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Matchmaking has become progressively worse since the Nayzaga Trial. It takes 3-5 mins to find a server for a private hunt.

Ramsgate and hunts are plagued with latency issues. A majority of players experience rubber banding in Ramsgate. They’re also increasingly getting stuck in place at the start of a hunt and dodges as well as damage don’t register. Example: https://streamable.com/vnwwf5

I can’t find any statements from the devs acknowledging these issues. Is this the new norm?

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about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Hey there, I'm chatting with the team about this and will have an update soon. Stay tuned for a follow-up post.

about 4 years ago - /u/CreatureTech-PHX - Direct link

Hey everyone, we've dug into some data and made some changes in hopes of reducing rubber banding for Oceanic servers.

We will continue to monitor the situation. We hope you notice an improvement. If you have any further feedback, be sure to post your region as well so we know where these issues are taking place.