keystone behemoths in their
5281s own territory like fighting malcarion in
5283s the sky or fighting thrax in a sea of
5285s umber liquid
5286s that's pretty cool i like that a lot
5289s we
5290s we think about this a lot too about how
5292s we can you know
5294s vary that have like the types of like
5296s how you encounter these behemoths beyond
5298s just escalation or hunting grounds so
5301s stuff like that could be cool i know we
5302s did missions for a little while too so
5305s it's not off the docket
5313s i'm a sucker for cthulhu style tentacle
5315s monsters me too if you haven't i said
5318s i'm sorry i hate to flex this game so
5319s much return all has really cool cthulhu
5321s type monsters in it as well so
5323s if you haven't played returnal or just
5325s look up the monsters in the game it's so
5327s cool nice
5329s i'm invested in this game have a friend
5330s playing it longer than i have my dad
5332s plays it too and i make him nice
5335s game is best enjoyed with friends
5337s yes i just got to find some
5339s do you want to play with me later julio
5340s would you like to play some dauntless
5342s let's do it let's play some dallas yes
5344s finally someone said yes
5348s it's great
5351s so the colors begin hey
5353s oh yeah this is like the really boring
5354s part so basically um what i'm doing is
5356s i'm just masking out this behemoth so um
5359s another like art tip for people if you
5361s guys i know there's some people that are
5362s in art school right now that they're
5363s mentioning um one thing i do a lot is
5365s i'll have my lines on a layer my sketch
5367s on layer
5368s typically i spend more more time on the
5370s lines but i do want to keep this kind of
5372s exciting for people like i don't want to
5374s just be noodling in there for too long
5376s but i think this is like a good enough
5377s state that i can start adding color and
5379s like i can show it to people and people
5380s will know what it is when they look at
5382s it that's kind of a goal nice so i have
5384s a layer underneath if you guys want to
5385s try this
5388s just hit deselect um make a new layer
5391s fill it with a color
5393s and then hit this little square with a
5394s circle in it and that creates a mask
5396s and then when you're on the mask you
5398s have it selected
5399s right now it's white anything that's
5401s white is going to show anything that's
5402s black is it's going to hide what's on
5404s this layer so if i paint with my brush
5407s and i choose black as my main color and
5408s i start painting it it's going to erase
5411s the red
5412s um but it's non-destructive so i can
5413s always go back and change it so i don't
5414s have to worry about
5416s because if you just use like a regular
5417s eraser you can't bring stuff back as
5419s easily so that's what i'm doing here
5421s cool yeah
5423s it's still look it's still wizardrying
5424s me i don't know about you guys like it's
5426s still some serious wizardry he's doing
5428s and i just appreciate it and accept it
5431s and accept that i am
5432s very dumb no just kidding we all we all
5435s have our talents um
5438s so many great comments here um fluffy
5441s yapper you're loving this yeah we love
5443s your your descriptions of the bemus
5445s anything more you can do to continue is
5447s behemoth come contact with us
5449s if you're active on our socials please
5450s keep being active in the community
5452s reddit and discord yep we're always
5454s we're always listening so please keep
5456s keep contributing it's great thanks man
5458s poor girl
5460s friendship acquired
5463s um
5464s do you guys play dauntless no i've never
5466s heard of it uh is it good what's what's
5468s songs i i think it's a uh
5471s a new game on uh
5473s the uh was that google stadia i think oh
5476s yeah
5477s yeah i think i've heard of it
5480s some tips for budding artists for
5481s coloring
5482s uh
5484s sure um
5486s what are some good coloring tips
5490s um i usually start with shading but
5492s other people do other things i would say
5494s just find artists you really like and
5496s see how they use colors and then just
5499s kind of imitate them
5501s like like like pull in aspects of what
5503s they're doing and into your work and try
5505s to understand what they're doing and
5506s apply that to your own work
5508s nice
5509s um yeah there's also like tons of
5510s tutorials on youtube like on color
5512s theory and lighting and how it affects
5514s yeah colors and all that yeah youtube's
5516s a great resource use it use it wisely
5520s yes i see irelia on the chat really as a
5522s dev she's saying
5524s derek she's going to come see me
5526s you should come up here and say hi for
5528s sure oh that'll be all open yeah
5530s we are we are in the building of the dev
5532s building so any of the devs can come in
5533s any time
5534s uh
5537s derek is a real life
5539s uh
5540s dauntless for game boy advance when this
5543s person's asking the right questions i
5545s miss playing game boy advance i was just
5547s talking about kingdom hearts chain of
5548s memories with my friend the other day uh
5550s and how great of a game that is and how
5553s that launched on a game boy advance
5557s it's crazy i don't play a lot of
5558s handheld console games anymore or
5561s yeah i'm more of a
5563s playstation 5 kind of guy now
5565s will we get dauntless on sega saturn
5568s yes let's port it we've done we've done
5570s all the modern platforms why don't we
5572s just keep going back
5574s dauntless for samsung's smart fridge
5579s this is like i love this skyrim right
5581s where they put skyrim on everything
5584s or when kfc made its own console did you
5586s see about that no i didn't that's that
5587s was a i think that was a joke but i hope
5589s so
5590s oh we got it we got a a philosophical
5593s question and i want to bring it up i
5594s love philosophy
5595s which keystone behemoth is the most
5598s intelligent
5601s oh
5602s lore wise
5604s i'm gonna say this and you know you guys
5606s can correct me if i'm wrong because
5607s you're probably more versed than i am i
5609s think it might be the cronivore
5612s because it was it was able to travel
5614s through time and and it sucks up other
5618s behemoths to gain knowledge
5622s so my my uh my first instinct would be
5624s the chronometer but let's see what other
5625s people think
5627s crying croc
5629s i love that um
5631s agaris is dumb yeah well
5634s i mean he's he is a tree so
5638s chrono yeah
5647s another another thing that could help
5648s make sense is to add a sludge slack
5650s around its jaw from there it can spit
5652s the sticky sludge onto any items it
5654s comes across and stick it into the shell
5656s with outfits long
5658s fluffy apple again with the with the
5661s great ideas yeah so are we just making
5663s fluffy efforts
5664s i know right
5666s you guys gotta run for your money with
5668s fluffy apple over here he's giving us
5669s some gold
5672s valimir seems pretty smart too you know
5674s what it seems like the radiant element
5676s i think is something radiant yeah
5677s there's something about that it might be
5679s something in that radiant that's you
5680s know making them a little more
5682s intelligent than most
5685s i get intelligent vibes from our new one
5686s as well i would say yeah right oh
5689s guys we're i wish i could say more but
5691s our new behemoth is gonna be so sick you
5693s guys are gonna love it
5695s that's all i can say
5699s this um is sick i love it awesome
5702s thanks will you awesome you're awesome
5717s someone's saying add a big eye to the
5719s forehead
5720s oh i see yeah that could be pretty cool
5722s actually yeah there's space for that it
5724s looks like was that a fluffy upper it
5726s wasn't no okay no we had leads 996.
5729s thank you leads for that suggestion
5732s if you like uh
5733s not there's anything wrong with fluffy
5735s uppers suggestions no no keep it keep it
5738s variety right we do we we let we take
5740s we're taking all suggestions here like a
5743s kind of like a third eye so he's already
5744s got six eyes this is like a seventh eye
5746s yeah
5747s make it odd make the number odd
5753s and then you hit it in the eye like a
5754s zelda plus dm elix oh i got you man
5759s i'll send you some leaks
5761s what about riffstalker though seems like
5762s a pretty witty cat you know what i yeah
5765s i do think that too
5766s his its use of portals
5770s it's very smart very smart behemoth i do
5772s sorry
5775s so for now i added this eye but now he's
5777s got this horn in the way so it's like it
5779s has this eye and then it can't even see
5780s through the horn unless the horns like a
5782s sight like on a
5783s gun it's still pretty cool though maybe
5785s i'll just drink the horse it looks so
5786s sick
5793s hardware question for you julio when
5795s you're buying a wacom a
5800s alternative product be a waste of money
5802s or is there a decent competitor around
5804s i've heard uh huion is pretty good um
5807s i've only ever used uh wacom tablets and
5810s ipad
5811s apple there we go
5814s yeah
5815s but yeah i've heard i've our favorite
5816s queue on is pretty good um
5819s i would say like if you're like starting
5821s out with art or you're just getting into
5822s it or it's your first tablet don't worry
5824s about going cheap just get something
5826s that gets you drawing it doesn't matter
5827s if it's like this amazing thing and then
5829s like reward yourself a few years later
5831s like save up your money and get like
5833s like a beast of a tablet like like one
5834s of these ones
5836s but don't feel like like you need to
5837s start out with one of these you
5838s definitely you definitely don't this is
5840s more like a luxury item for sure
5844s yeah that's the thing i think about a
5845s lot too is like the tools to do your
5847s creative work
5848s it sometimes feels like you need to have
5850s the best of the best to do things but
5852s really you do not know
5857s overstated it can be understated
5860s uh
5861s i know that someone like my best work i
5862s think i've done personally is on stuff
5864s that wasn't very high end or was you
5866s know and also i didn't maybe even know
5868s the tools as well as
5870s i thought like i could have to but still
5872s made something awesome so don't ever let
5874s the tools that you have at your disposal
5876s hold you back
5878s um
5879s and then like who they're saying
5880s eventually you'll
5881s you'll probably need to you'll know when
5883s it's time to move on to maybe something
5884s better or new when you're not being able
5886s to like express yourself
5889s the way you want yeah
5891s oh we got some good stuff in here i
5893s gotta keep up with chat
5895s what if crutch grabbed you with its tail
5897s spawned a portal on the floor and one on
5899s the air threw you into the ground portal
5900s and you came out of the airport and hit
5902s the ground
5904s okay well yeah i mean
5905s draconian
5907s we're thinking some good gameplay here i
5908s like that
5912s does it make crying poisonous liquid out
5914s of the big eye in its ether state
5918s to be cool
5919s whoo spooky
5922s julio do you ever use pen and paper for
5924s concepting
5926s um
5927s no
5929s i am i am like purely digital now i i
5931s really like what photoshop has to offer
5933s you can just move things shrink things
5935s move them around like do like 10
5936s versions of something uh i guess like my
5939s thing if i were to describe like my
5940s method of drawing is i really like going
5941s fast like just fast and loose is kind of
5943s like my jam so
5945s that's why i like photoshop but if
5947s you're doing like i go to life drawing
5949s once in a while or i'd like to go more
5951s this year for sure and for that i really
5953s prefer traditional like just holding out
5955s your your your sketchbook or your pad or
5957s whatever and just like drawing with an
5958s actual charcoal pencil and being forced
5960s to like look at your mistakes without
5962s being into like undo yeah i feel like
5964s you get a lot of growth there yeah it's
5966s very oh man if i didn't have control z
5967s when making audio stuff that would just
5969s you guys would be hearing the weirdest
5971s stuff in dauntless it would be awful it
5973s would just be a mess absolute mess you
5976s rip your headphones off
5982s this behemoth kind of reminds me of a
5984s rhinoceros beetle
5986s oh yeah cool
5991s have you guys ever thought about having
5993s a balance change planned for revenant
5996s can't really speak much that myself i
5998s know that you know we have people who
5999s are designing the
6001s uh all that kind of combat goodness um
6003s but yeah i can't speak to that myself
6005s personally but
6006s we're always looking at balance in the
6007s game where it's needed so
6013s what has been your favorite behemoth to
6015s do the audio for
6019s great question
6022s well
6024s they they honestly are all so much fun
6026s in their own way right but i think i
6028s think i have to be honest i think
6029s phalanx was my favorite
6031s because i
6033s i had i had a very clear vision of what
6035s i wanted phalanx to sound like and i
6036s achieved that and it was
6039s uh very very like fulfilling for me if
6041s that makes sense what i did with failing
6043s it was my voice but it was blended with
6045s some really cool metallic
6047s uh
6048s like noises like actual creaks and
6051s groans that were then like pitched down
6053s considerably and when you if you ever
6054s like hear metal creaks or stuff
6056s that stuff sounds really interesting
6058s once you've taken it and pitch it down
6060s and stretch it it just does weird things
6062s in the audio world so mixing my voice
6064s with that is where phalanx was born
6067s uh and i just really like the menacing
6070s sound that it has and i think it matches
6071s its
6072s metallic aesthetic too so really enjoyed
6076s phantoms thanks for that question
6082s blows heavy wind with his wings and
6084s knocks down slayers
6086s oh yeah
6093s will this art be shared on reddit in
6094s discord
6095s sure it should be yeah we'll talk to our
6097s uh
6098s our community people to make sure that
6100s this gets shared
6103s so that he's unique could he suck your
6105s weapon with his tail and then you can
6107s either wait
6108s or it spits it out until it spits it out
6110s or you can pick up a big rock you have
6112s to throw out thread its belly so it
6114s spits out earlier you guys have these
6116s crazy ideas for gameplay this is great
6118s we should we should have our gameplay
6120s guy look at this this chat
6122s later
6123s we should you know just pick out some
6124s great there's some great suggestions in
6126s here
6127s yesterday i 360 of failings
6131s you're my hero
6136s due to the nature of umbral leaning more
6138s towards corruption couldn't this
6139s behemoth spray an umbrella as gas
6143s like umbrella gas when slayer touches it
6144s it would do minor damage and over time
6146s it would lead to corruption kind of like
6148s how you step in poison pools yeah i like
6150s the idea of like a uh umbrella like gas
6153s i think that could uh
6155s definitely be something we experience
6156s especially with this type of behemoth
6158s yeah maybe it like comes out of the back
6159s kind of like that black hole thing yeah
6161s and there's also gas that comes out of
6162s there and yeah
6164s maybe like yeah like it slows down the
6165s player enough that it can grab it with
6166s its tail grab the player with his tail
6168s and like throw it in its back yeah it
6170s could be really cool yeah you get a nice
6171s uh deep fried uh slayer yup you throw
6174s them out here's your umbrella deep fried
6176s slayer that's gonna be five dollars
6180s you did a great job of finding this
6180s audio derrick i love his crying in
6182s general i design oh thank you
6185s so much i appreciate that comment that's
6186s so nice it makes my heart sing
6189s um what was the hardest behemoth to do
6191s sound for
6194s the crown of war
6195s yeah definitely the crowd of war
6197s i don't know why that was just really
6198s difficult for me
6200s uh mostly the vocalizations and i still
6203s still a lot of things that would have
6204s changed but you know you have to live
6205s with what you've made um but the
6207s carnivore was tough it was just
6209s it was really hard for me to visualize
6211s what that thing would sound like and
6214s i don't know you probably feel less
6215s enticed too when you get in the creative
6217s flow sometimes that flow state
6219s there's waves where you fall in and out
6221s of
6222s ideas and you're like yeah chronicler i
6224s was just not feeling like i had
6226s good ideas going so
6228s eventually the ball got rolling but it
6229s was that was the harder one for me
6235s who win in a fight thrax or crudge
6238s oh man can we make a poll for that
6241s can we make a poll for which behemoth
6243s would win in a fight thrax or crutch i
6244s wanna know that i want to know what you
6245s guys think that's a good question
6247s because thrax is a beastly behemoth but
6249s i feel like this won't give thrax a run
6251s for its money
6253s is this a new behemoth it looks so cool
6255s yeah you know what we're doing right now
6256s we are this is a behemoth you guys made
6259s so if you just joined we've for the last
6261s hour and a half or so we've been
6263s just taking ideas and working with them
6266s and then the illustrious julio is
6269s just bringing your guys ideas to life
6272s this is art in the making ladies and
6274s gentlemen
6276s cheers to julio
6278s cheers julia i'm going to drink a potion
6286s you guys still going love the art love
6288s you guys 10 out of 10. thank you so much
6290s that's awesome i appreciate that julio
6292s appreciates it appreciates that i'm sure
6295s credibility is hard at so many levels
6297s yeah i get rolled by cronivore he just
6301s it's a very humbling experience to fight
6303s chronomer
6305s okay guys pull this up i need to know
6308s personally i need to know who would win
6310s in this fight
6313s you guys should really put this baby
6314s into the game that look that is some
6315s really good art
6316s nice
6320s i'm sorry who the hell is crunch oh my
6322s god it just loaded
6323s welcome to crutch
6327s will it get its own hunting grounds good
6330s question
6331s stay tuned did you find out
6333s it could be cool
6335s we're always looking at making more
6338s sorry thrax is just too cool i know
6339s quebec is just awesome hey in fact check
6341s this out i brought one of my samples of
6343s my favorites thrax sound
6346s let's see here i think it's this one
6348s here
6350s so if you hear there thrax does a laugh
6353s so
6354s if you listen
6356s and i don't know if you guys notice that
6358s when you fight thrax but
6359s he will laugh at you while he's doing
6361s moves
6362s a behemoth that laughs at you
6364s it's the same
6365s my favorite behemoth is nizaga thanks
6368s devs for this godly behemoth
6370s we're doing it for you guys
6374s crunch emote and discord went i know
6375s right it needs to happen
6379s show some love for crutch it's a
6380s slightly larger than thrax and because
6382s of its sludge and larger tail and fangs
6384s that can grab it crunch will definitely
6385s make its way as a behemoth that could
6387s beat their axe
6389s that was uh
6391s that was
6392s fluffy fluffy fluffy yappers nice
6395s assessment let's see what the poll says
6397s the poll says
6399s thrax takes the cake oh no because we
6402s have to make this guy more fierce
6403s somehow scrap it delete it yeah
6405s everything's garbage yeah it's garbage
6406s now we have to make something stronger
6408s than thrax can't use it
6411s thrax
6413s dawnless
6415s that's what we got
6420s the black floaty stuff does attacks like
6422s valamir's light attack that goes around
6423s him
6424s yeah it could be cool if there's some
6426s like
6427s uh ways that it hits like players yeah
6430s actually i don't know if that'd be cool
6432s to be honest with you because
6433s just make my life harder fighting this
6436s behemoth but
6438s don't it look like a psychic behemoth
6440s someone says
6441s good deed you know what actually it's
6443s that's interesting i feel like yeah with
6445s that big eye it's like yeah it knows
6447s something yep it knows how to down you
6450s and it's going to
6453s but then you drink a potion you're okay
6459s just make crunch level 30.
6462s easy try that thrax easy peasy
6468s i know they aren't a priority but would
6470s you guys be open to doing this again but
6471s but by designing mini pets
6474s oh man we talk a lot internally about
6476s pets so
6477s we know we know and we feel you
6480s it's something
6481s it's something that we all want to do so
6484s don't worry we know
6489s you're just having fun with the sounds
6490s of this one yeah i mean
6492s when you got a sound board you want to
6494s make use of it you know like for
6496s instance
6497s one of my favorite sounds in the game
6501s um
6503s actually i don't know if you even heard
6504s that but
6505s it's not playing for me but maybe it
6507s played for you
6509s yeah
6510s okay
6515s so
6516s i think we're getting close to it being
6518s about time to
6520s wrap things up sure
6522s uh so yeah maybe we'll get what do you
6524s say maybe five ten minutes or how you i
6526s would love like another 15 minutes okay
6528s if possible yeah are we good on that
6530s yeah 15 yeah cool so you guys great i
6533s love these suggestions that you guys
6534s have been putting in this is actually
6536s like
6537s incredible like what i'm looking at is
6538s so cool i can't believe that this is
6540s something you guys made not that i was
6542s doubting you or anything i would never
6544s doubt you
6545s but it's just this is such a fun
6546s activity yeah but we'll be wrapping up
6548s the stream in about 15 or so minutes so
6550s just
6551s heads up you guys have more suggestions
6553s or whatnot julio will try to accommodate
6556s but uh
6558s benson sounds okay so that did come
6560s through
6562s you know it's ramsgate right so you got
6564s to hear those rams
6566s this is this is insane someone's saying
6568s i'm hoping that's a compliment i hope so
6570s too because this is the same about the
6572s sounds well the puffle croppers
6574s also get
6576s bunny sounds
6577s true story i was working on making
6579s sounds for those but wasn't able to get
6581s those in time so my apologies but yeah
6583s maybe in a future patch
6585s for sure it sounded ridiculous by the
6587s way so
6589s give it a gun
6591s wrong
6592s wrong game buddy go back to fortnite
6597s that looks amazing can't wait to slay it
6598s me too man
6600s what are you drawing on
6602s uh this is a wacom cintiq pro 24 inch
6608s you heard it from the press
6611s skyfishing never forget
6613s yeah i know
6615s i have not
6619s um
6620s having plans for streams for streams
6622s more often assuming you mean [ __ ] more
6623s streams like this yeah if you guys like
6625s this let us know
6626s like share it in our your socials
6629s because
6630s you know if you guys want to see more
6631s stuff like this
6632s and do more
6634s interactive stuff with devs
6635s hell yeah
6640s a psychic telekinetic teleconnect
6643s telekinetic
6645s words
6647s a psychic telekinetic telekinetic
6649s telekinetic behemoth yup would be
6652s awesome it could be awesome yes i agree
6658s it would be nice to have a lore ama yeah
6661s that would be cool i guess that one in
6663s the past right yeah so do that again be
6664s sweet
6667s yeah people are getting some good
6669s reception here people saying they're
6670s enjoying the stream nice that's awesome
6672s okay
6673s it's good to know you guys enjoy julio
6674s and i being idiots
6678s you're doing the cool stuff i'm just
6680s hopes of admire
6682s dude this is awesome this looks so good
6685s i'm loving the colors too
6688s sweet
6689s lord lord lord
6691s how do you imagine the sound for grudge
6694s i mentioned this a little bit earlier
6695s but kind of like an insectoid type thing
6697s mixed with some low bellowing sounds i i
6700s would i said i said whales and elephants
6701s but i've also used those before in
6703s behemoth so i would i would probably
6705s explore some kind of animal that
6707s gives off really
6708s deep like
6710s slow vocals
6711s to have fun with like an interplay
6713s between these insectoids
6716s with like a
6718s type thing
6720s i like making noises in my mouth what
6722s about an attack where it targets an area
6724s on the ground and some of its claws come
6726s up
6727s from a little portal like thrift like
6729s rift hounds portal
6731s yeah we actually do something similar
6732s with uh if you haven't if you haven't
6733s fought thrax yet he does that he does
6736s the portal with the claw and i hate that
6738s move especially if you fight heroic
6739s thracks because heroic decks will
6742s will will spawn like 20 of those and you
6745s get clobbered with with claws so
6748s it's
6749s a little bit stressful
6756s a telecon a telekinetic feline type
6758s behemoth
6761s yeah yeah totally
6763s oh julia where are we going with this
6764s man
6765s just some uh like bright colors
6768s like a pop maybe it's like a dazzling
6769s shell pain i think oh cool
6774s audio design stream would be nice yeah i
6776s mean
6777s that that could be really cool uh
6780s i'd love to look into that for you guys
6782s if you guys are interested in audio
6783s stream
6784s let me know oh we got fluffy yapper with
6786s a comment about the sound for crutch oh
6788s yeah so the sound for crutch would be an
6790s echo location to help it see in the dark
6792s make it bellow to sound larger than it
6794s actually is
6796s okay echolocation yes it was something i
6798s was looking into for which being was it
6803s wanted the crowd of war but the concept
6805s of echolocation is something i was
6806s looking at is for inspiration so
6809s nice fluffy yapper we're in the same
6811s wavelength
6812s someone said more lobster more lobster
6817s yes audio streams
6820s that'd be really cool to make like
6821s behemoth audio like live yeah i know
6824s right
6825s it's very doable yeah i would literally
6826s just bring a bunch of random ass objects
6828s into the room so you guys could be like
6830s use that thing yeah i will record it and
6832s then we'll use my voice somehow
6835s based on your guys's direction and i'll
6837s have to find a way to use
6839s that object in my voice or something
6840s like that get we can get very creative
6842s with that i just have to expense like a
6844s thousand different type of objects you
6845s guys can select from
6847s to record
6850s um can't believe one hour ago this is
6852s just a doodle and now it's this art that
6854s came to life yeah i you and me both man
6857s uh this is
6858s like legitimately awesome
6861s julio you're you are a a
6864s a spectacle
6865s i'm so glad it's working out i was super
6867s nervous at first like nothing would come
6868s out and then i was like oh someone says
6870s yeah it definitely pops
6876s oh yeah i like the idea of making
6877s continuous clicky sounds yeah clicky
6879s sounds are fun right i i use some of
6881s those in like uh savet you know careback
6884s has clicky sounds
6886s there's something like
6888s yeah something to be said about that
6890s this just feels right also you know
6891s games like last of us use clicks a lot
6893s of those well they're called clickers
6895s right they use the clicks as well it's
6897s just so effective
6899s it's it's nice to see something more
6901s unique for umbral behemoth and not not
6903s necessarily sticking to traditional
6904s black purple color scheme
6906s agreed
6907s nice hey i'm happy we did that poll
6909s because yeah the green blue is
6912s it's working yeah it is it's yielding
6914s some
6915s gnarly results
6917s i'm in brazil good job guys thank you
6920s and hello uh hello to brazil
6923s how's the weather over there it's
6925s raining like a mother trucker over here
6929s more lobster
6934s do you remember the old war of the
6935s worlds movie with the tripods the noise
6937s they made was always amazingly horrific
6939s what if it did a bellow type noise i
6941s believe i have seen that i need and i'm
6943s gonna revisit that now i'll make a note
6945s uh
6946s though the war of the worlds yeah thanks
6949s for that the mood of that movie is so
6950s good that's like the tom cruise one
6952s right yeah yeah i think so yeah it's a
6954s good one just writing that down because
6955s that's a great idea
6958s good i love i love picking up references
6960s because there's a lot of inspiration out
6961s there as julio mentioned earlier you
6963s find inspiration all over the place and
6965s then you want to
6967s emulate that some way but then you end
6968s up creating your own thing it's awesome
6971s word of the world
6972s thanks for that
6975s love those horns
6979s some clicky sounds are awesome like in
6980s subnautica or gtfo yeah yeah yeah yeah
6983s hello from australia wow we got people
6985s all over the world that is awesome hello
6987s from all straight no i'm not gonna no
6989s don't do that stop
6991s i gotta say i like the ground color
6994s i like that the ground color is still
6995s dark though since umbral yeah me too
7003s someone's like you fools if we add too
7005s much lobster it'll be too powerful
7008s i found i feel like that's like gandalf
7009s you're fools yeah
7011s we are too much lobster it'll be too
7013s powerful
7015s a little bit of room light here i'm from
7017s germany
7019s i have german background i've never been
7021s to germany and i want to go that's
7022s awesome
7023s welcome thanks for joining the stream
7026s lobster crown what if it shoots umbral
7029s like sorry what if it shoots umbral kind
7032s of like when the archer fish shoots
7034s water when it oh hurts oh hunts for bugs
7037s oh oh yeah yeah
7039s yeah we will we've been it seems like
7041s the chat's been exploring this idea like
7042s i'm real they kind of new projectiles
7044s with like number clap poison gases or
7048s particles that you need to stay away
7050s from
7052s looking so cool i know right i'm still
7054s french by the way i remember you
7071s got you speak english spanish and french
7073s i speak more spanish than i speak french
7076s but also i just butchered that and i'm
7077s sorry person who speaks french
7080s sorry about that
7084s i'm still waiting what are you waiting
7085s for oh man did we tell him we were going
7087s to do something oh i'm nervous
7089s what are we waiting for
7091s hola from portugal
7093s hello i don't yeah don't speak
7095s portuguese welcome welcome
7098s your french is terrible
7102s all right well uh i'm just kidding
7106s go ahead let's have fun julio
7108s that's so sad
7112s oh you
7113s he really
7115s you really left
7117s hi guys
7119s i'm
7120s yeah
7121s i'm not really like the host type of
7123s person but i'll just keep drawing
7131s such a troll
7133s that's how the stream ends yeah
7135s just like fades out
7141s look i'm not hurt okay i know my french
7142s is bad
7145s can you imagine that's where we ended
7146s the stream that was just like
7148s you can't you can't be saying that to me
7150s yeah you can't hurt my ego like that
7151s yeah
7153s would it be possible to get a full image
7155s of this i'd love to make carving out of
7156s wood for this gorgeous what carving out
7159s of wood
7161s oh man yes that's going to be posted on
7163s social so
7164s please do that and let us and share this
7167s because yeah then we put on the fan art
7168s friday right fan art friday
7172s how are we feeling julio
7174s i am i'm good i think this is at like a
7177s spot where
7179s you know it feels feels right
7182s fade to lobster
7185s i love this lobster thing matt this
7187s looks so good
7189s nice it's got a bit colored dodge
7192s oh we should get some we got some final
7194s lure from fluffy yapper the reason it's
7197s important to hunt the crutch is because
7198s these creatures have been burrowing into
7200s the underside of the islands by creating
7202s homes in there causing them to cave in
7205s on themselves to prevent them from doing
7206s this slayers must hunt them before they
7208s can invade other islands and cause them
7210s to implode
7211s wow what
7213s fluffy yepper you are a thinker a
7216s scholar
7217s and a muse
7221s that's awesome
7222s this guy looks amazing thank you you do
7225s too if i could see you i know it's not
7227s for me this became it looks incredible i
7229s agree yes
7231s this is gorgeous
7233s you guys should tweet this behemoth out
7234s yeah for sure what's the name of this
7236s for this behemoth
7238s crunch
7239s this beautiful handwritten font
7242s ship it ship it oh i should add the
7244s character uh
7246s yeah okay
7247s can we get a lobster for scale
7249s lobster for skinny
7250s or a grump crack for
7253s scale definitely needs to be in game now
7255s oh yeah
7256s i'm working on some fan base behemoth
7259s content currently nice awesome
7262s currently working on a white i can't
7263s read that wait i'm so sorry close with
7266s the original creator i'd love to make a
7267s video showing the creation
7271s yeah oh that's awesome that's so cool
7273s keep up that work
7275s please share it
7278s banana for scale can we get a banana in
7281s there as well yep
7283s doing an awesome job on those colors
7286s sweet
7287s man you
7288s you guys made this
7290s i i mean
7291s let's be honest julio is the talent
7294s but
7294s this is what happens when you
7296s collaborate and this is like the process
7297s we kind of go through internally too
7299s yeah we he starts some ideas and then
7301s we're like yes to this yes to this no to
7303s that or just
7304s we throw out things and when you
7307s collaborate
7308s it just things come together so don't
7310s like cooley was saying earlier just
7311s don't be precious with your yeah with
7313s your with your art or whatever design
7315s you're doing and ask for opinions and
7317s whatnot because you just
7319s look this is the results of
7322s asking people for opinions
7324s yeah i love it like
7326s one of the coolest things about working
7327s at phoenix labs is
7329s just yeah the collaborative nature of
7331s everything
7332s being able to share stuff across the
7333s team and everybody gets to have input
7336s it feels kind of like everybody's a
7338s concept artist at like some degree
7339s because we're all kind of like putting
7340s our information here and then
7342s it goes into like this generator and
7343s then i just kind of like
7345s spit it out right like get all all these
7347s ideas and then i draw it out for people
7349s so yeah i love that part of the job yeah
7352s well now i got to see how freaking good
7354s at you are at it
7355s that looks dude that looks like insanely
7357s polished
7359s thank you hi freaking nice we did it
7363s guys we did it that's uh we're gonna
7365s we're gonna end the stream here this has
7367s been two hours of uh i've had this
7369s probably the best shift of work i've
7370s ever had in my life this is super cool
7372s like but so much fun yeah so thank you
7374s so much for uh for tuning in and for
7376s your feedback
7378s it seems like you guys are down for
7379s another stream which we would love to do
7382s it can be another concert stream audio
7384s stream if you want another discipline to
7386s see like this would be awesome
7388s wi-fi high five
7391s let's go thank you for the fun you're
7393s welcome new wallpaper nice sweet okay
7396s yeah spicy making wallpapers nice nice
7398s yeah
7399s thank you so much you guys this is uh
7401s it's been so much fun interacting with
7402s you and just
7404s just hanging hanging with the boys it
7406s was a lot of fun thanks for the stream
7408s you're welcome thank you for the stream
7411s we are still getting suggestions we have
7412s to go through this uh this chat just get
7414s all the gold from this please more
7416s streams
7418s thanks derek julio this was fun you're
7419s welcome
7421s thanks everyone more streams please nice
7423s awesome well you guys have a great rest
7425s of your
7426s day
7428s tuesday yep i know what day it is uh and
7431s yeah hopefully we'll see you again soon
7433s again stay tuned this will be posted on
7435s our socials somewhere
7438s and yeah keep
7439s keeping awesome keep slaying
7441s and uh yeah love you guys thanks so much
7445s thanks guys have a good day
7447s bye