Original Post — Direct link
28 days ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by PlusVera

To explain the joke:

I don't have the basic weapon smithing node unlocked. I also have every single repeater node unlocked except the actual guy-who-crafts-them (I can still talk to him in the lobby for some reason, though, and craft them! So I never actually have to unlock that unless I want the knuckles)

I also had level 20 Repeaters despite only having the basic one. No, I have no idea how I did that.

I pretty much instantly shot up to the highest rank in the tree, unlocked the weapon prestige system, and have so much money and -- um... I forget the name, weapon points? Skill tokens? Whatever, the other "main" currency for the tree -- That I could unlock everything, if I so desired. I just focused on the stuff that seemed important, like the omnistones.

I had every upgrade for the glider before I had a glider.

My equipment is equally as unbalanced.

For reference to the last time I played -- well, I met the devs at PAX 2017 and got a key to the Open Beta. For some reason I don't have or lost the title for waiting through that atrocious queue that day... But I played on-and-off until about 2019. Haven't touched the game since, only came back today. I remember being part of the first battle pass -- a ninja themed one -- and playing religiously during that.

Welcome back! We still have the 3 cosplayers from PAX 2017 in Ramsgate Tavern! I believe that was the event it was from.

Edit: PAX East 2018 https://playdauntless.com/news/pax-east-2018-recap/