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In the official statement from Phoenix labs ot states we'll lose all weapons and get the ones we own as transmogs What about the ones i haven't crafted for example have they said we can get the weapon transmogs in the future for the weapons we DON'T own? Are we permanently locked out obtaining them if we don't craft them before the update?

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It is our intention to add a route to acquire the transmogs for the Behemoth weapons at some time after the update, but we don't have a specific date planned for this, nor a planned method. It may be rumors, it may be just drops, it may be related to mastery updates. We'll keep you all informed once we know, but we don't want to keep these locked away forever.

That said, given that we don't have a set plan for when they will be available, if there are any that are particularly important to you, better to get them now!