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Like mentioned in the title, i wonder if you can still get the different protector skin rumors, due to some of the behemoths being removed from the blazeworks, therefore not being able to break the head of an specific enraged behemoth

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about 2 months ago - /u/joshlhood - Direct link

Yep! 2.1.0 the chain starts with the War Pike still, by breaking the head of any enraged Behemoth on Blazeworks (normal or Surged), and then you keep unlocking them from that same condition as you complete the previous one in the chain.

about 1 month ago - /u/joshlhood - Direct link

Originally posted by Strefa1502

so does it have a chance to drop, or do i need to break it with the specific weapon?

Does not need to be a specific weapon type, and should be a 100% chance.

29 days ago - /u/Cinco4706 - Direct link

Originally posted by Strefa1502

well it does not work... broke 5 enraged heads in normal yesterday, nothing

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