over 3 years ago - /u/meatocracy - Direct link

Originally posted by Xardas_88

What will happen to old and new daily cores? They give some archonites but since they are being removed will they be replaced by anything?

Same question with chests but in that case i guess they are being replaced with those keys.

Daily Login Cores will have updated loot tables in 1.5.0, so they'll still be full of useful items. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/meatocracy - Direct link

Originally posted by Adrakhan

Questions regarding Reforge Ranks :

How many Reforge Ranks are granted to vets (everything +15/complete behemoth mastery / weapons mastery / weapon leveling / trials champion, etc) at start?

Does Power Surging a weapon/armor grant you a reforge rank (if you already own the aetherhearts, still asking for vets ^^)?

Question regarding Merits (still for vets) :

Are Merits gains from questing granted retroactively?

Edit : Grammar / Added Merits question

1) None. Reforge ranks start at zero for everyone.

2) No. Power surging a weapon or piece of armour brings that weapon to end-game power, but it doesn't affect your reforge rank.

3) Not sure about quests, but you will receive merits from Mastery levels that award them.

over 3 years ago - /u/meatocracy - Direct link

Originally posted by InconsistentEchidna

So what do Empowerment Nodes give us? That doesn't seem to be explained in the blog.

Edit: Nevermind, I'm blind; "This is a late-game side path that grants passive bonuses to all weapons. "

I assume this is just power and resistance? It doesn't specify.

Edit 2: Also, What does it mean by "all weapons"? Presumably Empowerment Nodes in the sword branch only effect swords, right?

  1. Not just power! There are also bonuses to things like attack speed, wound damage, etc.
  2. Empowerment node bonuses are universal. You benefit from them no matter which weapon you have equipped.
over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by Adrakhan

So basically what you're saying is that every endgame player isn't maxed out and can't be competitive in trials anymore.

You're saying we're at the same level of power than someone who's just getting to endgame, even if we actually aren't.

You're joking right?!

Because if you're serious, I think you're gonna have some big issues with the endgame community...

" Rest assured that we’re working hard to make sure that what you receive in Dauntless Reforged feels fair (and we’ll be erring on the side of generous). "

Guess what, it doesn't feels fair at all.

If you have all of your gear to +15, you'll be able to power surge all of your gear on day one.

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by WIIU_Awesome

Wait about the bragging rights portrait, where is that going to be? Will it be on the hunts,ramsgate or both?

Also it seems there is a limit to how many times you can reforge for the portraits...why not leaving it limitless?

It is limitless, your number will keep increasing, but there's only a limited amount of frames at the moment (50). We'll most likely add more as more players reach the limit though!

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by Xardas_88

Thanks for the reply.

Should i open them now or later? Which gives the best reward? I have plenty hoarded up.

You should probably save them as they will give you Aethersparks and Patrol keys. ;)

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by tor09

Following up on this, what about slayer cores from mastery and such? Save those or crack them open?

Those as cell cores iirc, so there shouldn't be any change to them. But if you're not in a hurry to open them, might as well wait, just to be safe. :D

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by Adrakhan

Yeah, I think that's not gonna cut it...

In all honesty, if you want us to go play something else, please, just say it.

First no solo, no private for HG. Now, being treated the same way (power wise) as someone with just one +15 weapon...

And you call that fair?! Generous?! These aren't the words that come to my mind right now...

Now, being treated the same way (power wise) as someone with just one +15 weapon...

This is not the case. You will get one aetherheart per piece of gear at +15, as well as the resources needed to power surge the piece after the patch (epic drops and rams).
A player with one +15 weapon will only get one aetherheart. A player will twenty +15 weapons will get twenty aetherhearts.

over 3 years ago - /u/meatocracy - Direct link

Originally posted by TheSpookSpook

So what about patrol chests? I thought they were becoming keys or something? But in the blog it says you can open patrol chests to gain merits. So should we save them or use them? Overall, I am excited to see the new progression system. Thank you for all the hard work!

The terminology is a little confusing. Basically: Patrol chests as they are now (items in your inventory) will turn into patrol keys.

You can then use those keys to unlock chests/treasure you find while exploring the Hunting Grounds.

We'll go into this a little more in our next blog, which will be out next week. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by ComManDerBG

and for those of us you are hovering around +11 and +12?

You'll get a prorated amount of aetherhearts. For example:

  • 4 weapons at +12 = 1 aetherheart
  • 2 weapons at +13 = 1 aetherheart
  • 4 weapons at +14 = 3 aetherhearts

The higher the level and the more "partial aetherhearts" you'll get (this is not a real item obviously, you'll only be granted "full aetherhearts").

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by tor09

Probably true. I have literally 30-40 of them I haven’t bothered opening because I have 91817263 of each cell already.

Hehe I feel you, I have more than 700 unopened cores right now. :D

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by Charetta

Will there be other benefits to reforge to get the 50 frames, or is it just that: 50 times for 50 frames? Or what exactly do you mean?

You do have the couple of small passive bonuses in the Slayer's Path up to Reforge Rank 10, but past that it's just frames. Just for showing off. ;)

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by tor09

What about +10? Someone in a previous thread did use the term “partial hearts” and I’m aware that that can’t work due to systems reasons, but they said 10-14 would be granted rewards. So does 10 get anything? I have a lot of 10s. I upgrade a lot of stuff to 10 based on the knowledge that I’d get a “partial heart” for 10-14 at the time.

Yep you do get a little bit with +10, but not much, so better to upgrade one weapon to +15 than 5 weapons to +10 for example.

For the exact numbers, to get one aetherheart, you'll need either: 16 +10, 8 +11, 4 +12, 2 +13, 1.33 +14, or 1 +15.

Which means that, for example, having 8 +10, 2 +11, and 1 +12 will give you exactly one aetherheart.

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by Pseudolatry

Hi PHX peoples,

This may be tricky... but for those of us facing tactical questions of what to upgrade before the changes come in, can you give a formula?

There is no way I can get everything to +15 in time, though everything is at least +7 and a lot is at +10 or +15. All my armour is +15. Should I prioritise getting +7 weapons to +10, or +10 weapons to +15? Like many others, I have thousands of orbs and dulls, but I have used up all my shining and peerless arcstones.

I work full-time, I have family stuff to deal with, I have to be judicious in how much I can dedicate to the game, I can't just "grind it out". So knowing what patrols to do in my limited time would help. Thank you!

I've given the numbers in another comment, but I'll repost them here for clarity and visibility 👍:

  • +10: 0.0625 Aetherheart
  • +11: 0.125 Aetherheart
  • +12: 0.25 Aetherheart
  • +13: 0.5 Aetherheart
  • +14: 0.75 Aetherheart
  • +15: 1 Aetherheart
over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

I think there's some confusion about island events. Let me try and clarify:

  • They are semi-random events that spawns every 10-15 minutes.
  • It doesn't matter which island you are on, there will be events.
  • There's no cap on how many you can complete per hour/day/week/month.
  • You can grind as many of them as you want.
  • Which means you can grind aethersparks without limit, and without paying anything.

I hope this helps!

(this was commented in another thread, thanks /u/GreatMadWombat for suggesting posting it here for visibility)

over 3 years ago - /u/tinouti - Direct link

Originally posted by lumbas

Hi, a couple weeks ago Proteus confirmed for me that the system would treat +15 weapons and +15 armor the same in terms of Aetherheart migration.

Does this still hold true? For levels +10 to +14, will each armor piece also receive partial aetherhearts? Or only for the full set? Or only for +15?

It still hold true, yes. These numbers are for both weapons and individual armor pieces.👍