about 5 years ago - /u/Phx-Shae - Direct link

Originally posted by heraclesy

Some armour and weapon pieces (including repeater barrels) were unexpectedly downgraded with Patch OB 0.7.1. We are almost done with our preparations to compensate affected players with Arcstone, Orbs, Rams, and Behemoth break parts to affected Slayers so that they can get back to where they were before the patch.


is what would have made me happy and forget this mess but it's not the reality we live in.

the actual patch notes only says

Some armour and weapon pieces (including repeater barrels) were unexpectedly downgraded with Patch OB 0.7.1. We are working on a plan to grant Arcstone, Orbs, and Rams to affected Slayers so that they can get back to where they were before the patch.

/u/phx-shae can we at least get a good explanation as to why behemoth parts were difficult to return to us? i had a lot of reserve epic break parts from each behemoth but after the transition i only have less than 10. which behemoth parts before the change did you guys use to to convert to the epic parts now? i want to understand this situation at the very least.

Sure I am happy to chime in! :}

We are currently writing a script that will return the following items to players affected in 0.7.1: Arcstone, Orbs, and Rams. Behemoth beak parts are not included for a couple reasons. The main reason comes down to the complications of the script and our choice to avoid any other account issues.

The more we add to the script, the more possibility another bug could accidentally happen. To avoid this we would need to do extensive testing on every granted part. Along with more testing and more scripting, it would take much more time (possibly weeks) to get the resources back to you guys. Finally, with console, the next hunt pass, and more quickly approaching it is important we use our studio resources wisely.

TLDR: It is the safest and quickest solution to get Slayers back to +10 <3

about 5 years ago - /u/Phx-Shae - Direct link

Originally posted by heraclesy

To avoid this we would need to do extensive testing on every granted part. Along with more testing and more scripting, it would take much more time (possibly weeks) to get the resources back to you guys.

so does this mean that compensating us our behemoth breakparts is indeed 100% going to happen, it's just a matter of when, right? i think players would feel better knowing their break parts are still coming back. i no longer have the urge to grind those back to level 10 myself right now because i have already dedicated time into doing it prior with hundreds of hours poured in. i am however willing to grind them level 11 - 15 because that is what i didn't earn yet.

To clarify: No, behemoth breakparks will not granted back (for the reasons mentioned above).

about 5 years ago - /u/Phx-Shae - Direct link

Originally posted by thatoneguyy22

u/Phx-Shae Any update on the people that reset their characters and are locked out of hunt pass challenges? Been locked out for a week now, sitting at level 6 on my pass with no hope of ever getting to level 50 at this rate.

If you log in now are the challenges still unavailable?

about 5 years ago - /u/Phx-Shae - Direct link

Originally posted by thatoneguyy22

Yeah, checked after the update went live.

Could you show me a screenshot of what you are seeing?