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I was really hoping this update could pull through, I saw some really good leaks, some really fun content, I knew this game had hope. But not anymore. I'm just kinda upset feeling, I've invested 1400 hours into this game over a course of 4 years, I own collector's edition, I have the pangar statue on my shelf right now :( I really wish I could have gotten more from this game. Its sad to see a game I've loved for years almost guaranteed to go down the trash, unless phxlabs somehow employs more people to pick up what's left of the last teams work, but doubt it.

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about 1 month ago - /u/crash7800 - Direct link

Some of the absolute best days of my life.

It is truly sad. If there is a silver lining, I look forward to seeing what PHX folks will accomplish in the other places they go.

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