Didn't see it posted here, apologies if it was. Pretty substantial details about weapon/gear changes coming.
External link →Didn't see it posted here, apologies if it was. Pretty substantial details about weapon/gear changes coming.
External link →Yeah same. The vibe of that post makes it feel like reforges won't be a thing anymore, but they obviously didn't outright say that either. I got a few weapons left to get to 10 reforges. I'll still work to get them all to 10 before the update just because I wouldn't want to miss out if you get to keep those boosts as a legacy reward or something. FOMO and all that 😅
Hopefully the next update posts will shed more light about that.
These boosts will still be available in the new system. While we will no longer be reforging weapons, people will keep their current reforge score, and will still be able to advance their reforge score (both for numbers go up, and for unlocking those boosts). Jordan has more details on how reforge will increase, we're still settling on an exact mechanic, but likely tied to either mastery, or hitting progression thresholds on these and other new weapons as we release them.
- Lanterns (abilities. they stay as cosmetics) are removed, current lantern abilities will be moved to weapons as abilities (like the current legendary abilities)
- In the new system, weapons going to have forced special, mod + unique passive (innate perk) and active (legendary ability), which means you can not change these on the weapons
- Talent system: stats related to the weapon's abilities
(dps abilities -> dps talents, defensive -> defensive talents)- Max Level: increased from 20 to 60
- Armor:
From: +3 innate perk and cell slot for +3 cell
To: +3 innate perk +2 another perk and cell slot for +1 cell
Body and leg armor has 2 cell slots as weapons no longer gonna have cell slots
Cell slots are now prismatic
Cell ranks are +1 only, instead max +3- Cell farm: Event farming for cores for every cell -> different game modes / activities gives different cells
- Perk levels: Instead getting bonus after each level of the perk from 1 to 6, now you get the perk effect only on maxed lvl. Weak perks needs only +2 of that perk, stronger perks needs up to +8 of the perk.
- Perk stats: perks no longer gonna give stats like "+50% movespeed" but rather "+5 speed" which includes both movespeed and atk speed. And this is the same for crit, dmg and the other 3 defense related perks. Each of these new stats (speed) will give 5-10% of that buff and will cap on 10 stacks (100% movespeed for example. and same with dmg and crit chance. as i recall crit dmg is only 5% / stack, so 50%)
- "Old" weapons: Current weapons will be left in the current system (lvl 20 and no talent tree) making them useless. I would assume because devs cant /dont want to figure out a way how to compensate for stuff like trackers, reforge...
- Deadly Arsenal: Every weapon gonna have 3 elemental weapons and the 7 weapon type gonna have total 21 weapons (on release?) so each element gonna have 3-4 different weapon types. Which means, if you wanna hunt a specific elemental behemoth, you have limited weapon combinations (if you want elemental bonus, which is very significant dmg bonus in the current system)
Example: If you wanna hunt an umbral behemoth, you can choose between: godhand, golden claw and radiant CBs. So you cant use axe, hammer, repeaters and sword, or you will lose the elemental bonus.
(guesses of the weapon elements) https://ibb.co/N300Gcp
- Bow soonTM: (phoenix wings)
Crit can go to 100% from stacks! Thanks for this summary, it's a pretty good breakdown.