Pls Phoenix Labs, before releasing patch notes be sure things are really fixed T.T
What a badass pose for a coward!
I would rename this trasmog set as \"the ghostly slayer\"
External link →Pls Phoenix Labs, before releasing patch notes be sure things are really fixed T.T
What a badass pose for a coward!
I would rename this trasmog set as \"the ghostly slayer\"
External link →Hey there, which transmog set is that, and what cells are equipped?
This info could help us get to the bottom of it.
In this pic it's Torgadoro ultra armor set with
Iceborne, Discipline, Rage, Wild frenzy, Overpower, Conduit
But basically it happens with a base of
Iceborne, Discipline, Rage, Wild frenzy
And not only with the Torgadoro ultra armor, but with glowing armor pieces too, because they too loose the glow when discipline triggers iceborne (I bet it's Iceborne the problem, it all started after an update to its visual effect like 2 hunt passes ago)
Thanks! This has been super helpful and you're correct this surrounds Iceborne, we're on it.
added additional Torgadoro pants bug in the main post!
Awesome this is also super helpful! Thank you!
Was there any particular thing you were doing (staggers/interrupts etc.) when Torg got stuck at the top of the mountain?