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Mortar Shot- Press to convert meter into ammo. Hold to spend ammo to fire a mortar shot that deals up to 6000 damage based on ammo quality and can interrupt Behemoths. While you hold to fire you have a circle reticle on the ground showing where the shot will land while aiming. When shot it will make arc before hitting its target and dealing. It would take 3 sec. to hit if the target is right next to you and 6 at max range. I think this should cost three ammo clips to balance it.

Moral Booster- Press to convert meter into a charge (charges will replace ammo slots). Hold to spend that charge to deal 1200 damage, you can hold up to three charge or spend it on one big charge (Flawless Charge) that does 3600. For every charge it will increase the distance traveled. If the charge hits, all slayers in the fight will gain an attack speed and damage buff for 15 seconds. The quality of the charge will dictate how strong the buff is (bad charge +5% and good charge +20%), if the charge miss -5% attack speed and damage to the team and -10% to the user. Flawless charge will grant +30% attack speed and damage buff of 15 seconds ( A missed flawless charge will do the same as a miss charge.) Flawless charges buffs will be on a cooldown of 1:30 sec. after uses so you can't stack them ( You will still be able to flawless charge but you will get the debuff if you miss. Regular charges will not stack buffs either, it will just refresh the buff.)

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over 2 years ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

(Sorry in advance to any designers that read my post)

Throw spear at the behemoth for up to 3,600 damage but you have to spend a full 3 seconds trying to pull it out of the Behemoth without getting hit. If you miss, you have to jump off the nearest cliff to recover it.