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Hello there !

(Sorry for bad english)

EDIT : Seems that the Behemoth Power i have in my calculations are not the correct ones but a bit higher than live. So Proteus, if you read this, if you can share the data ! <3

Wanted to react on the below statement from CreatureTech about XP / Behemoth Power …

“Higher Difficulty/XP Islands for Final Levels We’re hearing (and feeling) that the current islands in Hunting Grounds do not provide a valuable area for the last few levels of weapon XP progression.

We’re having discussions about bumping up the max level on the last couple of islands in order to give high-level players a way to max out their XP gain rate. We’re also going to up the XP for higher-level Behemoths.

Unfortunately, these changes did not make it into 1.5.1 and will come at a later date. We managed to get the change in for higher XP Behemoths for 1.5.1! We will also iterate on the higher level islands post 1.5.1 as well.”

In 1.5.1 PHXL will :

- Increase the lvl of Behemoth for the last HG so we can still get the +5lvl bonus (+175 instead of +100)

- Increase the xp earned against difficult Behemoths (From 175 to 225 from what i heard)

That's 2 amazing steps in the right direction but still (maybe) not enough because, for me, the real struggle about Reforge farming comes from 3 separate mechanisms which make getting experience after the level 15 really boring. I will explain why below.

First of all : The XP needed for each level


As you can see on the table above, the XP required is increased for each lvl of your weapon class. Meaning that to go from lvl 1 to lvl 2 you need 350. To go from lvl 16 to lvl 17 you need 1975 xp.

That's a common strategy from video games to have this kind of increase while going into higher level and it's totally fine.

Let's just note that in the third column you will find the number of Behemoth you will have to fight to complete each level. That represents a huge amount of Behemoth to slain (160), and i took the best scenario where you get 175xp from each Behemoth slain which is definitively not the case. That is not the objective of this post but it's definitively a little bit too high in my opinion and i guess that’s shared by some of the slayers right now.

Going up to 225xp maximum by Behemoth will reduce it to 120 Behemoths to kill. Still a little bit too much. In my opinion, 100 Behemoths would be the “right” spot.

Second point : Power from WeaponClass & Behemoth Power

I think it's a common fact right now after 1.5 but quick reminder :

At the beginning, level 1, we have 40 power and every next level we get 20 power until 420 level 20.

(Also we have 120 power from PowerSurge which i took into account in the calculation below. Please note that for Slayers that didn’t achieve Power Surge yet it’s worse !)

Right, now let's talk about Behemoths. The Behemoth Power does also follow this kind of rule but the gap between each level is not 20 but (around) 50. If we build a little table with Behemoth Power & Weapon Class, we will find this :


The findings are as following (I took into account that the Shrowd lvl 25 power is 800, but the results would be the same anyway)

- At the very beginning, when you are lvl 10 & the Behemoth also lvl 10 (considering you are power surged) the difference between your power and the Behemoth one is only 10

- At the end, the gap is significant (200/300+) and the fact that our weapon is capped at lvl 20 (And 420 power) and Behemoths can go higher (Lvl 25 in fact currently) makes this really important to take into account

In fact this will lead to this final result : We are stronger against same level Behemoth when in lower level than when at higher level.

Third point : Now let's deep dive into the "real issue" i want to point out.

To optimize the experience earned in HG we need to fight a Behemoth which is 5 levels ahead. Which leads to the following table :


That’s pretty obvious where i want to go into right now.

Let’s say i’m now level 1 and i want to optimize my experience earned until level 20. For every higher level i will have to :

  • Fight more Behemoths
  • Fight Behemoths that have way much life
  • Fight Behemoths when i’m dealing less and less damage as the gap between my power and their power go higher.

In fact while grinding our reforges we have to face 3 mechanisms that synergize and lower drastically the experience we receive and the possibility we have to farm efficiently Behemoths at higher level. We don’t only have to fight more Behemoths, but those Behemoths will have way more health point and we will deal them less damage.

One good example is the Shrowd level 25 event.

  • If i enter an event where i will have 3 Behemoths to fight lvl 21. I will get 100+ x3. And as the Behemoth won’t be too high level it will be “easy and fast” to do.
  • If i enter an event with the Shrowd lvl 25, it’s the only Behemoth to fight but even if i defeat him i will only get 175xp when :
    • I will deal less damage on Shrowd than on 3 Behemoths from event #1
    • Shrowd will have more health

I made a graph to weight the number of Behemoths to kill by level by the PowerMult. (Example : If i have to kill 12 Behemoths but the PowerMult is 50%, i will “virtually” have to face 24 Behemoths as i deal only 50% damage).


TL/DR : Just wanted to point out that i’m a bit confused by the fact that during the leveling we have to face several mechanisms meant to make higher levels longer to complete than the lower levels.

I’m fine with the fact that it’s longer to complete level 18 of my weapon class than complete my level 2 but the fact that those mechanisms add up make it really boring to level up from 15 to 20 because :

  • Need to kill more and more behemoths to complete levels
  • Behemoths have higher pool of HP
  • We deal less and less damage to the Behemoths
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about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Thanks for this analysis! I'll clarify a few data points for you and maybe you want to update things. Behemoths start at 62 power at level 1 and go up linearly to 518 at level 20, and go up faster up to 669 at level 25. We might fine tune these numbers over the next few patches though based on feedback and data.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Oh and to clarify, the 1.5.1 patch won't have any changes to behemoth levels. We will look at that in the new year. But the 1.5.1 patch will bump max XP to 225 for behemoths 5 levels above you.

about 4 years ago - /u/Proteus505 - Direct link

Originally posted by Kahinh

Sorry Proteus,

Could you please also confirm that Behemoth for esca 1-13 are 300 power and 10-50 500 ?

Thanks a lot !

Yes that’s correct.

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