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about 2 months ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Hello, I'd like to clarify a few things.

  1. We investigate 100% of player made reports, even well known top players that post runs publicly and are reported repeatedly. This is to keep the process unbiased and keep play fair. We acknowledge it's possible for a top player to start cheating.
  2. We have had a very aggressive policy for at least a few years to the point it went from receiving player reports almost weekly, to next to never now. We also hit a lot of people that wouldn't normally be noticed by players.
  3. This is actually pretty rare now because we've been so aggressive in hitting them most just don't try anymore.
  4. We permanently ban first offenses, which probably helps contribute to number 3.
about 2 months ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by Usual-Opportunity637

"Player made reports" so for this to be effective someone has to report that player correct? meaning you need intervention from another player for this to be effective? So what says these players never got reported and remained unbanned, I obviously stated in my post that these players were NEVER banned and actively play Dauntless, most of them seen last week playing. So obviously this has no meaning whatsoever it seems Dauntless relies on EAC as a "shield" unfortunately EAC doesn't detect this type of "behavior" so saying that these have been acted upon is completely thrown out the window when you mention "Player made reports" which obviously doesn't work too well, unless it isn't true that 100% of reports are "investigated"....

I mentioned players rarely report this anymore because we're on top of it. This shows that we are proactive rather than reactive.

I will never discuss details of cheat/exploit detection though as additional security through obscurity is always going to be a net positive.

I am saying if you feel someone is cheating, you're encouraged to report them and we will investigate and have done so with 100% of reports thus far.